Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Feb 1916, p. 7

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& Saftey Deposit Boxes in the strong, steel-built vault of The Bank of Toronto afford absolute security for your valuables. Important documents, jewellery and privite papers are safe here from fire or theft, while they are easily accessible whenéver required. The an- nual rental is small, while the security afforded is invalu- able, BANK or TORONTOJ FOR SALE A nice seven-roomed brick The veneered house, town, with eleetrie light, gas for cooking, B. and C. comfortable home for small. f: amily. Price The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 BROCK STREET. We Re-open Wed. March 1st AT OUR NEW STORE, 132 PRINCESS ST. R. J. Rodger, JEWELER, FORMERLY at 347 KING ST s Why NotConsult Anderson Bros. Our Camera Expert, when you want any information along that line, his Bervices are always at your disposal | fish from the Northern We have Box Cameras from $1.00 ; to $4.00; Folding Autographic| Manitoba Lakes. Browniés, from $6.00 to $12.00; * Autographic Kodaks range in price | from $9.00 to $25.00. You always | ot satisfaction when your fllms are eveloped and printed here. Hoag's Drug Store Opp. Y.M.CA. | fish we can supply - you Kingston, Ont vegetables, at IL CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS & COFFEES. COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS. . ORDERS Tama yon COAL [WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 102-200 DIVISION ST. | Coal The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal Is good Conl and we guarantee prompt delivery. * BOOTH & 00, Foot of West St. JOS. AHEARN, JR, 179% MONTREAL STREET Phone S08. Watts Fl lorist 5 and Hyacinths | sociation opposed the extension ita street, { icharters or franchises of railways in western Ontario, Film packs at Gibson's. - Dyson; Nn F ootwear This is the time to have your feet warm and com- fortable. . MEN'S FELT BOOTS LL... $2.00 and $2.60 MEN'S OVERSHOES ......$2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 MEN'S MOCCASINS .............$1.50 and $2.00 WOMEN'S OVERSHOES ........$2.00 and $2.50 WOMEN'S FELT BOOTS oven $1.50 and $2.00 WOMEN'S MOCCASINS ..................5125 CHILDREN'S MOCCASINS Teun 00 to $1.00. JH. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME oF 600D SHOES. down- A Phone 68 or 874 Another Shipment of White. This and many other shipments have beeh "brought for 'the coming | fish week, this being so highly ad- ! vertised: 'throughout the country to {induce the public to eat fish every day as staple food. If you don't want with any Pring of meat yon require, .as well as wll kinds of groceries, fruits and Anderson Bros| STORES. ee Niagara District Hydro-Radial As- of electric Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~~What the Offer to the Beaders of the Whig. : Kodak fiimg at Gibson' 8: Pianos tuned by yearly contract. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. The ery is for socks and more socks. 'Keep knitting, ladies. "Pilms developed" at Gibson' Rev, D. A. Casey Peterboro, to | be the new Editor of the Canadian | Freeman. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store, Buy cough syrups at Gibson's, It was real cold on Monday night. The cfficial record gave it as 13.7 de- greeg below zero. "Films developed" at Gibson's. Mrs. Edmund Scrutton is giving a children's party this evening in hon- lor of Master Wilfrid's birthday. Film packs at Gibson's, R. J. Lindsay, 36 Ellerbeck street, is the guest of Mt. and Mrs H. P. Lindsay, 659 George street, Peter- boro. "Buy Gibson's gripp tablets." Kenneth Nicholsgn, 59th 'Battal- fon, is visiting his aunt on Division street before leaving for wverseas service. "Laxative gripp tablets", Gibson's. A. W. Wheatley left on Monday night fer Lima, Ohiq, to take up his duties as President of the Lima Lo- comotive Company. Your piano is worth ever: consid- eration. Our expert tuners are at your service, C. W. Lindsay, Limit- ed, ¥21 Princess street. * Kodak filmg at Gibson's, Miss Agnes Brebner, Princess street, left on Tuesday morning for Clifton Springs where she will go in- to training for a nurse. "Laxative gripp tablets", Gibson's. Player Pianos tuned and adjusted. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. . Canadian Locomotive hag declared the regular quarterly dividend of 1 3-4 per cent. on the preferred stock, payable April 1st to stockholders of record 'Mareh: 20th, Film packs at Gibson's, Douglas Stewart, Inspector of Penitentiaries, is in the city, and hn Tuesday afternoon conducted a private investigation into the sus- peusion of an official at the institu- n. | Kodak filmg at Gibson's, Magistrate Farrell had a brief ses- sion at the Police Court Tuesday LHe An eighteen-year-old youth, who had never been befove the Cadi before, was up for drunken- ness, and was given a chance. Hundreds of cases 'of gripp cured| grery week by Sivon's gripp tab- ets Some of the officers taking the speaial course Tuesday morning at the cricket field suffered severaly from cold. = Ong officer was aluicst sertain that his toe had been fryzen, but luckily this was not the case. Pianoforge repairs. C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Prine street. A bill will likely pass the United States Congress to pension soldiers, officers and widows of those who fought in the Spanish-American war. There is a large number in this dfs- trict who will benefit by the passing of the bill. Keep a box of Gibson's gripp tab- lets in the. house. They cure the yorst cases of gripp. A meeting of the Woman's Aid of the General Hospital was held on Monday afternoon but only routine business was up for discussion. The visiting ladies for the month are Y. Chown, "Have you a cold?" Gibson's gripp tablets will cure it. Prizes, Seat: 100 Eve F100 Ty SATURDAY, MAR. 4th Bargain Matinee, 3 pm.; Eva 8.45. LC. Prese Mrs, H. T, J. Coleman, and Mrs, G. | "BELLA DONNA," And Other Photo, Plays. Sn = CONDENSED. ADVERTISING RATES Firat fusertion, je a Je a word. Each com a pH Any extra, SOc; six, $1; pune month, $2. HELP WANTED rite. AT ONCE, GOOD SMART BOY. ply College Book Si Ty College Book Blots. _ GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply at 85 Prontenac street. -------------- ------------------ A WAITRESS, ALSO A POT WASHER. Apply British American Hotel. -------------------------- DINING ROOM GIRLS AND MAIDS, Apply Kingston General Hospital [GIRLS WANTED FOR THE WORK. By Harold Bell Wright. room. Apply Miss McCallum, N. C. The Original Cast, With Polson & Co. Yeomans mts Mark E. Swan's Dramatization of The Winning of Barbara Worth A Play in 4 Adts. AP- A LADY'S SMALL LEATHER HAND-BAG, containing paper money and silver. Owner can have Same by applying to Mrs. Randdll, 73 John street. A HAND-BAG, cont sum of money; on near House of Industry. may have same by calling Whig wiiice, PURSE, containing small sum of money, on Barrie street, Own. er may have same by applying at mn Araorne ROBL, containing patriotic we napkins, Owner may have same by calling at Whig office. HAPPY THOUGHT KITCHEN RANGE, also gas Move, Apply" 32-A Pron tenae stree! LK RO! Sauk, 150 n Sal ag tr for quick uyer. a: Ta Es atreet. Phone $4 7 ire so, RE ER mark's, D A SEVEN ROOM FRAMB HOUSE, 88 Frohtenae | street. For particu . Bond, 26 Frontenac ining small ontreal St, Owner at apply A. Phone TH FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- NEW aunon, HULL 38 Miss Gertrude Barker as "Barbara." | A GOOD SMART BOY FOR GROC ERY Beautiful Scenic Production store. Apply J. R. B. Gage, 254 Wonderful Electrical Effects Montreal street. The Sweetest Story Ever, Told. BARGAIN MATINEE: 2B5-35-B0c| 168 Divieton street EVENING: 25-50-75¢-81.00- [DRIVER FOR GROCERY ------------------------------------------------ A COMPETENT MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Apply In evening to WAGON. TISED FREE, LO! ; odel; Re To Boas Tire of Dr. Lake, ohnsow street, city. 3 px CHESTNUT MARE, CU BUGGY Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be Printed in this column free of charge | A VICTROLA, x Selsctions, sto" Term and " er month. C, Ltd, 121 Princess street. Steady job for a good man, Apply Seats on Sale Thursday. Strand Theatre CAPABLE HELF FOR GENERAL Mon., Tues. and Wed., housework; no laundry wor! good wages Apply 162 University Ave. METRO STAR FILMS PRESENT 3 1" 'Marguerite Snow, The Charming Screen Star, in "ROSEMARY." 