3 - : ee _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1016 EE ------------ .... ee 1] -------- From Trapper to Weare AA Telephone 489 149-157 Brock Street JOHN McKAY Gook's Cottog Koot Compouna, A safe, reliable requiating medicine, Bold in three dee grees, of strength--No. 1, $1; 2 2, $3; No. 3, 85 per bor, Bold by all druggists, or sent pre sa weeipt of ioe, ree pamphict. Ad 1 ] THE COOK MmEDICY ToRoNTO, On" ch: a NA A tt eg Telephone 201 Auto Livery 0) (Bibby Garage Agents for Dodge Bros. Motor: Cars - PRINTERS \ BOOK-BINDERS . LOOSE LEAF DEVICES EMBOSSERS + ENGRAVERS ame [KINGSTON. ONT a pe BUILDERS !! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time P. WALSH. Harrack St. 3 | Tapestry We have just received some wonderful values, marked® specially low for quick sales. 9x12 ft. Seamless Tapestry Rugs, in Me- dallion and small all- aver designs, many very attractive patterns to choose from. $15.00 R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Ware- house. a Wn i SOWARDS Keeps Coal and Coal Keeps SOWARDS. NS miata sates) A At att ets saan : Limited INSPECTOR MAKES STATEMENT Regarding an Account Between Lan. ark and Children's Akl Society, W. H. Wyllie, inspector for the Children's Aid Society makes the fol- lowing. statement re account be- tween the Children's Ald Society of Kingston and the County of Lanark: The Superior of St. Mary's-qn-the- { Lake Orphanage, Kingston, has re- quested me to correct a misunder- standing' that has arisen regarding the above account When the in- gpector was asked to collect mainten ance from Lanark County for these { children they had sent down to Kingston, the authorities of the Ro Jan Catholic home and the Inspec not know what the amount count would be, because at no committal pa t until Inspec ommittal papers al Deparfineat that ount could be the comrmitia' nspector's office accou the ceived the he Provine t of the ac a When Parers reached the he pre as called weeded to make up the these paper notified the,Cath author » amount of tl count bm yr and mn r pons 3 iC did collect the billed Lan- that was papers which ly after {nvest was revealed for by nspector 1 10 al they are thes account ark county called by t he held, an gations that t POT Piano Tuning Notice, ins RealEstate INVESTMENTS ris A choice list of prop- erties for sale, paying 8 to 12 per cent. --See Our HOME BARGAINS McCann, 82 BROCK ST. Phone 326 or 621. * are pleased to advise the peo Kingston and surrounding that we have added to our Eston a most compe » expert, piano tun- n Persons whe pianos or will be We en to repair your ke new If place their efficient hands every satisfaction player 0 that has been ne- let. us Write us Limited for so time od condition >. W. Linds ncess street Memorial Service. ade of all offi i ex-members of 14th Re 1d weekly train or 8 Lo-morrow K to attend al service Officers n uniform members of the evening a Ge ng classes at Sunday George's asked to parade Incr¥se Your Income, Why let your money lie idle or in he Banks mt 3 cent. when high grade govern cipal bonds yielding to 6 per cent? We have Howard 8S. Folger, 44 Clar | ence street pe you then Your Choice Only 50c. Jrock St., has a great dis- ts in his window. Regu: lar price 75¢ to 90c¢ each, wil! be sold at 50c¢ each during the sale." Any jone in need of Shirts it will be a snap for them Cape Vincent Stage' Service, Feb. 9th, stage leaves street at 1.50 p.m y for Cape Vincent con- with N: Y. C, trains Prevost v gtd play of 8 mending Brock severe Id snap on Satu ng kept many farmers » market We Are Busy SAVE TIME By phoning for an appoint- ment. Asselstine"s for Get sion | perfect | ion, | | i satisfae- glasses (onsult L S. ASSELSTINE, D.0.S. {Registered Optometrist and Optician, PURE SWEET CIER 30c Gallon New Table Raisins, fine flavor and juicy, 25¢ and 30¢ per. 1b. - The finest Comb Honey in the city, White Clover, 25¢ per section. Low Prices, Good Service and Finest Quality of Goods W. R McRae & Co 'GOLDEN LION GROCERY | i | | CHURCH {In His Relationship to the 179 m, * SERVICES St. Paml's--~Morning prayer, 11] o'clock. Preacher, Rev. Canon Fitz Gerald, M. A Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p. m.; holy baptism, 4 Pp. m. Evening prayer, 7 o'clock Preacher, Rev. Canon FitzGerald I. B, 8. A. Class, 300 Queen street ~--Bible study, 3 p. m., "The Day of Jehovah; 7.30 p. m., "What Is Man, Atone- ment." All Bible students welcome. First Charch