The Saftey Deposit Boxes in the strong, steel-built Bank of Totgnto afford absolute security Important documents, jewellery and private papers are safe here from fire or theft, while they are easily accessible whenever required. The an while the security afforded is invalu- vauit of The for your valuables. nual rental is small, . $61,000,000 Open For Business Why NotConsut ~ Our Camera Expert, when you want any information along that line, his services are always at your disposal. nn We have Bax Cameras from $1.00 Turkeys, Ducks or Folding $6.00 to ) . Autographic Kodaks range=in. price |ClS. from $9.00 to $25:00, get satisfaction when your films are | developed and printed here. $4.00 Brownies, from APRICOTS PEACHES 'Machinists in Buffalo, N.Y., are on strike, and 5,000 men are idle. Pianos tuned by yearly contract. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. ! . There as ie Seasion of the Polige ourt on ay morning. : ga Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store. "Working night and day," Gib- son's Ned Cross Cold Tablets curing Gripp and Colds. Player, Pianos tuned and adjusted. 5 CG: W. Lindsay, Limited. : "Pilms Developed" at Gibson's. The good sleighing * just now is splbndid for driving parties. Al POEL every evening some are in- adulged in. ! IZ your hands are.rough and dry | £0 to Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store | for Almond Cream. | Mrs. Mary J. Lamorgaux, widow | of Peter Lamoreaux, died in Water- town, N.Y., on Wednesday, aged fif-| ty vears. She was born in Kingston ! Her son George is fighting in France. "Kodak Films' at Gibson's. At a meeting of the boards of Syd. | enham Street Methodist Church, on Thursday evening, the appointment of William Mack, as tenor soloist of | the church was confirmed. Your piano is worth ever. consid-| eration... Our expert tuners are at, your service. C. W. Lindsay, Limit-| ed, 121 Princess street. F "Kodak Films" at Gibson's i The , Whig has received an un- | signed letter in which a wife com- plains that though told it would be | paid, she has mot received her sep- | arajion pay for the past three} AT 132 PRINCESS STREET. R. J. Rodger, JEWELER, FORMERLY AT 347 KING ST. v Notice We are open all this week for any quantity of dressed, dry picked Fowl, Chickens, Geese; {also all live Fowl and Chick- The highest price ever paid for No. 1 quality. "Call and get our prices at Hoag's Drug Store Anderson Bros. Opp. Y.M.CA. ------ CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS & COFFEES, @OOKED bs OEP ORDERS TAKEN FOR COAL AND WOOD. JOS. AHEARN, JR, 279% MONTREAL STRERT 'Phome 866. Watts F lorist Daffodils and Hyacinths street, main | i | | | | | | | | | | Kingston, Ont. | | : have your feet warm and com- | [| Princess and Division Sts., Or Phone 458. y SOWARDS Keeps Coal and Coal Keeps | SOWARDS, Att Nr ni atl Effprts have failed to extinguish the fire on the British steamship Spi- raea, from Philadelphia, which began at Manchester, England, on Tuesday 'night while her cargo of oil was being discharged. The fire will be allow- ted to burn itself out - Ne Cold Weather ~ Footwear This is the time to . fortable. 'S FELT BOOTS ............$2.00 and $250 | MEN'S OVERSHOES ......$2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 MEN'S MOCCASINS .............$150 and $2.00 WOMEN'S OVERSHOES ........$2,00 and $250 I] train for st. Catharines and Buffalo, months, She writes' many other i things But as she forgot to give her | name the statements cannot be print- } Pianoforte repairs. C. W. 'Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. March, winds, make rough hans and face. "Ho to Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store for Almond Cream. The funeral of the late Capt. Hen- ry Birtles was conducted onl Friday afternoon from his.residence at 80 Clergy street west. Canon W. PF. FitzGerald held the service. Both the Scottish Rite and St. John's Lodge and the Royal Military Col- lege were represented at the funeral, and by wreaths > "Kodak Fihiis" at Gibson's. RK ETRE "Late Mrs. 8. E. Robinson. The funeral of the late Mrs. Sarah E. Robiyson took place on Wednes- day aitorhoan from her late home, 37 Johnson street, to Cataraqui ceme- 2 Feature Vaudoville Acts 2 Sydney Grant, in "Jane," Plays. Barbara ern Film of - ne CHAMBER-MAID. APPLY THE RAN. dolph Hotel : [A COOK AND HOUSEMAID. 