5 Act Adaptation of the Famous Drama, in which John | WANTED AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED hammersmith, for light and neavy forgings; good wages, steady work. | Apply Canada Forge Co, Welland, | On SMART YOUNG MAN TO LEARN] polishing. and other work; good wages paid while jeasning; also| laborers. Frontenac Ma, ANding & Glass Co, Limited, Kings Ont. | INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no canvassing, Send for particulars. Press Syndi- cate, 9. Jewkport, N. XY. "REN EXPERIENCED PILE-DRIV gangs for work on Toronto harb \ improvements, commencing April] 1st Apply at onee, Canadian! Stewart Company Limited, -Domin- fon' Bank Building, Toronto. TOMERS TO cycles to be sledned and stored for spring. We also a large number of Hockey VIOks and pucks for sale at reasonable George Muller, 373 King street. Prices for this engagement vam viLLAGE oF RUGHTON OFFERS bright prospects and good induce only: Mat., 10c; Evg., 10c; ments to the medical Reserved Seats, 20c. anxious to build up a lar SEATS NOW ON SALE. quickly. Drug store a SPECIAL ORCHESTRA. | A Drew was starred. Ano Other Good Photo-Plays, ' t Matineen, Be. gw; 10e, { GRIFFIN'S' Special Announcement, 2 DAYS ONLY, + Wednesday and Thursday, Mar. 1st and 2nd, ANTONY & CLEOPATRA. | The World's Greatest Fhote-Drama, in EL AM ARVE vy ov S PROD OTION. N cus 4 full information write WW. Stewart, Sec.-Treas, Village Hughton, Sask. | reoL | Wanted in shops of Dominion Cart+ ridge Co, Plenty of opportunity for experienced men 0 are fa. miliar 'with fine work" highest wa- ges paid with additional bonus. Permanent employment assured if servicec is satisfactory. Location , Que, In the Lauren. Mountains, Houges for mar- men and employment . for children over fourteen. rite giving full Dyriiculars of experi. ence, §ize and ages of family, to Dominion Cartridge Limited, Brownburg, Que, or ap. ply in pérson at No. 6 Turgeon street, St. Henri, Montreal (The Belvidere) APARTMENT HOTEL 141 King Street. ~ Phone 1743. Transient and' Perma- nent Rates. After Theatre Suppers a spe clalty. Apply Chef Steward WANTED GENERAL I] s----p------------------------------------ A YOUNG MAN WANTS A ROOM AND board in a central locality, Ap 1%, stating price, to Box 28, Whig o WANTED AT ONCE, WAREHOUSE room, about 5,000 square ft. ground floor preferred. State terms and particulars, Box 292, Whig office. sesso tents | wou SH WANTED, IST MAY, 8 OR » { rooms; modern conveniences; good locality. Rent $35 to $40. Address Box 244, Whig Office. Stop Where You Are! DID ¥0U KNOW? The Second Carioad of "EGG-0" Baking Powder This evening many of the profes- sors of the School of Mining willl leave for Ottawa to attend the con- vention of the Canadian Mining In- stitute whick runs three days. Am-' ong those going are Profs. Gwillim, Kirkpatrick, Baker, Nicol, Cross and Mither, ed," said a customer in Gibson's Red Cross Drug store on Monday. Gib- son's gripp tablets, Tee public will welcome the new issue for 1916 of "5,000 facts About Canada, the popular eyc Jopaedia, | compiled by Frank Yeigh, Toronto, The chapter of "War Facts" is time- ly and illuminating. Fifty other; chapters are ~devoted alphabetically to every phase of our national life, from agriculture to the Yukon. Insurt Pure Bread. { . Albany, Feb. 29.--A bill introduc. { ed by Assemblyman Coffey required that bn every loaf of bread appear a label setting forth the exact mater- ials of which the loaf was made. The measure is aimed at the use by cer- tain bakers of "accelerators' con- taining chemicals supposed to be harmful to humans, in a statement accompanying the bill it is said that many "accelerators'" contain calei- um sulphate and ammonium chlor- ide. It'is alleged that the use of calcium sulphate often results in the formation of plaster of paris im the cooked Todt. The measure Haruo indorsement of the association of master bakers who" Wold that some makers of bread by the use of che micals with inferior. flour obtain a loaf as white as that made of the best grades of flour: "The best gripp tablets 1 ever us| Since November Firat Has Ar- rived, and In Follow That lou to the PATENTS. | _BABCOCK & SONS, pratents, Trade { Marks, Designs. Estb, 1877. Forme. |erly Patent Office Examiner. Master of Patent Laws. Book, "Patent Pre- tection" free. 99\8t. 'Fhuge, nue Outer a Can of igx-0 from Your Grocer. 