Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1916, p. 14

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ERUT-ATIVES" THE. MARVELLOUS FRUIT MEDICINE Has Relieved More Cases of Stomach, Liver, Blood, Kidney and Skin Trouble Than Any Other Medicine THOUSANDS OWE THEIR 600D HEALTH TO IT Made From The Juices of Apples, Oranges, Figs and Prunes Combined With Tonics and Antiseptics. "Fruit-a-tives" means health. In Years to come, people will look back to the discovery of 'Fruit-a-tives' and wonder how they ever managed to get along without these wonderful tablets, made from fruil juices. "FRUIT-A-TIVES" is excellent for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Sour Stomach. 'Pruita-tives' is the only certain remedy that will correct chronic Constipation and Liver trouble. 'Fruit-atives' is the greatest Kidney Remedy in the world and many people have testified to its value in severe cases of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, lain in the Back, Impure Blood, lHeadaches, Neuralgia, Pimples, Blolches and other Skin Troubles, "FRUIT-A-TIVES" has been one of the great successes of the eentury and the sales are enormous, both in Canada and the United States. 0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. At all dealers; or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ar ------ A ------------_--. Pa Eee NEW METHOD Cleaning, Pressing' and Repairing done. We make a specialy Aeatry ty of Ladies' Work, M. F. PATTON, Prop. 149 SYDFNHAM ST. (Near Pring cess St.) Phone 214 Wa sh Away Skin Sores To the many sufferers of skin dis eases DD. D. D,, the liquid wash, has become a household word, They know it is reliable and they can de- pend on it, they do not hesitate to recommend it to their neighbors. It has proved itself a remarkable rein- edy for all forms of Eczema a germicide that is harmless most delicate skin, but still is ef- fective and quick in action If you are a sufferer from skin diseases, in- cluding ulcers, pimples, scales, crust or Eczema in any form, this remedy will not disappoint you It has stood the test and to-day is the mas- ter preparation for all skin diseases Come in to-day and ask about our guarantee on D. D. D Also about D. D. D. Soap, that keeps the skin healthy. D. D. D. In it 15 Years Standard Remedy For the Skin Mahood IA As A A HOW FAT FOLKS MA BECOME THIN By Elizabeth Perhaps you are suddenly stout, or It may be rutting wel { case the caus 1 ja n=carrving power trouble Cur and all age very casily and the privations that most { necessary reduce their » Your orilene capsu h meal and Weigh yourself now just how fast are 'i right Wonderful results hay reomplished by this inexpensive but be sure to get the genuine oil orilena fi capsule form. It is sold or in: original sealed packages large druggist can supply vou large sizé box will be sent on pt of $1.00. ress D. J. Little Drug Co, Box 1240, M« eal, Can WEAK LUNGS Bronchitis -- Asthma -- Coughs -- Night Sweats -- Debility And those conditions Leading to CONSUMPTION Some Extracts from Sworn Evidence: Randolph KE. P i! 'Nature helped me." Charles Knoph, on Oath, sdys: "My night sweats stopped and my hemorrhage stopped from the first day." Louis CO. Zink, Oath, says: "1 have to thank 'Nature's Crea- tion' that I am here to-day." \ Sead for Booklet containing com- plete statements, on Oath, from those Who have used 'Nature's Creation." Nature's Creation Company of Canada, Ltd. Room 14, Cosgrave Building, Toronto, Canada. too In either k of blood both over wl filter going to b you almer, on Oath, says: Creation is what on In the schoof of life we all are, to Ww pertain extent, teachers as well as a - An imitation bone for cutlery hau- dies is made of seaweed. i Uruguay has about 1,600 miles o railroads, but only one tunnel, Leather waste enters into the com- position of much of the best wall paper, | Parrots are taught to talk by the use of telephones in a Loudon bird #chool, Vermant is estimated to have 000,000 horsepower of undeveloped water, Some vineyards in Italy are culti- vated on the faces of almost perpen- dicular cliffs. A new fish hook hag prongs along its shank to hold live bait with minimum of injury Copenhagen has prohibited the wearing of unprotected hat pins by women in street cars. A gauge has been invented to he clamped to hack saws to prevent them cutting too deeply. Argentina maintains a meteoro- logical station at an elevation of 4, 000 feét above the sea A patent has been granted for an egz