FROM COUNTRY CANONTO. March 4.--The roads are getting passable again after the big snow storm, A number of the privates from Plevna spent a few days in Canonto last week. Mrs. John Hud- son was removed to the Kingston General Hospital to undergo treat- ment for inflammatory rheumatism. | Miss Eva B. is spending a few days with her sister, Harriet in Kingston -- BATH ROAD. Mareh 2.--Mr. Ryder was unfor- tunate in fa in the creek while loading ice. . Green has been de- layed somew in getting his ice ho filled on account of the very cold weather. Pte. Hubert clin, K ted his parents, Mr. and Nm Ol Bath Road, Sunday Ia Mr. and Mrs. ¥. Shannon and chi m, Collins Bay were at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Liddle"s last week. COLLINS BAY, March 2.Mr. and Mrs.' Edwin Bel] and Miss Ada McDonald were in Kingston last' week. Elston Bridge has been working at the cheese fac- tory. Mrs. Sarah McDonald and her daughter Mise Ada were at Mr. and Mrs. Shannon's. Miss Hyland, who was visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Shan- non 'last week, has returned to her home on the Bath Road. Mr. Rankin and Mr: Clark filled their ice houses last week. Miss Edith Reddenispent Sunday last at Mrs. McDonald's. On account of the bad roads there was no church service Sunday night. MURVALE. Feb. 28.--The members of the Methodist Church' Intend holding a tea meéting in the near future. Harry Lord has moved into O. Henderson's vacant house. William Storey in- tends moving back to his farm very shortly. H. Swerbrick is spending a few days at Tichborne. John Shellington attended a sale at Tich- borne on Monday. Visitors: Mrs. Taggart and Miss Sarah Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dowker, Har- rowsmith, at M. Vanluven's; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey, Harrow- smith, at D. J. Taggart's; Charles Fraser and family, Elginburg, at John Young's. IDA HILL March 1.--The Methodist Ladies' Ald meeting at the home of Mrs. Robert Gibson was well attended. William Haffner is sawing wood at Sunbury. Mrs. William Rickard is improving in health of" late. Ben. jamin Kells is busy drawing mater- iad for the erection of a basement barn in the spring. Our school is progressing under the able manage- ment of Miss Mundell Mrs. K. Han- ley% 'returned 'on Friday from a week's visit with Washburn friends. Mrs. 8. J. Makin spent a few days last week with friends in the eity. Miss Beulah Gibson and Miss Aletha Haffner are visiting in the city. + BARRIEFIELD. March 2.--8t. Mark's sewing guild meets every Wednesday at the rec- tory: A tobogganing party from the city had a jolly evening down the hill, and was afterwards entertained at the home of Miss Olive Murray. Mrs, Purcell and two children, city, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs, G. Leader. Mr. and Mrs. Red- der and little daughter, Portsmouth, have returned home, after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Knapp. W. Norman, sr., and family, have renbved back from the city. A tea 4s to be held Tuesday next at the rectory in aid of the Red Cross So- clety. W. Burke and Mrs. H. Doug- las, city, visited with friends here. JOYCRVILLE, March, 1.--A gloom was. cast dver this vicinity when the death of Mrs. W. MacFarlane was anneunced. She will be greatly missed by a large number of friends and relatives. A number from here attended fhe Pine Hill cheese meeting. It was decided to open the factory on March 27th. The people have their ice houses fill- ed and are getting out wood. James Keyes left for his western home af- ter visiting his parents. ' Joseph O'Brien, Buffalo, N.Y:, who has been the guest of relatives here the past month, is about te take his departure Visitors: "Miss Nellier Patterson, Mount Chesney, is the guest of John McCarey; Stanley Fisher, Sunbury, at James HitehCock's; Mrs, Nancy and children at Bernard Mullen's. ELGINBURG. March, 2.--The Ladies Aid is do- ing work for the Red Cross Society, . ~The Young Ladies Pat- riotic Club held a concert and social in Smith's hall recently. Ah excel lent programme was given. They cleared twenty-five dollars. Mrs. W. Clogg eatertal & number of friends on Tu y evening. Mrs. C. H. Jopson is visiting her brother in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bwing visited' friends at Westport. Mrs. W. Cordukes and little daughter came X ' . home from Kingston last week. Sev- eral from here attended the parlor social beld at Mrs. Gordon's, Glen- vale. Mrs, Joseph Hawkey enter- ,- inined the young people on Tuesday Frede § rick Porter is moving Here from Inverary. C. H. Jonson on Monday afternoon for Cairo, 'with the Queen's Stationary reinforcements. Mr. and H Johu Silver, Perth Road, areat} Miles Silver's. : LOWER TICHBORNE. * March 3.