of Christ Scientist-- Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington street. Sunday School, 9.45 a. mn. service, 11 a. m., subject, Soul." Wednesday evening testi- monial 'meeting. Public reading room sale address, open every af(er- noon except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock Baptist Church-- William France and 7T p.m Bible Subjact Morning "The Battle of Lifé""; evening, "The Firm Foundation.' Prayer service Wednesday, 8 p. m. H we come to these Union Street Pastor Rey vices 11 a. m school, 2 pm Ser. services Rev. Doug serviees First Baptist Church Laing, pastor, at The p.m, both Name Above Starting Right." School and Organized Bible 2.45 p.m. Monday, young ting at 8 p.m? Students, and soldiers cordially in- the Every Takses at people's me strangers vited to-all meetings Princess Street Methodist Church, | corner Princess and Albert streets Rev. H. E. Curry, pastor 11 am the pastof; 7 p.m., the pastor Sun day school and Bible class, 2.45 p.m.; Epworth League, 'Monday, 8 p.an.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, $8 p.m.; Quarterly Official Board Monday 7.20 pm St. Andrew's Church--Morning 11 a. m., memorial service . for the late Lieut.-Col. Duff Preacher, Rev Prof. 'Dall, B. DD.; evening service at 7 preacher Rev. D. J. Fraser D.D L.L.D., acting-Principal of Presbyterian College Montreal. Sun day School and Bible class at 3 p.m Strangers dially invited to all the service students and soldiers cor Presbyterian Church-- Rev. E. R. McLean, M.A., B.D, 451 Johnson street Phone 1094 The minister at both services 11 am subject, 'Your Opportunity." 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible classes A special invitation to young men 7 p. m., subject, "The Dislike of the Commonplace." Praver meeting and address at 8 p.m Friday Y. P S.C. E.-at 8 pm We invite vou St. James' Church, corner Union and Arch streets--All seats free Rev. T. W. Savary, B.A., Rector, The Rectory, Barrie street Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany 8 am. Holy Communion; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer and Litany Sermon sub- ject, "Purifying Hope." 3 .p.m, Sunday school and Bible Classes, 7 p.m., Evening Prayer and sermon Sermon subject, "Continuing series on Life of Jacob---The Biter Bit." First Congregationai, corner John. son and Wellington streets-- Rev, E LeRoy Rice, B.A., pastor Resi- dence, 281 Alfred street Phone 1068 The pastor will preach at both services Morning worship at 11 o'clock Subject, "The Man With the Measuring Line." Even- ing worship at 7 o'clock Subject, 'Democracy on Trial." Soldiers | Cooke's OFFICERS OF THE 14TH HELD BANQUET FOR COMRADES | GOING OVERSEAS. Reference to Capt. George T. Rich- | ardson--Signet Rings Presented tol A Number of Officers. | On Friday evening a banquet % hogor of {he 14th Regiment offichrs going overseas was held in the ¥Ton tenfic. Club and guests were present from Ottawa, Cornwall, Gananoque and Napanee, In welcoming the guests, Major W. Y. Mills said that they had gathered together to spend what was first expected to be a very pleasant evening, but owing to the sad word that Capt. George T. Rich ardson had been killed in action, the orchestra and a splendid programme had been cancelled The stewart and staff put on their usual excellent dinner Major Mills presided and Capt. F. Mahood, vice-president of the mess was toast-master Major Mills said that that Capt. Richardson had saddened the heart of every present, There had" heen changes in the 14th Regiment since | the war began Great honor had] been done the regiment by the selec- tion of three of its officers-- Lieut.- Col. W. S. Hughes, Lieut.-Col. H. J Dawson and Lieut..Col. C. A. Low being chosen to command overseas battalions A similar gathering had been held a year ago in honor of a dozen or more 14th officers who were now fighting in France and this was the second gathering to say good-bye, this time to over thirty of- ficers as follows Lieut.