(Continued from page 7.) Mi Wilhelmina Gordon was in charge of the Carling Tea on Wed Nesday M Emery, Mrs, Head nan and s Fowler assisted her, and anon HOE present were Mrs RS on, Mrs. Henry Mooers, Mr Ashby : PE. Prideanx, Wylde (Ottawa) Miss *, Miss Marion Lesslie, Coleman, Miss Phylis Knight, Miss Lilian Kent, &8le Sandereord Mrs, C Mrs. W. E. Macpherson, Craig, Mr Ww R Giver George McKay, Miss Mrs. H. Bibby, Mrs, Ener Davis, Mrs, Jame M J. M. Campbel . oo. Harold Day with Mrs. KE, J. Davi ket, will leaye shortly for Calif to spend a morith at Santa Mon whera + N. C, Polson and 4 le and Una Polson are nt Boyd and her little son this week for Bobcaygeon. Mrs George, St. Louis, who has been ting Mrs. Boyd accompat will visit friends ir e returning to he eut, and Mr and Mr Walter J. Ruttan, "The Hawthor Barriefield, an nounce the engi nent of their only daughter, Gladys Millicent, to Colin Vere Macaulay, lton, eldest on of the late C {amiiton, C.E., Mrs. Hamilt Earl street, The ma { month he th W. Dickson went to Toron terday to see her daughter sie Dickson whe is in train Tore Genera CX0 CUBE at the War 'The handiness of OXO CUBES is appreciated by British and Canadian soldiers at the War as much as at home. AnOXOCUBEdropped into a cup of hot water makes in a moment just the warming, invigorating drink winter calls for. With bread or biscuits it sustains for hours. A CUBE Te A CUP Tins of 4, 10, 50 and 100 Cubes. => d Brion ct cnn APN A tl i, | MILLINERY SALE All Trimmed Hats and Trimming at less than half price. Velvets, Plush and Felt Shapes from 50¢ up. MISSES BUTLER & GRAHAM, OC, 370 Princess St. Phone 1267 \ ~~ ri i Do you want to earn $10 a week or more in your own home ? Reliable persons vvifl be profitable, all-yeer-round AUT *NITTRR HC Repl 1158 27 Callege St. fay nit i noter, K EE ween 01 Slepytime Tales The following recipe fer dainty | potato dis contributed to the| London | rox by the Hon! PETE'S ADVENTURE. which tickled his foot Mrs. Lion st Unee upon a time Ned was given him at first rabbit, which he named Pete. Peto One day Pete went away, and that and frightened Hashed Brown Potatoes. id boiled po- : ,, Next night, or the ight after that, arrived this wee rom Wiarton int bo them { adding pepper jand a funny nose which Ned said and Ned was beginning to he afraid Miss Alice. King, Alice s i 1 to the hot fay! was going all of the time At first he would hever see his pet again, spending the week-end with f cooking/tNed kept Pete in a pen with a small When around the corner came Pete. in Toronto, , stirring He was limping, and when he came Major and Mrs. Harry Crerar wl : The 6 {4 nearer Ned saw that the tip of one have heen v siting Mrs. PP. D. Crerar : row: beni ' i ; {that if Pete ran away he didn't stay far was missing, and that he was a Hamilton, sailed this week were long, but would alwavs come home very dirty and altogether sorry-look- land turn out ou at night ing rabbit He crawled up to Ned . and put his little soft, cold nose in Ned's hand as much a% 10 say: "See for many di "8 and then, some night. how hurt I am I will never run Major W. P. "Wi r returned to qn; . . : HIGD j Ned will find that he has gone away, away again.' And do you know at Ottawa to-day after spending a week fat i but he always returns in a few days ter that Pete stayed in hig own little n town One day Ned's mother found Pete house and never went away from 2 curled up in her work basket sound home again Ned thinks that Pete | asle and another day she found got caught in a trap, but vas 1fi. Toronto for tev Hove This \ a ar n "1 him in Ned's rubber hoots, and when to get free some way anc week S 24 « lengthy *t his master went to put on his boots but he is glad if it has broken the Mr. and Mrs. Williay . x. Bas ) 1 and s ; ke tH egfound