substitute made chiefly from thoroughly cooked yams Natives of Sumatra make drinkng cups of rhinoceros horn, believing it a cure for poison More than 600,000 tons of lead were mined in the United States last year, a record quantity. Dennrark has followed. the lead of Russia, Sweden and Norway in offici- ally adopting 24-hour time A spring controlled roller in the base of a new desk telephoife takes up the slack in the receiver wire A Cuban has invented a material made of palui fibre to be used as a substitute for cedar in cigar boxes Spring controlled arms that en- gage the sides of a pocket feature a new thief proof holder for pocket- books, According to a London chemist the surest way to determine the age of a painting Is to analyze the pigments. A sliding weight on the handle of a new ice pick does the work, the hand that holds it remaining station- ary More than half-of Swéden is cov ered by forests, only Finland having a greater proportionate area of tim- ber. Montana's record - production of silver last year put that state in first place among silver producing states An Italian electrician claims have invented a method for sending pictures by wire in their natural col ors. An automatic mileage has been invented to be an automobile tire to show it is run In a German city garbage is col lected, treated by a drying process and mixed with molasses to form cattle feed The husiness end of new 'broom is made reversible so that either the coarse or fine ends of the straw can bo used f a a to recorder built into how far a The Newest Notes of Science A A tt PA mi, Musical instruments composed of 'wood suffer more from the « timate | in India than any other wooden] structures, . | A novel gas headlight for automo- bilés has three burners, so placed as to utilize the entire surface of the] reflector, 4 Tongs equipped with a spring tol insure them holding firmly have been invented by a Frenchman for hand-| ling hot dishes, Soaking in sour milk, foHowed by a rinsing .in water to which a little ammonia has been added, will pol- ish silverware The richest ruby mines in the world, in Burma, are known to have been operated since early in Lov enteenth ce: 'ury To enable a traveler to use a type writer almo wwhere the pur- pose of a new pod which folds compactly whe e But about 000,000 hor available in courses has heen To the is yurth the 2 timated water wer : Switzerland's as harnessed hildren fn chair accommodate mo- tion picture been invented be raised theatre wit saveral inche A new Danish process for freezing fish 'not only m time, but] the fish when thawed are as fresh as! when first caught The world's largest steel-plate mall | soon will he in operation in Pennsyl vania, and will be able to roll plates sixteen feet wide | The fireless cooker originated Norway, and was brought to attention for the t time at ris exposition of 1867 The production of the United States last {than twice the val {duced the vear. before With walls A a concrete motion been built in Ei and eighteen A automobile tured a spinning | that to gases moving A has h seat that can saves in} public the Pa quicksilver inj Was more that year ue of pro-| thick, theatre by two inches picture land high mufller is fe turbine wheel | the exhaust | to cool them. |, { The Government Argentina {plans®to import camel an experi- | { ment to take the place of horses and! oxen in semi-arid regions ! Devices t ter {a person's ears ling shampooed {by a Mas has] 45 feet eg fee new by is said keep and 0 prevent wa while the have heen sachusett woman Some French scientists have ed that an injuriou fect upon the | eval the tine has-been removed I To save room in electic | Minneapolis man has invented a ing machine whi {at onec and all secretly. | The Argentine Government fos- | tering experiments by farmers with rice and potato cultivation, both hy dry farming and irrigation { a substitute for clay "a Frenchman invented i propeller which shot air with 'much speed from san 'ment held in the hand entering | hair is patented | be dec tobacco has t 1eart nico ym hooths a vot can use! h three men is As pigeons, | a steel through the! instru ha } § } § Plays, Players And Playhouses re one-act fantasy, "Swat the Fly!" is to have its first, stage presentation in Shanghai, Chi-| na, wltere it will be adapted and pinay ed by young Chinese girls | Receipts of Paris theatres fell! from $13,690,000 in 1913 to<$8,321,-] 500 in 1914, while moving picture shows lost nothing though closed for five months