a Ee 3 * Job . punisksient. and Semi-Weekiy by WHIG PU IN CO. LINTTED, ING J. GG ElMott , Leman A. Guild ob Ident : and rectory Tele] Business Office .. Editorial Rooms . Offles .......... havin wt ire ti SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) year, delivered in city .,.* year, If paid In advance year, by mall to rural office to United States ..., (Semi- Week 2 yedr, by mail, 1.0 year, If not paid in advance $1.50 year, to United States L50 Six and three months pro rata. | Attached Is one of th h printing offices In Canada bust Jon TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE . Smallplece ......., 32 Church Bt 58, REPRESENTATIVES Mice .....4 ..235 Fifth Ave Northrup, Manager. Tribune Bldg. Northrup, Manager, ag "ORGANIZED STUPIDITY," Mr. Bickerdike, M.P., hak labored hard ahd earnestly for several years to secure thé abolition of capital He has made speech- es in the Comfiions and has igpress- 'ed his fellow-lggislators very much. But the law requiring the death pen- alty for capital offences remains. i In New York the'electric chair has | replaced the hangman's noose and | death trap and generally the electro- | cution of criminals is a painless pro-| ceeding. Yet successive wardensat| Sing: Sing Prison have declined . to Witness the imposition of the death penalty because they are conscient-| lously opposed to it. Mr, Osborne, | the late warden, left the prison dvs Jag the electrocution of Becker, His sweeessor, Mr, Hirchway, remained in his'quarters and was said te. be ill during an electrocution last week. 0 not 'have the inspiration which he] where the Agricultural Department | and, Lennox 'and Bain, Who was the Commisgioner of Customs at Ottawa for a good many Years. Speaking at Montreal, and Sa oe? 5 before one of the local clubs, upon| The Power Commission nded not the subject Mr. Bain estimated that! defer the depaitmental changes i at least 2,000 collectors would be contemplates while ihe power con- necessary; and efficient or competent | tracts aré under review. Economy nien can hardly be got for less than | and efficiency should be reached by $1,000 per year, This means aw] the shortest route. outlay of a couple of million dollars n The members of Parliament who In salaries. Of course Jb large 0 given commissions in the army sum of money wjll be collected. Sir draw pay from thé date of their ap- Thomas White estimates the earn- pointments as well as 'thelr parlia en he ass 1 & bons | ou cwenen Thy dn. 0 id geem to be suffering in the least. per cent. which is to/be exempted. Le The new expenditure may be Justis fied under the circumstances, and fright to buy horses for the Govern: what a grist this means to the local | ment after they had passed luspec patronage mill, > {tion and practically been accepted | Mr. Thompson, K. C., called him an | "intervener," and his butting in cos™ | the Government about $3,000. otc nc y | best the pesky apti-election faction can produce. : pb Fallis .claims he had a perfect THE BOYS' CHANCE. Every growing and healthy boy wants a chance to rise, in the world, ! to demonstrate his usefulness, to' fit fe inkd some place in life where he can! « feel 'that bd Is fulfilling his dedtiny. |} The boy in the city has his uppor-| tunities in the occupations of the day, | industrial 'and commercial, in his! preparation for the professions and! Isnt it surprising where for the great responsibilities that money comes from? 'We didn't sooner or later conié to him, The (REOW We Were so will oi 1y, tin boy in the country in the past did| oo. | i PUBLIC OPINION | Canada's Wealth, (Windsor Record" all the India's Loyalty. needed, but no boy on the farm can! (London Advertiser.) complain fo-daythat he is not guid-| In India nearly two hundred firms ed and helped and inspired, and jglare lending machinery free of cost ito the Government for the manufao- his vision is not clear there is some- ture of munitions. = That's all. thing amiss with himself. The Agricultural Gazette for Feb-| tuary has 'been published, and 'in it one finds the results of the acre prizes competitions which took place in 1915. In every county Making Money Fly. * (Winnipeg Free. I'ress.) 1 The Manitoba Government has pre- isented an aeroplane to the British {Government. The Norris Govern- | ment are making the money fly, too. His One Answer, ( (Montreal Star.) is répresénted there are several cour \ The Government's high eost of liv- ses in the Agricultural College, with a: S ine a- Ing 'report had to be made public 91) expenses, including. LAnsparts {some time, but the man with food tion and board. commodities to sell doesn't need it to In 1915 there was only one young refer to any more. He just says man from Frontenac at the College |"the war,' and lets it go at that. . - enjoying this free course, and he od, made a' record for himsell in the, (Hamilton Hetald) growth of potatoes and oats. In| Lord