--The second snow storm Bas left the roads'in a very bad co dition. The sale #t George Hami fons was pgorly attended on account of bad roa Measles are msiughn this village. A very enjoyable spent at in home of Mr. a rs, Alonzo Kennedy, sr, on Mon r Bight. Card playing and dancing i et were indulged in until the wee sma' hours. A number from Burridge at- tended. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ken- nedy are visiting in this locality ba: fore leaving for their home in the west. Mrs, J. Dermott and Mrs. Ca- meron are recovering after a severe attack of measles, Visitory: 'Miss Ida Kennedy at Burridge; Erle Sweet- man at Thomas MeEwen's; J. S. Ed- gar Kennedy at J. Badou's; W. J. Lyons, and L. Hannah at A. Ken- nedy's; Stanley le at W. Hart- man's; W. De t at John Ken- nedy's; Miss Mira innis at Geo. Allan's, » PITTSFERRY. March 3.--Theére is much teaming to be done, and with the continued snow storms the roads keep filling up. A number of farmers made a change in their abode last week. John Jackson moved to the farm va- cated by Henry Toner, and John Me- Master, jr., moved on to the farm va- cated by the former. The oyster supper given at the home of James 'Galway was quite a success, Wilk liam McFadden had a "bee" Friday, hauling sawlogs to Brewer's Mills. Pte. William White, of the 59th Bat- talion, Brockville, and Pte. John White, 59th Battalion, Gananoque, made a farewell visit at T. Weir's for a few days last week, Mrs. Da- vid MeClement spent part of last week with friends in Kingston. Miss Clara Grant was the guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. Harry McLean, Kingston, during the past®week. The mem- bers of the Clover Club intend hav- ing a patriotic concert in St. John's Church, March 9th. The play en- titled "Aunt Jerusha's Quilting Party' will be acted by members of the club. Mrs. J. Rankin was "at home" to a number of 'her friends on Feb. 22nd, it being the anniver- sary of her wedding. INVERARY. : March 3.--Rev. R. C. Hornér is here assisting in the meetings in the Holiness Movement Church. Howard Arthur has taken possession of the corner store. J. L. Geraldi will as- sist. him for a time. Bills are out for W. J. Arthur's sale on March 8th. Miss Pearl McNeely of King- ston, is at Thompson Hunter's. Miss Mira Wright, Glenburnie, is visiting at Edward "King's. Mrs. McLean, (formerly Miss = Nettie Johnston), and children, Alta and Neil, have arrived from the West, to spend a time under the parental roof. A load of young people attended the carnival at Spafforton on Wednesday night. John Gowan succeeded in car- rying off a number of first prizes. Sergt. Shepherd and Lieut. Bennett, are canvassing this community for the purpose of securing recruits. A. number from here attended the fu- neral of the late Mrs. James Clark at Battersea on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Porter have gone to reside w'th Mr. Porter's father at Elginburg. The Ladies Aid had a very pleasant gathering at the home of Mrs, James Shepherd on Wednes- day. WESTBROOK. March, 3.---A gloom was cast over this vicinity when the news reached here of the death of Mrs. J. Gardin- er, of Saskatoon, formerly Charlotte E. Leonard. Deceased was a well- known and a highly-respected resi- dent of this place and a faithful member of the Methodist church. Her remains arrived on Tuesday af- ternoon and were taken,in charge by R. J. Reid, darted large num- ber of sorrowing relatives followed the remains to Cataraqui cemetery NINN NINN (1: HV 44 M-BU I chine, had \ finger. |; Smith continues very low. | sympathy is extended A a te aa | | Gooner vault, THe clieese meeting was held dn the factory on Monday afternoon last, The reason's arrangements were satisfactory to the patrons. An- thony Smith, was" elected secretary and Howard Keill, cheesemaker for the coming season. W. L. Grass lost a fine cow last week. Mise Nellie Smith spent Tuesday in Kingston. On account of the bad condition of the roads the sale at Joseph Howe's on Thursday had to be postponed. Capt. J. Martin and Charles Martin of Kingston were callers at D. Shee- han's on Tuesday. George Gates is moving from Lafargeville, N.Y., to the old home stead which he pur- chased from his brother, F. J. Gates. A number from here attended the hockey match in Kingston ob Wed nesday night. Miss Vanluven of Bath and Mrs. Lorna Sproule, who are attending K. C. I., spent the week-end at the latter's home here. Howard Keill is attending the dairy school in Kingston, | Lennox & Addington BATH. March 2,--A pleasing event took place in the parlor of the Bay View Hotel when N. Rikley's eldest son Private, W. W. Rikley was given a fine wrist watch by his many friends. H. A: Louis presided. N. Rikley very kindly gave all present an oyster supper which was greatly enjoyed. Charles B. Collupy of the 59th Battalion Medica] Corps, Brockville, also Richard Vichers of the 59th Gananoque, spent a few days here before leaving for overseas. Walter Rikley, 146th Batt., Kingston, spent a few days here with his people. Owi the heavy snowstorm trav< ellfig is| quite difficult now. D. H. