« REMAINS OF MISS EDITH WAL LIS LAID AWAY, -- She Was a Splendid Woman Whose Loss Will Be Kecnly Felt--Devot- ¢d to Her Master's Canse. * Although the weather was inclem- ent on Thursday afternoon friends y gathered from far and near at Lans- downe to pay their last to the remains of Miss Edith Wallis, killed in the wreck at Kingstén on Feb. 25th. ' * Tr The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian Church, of which the'deceased was a devoted and life long member. Only part of those who attended could obtain entry to the church. 'The services were con- ducted by Rev. I. N. Beckstedt, as- sisted by Rev. Dr. Cooper. it is only now, when mafiy personal things are being told that we realize what a loss to the community the death of Miss Wallis will be. Po- sessed of a quiet, earnest and unsel- fish disposition, she was ever op the |i lookout for opportunities to help || those who needed it always doing so in an ynobstrusive way, saying little but doing much by example, to guide all she could in the right way, as a Sabbath school and public school teachar for many years her influence on. the children will undoubtedly bear fruit in the years to come, To her parents and sisters she was Newton's camp, where she was cook- ing. . The friends of Mrs. John Ar- ney are glad to hear that she is im- proving rapidly. ' : Lindsay, was 'a visitor in town on Friday. T. G, Butler has' moved into his new residence on Chureh street, - GLENVALE. LANSDOWNE. Feb. 20.--Owing to the heavy|' March 2.-Rev. Mr. Watson, Mal- snowfall the mail carrier has not made his trip for three days. J. A. Carruthers is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. ws DEAD CREEK, March 1.--Owing te the heavy owstorm Mr. McGregor was unable y make the trip from Myer's Cave . to Arden and back in one day. = Mr. Jewel was was unable to be present at Dead Creek Sunday: There was no Sunday school. The school was visited for the first time during the new year by Inspector Reid, who laft a favorable report. Misses Pearl and Laura Vaness have returned af- ter a short visit at Mountain Grove, Mrs. Rotchelle léft for Cobalt last Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Sanford Thompson are home again. Mrs. Marshall Vaness is home from J. A. a tsa stn a ttt. HOW TO. GET SPRONG. AS \ Whatever the cause, we want to Say to every person who needs strength, you need Vinol, our delie- lous cod Aver and iron tonic without Oil, as it #§ the m¢#t efficient strength creator we have in our store. Here is proof from Derchester, Mass.:-- "I don't know what we would do without Vino' in eur family. 1 was weak, nervous and run-down as the result of an operation, and Vinol re Stored my strength. Then Grand- mother had a nérvous breakdown, and Vinol built her up and restored her health and strength after .every- thing else had failed. We have used Vinol for 13 years in our family, and would not be without it in the house," Myrtle I. Healy, Dorches- ter, Mass, We belleve in Vinol because we know it is a great strength creator, ~due to the extractive medicinal elements of fresh cod livers, without oil, combined with peptonate of iron and beef peptone, all dissolved in a puret medicinal wine, so we always return the purchase money if Vinol fails to benefit those Who buy it. Geo. W. Mahood, Druggist, Kingston, Ont. IR A a tet tN Nl lorytown, Rev. Mr. Towle's ap- pointments . Sunday last. Wil- $ liam Sheppard celebrated his seven- Charles Cross, Saginaw, are the|ty-second birthday on Feb. 25th; and guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Clark. | George Eatix his on Feb. 29th, Miss Husband visited her sister in| Miss Edna Webster, Dundalk, who Kingston on Saturday. . The parlor|has heen _relatives in Lans- Social at Mrs. Margaret Gordon's on downe and vicinity for several Wednesday last was a success. A months, has, returned to her home. large number from Elginburg attend- | Garnet Sheppard spent the week-end ed the lecture on Korea given by Rev. lin Carleton 'Place. Miss Sara Ste- Mr. Parsons on Saturday evening} vens, Jasper, is the guest of Mr. and Was much appreciated. Miss Dora | Mrs. George Stevens. Mrs. J. Wes- Wartman is - visiting relatives in ley Keating and little daughter Hel- Kingston. H. C. Ozger is haulinglen, Winnipeg, Man.-arrived on Tues- cordwood to the city. Mrs. Richard fday morning, being called home on Ellerbeck and little Irma visited her{ account of the tragic death of Mrs. parents in Kingston last week. Hosea | Keating's sister, Miss Edith Wallace, Campsall and daughters are visiting} Mrs. George Pennock, Brockville, friends at Westport. Mr.! Cooper|and the Misses Robinson, Lyn, are attended the funeral of the late Mr.|also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, Shilbeg at Harrowsmith. Arthur Latimer, G. T. R. station mas- w------ " ter, has moved into Richard Foley's HARROWSMITH. house. Mrs. Flood, Delta, is visit- March 2.--The funeral of the late| ing her daughter, Mrs. F. B. McNa- James B. Shibley on Tuesday was|mee. Mr. Present, Blenhéim, is the largely attended. Mrs. James Shib- guest of-Rev. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. ley, ill of grippe, is improving. Mrs. |Beckstedt. The Benevolent Society Horace Allport, in poor health for|entertainment on Friday night was-a some time, has returned home from |Success in spite of the inclement Kingston General Hospital 'much | Weather, Mrs. William Lackie, improved. The recruiting meeting | Joyceville, spent the week-end with on Monday night was well attended. |her mother, Mrs. W. H. Tedford. Dr. The village hall was packed to the|Cooper gave an interesting illustrat- door, The concert in aid of the|®d lecture on Hgypt on Tuesday Methodist Sunday school last Friday |€vening in the Methodist Church. D. night was a success so far as the pro-|F- Warren, Port Arthur, was a recent gramme was concerned, but the at- visitor. tendance was small owing to the in- clemency of the weather, The en- tertainment is to be repeated in the near future, The Red Cross tea was well attended last evening. Born fo Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Wilkins, a daught Miss Elsie Knapp, Kings- ton, at J\ 8. Gallagher's. Rev. W. H. Cram, Westboro, and W. J. Shib- ley. Guelph, at J. D. Shibley's. The Methodist Church people are having an entertainment eai}yl in. March, Frederick Reynolds and family have moved into L. Baker's house, and Andrew Armstrong into. Mr. Bab- cock's house. A number talk of at- tending the concert at Murvale mext Tuesday night. Mrs. W. Godfrey is still in poor health. Her sister, Mrs. Bate Hamilton, is with her. Miss Pearl Clark, very ill, is im- proving slowly. Nicholas Ward is also very poorly. P. B. Oshorne, of the Bark of Nova Scotia, has been transferred to Montreal, His place here has been filled by Mr. Sommers, of Toronto. There is talk of a large = of goldiers being sent out | 1 | TIE < A On Sale From 9.30 To 5.30 Phone Orders will Receive Prompt * Attention. New Amazon Suiti 150 yards of Navy, Nigger Brown, Russian Green and Black English Box Suede Buiting--procured this week through a Montreal failure at almost half its regular price--full 50 inches wide; regular Te. Saturday ew York Waists 150 erisp new Lingerie Waists, made of seed and and novelty effects; Saturday A than devoted and their loss is very hard to bear. Her father, W. H, Wal- Hs, who was the G.T.R. agent there for nearly forty years, is highly esteemed and is not in the best of health. Since coming to Kingston last Sep- tember to teach, Miss Wallis, usual- ly went home once a month, and as an illustration of her steadfastness of faith, she always returned on Sat- urday night, as she would not coun- tenance by her presence, the loss of the trainmen Sunday, by travelling on that day. Moreover, ever since she possessed money one tenth of it was always set aside to the service of her Master. Her parents 'and three sisters survive. Mrs. Robert Keating, Cascade, Montana; Mrs. James A. Peek, Lansdowne, and Mrs. J. W. Keating, Winnipeg, who came_ homa for the funeral. Over fifty letters of condolence | have been received by the . family | and the floral offerings were excep- | tionally beautiful, being sent by | these: It Pillow, Board of Education; | wreath, Teachers' Institute, Wo- | men's Teachers' Association; cross, | Robert Meek; sprays, Young Wo- | mens' Bible class, Cooke's Church, | Victoria Guild, Frontenac School, Mr. | and Mrs. Lennon, Mr. and Mrs. J. | Boaphrey, all of Kingston; cross, Miss Stella