Aberdeen, accidentally sepa-; potatoes he cleared $9.87, and in|rated from the Countess down south, ! oats, $19.78. The soil which he!didn't have: enough money in his] pie z ~ : . |clothes to pay for a meal. Really, | worked wis clay loam, and from 81" Lady Aberdeen should allow her ami-| milar goil in Muskoka a young man|able spouse more pocket moriey cleared on his acre of potatoes $336.' : 72, and another, in Renfrew, eleared (Toronto Mail} ! $269.81. In Oats the difference in| Sweden will warn her subjects off | gain was not so marked. larmed liners of the Allies, thereby a . playing Germany's hand once more. Let ug hops that in 4916 a larger Stockholm i8 the only neutral capital number of our youth in Frontenac remaining in which the Kaiser is the, Addington and ipower behind the throme. Leeds wilk engage in the special Y Aberdeen's Change. Sweden's Part. pport says {his own I oe CE INDEPENDENT PRESS. What Britain Mas Done. Hamitton Herald . Mayor: Walters should note the! fact that'Britain las raised and speat] Bix billion dollars in the present war, | I AILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1916. i9aged two billions more to her Al-| J lies end Colonies, absolutely domi] ated ihe ocean, raised five million} sold.qrs, carried on costly expeditions] in Africa, Oceania and Asia, con-| tinues more than ever to do the car-| rying trade of (he world, and shows! as yet not a single sign of exhaus-| tion, or even national or financial} weariness. i Brin The Tariff Counts, 3 Ottawa Citizen The commission to investigate the| high cost of living can find no evi-| dence of a meat combine, But if the! meat boyers agree to pay prodiicers| only 80 much fer meat and thea have the market to themselves, owing to tariff: duties, there is no need for a' combine. The tapift is the marrow in rise of meat prices and not lack of production, as-the commission's re- There would be no Jack of | supply if there were no tariff--thit much is clear. : CONSERVATIVE PRESS. -- The Premier Advised. Toronto Telegram, Let Sir Robert Borden manfully face the consequences entirely due to lack cof robust leadership. | Canada's Premier may be supported by a majority that would sustain | Sir Robert Borden in refusing to ask| J. W. Flavelle, chairman of the Im- perial Munitions Board, for the in-| formation demanded by the Laurier Opposition. But Sir Robert Borden! had no right to hide the record of! his own Shell Committee behind the mythteal wishes of the Imperial authorities. Still less has Sir Robert! Borden the right to thrust J. W.| Wlavelle into the position of openly! flouting the Supreme and sovereign | authority of Canada's House of Com-| mons. "If your frankness friend." If yi Sa EE 3S Ah pleases your friend it proveés he is your u should say to your friend Bill: **How do vou éver expect to win out in this life, Bill,with your feet looking like a pair of ste amboats sending out .the 8.0.8. signal 2. You've matched vour brains against the world--now match vour feet against the tion you'd feel friendl SEE Patents, + SEE SEE Blacks and swell dressers," If he stood for that line of convérsa- khow he was vour friend and if you sent him here he'd y toward us ever afterward. BIBBYS GREAT $4.00 SHOES--Tans, Blacks and: BIBBYS $3.50 BUTTON SHOES--Cloth top, = BIBBYN : $4.50 BENCH MADE SHOES--TTaus, Patents. . We are agents in Kingston for the celebrated Just Wright Shoes. FIRST QUALITY RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES MILITARY "SHOES AND , RUBBERS | BIBBYS | NOBBY TRE AD TIR 5000 Mile Guarantee There was not only this official|courses under departmental guid- disapproval, Of capital punishment, | ance, and dn the dcre competitions as § * tilne in the hospitals. » 1% no place outside of the hospital _care which they meet. 'ery well-wisher of lief is afforded. "of an army of officials in connection ~ and companies and coxporations wary in their financial but there was the. referents to it as "organized stupidity" by the war. den's secretary in addressing the company who had been summoned to witness thie death penalty, Aud with this denuciation, he remarked, 'If you will step into the next room, you will find coffee and. toast." Which | leads one to infer that our American | friends -have the queerest way of mixing sentiment and sociability with the most gruesome service. HOME FOR INCURABLES. For many years there has been an agitation, or a demand, for two | things--an institution or resort for| the mentally inefficient and a home| for incurables; ~Wéry slowly: public sentiment has heen forcing itself up- on the Government, but at last some advanced steps have been taken with regard to the clags for whose protec- tion Dr. Helen MacMurchy has pleaded so eloquently. So far there is no sign of concern or concession with respect to the in- | curable. is crowded with them, there is a distressing want of"sym- pathy with them by the Government