a soft thing in one of them, 'rabbit of the habit of running aw night he didn't come home, nor the! Candis Hank of Conifats ana aka te ; . {was black and white, had pink ears oN yard attached, but he soon found out Miss Louise Spoonen 1 . « ti levis vith a little! street, is in Brockville, the ber sister Mrs. Williams Quite often Pete will stay at home ked in dripping ied Potatoes, managed ot street, are week for Freder M. Galbraith of Yarker 1 ri of her parents Mr. and ° hoki Ae top itd Gaskin, Albert str ye TORR olMgie will be of interest to Mrs. Ba- 2! ns nd t t CL "Low Cost of Living" Menu has lately returned from Europe ames 1 care > » heve she las tA el ' gaged In dots I ------ I riod Chie Rene jo/ut and drop war w i aris Af spendin . : "aca plece in deep boiling fat Fry some time with her mother, Mrs oes. Menu for Sunday until easily pierced with a fork Clarence Wilson, Toronto, Mrs. Eaton Pireflare owt otatice Corn Fritters--Mix two left for Ingersoll. to visit her ster ) £ er. te hay BREAKFAST 8 a cup of 1 ! | L : chopped Y th half a cup of milk Mr Stephen Noxon Mrs. Eaton i « i w the Temapelca ne same of ou one beaten was formerly Miss May Wilson. who | i § er 1 ich Haeon and ges Te a poon of baking powder toffee in deep boiling fat : : Ta ve ' y & bot DINNER Cocoanut Pudding--Mix two cups : . ane i a ¥ Chicken milk with two well beaten « ZS Miss Ethel Hooper, Sydenham y a \ on Baked 1% ~ Corn Fritters ' + quarter of a cup of Prate re street, is the guest of Mrs. S. H. J butte y Put. anoth Stuffed Celery RUL. Take Unt 1 P ? Ex Py oa Reid, Brantford, for the week-end r lay ates and repeat ¢h Coconnut Pudding in Kk til the edge 1 Miss "Annie Daly, Kingston, will SUPPER spend the week-end with her aunt Mock Lobster Salad pore cups o spent her early life in Picton, v re the family resided SUPPER, . Mrs. Strathy, Walmer road, Toronto he the n ShoRelute Sunitwiches Mrs. David J. Walker is staying ',. : a i atnut Cake Coftee Hine : PIN with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W APE itd i -------------------------- hin slices of w hite bread and Robertson, of Kingston, in St. Cath- oh, re the crusts Grate bitter arines, and will be there for a few : 2 | BREAKFAST. ea % eten to taste. Melt weeks : % of ny § of butter and add J. Renton, t ity ave- | ' j { Tomato Toast--Boil 6ne cup of to-' the ¢ » it Take from the 18 gone to Toronto nd a few atoes a 1 a cup of milk, T ire and. cool Moisten with a little her sister David < with § tt dissolved Chocolate Sandwiches -- 8) ghtly flour and ream and spread between slices ¢ Keele street 1 es of buttered toa H. V, Finnie Peterboro, is 3 may be Mock Lobster alad--Boil eight with her parents, Mr. and Mrs 15¢ See that DINNER. [MN potatoes without peelinZ, cool and H. Wormwith, Ear! street, for a f 4 I el ash a head of lettuce and lay 5h hel dh Rice Soup--Boil for one hou a f parsley, add two ta Dp en cu f ite blespoo of tomato catsup and add Mrs. Catherine McDonald, Embro Chill and serve with ont anonunces the engagement of her daughter Minnie Margaret to H B. 'Thompson, B.A S¢., Assistant High { J Thicken wit ttle fic way Bridge Engineer of the Dephrt ' arate cake 3) ! het ment of Public Highways, Parliament x $ Buildings, Toronto, sop of the late \ s in Batter Menu for Monday nL; > Nes A bi A y Dr. Charles G, Thompson: of Picton Baked Peaches--3So dried peach ¢ Ss G tompson, teton t r \ loz very BREAKIAST ut them in a bs sprinkle gener the marriage to take place quietly sma ) I put them in a! Apricots p s 81 gene early in March m with a Heef Hash l « ) ¢ and let them | Eat Plenty Of Fruit, boil is itil ) and tender LUNCHEON hours All fruits are good. ar here I vill pr take about half! Heel with' Carrot Sauce iat ; an hour kle wit] per, sal ked Peaches variety enough "to suit all taste pepper Alt Ha p regular die of fruit se #4 than ) . parsl Any bu . Conkies Ten DINNER. any cosmetic or face we to produce M8% I not bee; sorbed can. be DINNER Chicken Pie and maintain lthy s r ' : 4 3¢ 1B ! 8 ar Chicken Ple Mashed Potatoes Fried Parsnips Exenrole Salad : co Canterbury Pudding which may be ms: from the s The great Mexican estate, of Mrs Yr : and bones i a few minutes, Phebe Hearst, of California, compris CHEERING INVALIDS } i I thickened Coyer with ing over 000,000 acres, probabil A D Li { >a a - it pastry which is made by mixing a IRE FANT. will be broken up by President ELICATE TASK. BREAKFA cup of flour, quarter of a cup of ranza, who has annouric hortening, the same of ice water tends to drive all foreign landholders elpful Ideas for Those Who | Beef Hash--This is made {rom from. that county Would Enlarge the Sphere | '°0ked Hamburg steak, using in pre The board of visitors of the Univer- port ) ID. of meat, two « Canterbury Pudding--Melt two ta- sity of Virginia has recommended of Labor and Love. d atoe Turn nto ! blespoons of butter, add two table that the General Assembly autho | ¢ th a tablespoon of poons of sugar, and stir in graduall the establishment and maintena if a woman's college which will be cated at Charlotteville Into a baking dish t all the left over chicken freed of 20¢ Pour over little g [ a teaspoon of baking powd antlv ur th two beaten eggs. Then add two ta blespoons of flour and a level tea poon of baking powder Half fill | | 1 crawl home, | )il one minute and mur hot over | w Sug dd a few drops of | Rolls Coffee lemon juice, nearly cover with water, ! and bake in a slow oven about two | LUNCHEON uttered custard cups® and bake in a | quick oven fifteen minutes Turn | Beef With Carrot Sauce--- u n to a dish and po maple sauce e 'remaining Hainburg st A und it For the sauce use one t heaping tablespoon of butter, t! cook until same of flour, one half cup of ¢ Have ready water, and one half cup of arrots and a cup of maple syrup hétokens physical | is a most important one for every one ental suffering as | to study Any of these ideas may always t dis prove helpful to those who would en- » Worries and fearsome | large the sphere of their labor of & to beset the invalid, as | love. For instance, # little letter or | : hodily pains note of cheer. from each one tor of cheering the invali group of friends, so timed in m AA i " that it will reach the invalid on an appointed day, anniversary or other ' wise, is one of the things that can be ' devised for brightening the period of a slow convalescence A suggestion ent out to other friends of the in- valid conveying an intimation of the plan for such a surprise will invari- ably evoke heartfelt response. = Flowers are always happy tokens "Pape's Diapepsin" ends all stom. °f remembrance and affectionate re- ach distress in five gard. And yet how few people give minutes, particular thought to the matter of Time it! Pape's Diapepsin will Selection, beyond merely sending an digest anything you eat and over- order for £0 many roses or s0 many come a sour, assy + out-of-order A farnations, accompanied by a formal stomach surely wit! five minutes, Pame card As a matter of fact, it If your meals don't fit comfort- iS a genuine surprise when one re [anty, or what you eat lies like a C®lves unusual flowers of any des {lurhp of lead in your stomach, or if ¢Tiption, not necessarily rare ones o: you have heartburn, that is a sign ©X0lics, but flowers that are suffi- |of indigestion. ciently out of the ordinary to break 1 Get from your pharmacist a. fifty- the monotony of the usual order. of {cént case of Pape's Diapepsin and things, flowers which stimulate the {take a Jose just as soon as you can. invalid § interest and xouse him to {There