10 Mrs. Waldron, 31 King street King street A Play in 4 Acts, EE By Harold , Bell Wright. The: Original Cast, With Miss Gertrude Barker as "Barbara." - . TB WORK. Heantiful Scenic Production nn FoR WRNERAL Bure ly Miss McCalluth, 20 Ftrtyetdigttese iets. 4 Wl 'm d A JUNIOR CLERK, MALE, FOR FAC. 5 tory office. Apply. 8. Anglin & Co. esteem int. | GENERAL SERVANT FOR FAMILY of two No. washing Apply 222 ° v GENTLEMAN'S GLOVE, Monday, evening, on Clergy opposité St. Mary's Cathedral Owner may have same by calling at Whig office. LARGE LACK CURLY Owner may have same by cal at 500 Johnson street, or phoni 236. TISED FREE. Anyone finding and withing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver. tisement wiil be printed In this colunin free of charge. MILK ROUTE FOUND . ARTICLES ADVER- | FOR SALE, 130 iy. Sheak tue quick buyer. Whig 3 a my Sata Ae PAR "uel's. phone 705. i. ASFRAME COTTAGE WITH GARDEN. cor! Gardiner and Union streets. Portsmouth. For particulars appl on the premises: oo NEW LLAUNCH, HULL 2% FT LON i 6 ft. beam; fine model; safe fam- ily boat. Inquire of Dr. Lake, 387 Johnson' street, city. || ere------e------------------S---- | BUGGY, LIGHT WAGGON, TWO SETTS f harness For particulars com- ars. Ap- Family No laundry Wonderful Electrical Effects 21 Sydenham street MAN FOR FARM. Gibbons Bal Road The Sweetest Story Ever Told. farm, head for newspapers; no canvassing - MEDICAL M.D, C.M., LATE MEDI. cal Superintendent Kingston Gener. | al Hospital. Surgery and residence | 93 Wellington street Phone 964. | tory, and was attended by quite a large number of her friends and ac- quaintances. Rev. Alfred Brown officiated at the service. The pall- bearers were Messrs. T. J. Munro, Sharbot Lake; W. G. Robinson and L. P. Robinson, Patrick Driscoll, George Reid and' Percy Dowsley, of this city Among those present were Mrs. Richard Duffy, mother of the deceased, and her two brothers, John ahd George Duffy, Maberly a : The Late Miss Frances E. Parsons. A sad death occurred at the home of W. J. Parsons, 38 Livingston avenue, on Friday morning, when his sister, Miss Frances E., passed away after being ill twe days of pneumonia. The deceased had come from England a year and a half ago to reside with 'her brother who is a final year theology student at Queen's, and who"has charge of the Presbyterian station at Glenvale, Harrowsmiith and Wilton. The fun. eral is to take place to Cataraqui cemetery on Saturday morning. Rev. J. D. Boyd is to conduet the burial service, and four theology students are to act as pallbearers rere. Married In Kingston, A quiet wedding, cccurred Kingston on March 1sf, when Rey. Father Hanley united Miss Berna- detta, eldest daughter of Mr. and Airs, Ezra LaRush, Wolfe Island and Edmond McAllister, son of Mr. and Mrs. George, McAMister, Barriefield. navy blue broadeloth and picture hal to mateh. Miss Ruby, sister of the len supported the groom. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. McAlister drove to the station where the took N.Y. On their veturn they will re- side at 86 Bagot street. Mr. and Mrs. McAMister received a large col- lection of costly wedding gifts, Thev 1 have the best wiles of numerous friends. The Pyramids. ~The stones of the great pyramids are not laid with mortar. The great pieces of stone were evidently rubbed back- ward and forward upon each other un- til the surfaces were assimilated to each other, and so perfectly assimilat- od. that to this dag the breaks between them, can hardly be discerned.--New ? | we are attempting to destroy," The bride looked sweet in a suit of | bride, was bridesmaid and OMe Os- | DRESSMAKING., | INSTRUCTIONS 1% cutting by measure, trimming. ete.) three ding system. Madame York Dressmaking Princess street, corner BARGAIN MATINEE: 25-35-50 . Send for particulars. Press Syndi- Strand Theatre T cycles to be cleaned and stufed for The Master of Photo-Drama, for sale at reasonable prices "MARGUERITE SNOW," 3 2 » anxious to build large practic , "The Silent Voice, ek Stewart, Sec.-Treas, Village of} TEACHER WANTED. experience and salary expected taster Holidays H. J. Wa- AT! THAT'S ALI weight 1.200 and upwards: age | AAA AAA renin | mii tem a = | MABCOUK & SONS, Patents, Trade Sale of Home-Made Cookery stent Patent Bra et SOCHETY for FRIENDLESS SOLDIERS fon" free. 99 St. James St., Mont 2 am. to 6 pam. Hospital, Orpington, Eng. i i 5 A RDINES and solicitor. Law office, 70. Clar-' ------------ i ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START y Excelled bv none Gf vest: tome | THE UNITED Alm. W. J. GAVINE, 1 PHOLSTERING, RE. | Premier Hearst Calls For Tem- x PRACTICAL -- kK | tically no divergence of opinibn ex- on the Address in reply to the Speech time has arrived when further legis EVENING: 25-50-75¢-$1.00. es 5S ? INTELLIGENT PERSON MA) cate, 3.960 Jaockport, N. \ : hurs., Fri. and Sat. spring. We have ulso a large SFRANCIS X. BUSHMAN George Muler, 373 King street In a Picturization eof Otis Skinner's quickly Dru re also needed in § Superb Acts; also other good reels. Matiuces, Se. Event Hughton, Sask y au ALIFIED TEACHER FOR SS. NO. 6, d in S Duties to commenced immediatelyy ger, Sec., Wagarville, Ont Whitney Hotel from now tili Satur. | JUST TRY THEM. Jie . Bl | {MaPks, Designs. Hstb. Under the nuspices of the A. 1K. Ross | °Thy 0 "ireal. Branches: Ottawa, W, Cor. Clarence and Wellington Streets. | NO ADVANCE IN PRICC: ence St. Kingston. 2 for 25" Cents & mail order business at home; no FENWICK, HEND! & CO. Heacock, 2.969 Lockport. N.Y. pairing. and carpet work and perance Advance, and Mr. Toronto, Mareh 3.--Oan the prin pressed in the speeches of the two from the Throne. "The (Government FALL GAVE BACK LOST SPEECH. lation might be enacted without in- S = N Sale, AN Soars Ym n. Sale earn $100 monthly corresponding CUSTOMERS T0 BRING THEIR Bi. Mpgtro Pictures Prese; pumber of hockey sticks and pucks s And the Plguantly Pretty Actress 3 n Great Stage Success, } i w For full information write W. R ngs, 10c. Hinchinbrooke Applicanis state afte ; Matches WANTED GENERAL HORSES -- BUYERS WILL BE slay evening: good sound horses, | PATENTS, neh ol the of Patent Laws. Book, "Pa i SATURDAY, MAR. 4TH, | of Fi 0 Mi Proceeds for (he ntarie Hinry {a. A. MOYOE, ™ LEGAL . Z -- er -- ---------------- IG-ZAG A. B. CUNNINGHAW, BARRISTER) . Equalled by f : canvassing: be your own boss | mattress renovating Drop a card Rowell Approves. ciple cf prohibition there was prac leaders in the Legislature yesterday {has come to the conclusion that the Ee trodycing gregder evils than those Faculties of 'British Soldier Restor ed By Hosvital Trick. . Many remarkable cases have been was reported of mem © who have been the declaration of Premier Hearst, stricken deaf and dumb on the bat-! while Mr, Rowell assured the House: | tlefield recovering their lost facul "1 am prepared to ordially support ties by a sudden shoek. the Government in carrying out the Another amusing instance is pres proposals they submit if these pro- corded by Private Irving, of the 7th posals are, as | understand they are ' Cameron Highlanders, now at a. mili-! | to be. as outlined in the Speech fron tary Hospital at Kirkburton, near {the Throne." Huddersfield, England, who, after The leader of the Opposition sug- | having been deaf and dumb for more! gested as an alternative method -- ! than four months, recovered both though failing that he would co-op- faculties, erate with the Government in their, On October 3rd, while the Ges- proposdls as he understood them -- 'mans were bombarding Hullu , Pri- of cting legislation, to go into ef- | vate Irving was buried under & shell- call 216 Bagot street } FAR < ONGING TO Armouries, TERRIER, tall bobbed: a wy." Anyo his adv Y € | seute Re to P, Walsh, Barrack street. nicate with Davis. Dry Dogk npany, Kingston, Ontario. HATCHING, BRED-T0- ; large Plymouth RB island Heds Rit; ndoties, R Apply W. 0: Cook, 251 Ridean St. A VICTROLA, NO. 6 AND TWELVE selections, $42.50. Terms, $10 cash and $5 per month. C. W. Lindsay Ltd, 121 Princess street. +A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SEC. ond-hand furniture, stoves, ecloth- ing, boots, suit cases, tools, ete, If you have anything to sell, drop a card. I will eall, 8S. Shapire, 45 Princess street. Phone 1237. 