because it does not make any provi- sion for their care beyond a certain Every 'hospital in the land | Moreover, | The result is the desire to shift the care of the unfortunates to other institutions, and, truth to tell, there the where the i bles" can get Public opinion. is sound upon the | question as to whit should be done, but it Js not assertive enough. and p does nat Impress itsell * upon the Government. "The gospel of health- fulness, So far as' the weak; unfor- 'tungée; Liélptess apd incurable, are concerned, should be preached by ev- his race, and preached persistently and until re- | GRIST OF PARTY MILL. Now Sir Thomas White may not have contemplated the appointment with his new taxes, and yet he must have realized that he would need a great many if the law were to be Thirly enforced. ' Business firme standing. Matiy have their capital. paid.up. stock Which hay been watered. To get wt'all the facts, and to reach a j © he Fina has not yet outlined the they represent thit "thorough and sclentific study. which will make a success of any calling and the calling of a farmer now ranks among the highest. : SCANDALS IN THE WEST. The Opposition in the Saskatche- wan Legislature has been boring for sensations as one bores for oil in a neighboring sprevince, The Brad- shaw faction has been developing its power for a long titne, but at last it has 'decided to fire the well and let KINGSTON EVENTS 26 YEARS AGO i | pesad A lot of pretty girls from Cape Vincent drove 'through the city to-| ! day. The masons will start work on the tower at St. Mary's Cathedral as soon as possible. Vergt.-Major Morgans is organiz- ing a cadet corps among the school children LORD DERBY, 8 lo co-ordinate Britlgh n naval aif defences. Who tary nel To avoid the glare ¢* the usual kind of headHghts a Fre..h automo- | bile is equipped with a number of | incandescent lamps onga horizontal S---------- bar over the radiator, baeked by in. | When a leap year girl attempts to dividual reflectors kiss a young 1man, to his credit be it. said, he never threatens to call for --a The Czar of Russia has an income Book your orders Pm in, TRY 'LIBBY'S CALIFORNIA CANNED FRUITS . | from a' license holder and failed to | Another has been : ! help. it gush. Ini place, however, of the olp of about $80 a minute . { dreadful corruption that was sup- posed to be extant in Saskatchewan =--corruption without a parallel ox. cept in Manitoba, and ufider Conser- yvative rule--there has been a drop in the talk from thousands of dol lars to hundreds. Mr, Bradshaw, after Jdeing goaded inte action, has accused several min isters of doimg great wrong One is alleged to have borrowed $300 "Of Shoes snd Ships, and Sealin GOOD ROADS. something nothing As Good roads are which everybody wants for there is nothing free in this country except elbow-room and the grip, the pay it for a loug. time afterwards. | S90 "oad movement lo having hard instrumental «in! pecords. securing amendments to the license The good roadd agitation always law, or'of promising to secure them, ShOWS a more rapid pulse in the win- \ ter time, and converts a great num- aud received A legacy from the li- ber -of people who object to travell- quor men. The ) Premier himsell |jng over highways that look like an received, it is stated, a contribution!Alpine mountain range. But man of $1,600 in Swift Gurrent towards | Das a short and brittle memory, and his lecti v : {When summer comes and the roads 8 ection . fund. The Whole qq down flat again publi¢ enthusiasm amount realized by the members of | also lies down #nd buttons the flap the Government, according to the on its coin pocket. There are more charges, is about $2,000, As com- 800d roads enthusiasts during the pared with the defalcations, the | Fal0Y season than at any other time . {of the year, and if a vote on a bond criginal wastefulness and folly of [issue could be taken immediately af- the' late. Manitoba Goverument, and ter a three-day Yloudburst, the Polls to the extent of a couple of million "RANDOM REELS of dollars, - Nevertheless 'the charges have been made against the Ministers and théy must be investigated. The Ii- quor men of Saskatchewan are in a vicious mood 'and they are hehind the Oppesition in these charges. The Ministers will meet them boldly, and no doubt clear themselves. At the most their offenses are trifling when tompared with the offénses of the late Manitoba Ministers, but they cannot and will not be ignored. 'EDITORIAL NOTES. 'The political uprising in British Columbia is of a general character. The local Government, which is op- posed by the leading men in its own party, must be in'a bad way. ° nafs Dining out will be less popular it the cooks be allowed to poison thé > soups which the people consume. 'The Jean Crones are becoming tos numerous for the public comfort. Seo nsda The scandal cloud has busst over ome | Saskatchewan. 'The mointaln has is labored and brought forth a ind i af ¢ 4 L Lay {would be more congested than the tables at a 15-cent supper. The present method of making {good roads is to plow them down the centre with a, sixteen-inch enltivator and decorate the road-bed with sod. This provides a smooth, resilient sur- & Vax, of Cabbages and Kings" + face which can he traveled in perfect safety by-the stilt-walKing crane or an automobile which cuts through the fields. It is oot at all difficult to convert thecowner of a new automo- bile to the good roads theory if he is caught at the moment when he trying to" worm his way through a fresh sod improvement, two milks and a half long and running from fence ta fence. > This life is Tull of strange incon- sistencies. People complain abolit the money wasted on chewing gum, false hair and skin foods, but it isn't the price of a hair-cut to the sums wasted in patching roads that re- fuse to stay.patched. The automo- bile is the evangelist of the good roads movement. Every sale of a subiest 1 Ju touring ear with tires is subject to udder and disheartening puncture Means better roads and more of them. Therefyre, we should all buy touring cars and cease to knock the good roads advocate. Good roads are more conducive to human happiness than good diges- tion with malted milk, but there is nothing that will convert.a cow path into a hard-surfaced highway except brains plus money. en Rippling Rhymes ~~ | HURRYING DAYS The march of time {8 swift and steady, the speed- | ing days we cannot hold; six weeks of '16 gone al-! ready, before our New Year vows are cold ! It's | truly hard to realize it, that six fat weeks have jump | ed the track; and yet no gentleman denies'it, who! keeps tab on the almanac. The spring will come! before we know it, with all its weaith of growing | greens, when every long-haired bughouse poet sends! sonnets to the magazines. The Summer will be with | us shortly, to fill a want that's long been felt: {hent delegates who're stout and portly .will womder why' they do not melt. And then the. fall, both chill and] . balmy, its place in the procession wipes; and, when | the nights grow cold and clammy, we'll put up stoves | and cuss the pipes. Then winter, arrogant and burly, | Will shake us with his frosty fins, ana we will do our - shopping early, before the Christmas rush begins. hus go the days, and thus the seasons, they hurry past; to come. no nore: apd there are fifty thousand Teasons why we should make gach moment A | Pears Peaches y Pineapples Aprieots Black Cherries Roval Anne Cherries Green Gage Phuns Jas. Redden & Co. Phones 20 and 990. NA cn in PEE R00 rept . | RECRUITS WANTED The following is written by a wo- {man who besides having her husband iz khaki has forty-eight Ynunedate relatives doing their "bit", | Ah! boys don't pass that office | Reward is sure but slow, | Inside you'll find some khaki suits Just ask for Colonel Low. {| We all must help UF Country, Or Germans they will mow Our mothers aged, our children | Like farmers' corn they sow, lads, { | We realize our danger, lads, Pid not a while ago; ' "ind out recruiting sergeant { Enlist with Colonel Low. { i Don't mind the shot and shell, ads A calmer wind will blow; Be brave while under fire, lads Come home a proud hero! Don't Jet the old Flag fall, lads, "Twould be & shame you know, Should King and Country ask you oi , Have you been with Colonel Low? : ~ | King George has called td you, lads Once in his reign to show, That it is now your duty To enlist before Germs grow, Sure, Mike, and Jim, Tim Your legs are mighty slow i . Cure--run to Colonel Low. I'm a soldier's wife myself, lads, So youw'lt read me through and through, 5 My Sons are too young yet lads © help red whité and blue. Good luck to those Who are there, lads. : A God Peace in whr to us bestow. Jack, Joe, and ' J i Feft Slippers 1 think your doctor said "cold feet' | jie ngels guard the brave laid lo6. >. + heal the hearts now broken: || aie now for spring delivery. Prices are advancing, and we will protect you. : % rt AUTO TIE & VOLEANIZING C0. :: 206 WELLINGTON ST A A NAA Pt At Aira assannssnsnnsss \MAsssssssssssssssssnassnd 6 " KITCHENER" I8 the name of the new Electric Iron made by the Canadian General Electric Co, Under the new power rates, it will cost only 2 1-2 cents per hour to operate this Iron. An 5 =FOR SALE AT--- : Halliday's Electric Shop, Phone 94 "2 "3 845 King Street 2 TTS " a AINA a rs NAN WHAT YOU NEED ] | Moccasins, i Overshoes, | -Rubbers, Overgaiters, | | ; Felt Boots, |]: ms protection = our prices are never a penny more than good coal demands. 3 Some feature of our policy: Ty : Cold Weather is Soup Weather |SNIDER'S TOMATO SOUP | Nothing to equal it in flavor--easily | prepared highly 'nutritious --16 oz. {Tin only 12 1-2c at ' J. R. B Gage, 'Phone 549. 254 Montreal St. rs han I EB SE. { i « "otirteous. Treatment Prompt iv Well en ai {The Sawyer Shoe Store