-Col. H. J. Dawson, W. H. Craig, Major W. L. Grant, news fallen officer great | the Major "Yster. and students ) are invited to worsh! with us Bethel Congregational Church, | Johnson and Barrie stfeets-- Pastor, | Charles J. O'D. Stephens, will preach. | 11 a. .m., "Wakeful and Watchful | Eyes; 7 p. m., "a Leap Year Ser- mon." Wednesday, teachers' study class, 7 p. m. ; prayer meeting and address, at 8 p. m.; Friday, ¥. P| 5. C.E,at 8p m, We invite you. Chalmers, Barrie and Earl Streets --Rev. M, Macgillivray, D. D., min- Services: 11 a, m., "Whom to Hear and Obey in All Things"; ¢ P. m., "An Appeal to the Privi leged." Sabbath school and Bibla class, 3p. m Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.20 p.m Strangers and students cordially invited to all the services, Congregational «Church, Bagot and Charles streets "Drawing On the Bank p.m., Bible Classes, Sunday School; 7 p.m., "Proofs of Immic lity Monday, 8 p.m., Guild meetin Wednesday, 8 p.m., prayer n gE and « r practice All cordiaily invited "fa services Rev I lLyal Rideau Calvary corner of 11 am, of Heaven these pastor 266 treet Sydenham Street Mc thodist Church Rev. Alfred Brown Pastor, will preach morning and evening Music by soloists and full choir. Class] meeting, 9.45 a. m.; Junior Leagup, 10 a. m.; Bible School and 'Wesleyan Club, 2.45 p. m.; Senior League Mon- day, 8 p. m.; prayer and praise ser- vice, Wednesday, 8 p. ni; Intermedi- ate League, Friday, 7.15 p. m Sol diers and students specially invited A cordial welcome to all Methodist Church-- 10 Queen Street Rev. Gi. 1. Campbell, minister am. morning classes; 11 a.m. s ject, "God's First Question p.m., Bible School, Adult Classes and Young Men's Club; 7 pm., subject, "God's Second Question." Good mu- sic, pastor at both services; Monday, p.m. Junior Epworth League; § p.m., Senicr Epworth League; Wed- nesday, S confessional prayer and praise Students, sold iers and strangers welcome p.m, service, Brock Street Methodist Church. corner of Brock and Montreal streets Rev. George S. Clendinnen, pastor Residence. 242 Johnson stréet The pastor il preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m Class meeting, 10 a.m.; Sun- day School, 3 p.m.; Epworth League social evening, Monday, 8 p.m.; pray- er meeting, Wednesday, 8 pm. Sold ers, students and other visitors wel-| come 'at all services Entrance to! week night services from Montreal' treet St. George's Cathedral--Very Rey n Starr, M - D. D., rector; 78 Wellington street; telephone, 1644 Rev. Cecil Whalley, M. A, B. D., cur- | ate, 138 Bagot street; phone 1444. | 6th Sunday after Epiphany. 8 a. m., holy communion; 11 a. m., matins Preacher, the Bishop of Kingston; 3 p. m., Sunday school and Bible class; 4.15 p. m., holy baptism; 7 p m, evensong, memorial service for the late Captain George Richardson Preacher, the dean. Daily service of intercession throughout the week at 10 o'clock Reception for sol- diers of the garrison and schools of instruction' in St. George's Hall at 8.30 (entrance from Wellington street) was responded to by Col. T. D. R Hemming and Lieut.-Col. R. E. Kent, two officers who, have always been staunch friends of the 14th legi ment Both. replied very suitably and referred at length to the gallant | career 'of Capt Richardson The | toast to #he 14th Overseas was re- sponded to by Major P. G. C. Camp- bell and Major W. L. Goodwin. The | latter was in Capt. George Richard- son's Company for year and fought beside him in France for several months Major G. L. Starr in replying to | the toast to "Our Guests' presented the following officers with signet rings bearing the crest of the regi- ment: Lieut-Col. H. J. ZERO WEATHER i On davs sueh as this if « warm furs are |} 11% of a necessity than a Ilaxary. ro | The big reductions in Capt. G. Bawden, Capt, T. C. McGill, Lieut. RH. Waddell, Lieut. K. Tay- lor, Lieu A. P. Christmas, 1 " ut. J. A. Murphy Smythe, all in the 59th Battal- ion; Major J.-M. Mowat, 62nd Van- couver Battalion; Lieut. F. D. Ham- | mond, 77th Battalion, Ottawa; Capt. L. C. Lockett, Lieut. L. 'H. Birkett and Lieut. B.. Roberton all in the 80th le Battalion; Lieut. L H. . d Peterboro Battalion; Lieut. A. W. Asalstine, 109th Lind- | say Battalion; Lieut.