'A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SEC- ! ond-hand stoves, furniture, dressers, iron beds, ete. We buy all kinds of new and second. hand furniture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street, phone 1600, = GARNET BRACELET, Frontenac Hotel and Earl by Ontario, Johnson, King Willlam streets Finder Bagot street 7 * -- VELVET HAND- FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSUR. bag. containing glasses and « hange, | Wiliam | A LADY'S BLACK between Divis St and MacRowe's, road liam MacRowe's, receive reward. York BETWEEN street, ---- and | HOUSES TO RENT, FURNISHED AND will be rewarded by returning same to 125 | k Finder | kindly return to Whig office or Wil. | Read, and! | HOUSES FOR SALE | from $1,200 to gains. AT ALL PRICES, $8,000. Some bar- unfurnished. : FARMS FOR SALE, VARIOUS SIZRs and prices. ance; money to loan, G. A. Bate- man, 67 Clarence street. FINANCIAL TO LPT. | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVES). ment Society: Incorporated 1883; { president. Colone! Henry R. Smith, HOUSE ON YORK STREE Per month. Inquire Nac street, or phone 743 |orFICES IN CLARENCE ST. cHAN. | 3 rs. Pp to Cunningham Mudie, 79 Clare nee street. ---- «Muster | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | tent Pro dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Queen street. Frost's City Storage, Phone 526b. bedrooms, bath, hot water heatln hardwood floors and cement cell | i b [ mouse ON ABICE STREET: FOUR | | | Apply Mrs. 8.J. Woods, Alice St : BUSINZSS NOTICES. AWNINGS, VERANDAH tents, canvas, tackle, etc. Frank Clarence street. WAM. EGAN WISHES TO ANNOUNCE that he has purchased the tailor shop formerly run by Thos. Gallo DR. A. way, and will do all kinds of re- Also make pairing and pressing. up suits from your own el Workmanship guaranteed. Brock street. AUTHORIZED BY ra A Montreal, Walk Waltz, rasdwh) Glide, 1% 39 Union Bireet Phone 1 ARCHITECT WH. NEWLANDS & SON, joets, Offices, -- yp POWER Chan Bank Brock ullding, and Wellington AT 36.00 Frome! g ! Agents, ar | CURTAINS, skiffs for outboard motors, folding boat seats, fishing W. Cooke, 39 Throat oth - 131 DRS. SPARKS AND SPA ARCHT. 258 Bagot SB: GIRLS AND WOMEN REQUIRING SIT. SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. corner | streets. | { Money issued om city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures: mortgages purchased; deposits received and Interest si- lowed. 87 Clarence street. UIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLODRW "Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $6113 15 in addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of city property, insured at lowes: | possible rates Before renewing old or giving new business ge: rates. from Strange & Strange, Phone 325. PERSONAL ett eee | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTAMARKS and wll growths and skin blem- Ishes removed permanently, ith. out scar; 30 years' experionce. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Kye, War, Node and Skin Speclalist, Bagot street. J DENTAL 8 i ---- E. RNAPP, 258 PRINCESS ST. Kingston. Office will be open for business after Feb. 20th, 1916. RKS, DEN- tists, 159 wellington street; N Leonard Walsh, D.D.8, LDS, as. sistant. one 346. : REGISTRY OFFICE, THE KINGSTON DAY NURSERY HAS opened a registry office for the pur: pose of supplying maids and char- women erms 50c for supplying a maid and 10c for a charweman For particulars apply 'The Matron. Phone 1115 » To Girls And Women. uations as maids or charwomen, ete, are Invited tg register free "harge at the Kingston Nay Nur- sery, corner Barrie and Ordnance streets. # Sold in $1.00 .----.., lots when taken with coal order. James Swift & Co Mp#th would completely wipe out all | found td*be deaf and dumb. I. shop and club licenses, and! About a week ago he sprained one would continue in force during the [of his legs anl was confined to bed | period of the war and for a reason-| part of the time. Guaner Johnson | able period thereafter, during the! of the 16th Battery, Royal Field Ar-! period of reconstruction, and that it; tillery, who occupied the next bed, | should not be repeated except by the | constantly tried' various methods of! vote of the people, to be taken at a|shock on Irving as a cure for tis! later date. Mr. Rowell also under-| speechlessness. Eventually hig ! took if a bill as he