fn 1914 The figures indicate the war's effect on luxaries | as opposed to nceessities. | Eleanor Gates' Owing to the approaching retire ment from the stage of Julia Marlowe and E. H. Sothern, scenery, costumes, properties and jewels for the ertire wardrobe of seventy-one plays, .in- cluding Shakespearean repertoire, will be sold at auction on Monday in New York eity. Harry Lauder_.has the conscience of a Scotch Presbyterian when it comes to a question of observing the Sabbath. He has never given a per- formance on Sunday, nor will he per- nit any work on that day by those in his employ, except what is abso- ately necessary. (*. Haddon Chamber's Idler," is to receive an elaborate re- vival shortly, with an all-star cast similar to that'which was seen a vear ag) in "Trilby." The Premier per- formance will, be given at the Royal Alexandra Theatre on Monday even- ing, March 13th. play, "The Eva Tanguay will shortly Jleave vaudeville to embark upon the more hazardous seas of musical comedy. She has signed a contract with the Times Producing Company, and will be seen after to-day under the man- agement of A. H. and L. Pincus in a new version of "The Girl Who Smiles" on four. Next August Miss Tanguay will be presented at the Longacre Theatre, New York city, in a new musical comedy. < \ The Southern Amusement Com- pany has sued the Epoch Producing Gorporation in the Supreme Court of the United States for $500,000. The complaint is that on May 6th, 1906, Thomas Dixon, jr,, gave to the plain- tiff the sole dramatic rights of his hook, "The Clansman," and that in violation of these rights the defen- dant produced the moving picture play "The Birth of a Nation." has been engaged by Sir Tree for his Shakespearean produc- tions early in March. Mr: Hard: ing will play the title role in "Henry VIII," and Bolingbroke in "The Mer- ry Wives of Windsor." The engage- ment will not interfere with Mr.Hard- ing"s appearance in Art Hopkin's production of "The Ha Ending." "Before joining forces with Wil- liam Faversham in a series of Shake- spedrean revivals, Margaret Anglin Herbert Lyn ™arding, the English actor, |' titled "The \ tic City, Febr is based upon "The Perch of In Miss An n-of Gold," at" Atlan- 18th The play Atherton's novel Devil." glin's support will be | Lawson Butt, Ferdinand Gottschalk, Mrs. Charles G. Craig, Walter Walk er, Viola Fortescue, George Denny, | Alfred Lunt, and Mrs. Charles Wil- lard. Mrs the the FAME FiINLAYSON Ha ight Bel 1 oor he in it a lot! (disease. const onal squires fluenced and the treatme fact do, constitutio Blood System Surface d Dolla IY case that - to enre culars and monials F. CH will produce a new drama by Rupert Hughes and Gertrude Atherton, en- / gists, Sold by $ Hall's Family Pills for eonstipation, i those two girls 1 THE HOLY GRAIL. Story of the Green Crystal Vase of the Ruins of Cesarsa. Few places are more absolutely cit ies of the past thau Cesarea. Some one has spoken of the remains of its aucient glory as the "ruin of ruins." Tbe medieval 10wn which was twice rebuilt by the crusaders covered scarcely a teoth of the area occupied by the city as St. Paul knew it, and the ruins that we see today are chief. iy the relics of the medieval which was itself built out of the ruins of the ancient city What] rich quarry Cesarea bas been for oth city builders i$ shown by the fact that, though it" bas been drawp upon for all these centuries for ma ble anal granite and sandstone, it {is uot yet absolutely exhausted, but still affords building material for the peas ants of the vicinity. The green crystal vase which was found bere when Baldwin I, the great crusader, captured the city at the be ginning of the twelfth century the Christian Heral ave risddto story of the Holy I. which has in spired many legends and for Baldwin and bis followers believed that it was the one that was used gd the last supper by our Lord, when le gave his disciples the cnp of wine and sO ary & Practical Home Dress Making, Lerrons Prepared Especially For This Newspaper ° by Pictorial Review city | : A Style Tip on Skirts. { | i } i | | poems, |' i | said: "Drink ye all of it. 