Hunt, Rockland, Que.; wreaths, Eden Grove School, More- | town, Ont; Mr. and Mrs. D. Kidney, | Ottawa; Mr, and Mrs. J. D. W. Dar- | ling, Lansdowne; Endora Sunday School class, Lansdowne; agents and | telegraphers, 6 and 7th districts, G. | T. R; Order of Railroad Conductors, | Rev. Thomas Joslin, representing G. T. R,, Brotherhood of Railroad | the Shantymen's Christian Associa- x Trajpmen G.T.R., Brockville; sprays, { b ; tion, is in Kingston in behalf of that' Mrs. E. Pennock, Brockville; Mr. | ur organization, which is doing splendid ahd Mrs. F. Spence, G. L. Booth and ' 33 © " v evangelistic work among 'the lumber family, Brockville; Dr. and Mrs. and constructign camps of northern Hanna, Brantford; crescent, Mr, and Ontario; Manitoba and Saskatche-| (ro iomas Taylor, Chicago, lil. 180 vards extra heavy Unbleached Table Damask--full 60 inches wide; special value at 50¢ a yard. Saturday ---------------- HAMLIN. Alberta, Feb. 24.--The weather Still continues mild. Some. say the Spring is here as the gophers are out and the willows are budded. The | OX teams arg hauling logs out of the! woods, The roads are in a very bad condition as there is neither sleigh- ing nor wheeling. J. Franklin is do- ing a rushing business in the black- smith line. Frank McGee is back on his homestead again. Loyal Tilli- paugh of Warwick is calling on friends around here. A little girl] has come to stay at the home of Jaye Scofield, Frederick Desjarlais shot twenty-two coyotes and Arthur West twelve. M. J. Flyn is building a new milk house. Mrs. Huff is vis- iting at Frank Glimps'. Miss Rosalie Flynn left on Monday to attend the Convent of Notre Dame at Sacred Heart, Alta. One of the homestead- ers has answered the call of the Empire in the person-of Harry Rich- drdson who has enlisted in the 151st which is drilling in Vegrevilie, Wil- liam Pomeroy has gone to the front. Shantymen's Christian Association, plain voile, in plain all sizes--regular $1.50 to $2.00. Ja jn & 15 all wool Serge Suits, in Navy and Black only --smart new styles with flared coats, braid trimmed --sizes 14 to 40--special for-- | Looking Tuto the Eye Getting at the root of eye trouble is' an ex- pert's business. An expert will exam- ine your eyes carefully at Best's and supply fin- est quality Rimless Nose-Glasses in Gold Mounts, for $2.00. Best's The Popular Drug Store. Open Sundays. from Kingston next week to g0 un- der training here. 8 | Lennox & Addington / > NORTHBROOK. { "Feb. 29°--THe roads dre in very poor condition. As a result, the school was closed Friday and Mon- i day. William Bolt made a business trip to Tweed last week. Miss Mag- gle Clarke, Flinton, spent a few days with Miss A. Preslar. William Brosley and family leave March 5th for their new home in the west. All their old friends will miss them very Imuch. The Glee Club journeyed to Bordenwood Monday evening and assisted in the patriotic concert. Mr. {and Mrs. Samuel Atkins, Peterboro, well known in the east, but it is de ing good work and has also been a recruiting agent for the Canadian | forces. * No doubt Mr. Joslin will be The farmers, whose margin of | kindly received by those in Kingston profit has been greatly reduced by] Interested in sending the gospel to [tariff taxation, will not wholly es-| the men of the woods. cape the incidence of the proposed --income tax which, with the aid of] a high tariff, will be shifted largely to their shoulders. ° They will, | however, be compensated to some extent by influentfal support in re-! | wan. This association fs now very Funeral on Thursday. | . { | Hitung the r'armers. Toronto Weekly Sun. Hon. James McDonald, member of the Nova Scotia Government without portfolio, died at his home at West Bay, Cape Breton, en Thursday morning. N hereafter, and | l {have moved here'for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. "Jack" Lloyd are also resi- idents of the village now. Miss G. {Rikley was the guest of Mrs. Both ion Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Schyler LOOKING FOR WORK sisting, parasitism They will prbably not escape the at- | of Finance, who also have large bills | waste in the public. administration. | tention of the Provincial Ministers | Ji Linen Towels Everywhere men complain about [to meet. work; even boys and girls in school or | business find work tedious and irk-| some, but it isn't the work half so much as their own lack of physical strength that makes it hard. Rich blood, strong lungs and health- ful digestion make work pleasurable in business, in school or even house- work, and if those who are easily tired ~who are not sick, but weak and ner- vous--would just take Scott's Emul- sion for one-.pofith and let its pure concentrated food create richer blood to pulsate through evéry artery and vein--Ilet jt build a structure of healthy tissue and give you vigorous strength --You would find work easy and would ii gowns, the former having been mar- for more. Insist on Scotts. G. Johnston lot, Main street east, | f ried last year, while the latter was Scatt & Bowne, Toronto. Out. 3s | Athens. : Hl married in 1912, Mr. and Mrs. x | Wise left amid showers of rice for - Sug, yor : Madoc. Upon their return they 3 : $1.50 to $2 Shirts for 98¢ will take up residence at the groom's % . T5¢ Shirts for .....55¢ Jlinome. A number of the old neigh- EC I§ FRUIT STORE! : ceroenn-B0c, 80g, 40c and B0¢ a durin > Beet Liver ib. .... .. . 8 Oven \ bors ate leaving us 4 and going ia the ; "golden west." v ummings Sweater Coat Sale, $1.18 Be n ihe : Beef Hearts, 1b. 10 Roasts, 1b. qe and family went some time ago. They | Phis_ eomprises a-dot Ib 18 Steaks, h lijand Clancy, also Alexander Clancy, | called on Miss Adda Preslar and & 25 doz. pure Linen Fowels, size 16x34--hemmed ends--sold by Saturday .. » 25¢ a mail order house as a special at 39¢ a pair. BOYS' SHIRTS : Laundered and unlayndered, colored h and white Shirts; sizes 12-1-2 to 14; laundered and unlaundered Shirts; ee Fn Hen he, reg. 3de¢ to 50¢. sizes 14 1-2 to 17; regular "Do .you think we ought to have! 50e. fo $1.00. Saturday is -29¢ | 2 one, Mr. Davis?" gaid the net. | i . : . New Spring Merchandise master to a venerable parishioner. In wondrous array is enjoying its initial showing here to-morrow. A Serious Question. In a parish in Wales where very | little Buglish was spoken, a general | meeting was held to consider the de-| sirability of putting a chandelier {James Préslar Thursday. Sunday service was well attended and con- li ducted by Rev. J. R. Ireland, ; MEN'S SHIRTS Colored, Negligee - and White, CLOYNE. March 2.-A quiet wedding todk place at the Methodist parsonage || bere Wednesday, March 1st, at 10 fl!a.m., when Miss Sadie Scott, of Har lowe, and James Wise, of this place, were united in wedlock. Rev. H. A. Bunt performed the ceremony. | The bride was attired in a white cor- duroy suit with white fur trimmings and hat to match. The couple were unattended. Mrs. Bunt and Mrs. || Joseph Wise acted as witnesses. A unique feature of the event was that the witnesses wore their wedding "I agree to it," was the reply, "but | there is ome thing I wish to know. | If we have a--a i. "Chandelier," said the schoolmas- | Ji ter, helping him out. | "If we have a chandelier," the old | man continued, "who's going to play | | £9 Specials ------------ i Denis Cross has purchased the W. hic em i ne 3 ERE sold their farm and stock to Tan Meeks. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bishop we purchased to sell at $1.50 and $2.00. We J fed Mr. d ward | SRTmORd and Mrs Willen Boia have decided to clear the lotat............ $1. when they returned on Wednesday. Most of these have Sheldon Hawley has disposed of his |stock, etc., and expects to follow the large shawl collars and largely in plain colors. 'soon, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Meeks are rejoicing over the arrival of a Silk Knitted Scarfs At Half Price. Ah takes rs. James All grades and colors, from 50¢ up to $6.50. der Depot. Wise has. his store advertised for sale. Your own choice at half | | the price. One day only. ONS NORTHERN SPY APPLES ... ORANGES FOR MARMALADE BITTER ORANGES ......... GRAPE FRUIT is Feb. 29. -- Miss Sadie McCann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tereace McCann, was united in marriage to Bernard Grant on Monday morning last in St. Edward's Church. The contracting parties are among West- enkins Ji& SE . of the 1090n Fine hand sewn, Jeather lined, wate roc Strathcona and Field Boots for Officers.