uhderstood the [forts were rewarded. A few days ago! proposal in the Speech from the | Gunner Johnson placed a plece of! Throne was submitted to the people, { orange peel on the floor beside Irv- te join the Premier and other mem- |ing's bed, Irvingsslipped, and ' in bers of the Government in going be- | failing caught his head on his lock. fore the people and asking for en- er yelling '---- in dorsement and ratificatibn of measure, i the earlibst practicable date, | ed trench, and when re d was ote the | PERISCOPES ON MINES, Cast Adrift to Induce Allied Ships to | © : Baltimore, March mines, equipped with about the destruction of ty, of the field. Sunday frem London. 3.--Floating ! periscopes, is | said to be the latest device now be. ing used by the Germans in bringing | enemy | ships, according to Capt. B. J. Keel- British steamship Hari- | Public. Accounts Com The Hartfield arrived. here |WAS TOLD TO ADMIT | What the Morrisburg Customs Collctor Was inaructed : ToDo, 3 {Bpecial to 'the Whig) Outawa, March 3.--Before the tee this morning, A. G. ¥. Drury, Customs { Collector at Morrisburg, gave evi. Capt. Keelty tells of hav'ng sight- | dence concerning the importation of jf womens FELT BOOTS ........$1.50 and $2.00 | i WOMEN'S MOCCASINS ..................$135 | || CHILDREN'S MOCCASINS .........65¢ to $1.00 | | | The fal produced a sudden illness, | ed one of the new destructive agents | Aas uantitios of military supplies o i after which he was astonished to find| th the English Channel. The per. | dur the early days of the war by -- - . that hie could both hear and talk as iscope gave it the appearalice of & ol - Wesley Allison and his as Victorian Nursing. + | well as ever. : 3 { submarine. He did not attempt 19! %n gs. of The Victorian Order .of Nurses| To Gunner Johnson has been pre-| win the Admiralty's rewnrd of $2. The witness stated that in August, held its fmonthly meeting in St sented the "Iron Cross" by the nur-| 500 for ramming a rubmarine, but | 1914, be had been handed a letter George's Hall. The nurse's report! sing staff for his gallantry in pre-| reported it toa poirol boat. Ac- | from John ong, Ci isaion- for Pobruary showed that 140 visits! serving Irving from a "dum dum." | cording to mas-ors of DFtEh vessels | €* Gf Customs, by . B. Me- were made. The religious denomin-. -------- o i the placing-of a periscope on a mine | dougild, instructing to alldw all ations of patients . were: Roman The First Abstainer, was devised for the express purpese £00d$ ied to Mr. Allison "and Catbclics, 8; Presbyterians. I: Ang- Seventy years ago an absiainar | of inducing some of the Ships of the : Sher parties" to come in free of § ,- 7: Methodists, Donations: from Ii rhe ractl , (Allied nations to ram which would | + ¥ i licans, ts. J J q Practically unknown, ons As x consequence very large adn' of clothing were received from Mrs.) said Arthur Hunter, a life insurance have resultéd in the blowing up of | . Hamilton and Mrs. Derry. {actuary In a recent address in New 'the ship and possibly the loss of life. | tities of £00ds tn boxes Fl vo Miss Leeder, the nurse ut 302) York. When the first abstainer aps | It is. Understood, that a number of | ages had Fo8e derass fro I Wi ~ Queen street, wauld be pleased to| plied to a large London company for | parigsoped mines have east lon, N. Y. and (¢ far a5 he knew receive any, (asi-ofl clothing of in-! insurance, a special meeting of the adrift around Brisain and a fle oo | they might still be coming in as fants wp 10 {aree months: old. | board of directors. was 'called to deal |patrois #re engaged in. romevihe | order had not been. 5% ; s { with this p aon and a' special them from the track of navigation. S4c Dairy Butter, 34c. i m was demanded. 01 ? Dairy Butter. S4c, ito all expectations this man lived York American. Calculated. Daughter--Do you think that paint Ing looks like me, mother? Mother-- The face does, but no one would ever guess that your gown cost your. father a cold $1,000. : rn -------------- : : The term Quaker wis first applied to 8 Ji} the sect because of the founder's rre- | Guent use of the word "tremble" in his §| exhortations. Londen Telegraph, on oe + 4 | Since Ki George's accession, | Queén: Mary. bas bought over two| - :