'This do in} remembrance of me. SEX. ATTRACTION. It Is We caunot escipe [roth the fact that | sex attraction is the great event in bu man life. in nearly for insty Sex is the controlling force all of buman efforts. War, (nce, only an exaggerated form of the sex instiuct.. Neither lit: erature vor art would exist in any ap- preciable without sex Men work, fight, sing, paint, live and die for the love of woman. is degree In only one field of human activity! is there no taint of sex feeling, and that Science is cold and dispassionate. It has imagination, but of the explorer and uot the lover. Science has only one aim and the discovery of truth. Science is another world from the hot earth of economic and military compe is science the imagination end ~ition, which bave for their ends the aNainment of fove and marriage. Through science wankind will grad ually throw off some of the sex slavery and reach a pew aud possibly bappier st in development. age its The Old Time Surgeon. Before anesthetics were known the surgeon's ouly expedient was to abridge his patient's sufferings by working rap idly. In this the oll time surgeons did wonders the celebrated sur seon Maisonneuve bad 10 amputate the of a poor devil. who began to howl in advance. "ll give yon my watch, said the "if the operation lasts wore than a minute," The man accepted: the offer. but was obliged to forego the handsome waich, as the op eration took less time than it requires to describe. To awmputate an arm at the shoulder is a most difficult opera tion. Dr. Langenbeck of Germany did it in two minntes. A young physician wlio came to.see him perform the op eration adjusted his spectacles to his nose so as not to lose a single move ment, but when. the spectacles were in place the operation wi One day leg S over, Antiquity of the Hog. The two most ,uportant and most intimately associated products of In diana are corn and hogs. The Chinese claim to have hrgd and domesticated the hog 4,000 years before the Chris tian era.- The anlieut Egyptians knew the hog. and this animal is depicted on their monuments. The use of the meat of the hog was prohibited by the Jews, and it was considered that in hot coun: tries jt produced skin diseases. The Moslems' under, Mohanimedan law are also prohibited from using pork. The bog was unknown in America until in troduced from Europe by the early nav igators. In the South American forests are great droves of wild hogs, the de gcendants of hogs brought over by the Spaniards. ---- A Match For Him. A cockiey angler, thinking his high land boatman was not treating him with the respect due to his station, ex- postulated thus: "Look bere. my good man, you don't Seem to grasp who 1 am. Do you know that my family has been entitled to bear arms for the last 200 years?" "Hoots; that's nothing!" was the re ply. "My ancestors have been entitled to bare legs for the last 2.000 years' -- London Mirror. Had to Cater to All "I don't like the way this hotel fs run!" carped a peevish young traveling salesman. "Neither do 1." replied the landlord of Pruntytown tavern, "but I've got to entertain all the fools that come along 4s well as the sensible people. Either Way, I can't degfile which one of, ant to marry. Cyn either one of them Kilicus- iens--Well. maf land you'll dis€over that you got the rong one. All a Risk, "It's a case of love at first sight." "Well, maybe it will work ont aff seh. 1 took fone years toiselect my | Jusband, and took what | gor" Realize that doing zood is the only 'ertninly nappy action of a man's life. «| =8ir Philip Sidney. A full stomach and conceit will 'make even a poorman believe he is possessed of .means. ° The man who controls both appe:- ¢ and temper has to be watchful. An argument ie never stremgthen- ed much by ridicule and sarcasm. | | | | | ©6508 | pron which Patch pockets and a of belt are skirt, goes and trim- smart features fou inserted sid nent this new is cut in med with a sections CUTTING GUIDE6G 50 8 UTTING CUIDEO DO § i : 9 ; FRONT GORE PLAITED SECT] C0O eh Pictorial cents Review Skirt' No. 6508 15 A A ------ AN ANCIENT ROMANCE. The 8tory of Ruth and Boaz and True Human Kindness. The book of Ruth is the greatest pas- toral idy! in literature. It is founded, according to the Christian Herald, on loving kindness, the loving kindness of the Moabites revealed to Jer familv and the loving kindness of Boaz, the wealthy Israelite, to Ruth, his kins woman. It also contains the germ of that great bheartedness which is the center of {he gospel of Christian love. it isa book that opens with tears and famine and ends with the sound of wedding bells. The story turns upon the straightforwardness of Boaz, who showed kindness and manliness to Ruth, a member of a nation that was Israel's foe, and in that kindness found- ed a new bouse, the house of Jesse and David, the 'royal line that