-Col. C. A. Low Lieuts. V. Lanos F. Newlands, H M. Snider, F. Purdy, R. J. Robinson, | G. A. R. Emery, 8." D. Whaley, E. B. | Smythe, W. B. Ferrier, W. Campion | and N. G. Crothers, all in the 146th | Battalion; Lieut. L. W. Coon, 154th | Brockville Battalion; Major L. F. | Goodwin, Imperial Munitions Board | Ottawa; Capt. 8. H. Simpson, C. A. | D. C., city. | The toast to the Canadian Mila price on all furs duria our annual clearing in makes it casy to make a selection at a small cost, Fur-lined Coats, $25 up Fur Coats |thy cause. [Red . MAKERS oF FINE Fens. Princess Street. | Dawson, | bl Evervone likes 1th of February. The Novelties of this vear are the KEWPIES, hy secured exelnsively hy the Gibson Art Company, Store, 9 | Monday Next, St. Valentine's a a ee a OY Day to have the postman leave a mysterious envelope on the Rose O'Neill, and Only obtainable at this SPECIAL VALENTINE PICTURES Cupid Asicep and Cupid Awake." in genuine style of frame. ig 160 Princess Street. A. tr OPEN NIGHTS. Thrifty A ct cp tr ris worth 12 1-2¢ rian nots Hosiery Our stock Mes is complete, Stock. Newman & Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Saturday Night Snaps for A clearance of Children's Knitted Under- wear, fleece-lined, both. vests. and drawers from 3 to 10 vear sizes, at Corset Snaps J dozen. Corsets, recular $1.00 quality; new shape: all sizes 19 to 30. White Cottons o00 yards Bleached Cotton, 36 inches wide, vard. To-night . of Ladies' All sizes and Buyers frien - - .19¢ per garment. To-night 69¢ per pair 10c per yard x and Children's Stock- all prices in Ang. CLOSING OF MAILS British mat) ly. Information Lobby ¢loses frregular« posted at P. O from time to tims United States, daily 1245p m Grand east Trunk, going ...11.30am Grand going t Do. {including Western States) ... : "on Grand Trunk west and all of eity . tees GP R, 1015 am. and 5.30 p.m. C. Y. R. {being half the proce {held Th {Also Mri { Cross Drug Store. At 8 o'clock Saturday morning, he Lieut.-Col. C. AtLow, Major W M. Mowat, Capt. G T. €. MeGill. Capt. L. C kett.g Major Starr spoke Capt. George Richardson also came from Col. In several the name of the ever- pop ular Major Mowat was | with feeling. Sunbury Red Cross. The members of the Red Cross So- jclety of Sunbury thank the Ladies' {Ald of the Presbyterian Church for {their donation of tw sross Society, rs. C. Smith, President. Mrs. ------------ Safety First. | Invest your money in the highest | class of securities, high gradé muni- | cipal bonds or real estate. | tive investments in both. Howard S. Folger, 44 Claren Buy Plasters at Gibson's { the thermometer 'at the policfa sta {tion registered one : zero "degree Gin Pills at Gibson's. H. Craig, Major W. L. Grant, Major J. A. Bawden, Capt. Lockett and Lieuts. R. H. Waddell, L.. H. Bir- feelingly of Replies Dawson, Major Grant and other recipients of rings. mentioned enty-one dollars, eds of a concert the town hall on the 9th inst, 8. (Rev.) J. T. Caswell for the {8ift of five dollars toward€this wor- Signed on behalf of the M. Gordon, Sec.-Treas, Attrac. Apply to ce street. Red below BUILDERS Hardwood Floors Carpets style, are. going out of Rugs are much better because they can be taken up and cleaned so wasily A 3-8 inch Maple, Birch or Oak Floor adds 100 per cent. to the ap pearance of the room Winte: is the best time to lay it, when the house is heated and penters are obtainable Do it now. car S. Anglin & Co. Woodworking Factory. Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Sts. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1418, weoelumber. Coal and Woodson as ie ph MADE OF THE, BEST TEMPERED STEEL, - 'With all attention paid to that hefty feel that makes the right kind of Axes and Hatchets. The prices are as right as the goods. The best testimonial is to come in and get acquainted with them. We have what you want. 83-87 Princess W. A. Mitchell. HARDWARE, These standard Valentine Carbon Photographs, priced from 80¢ to $3.00, according to size and A ret Pf Pl "ts Ai Pictures, a ~The College Book Store, Phone 919. psaries ! Our stock of High Grade Rosaries is coma plete, in Amythest, Crystal, Topaz and Mother of Pearl. These are ahsolutely guaranteed, Engraving Free. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses, 350 KING ST. DISCOUNT - Gourdier's } | | PHONE 700. rnin Real Estate ! y IN ALL ITS BRANCHES A Double Solid Brick Dwel- Downtown; 8 Fooms each, ments, SUPPLIES eooay price of ling improve- the bargain - $4,800 furnace, gas, at A Choice Building Lot on 66x132, With close to, city, for Union Street, for A Brick Dwelling, 3 acres land, on the Lake Front, - $2,600 $700 FIRE INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN RENTS COLLECTED E W. Mullin & Son Cor. Johnson and Divisiun Sts. Phones 539 and 1456, Can Do High Class Work No contradiction can wash out that fact. It 1s as clear 4s the water we use, as in- effable as the snowy white- ness, we impart to linens, and as unyielding as, the starch {a our collars and cuffs, WE DO HIGH CLASS WORK Kingston , Laungry Cor. Princess & TE a a--. AES