00 IT Now t1 Jeet James St BRING THEIR Bl-| prices. p octor who ol 1 MAKERS AND MACHINISTS Company, | Mont- Branches: Ottawa, Waghington.. light waggon, two sets of har For particulars communicate with Davis Dry Dock Company, Ki ston, Ontario. A TT ate do Ln furniture, J el LOST. SILVER WATCH, INLAID WITH GOLD, Saturday evening, on King, Clar- ence, Wellington or Brock streets, { within the block. Return to { Queen's Hotel and receive reward T0 LET. Princess street. Lon Saapl OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. A LARGE STock op a bers. Apply to Cunningham /& ond-han stoves, furn = dressers, iron beds, atc. treet. Mudle, 79 Clarence s ot bis a xin > Tow ine GE URNIT CLEAN, hand furniture. STORA on URE, _ Princess street, phone Teo. ars, airy rooms; Shor Ha lock a ey. rost's y orage, t. Phone 526b, HOUSES FOR SALE AT ALL PRIORS, Queen Nite one from $1300 to 98,000, Some bass gains. BUSIN=SS NOTICES. | was, VERANDAH CURTAIN NOUS Th Amat FURNISHED. AND ts. canvas, skiffs for "outboar motors, folding boat seats, fishin tackle, ete. Fran Clarence street. Bide | ¥ FARMS FOR SALE, VARIOUS SIRES and prices. FIRE, LIFE AND "AcCID ance; money to losn. man, 67 k W. Cooke, § tt o-------------------------------- WGAN WISHES TO ANNOUNCER! that he has purchased the tailor shop formerly run by Thos. Gallo- | way, and will do all kinda of re- pairing and préssing. Also make up: suits from your own ¢tloth, | Workmanship n Brock street. DANCING. { | MISS. HUDON, AV AUTHORIZ INSUR- A. Bate- Clarence street. @ FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND ¥ ment Society: Incorporated resident, Colonel Henty R. guaranteed. BY PROP ontreal, to ghach the o eiandazd modern dances |. Waits, Broadwa Glide, "uh Union Street Phone 1 ntures; mortgal pure! i deposits received and interest &l- lowed. 87 Clarence street. ste ARCHITECT wi. NEWLANDS & SON, LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance Company. assets $61,187,215. In which the polieyboders. seourity; the un nmited ttt rot ¢ity property, ure possible rates, tare nga ne us! old E_ new rates from Strange & * Agents. Phone 325. ARCHI. tects, etc. Offices, 268 Bagot S: Phone 608. hn abi POWER & SON, ARCHITROTS, Bank Bullding, and Wellington REGISTRY OFFICE; THE KINGSTON DAY NURSERY HAS opened a registry office for the pir | conponTARLE HOME pose of supplying maids and ar- | before and durin women, Terms b60o for suppiyiy strictly private. & wild 'and 10c for a charwoman:| 00d doctor in For Partioulars apply The Matron. | Phone 111 , MER- corner Streets. confinement: Fi . tien 169 Cowan Ave., To 0. ! | HAIR, Solas, WA and all growths and akin ishes removed permanently, ; To Girls And Women. GIRLS AND WOMEN REQUIRING ar. | uations as maids or charwomen,| ete, are invited to register free of} charge at the Kingston Day Nur-| sery, corner 'Barrie and Ordnance streets. A, B, CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER ANYONE ANYWHERE and solicitor. Law office, 70 Clar- | a mall order Dainese" a ior ence St. Kingston, ganvassing; your ih, BF ' SITUATIONS VACANT. Heacock. ) td ail $2 DAY SALARY, ALSO COMMISSION, for lady X pleasant: ed home dis- UPROLSTERING. trict; work pleasant; educative, X- | -------- oe perience 'unnecessary: ded ining | W, J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. free. Nichols Co, BSpadiha Ave pairing and Surpet work and Toronto. mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot sfreet. DENTAL . BE ANE ES Gg COVERED RINK MEmEaY SENIOR OHA, © TANrioNsr lar, A. BOYCE, M.D., CM, LATE MEDI. HOCKEY MAT cal Superintendent Kingston Gener. WILYERS or TORONTO. al Hospital. Surgery and residence SIDES wa, 93 Wellington street Phone 984. WEDNESDAY, NAUTSL FRONTE N AC Sy MARCH 187, 0c; Ladies, 283 tn, Including admission, $1; | each: a limited number at 75¢ each. in. iH eluding admission, { $2,500 7-Room Dwelling, provements, furna n Rideau St. Corner lot, casy® terms. This is a splendid home. | w.H.GODWIN & SON Phone 424. 89 Brock St ZIG-ZAG SARDINES 2 for 25 Cents Excelledh by few none J "Laxative gtipp tablets", Gibson's. Mayor Church, Toronto, suggested the appointment of a nce commis. sioer and the Controllers will dis | cuss the matter, Buy drug store wants at Gibson's. Coderre, the former Canadian Lieutenant lost his fight against a [| death zéemtence: in London. Buy cough syrups at Gibson's. An explosion at St. Louis is re- ported to have killed 20 and injured 200 people. Film packs at Gibson' Ss. FRONTENAC HOCKEY CLUB DRESSMAKING. [PmAC TIC AL INSTRUCTIONS dressmaking, cutting by m designing, trimming, etc; ree dutlars, ctuding system, Madame Elder, ork Dressmaking Parlors, 253 Princess street, corner Sydenham. ry Kinding Sold' in $1.00. Ciy lots when taken 4 with coal order. - DR. A KNAPP, 208 PRINCESS ST. Hint Office will be open for business after Feb. 29th, 1916. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN: | tists, 1569 Wemingion street; J. Leonard Walsh, Dilo.8 D.8., as- | sistant. Phone SUYERRS IN ure, r-- B James aie So & Co

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