begat a greater than David. Boaz is immortal among Biblé heroes for his kindness. his plain, everyday generosity. his sense of protecton and care for the lonely, unprotected Moab- itish girl; 'his dead. kinsman's wife, who in ber poverty gleaned in his har. vest field after the reapers. Boaz gave orders tg his reapers that they should allow her to gloun even among the shisaves of barles y his large hearteddess gained a wife and. more than that; made a place for himself in that immortal uy which re- unowned for nungizt but for being kind comyj is LAME BACK Spells Kidney Trouble There's no use putting on liniments and plasters to cure that ache in your hips or back the trouble is inside. Your kidneys are out of order. GIN PILLS go right to the cause of the backache and heal and regulate the kidfiey and bladder action. Then you get relief, permanent relief ! Many a man and woman who hat been doubled up with shooting pains in the back having to stop work and lie down to get a little relief, has found new health and comiort io i ® FOR KIDNEYS Two boxés completely cured Arnold McAskell, of Lower Selma, N.S." "I have never had any trouble with my back since," he says. If you have a lame back--or any sign of ° Kidney trouble--get GIN PILLS to-day and start the cure working. soc. a box, six | for $2.50--and every box guaranteed satisfaction or your money back. ment free if you write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Ont. oxo give Trial treat. hows wisdom to admit I wise enough to ad- . At times that you are vise, acre catia = cpt etm FOLD OF 54 INCH MATERIAL WITH NAP Stylists cértainly are giving the separate skirt all the prominence it deserves this season. Most of the lat- est models show pleats, but there is something individual about their ar- rangement in every new skirt. The ac- companying model is a four-piece skirt with a pleated section between the gores and patch pockets. Using 54-inch material, 2% yards are required to make the skirt in me- dium size. The material is first folded in half before cutting, Only one section in the skirt is laid on the fold, and that is the beit, which is placed into posi- tion last. The fight section of the pat- tern to be laid on the material, how- ever, is the back gore. Then where it slopes away at the side, the pocket is laid into place, on a lengthwise thread of the material The pleated section is arranged next to the back gore, to the right, and its straight edge rests against the selvage of the cioth. Opposite the pleated section is placed the front gore, very near to the edge, vet on a lengthwise thread of the goods. The measurements given are for ma- terial without nap; if the goods nap, then 23% wvards of cloth will required to make the skirt If the design is to be used until late in the season it is well to omit trim- mings of contrasting material The effectiveness of the belt and pockets may .be increased, however, by stitch- ing along the edges with fine soutache braid has be POCK| 0,00 eg BACK GORE Cc ° . 0 Sa 0 Sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20 years Price, A Saved by Her Voice. When traveling to Paris with some other ladies on one occasion Mme. Grisi bad a thrilling adventure. At a small wayside station a man enfered the carriage, and it soon became evi- dent from his threatening gestures and eccentric behavior that he was a dangerous lunatic. Though her com- panions were panic stricken, Mme. Grisi retained complete presence of mind and with the utmost composure began to sing. At once the maniac wis quiet. His whole attention was riveted on that magniticent voice, and be remained the most appreciative of isteners until the train reached the next station, where lie was secured. It transpired subsequently that he was a maniac with homicidal tendencies who bad escaped from an asylum. I ---------------- Born Lugky. First Coster--Wel; "poor old Bill's gone, a Second Coster (scornfuliy)~Poor. in- deed! Luckiest. bioke in the market. Couldn't touch.muffink wifout it turned to money. Insured 'is "ouse--burped in a month. Insured 'isself agin bacci dents--broke 'is harm first week. Join- ed the. Burial serciety last Toosday, ind now 'e's 'opped it. 1 eall it luck. | =London Tit-Bits, eo latera a sirang Ques: "Here 18 u ra true," sald 2u oan mies fn nnclen! 