-- ---- c, ~ ENGLISH OFFICERS' LEGGINGS 'PUTTEES, SPURS AND STRAPS RIDING CROPS AND WHIPS WHISTLE CORDS, MIRRORS, WHISTLES, i BUTTONS, BUTTON STICKS AND POLISH : EVER READY FLASHLIGHTS. BATTERIES FOR ALL SIZES OF FLASHLIGHTS le We ness ~ COME IN OR SEND YOUR FRIENDS TO Treadgold Sporting Goods Co. _ February Everything reduced. Furniture Sale Grand opportunity to save (F Tables, all styles and finishes--best assortment. Side Tables and Invalid Tables. . REID, Leading Undertaker. Phone 57] ~ Western Canada TORONTO-- WINNIPEG Via North Bay, Cobalt and Cochrane v. TORONTO 10.45 p.m. Tuesday. Thursday apd Saturday Ar. WINNIPEG Thursday, Saturday and Monday 4 3.50 p.m. Coun at Winnipeg with G.T.P. train I hm fly for Saily for Regina, Saskatoon, Edm orig intermediate points. Through Tickes 10 Prince George, Prince Rupert, Alaska, Vancouver, Victoria, {to a private, that privacy is the one thing denied He is a public institu- tion. - He is open for examination by almost any citizen who may be- 4 iosity as to those little de- that 2 modest and retiring na- 'e sually hides from the eye of his fellows. He is open for investi- gation ak any. vaudeville magician would like the audience to believe that hig act is, and his every move is! watched and noted down with all the enthusiasm and accuracy that Henri Fabre showed in his study of the Lady Bug. All the salient features of a man's: life are carefully ga on the, occasion of his enlistment. "But the recruit does not mind that so muoh.| He does not realize that this is but the preliminary shedding of those garments of reserve in which he has clothed his private self. After a few weeks be seeg that he has become as public as Gaby Deslys or the latest popular New York murderer. With some of his fellows he is put in a barracks. Here he must eat, live and sleep, what time he is not on the parade ground. 'He rises in the morning and begins to dress in ful] view of all the other occupants. He washes at ong of & row of taps, from which celd: water dlone flows, before the sun is up. He must make his bed fore breakfast, which is served half an hour after he rises. Hg has some two feet six inches of narrow shelf on which he must keepin his knap- sack, or jn his kit-bag behind his bed al; he posse Nothing must show on the shelf but the knap- eack or a pair of clegn boots. It his otlor pair of boots is not clean he shoves them under the bed and goes on parade, praying that the or- derly officer who will inspect the hut has net one of those disagree- able prying natures that make army life a burden. There were 1,521 men recruited for units in the 3rd Divisional Area in the last two weeks making a total of over 3,300 for the month of Feb- ruary. Throughout the last two weeks there has beeii a decrease of 367. One reason assigned for the decrease is the fact that carnivals and other enterprises were held to stimulate recruiting and the result- are not yet apparent, There were 153 men secured for Kingston units. This number is made up as follows: 148th Battalion 19 recru'ts; 50th Ba'tery (Queen's) 18 recruits; 51st 19 recruits; 52nd 38 recruits; R.C.H.A,, "C"" Battery, 43 recruits; Ne. 1D. A. C. 2 re- cruits., The 156th Battalion made thebest record of battalions for the two weeks and increased its number by | Warkworth, 31; { Brighton, 35; Hastings, 25; Cotbor. 159. 'The units - increased their | ' strength as follows: 59th by 48 77th | by 10; 80th by 12; 93rd by 49; | 109th by 59; 130th by 94; 136th by | 103; 139th by 108; 146th by 19; 154th by 135; 155th by 112; 156th by 159; 207th by 10; C. B. T. D.| 420. TE There are soldiers quartered in a hundred places in the 3rd Division from little "burgs" with a black- smith shop or a school-house to real live cities like Kingston, and Peter- Smith's Falls, 91; boro'. The 146th Battalion is dispos- ed of as-follows: Kingeton--298 men uiider Lieut. : Col. C. A. Low Arden--37 men under Lieut. Dy L. Bennett. Sharbot Lake---43 Lieut, S. D. Wagan Flinton--61 men under Lieut. H. Pattone= Tamworth--42 men under Capt. Hannah. Nepanee---34 men under Lieut. al \ J. Graham. Verona--19 mén under Bieut. w. A. Mouck. Plevna--32 men, mder Lieut, 8S. Wilson. Sydenham--31 men under Lieut. F. B. Doran. Mountain Grove---11 men Lieut, H. W. Bromwich. Fermoy--15 men under Lieut. S. D. Whaley, total 650. The other units throughout the di- vision have the following numbers of officers and men in the various sta- tions. 