will be our risings, no P!eased contemplation 1 Ibelching of undigested- food mixed For the invalid who is fond of {with acid, no stomach gas or heart- reading it is a little thing, perhaps, 'bufn, fullness or he avy feeling in the . but a gracious one, to send from time Istomach, usea, debilitating head- 10 .time some item from a newspaper d ness ' of intestinal grip- Or magazine in Keeping with the ing. This will all go, and, besides, things the sick person is known ta be {there will be no sour food left over! interested in This will indicate a {in the stomach to poison vour breath thoughtful, kindly attention which with nauseous odors gives infinitely more comfort to the Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure 'cipient than would the sending of {for out-of-order glomachs, because # copy of a magazine, a book or a pa- {it takes: hold of your food and di- Per picked at random. \ | gests it just the same as if your It is a great mistake to refrain !stoMiach wasn't there. from Sending words of cheer or re : i Relief in five minutes from ail membrances to the invalid under the BLUE CLOTH « ov) |stomach Hisery is waiting for yoo assumption that he or she will be too iat any drug store . il to appreciate the attention. Even A neat coat of military blue cloth for a of eight shows originality | These large fifty-cent cases con-| though one is, \he after knowledge in the manner of its self-trimming. The centre panel which doins 'the side [tain enough "Pape's Diapepsin" to: that a friend has Korn one's suffer bodies with inverted box pleats flaring oven below the waist' line. Across | keep the entire family free from| ings in 'mind and has tried to do this are four "frogs™ of cloth, of graduated sizes and which close the coat | stomach disorders and indigestion | some little thing to cheer t weari- with two buttons on each end. The cuffs are of plain cloth, the collar of For many months. It belongs in. some hours will make brighter the | White fur, . es. Your home. i days of a convalescence! -~ Old friends and new friends unite in' saying NS Apmis co cist i Tea "is good tea" "Be sure it's SIFTO SALT Let that be part of your nex message' to your grocer if vou want something different, come hing better for table use. I always remains frée-running, even in the dampest weather, never clogs the shaker, never hardens under any condition. I> handsome dust-procf cartons at the better class of grocers, A refinement of the celebrated 'Ce ry' Salt DOMINION SALT COMPANY, LIMITED SARNIA, ONT. t t LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT Fven ip ou should consider the "Little Things." = The wood, the flames y Eddy's Matches made of st the composition, the striice- - pine stems, with a secret it guarantees '"'every y-five years of knowing All Eddy products are A et A A ttt oraaaratinand -- A Your kitchen floor ~ kept scrupulous [JM with The Gaad Oid-Tashianed LIN Wanton compound | HASHING : ) P | COMPOUND | THE GREAT INVENTION | || Fom Savina Feud Exmense | [Wornour inuume Fo fue I | Te erome Cosom Ou Hangs / \ JTHETHER your kitchen floor is nat- ural. wood, or painted, or cc ered with linoleum, 'the casy way. to keen it clean enough to eat off of is to mop 1 with Pearline. The old, reliable washing compound certainly keeps this much used part of the house faultless. ED (OD (ENED GOD (ED (OD GEED CD GEE GO The Procter & Gamble Distributing Co. of Canada, I.td Hamilton, Canada GED GD (ED CD GHD (0D aD i a ; a i a ; 8 a 3 a ; a i a Ary this on Hu ve with a coating of sugar, served cold in the centre of a large bowl or deep plate full of Corn Flakes. "'Tis a piece that will get many ancacons." MADE CANAD 4 1 (HRD 1 CRRSE> > CH > HRD > GRIND 1D CED > GND GD Gl 1 9D GND GD (END OD END G0) GEED (0) GED (0D GREED GOD GID G { WU