0g fy vs collateru) "Whey §o as it is "Mum pt were used chief oulst lan wanted 'to bor row he gave | rathe vr grandfa- thet's wuminy us security, metlines if be required n ln sum he gave his father sud beth yu iftathers, und he would even throwin the wummy of bis mother-in-law if fortunately bappened 16 be fu 1 mummified state, "Joking aside," the Egyptolugist con. tinued. "what 1 teli you is the truth. An 'Bgyptian wag Got permitted tv bor. row without pledging the muwmy of some near relative. It was deemed in, Egypt both impious sud infamous not to redeem so sacred a pledge as that, "and be who died with a family mummy still in pawn was himself buried in un- consecrated ground." » '" No she Boroughs of Greater Nineveh. ' The ruins of ancient Nineveh, on the Tigris river, are now fairly well deter. mined. The north wali, extending due east from the river, was 7.000 feet long, the eastern wall was three mile: long, the southern wall only 1,000 fee! while the western or river front ex- along the Tigris. The actual extent of the city contained about 1.800 acres, But Greater Nineveh compare Greater New York--was made up of a tetrapo His of four cities--Ninevel proper, Khorsabad. Calabh and Keromils-- which agrees with the dimensions giv. en Ly Diodorus, the Greek historian, and fully justified Jonah's. path into the exceeding great city of three days' Journey. --Christian Herald, The Deceit of Man, She was buying some biriliday cigars for her bnsband, and the deajer sold her u box for 40 vents, "Her husband will give- you fits when Le gets those." said a bystander to the cigar man "Oh. no. be won't." said the dealer pladidly. "He 10M me to ell her these. His wife wom! diverce him if she kuew he pald $5 a box for his cigars."-- XQ tended for two and one-balf wiley S SRR COLLAR LIGHTWEIGHT TOONS BROS oi . AMONT AL ea-- For Good Looks a woman must have good health. She can do her part by helping natureto keeptheblood pure, the liver active and the bowels regular, with the aid of sthe mild, vegetable remedy-- BEECHAMS PILLS Directions with Every Box of Special Value to Women Sold everywhere. lnbexes. 25 cents. A A Bulk Oysters Arm Dominion Fish Co. PHONE 526. 1,000.00 REWARD TOTIemSOmnTTe For informatio that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the parson or pe suffgring from Nervous Debiliwy, rriseases. of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poisos, Skin Pladder 'Troubles, Speci je nic or Comp! who can { { io Medi- Yonge St., Diseases, Ail © nd C1] i i " dd 5 » la Institute, 3-20 Toronto. Correspondence invited. AAA A A AAA AA AA git Cooke'sfor Photos 159 Wellington St. Opp. Golden Lion Gro- cery A 7 Throw Away Your Eye-Glasses! ---- A Free Prescription You Can Have Filled and Use at Home you a eye weaknesses ? ) know that there Many whose eyes had thelr eyes of this won main sayy, blind ; Do 3 tim of & glad t hay oa principio my eres do not they would pain ale fine all the time ' MA lady apes but PE or without ne 3, atmo Phe prescription £ lasses for fiftee can even ad fis It believed th thousands gh can now diveard them in a reason able time, more will be able to strength y ®0 a8 to be red the troub cxpense of ever tling glusscs. ¥ biog of many de riptions may + wonderfully beuetitted by following the simple rules. Here In the preseription : Go to auy active drug store and get a bottle of Bou Opto. Fill.a two ounce bottle with warm water, drop In one Bon-Dopto tablet and allow to dissolve. With this liquid, bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should ne clear up perceptibly right fi aod inflimmation wiil If your 'eyes arc bothe little, take steps to ka it is too oe ® Many hopelessly blind might have been saved If they had eared for their eyes in time. The Valmas Drug Co., of Toronto, will fill the above pres scription by mail. if your druggist cannot, Geo. W. Mahood, the Kingston Druge« glist, will also be pleased to fill above prescription. EVERY MONTH MANY WOMEN Take ZUTOO Tablets and are free of the Griping Pain and Sick Headaches. Read what Mrs. Wright says : "I received your sample of Zutoo Tab- lets, and toek thein for scvere pain (monthly) and headache. At the end pf 30 minutes. I was entjrely free of pain and experienced no more throughout the period. [suffer a great deal at these times and feel grateful that I have aremedy which affords quick relief. Every woman nthe land should know about Zutoo Tablets and what they willdo." Mrs. ALLEN WRIGHT, Fulford, Que, TAKE ZUTOO Prema anit © trou you, even a them now, before tN bs An Ladies' Home Jeurual The "select" here may be anythin but, that iin the Great Reyond,

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