59th Battalion-- Brockville, 668; men und under | Gananoque, 219; Cornwall, 236; to- tal, 1,163. 77th Battalion--Ottawa, 1,100. 80th Battalion -- Belleville, 644; Napanee, 202; Picton, 207; total 1, 094. 93rd Battalion -- Peterborough, 614; Apsley, 45; Lakefield, 17; Nor- wood, 40; Havelock, 46; total 794. 109th Battalion -- Lindsay, 455; Fenelon Falls, 49; Omemee, 29; Bo- beaygeon, 39; Woodville, 30; Hali- burton, 40; Mindon, 31; Kinmount, 34; Gooderham, 24; Highland Grove, 8; Coboonk, 15; Victoria Road, 19; Kirkfield, 6; total, 841. 130th Battalion -- Perth, 137; Carleton Place, 59; Almonte, 29; Arnprior, 84; Ren- frew, 71; Pembroke, 70; Mattawa, 73; total, 645. 136th Battalion--Port Hope, 233; Bowmanville, 96; Milbrook, 33; Vro- no, 24; Blackstock, 25; Bethany, 15; Janetville, 17; Canvantille, 7; Pon- typool, 2; total, 486. 139th Battalion -- Cobourg, 13% Campbellford, ne, 46; total, 716. 154th Battalion-- Cornwall, 155; Alexandria, 208; Maxville, 30; Haw- ksbury, 37; 'Morrisburg, 20; in- Shastel 15; Iroquois, 17; Vanleek-| hill, Williamstown, 18; Chester- ville, 9%; Mounjain, 14; Thurso, 15; Russell, 7; Ottawa, 4; St. Andrews, 1; total, 606. 156th Battalion-- Belleville, 207; Madoc, 62; Trenton, 63; Tweed, 46; Marmora, 43; Picton, 93; Deseronto, 45; Coe Hill, 36; Sterling 17; Ban- croft, 53; Wellington, 31; Marlbank, 24; total, 756. 156th Battalion--Brockville, 314 Ganuliogus; 45; Prescott, 76; Elgin, ; Delta, 26; Westport, 22; Kempt- Hie 37: Merrickville, 28; Athens, 21; Ma, 25; Lyn Ghurst, 10; Sania, pencerv. ory ; total; orn Battalion-- Ottawa, 14. There are 12,471 officers, N.C.O's and men now in the 3rd: Divisional Area. This number is made up as follows: 1,521 recruits; 391 appoint- ed and 261 attached officers and 11,- 864 on the roll. The strength of the Kingston ar- tillery units is as follows: 50th Battery, officers, 7; men, 87. 51st Battery, officers, 11; men, 88. 52nd Battery, officers, 8; men, 91. 53ra Battery, officers; 6; men 233. "C"" R.C.H.A. officers, 8; men, 258. No. 1. DAC, officers, 5; men, 168 Vigcrous stops a are, being taken against the "man" who' deserts from units of the Canadian Expeditionary force. The follawing appears in Divi- sional Ogpders: '"It is published for general infor- . | mation that in many cases men who have been apprehended for desertion appeared to have had no idea of the seriousness of the offence nor of the penalties for same. "Notices setting forth the serious. ness of desertion and the punish- ments to which deserters are liable should be posted in every company room and every means should be em- ployed to ensure that the matter is thoroughly understood by all ranks. It should be pointed put to all men that all separation allowance and as- sistance from the Patriotic funds are automatically cancelled from date of desertion also that a deserter offer- ing himself for enlistment in any oth- er unit of the C. E, F. will be severe- ly dealt with." "It has been noticed by militia headquarters that commanding offi- cers occasionally make unauthorized purchases with regard 'to supplies clothing and equipinent, etc. In this connection jt is published that no authority will be subsequently grant- ed to cover such purchases and the expense involved will have to be borne by the commanding officer who incurred same, Lieut. Ferrier, 146th Battalion is on the sick list. Battersea has been opened as re- cruiting depot for the 146th Battal ion. Major Gray, 146th Battalion is on sick leave. Great interest is being taken by the women population of the city in the meeting advertised to be held on Sunday afternoon next in the Opera House, 'Mrs, Willoughby Cummings, the well known Toronto speaker, will give an address, y Major J. Hamilton, A. D. of S. and T., who is recruiting :master bakers for the front,'is receiving large num- bers of applications. The following have been taken on the strength of the 146th Battalion: T. Ciroux, Thomas Fellowes, R. H. Johnson, F. H. H. Moss, F. H. Aus- tin, A. H. Butlin, George A. Marshall C. N. Bolton, S. D. King, J. J. Gar- rison, ¥. Hughes, Ray Woods, Fred. Knight. The dodger system has been adopt- ed by Lieut-Col. C. A. Low, 0.C., 146th Battalion, to stimulate inter- est in recruiting. Arrangements are being made so that people returning the full set of twenty-one appeals which will appear every day for that number of days will receive with the compliments of the 146th Battalion a copy of the last picture taken of Capt. George T. Richardson. In an interview Col. Low said that the counties proportionately had done] their share and something had to be| done to arouse interest in the work in Kingston. Major H. R. Wilson, D.AA., and Q.M.G, is in Ottawa. Seattle and San Francisco. Splendid roadbed and the best of everything. Timetables and all i Trunk, Can__Cont. R LIMITED MANAGERS eo AGENTS ALLAN Liv. Lu Feb, torian Mar. HLL El Depot, foo of No. No. No, No. No. NO. S1--L.ocalt Belleville LINES Lv, St. John jan Mar. 25 Ltd... . 28--l.ocal to Broskyills . daily, Hamilton, Buffalo, Ottawa, Quebec, Ley, cor. Railroad and ploctrie our booklet, tion Agent, or M. 8p. \ 1%, other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, London, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, J 6.5 Nos. 1, 6, 13, 14 'Portland, H=lifax, Boston and New York. For full Bariieniars apply J. P. HAN- teamship Agen Johnson and Ontario sticels: LEARN NS SYSTEM Local Branch Time . Table IN EFFECT MAY 30TH, 1915. Trains will leave and arrive at City Jolson street. a SRIET 82 Erpase pel © TuREp BEE Top pp 7.37pm "is. 19 Tan Peterboro, Detroit, st. ohn, FARES To All Points in Western) Canada 1) the New in and Settlers' Guide," tickets, and in- formation, apply to RE Ward, Sta- Puun, City| y that Willard has amassed close t quarter of a million dollars in year of champlouship. The Hamilton "Baseball League | Club 'i $6,000 in the hole, but at a| to go ahead the coming season. New Orleans Saturday, died Sunday} of acute colic. The Philadelphia Nationals' chan- measurably improved when they signed Josh, Devore. Devore is one player who has developed the world's series into a habit. The baseball fraternity sent hearty felicitations to Honus Wagner on his 42nd birthday. The pitcher's only regret is'that it is not his 82nd birthday. Boxing Commission has decided that a displacement of 175 pounds constitutes a ° heavyweight. craft, which ruling 'makes Jess Willard a flotilla, says the Toronto Star: According to President Lester Pat- rick, of the Pacific Coast League, there will be no professional hockey in Victoria next year. The Monarch players of Winnipeg will ask for no motorcycles this year, now that they have lost the Allan Cup to the 61st Battalion. George Davis, the Harvard strong man, willbe with the Boston Braves again this season in the capacity of pitcher. Davis has a wicked spitter and with experience is going to make one of the best hurlers in the league. The presence of a dozen or more women at Jess Willard's training quarters at the Pioneer A. C., New York, has caused Willard to set aside every Friday afternoon as "la- dies' day" it this camp. : © The attendance a at the Aura Lee- Belleville junior semi-final game At Belleville on Monday night was the for three years in 4 that city at ev a te junior games. ,' Here Sood pace for | against racing. indictment has been completed. D. "Malley, a~publisher of a New Or leans paper, is "the leading spirit King eGorge's horse, Anmer, a meeting last night the club decided | contgstant in the 1913 Derby, when Fudht s Fancy, the filly purchased | a suffragette fanetic ran ,out on the i track in an effort to throw the horse, {is reported sold to a Canadian own- ces for the 1916 pennant were im- | by Sir John Hendrie for $1,500 at!er. Honors were almost even in the twelve-round bout 'between Matt Wells, lightweight champion of Eng. land, and Johnny Griffiths of Akron, Ohio; at Columbus. Neither bad a decided advantage, but newspaper men gave Griffiths a shade. In order to guard against viola- | tions of the $3,500 menthly salary limit adopted for the coming season by the International League, the con- tracts of all the players will be sent out by President Barrow. A manifest of the tickets for the | Willard-Moran , match shows that 13,000 have been printed. A Twelve thousand are for seats Iagging price from $3 to $25, while the re- mainder are for standing room. Captain C, 8. (Con) Riley, the well-known Winni oarsman, will command the 59th Field Artillery, "I which has just been authorized, and which is to be raised in Winnipeg. The Wisconsifi State Boxing Com- mission has ruled that Battling Nel- son was "too far gone" to box Ad Wolgast to whom he lost the light- weight championship. They had been matched to box here April 12th. Manager Joe Birmingham is build- ing up a ball team fast for Toronto, He co the securing of Becker from the New York Glants, and also of Secondbaseman Truesdale from the New" York Americans. Taylor, an outfielder of the New York Ameri- cans, is the latest recruit, He was with Columbia, 8. C., and Jersey City last yéar and hit .330. He is a left 'hand batter Pitcher Fred Herbert arrived Jesterday to agus e outlook, Suineiaer ho oh 440 an eo sea- | been ab has also been added fo. the Leaf roster. The team Bobo tang A 8 In the World of Sport Already New York is doping it out Orleans with a view to securing an and have already secured dates as follows: Boston Americans, April 9th. New York, Americans, April 16th, New York Gishts, April 23rd., The N. H.A. standing is as follows: for Agst.Pts. a7. 63 23 64 78 64 70 Won. L. Canadiens . 11 Ottawa ... Wanderers . Quebec Toronto .. Ottawa Citizen: Montreal papers are still swinging the hammer on Canada's .ewn national winter pas- time. Every little mix-up is elabor- ated as a "free for all," every unex: pected incident is "helping to disgust spectators and kill the game." Help! That's the greatest advertising the N. H. A. could receive. Records show that people like thé rough and tumble variety--at. least once in a while. . There have 'been four overtime j ames in the N. H. A. this year, and Quebec have figured in every ope of | They played both Canadiens them. and Torontos twent , time to a tie score they won at Que in seventeen minutes overtime,-.and lost to Canadiens at Montreal Satur- day might - in a game which only went fifteen seconds overtime, minutes over- t Quebec, while from Torontos -- Attention was again called at the recent show of the Westminster Ken- nel Club in New York to the absence of the noble Newfoundland. - There's a reason for everything, but that the Newfoundland should be threatened with extinction and certain sunivelly, yapping breeds find favor is provoea- tive of considerable doubt on that point. 3 The Vancouver News-Advertiser says: "It is very uncertain that any Stanley Cup series will take place; and the cup is likely to be returned to the trustees. The expenses of a trip to the east amount to some $2,500, and Portland will be re- quired to finance such a trip itself. Manager Edward Savage wants to se¢ where the expenditure is going nj L0.come back sO i, S14 Bas not sot 10 figure it out. = "The SR Sa on a4 wil fen' the No Epidemic or Disease has ever been traced to Paneurized Ma Even in a match you should consider the "Little Things." The wood, the composition, the strike- _---ubility, the flame. Eddy's Matches Are made of iy | dry pine stems, with a secret perfected composition that guarantees "every match a lighter." Sixty-five years of knowing how--that's the reason. All Eddy products are dependable--always. Syrup oF TAR 8 Cop Liver Oil Stops CoOucH:! Sold in generous size Bottles by oll dealers. . THE J. L. MATHIEU CO., Props, SHERBROOKE, P.Q. Makers Sa ot Mathiva's Nervine Powders the best and h cold: Good solid wear and real comfort in our Men's Heavy Street Shoes; built to wear and stand the walking which you certainly feel like doing when you wear them. The Frank W. Slater and : | John McPherson, : Dilly , 00 a Pair. | | H. Jennings, King Street J "DrICollisBrowne's / he Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. '- _ 'The best known Remady for COUGHS, CoLbs, . ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS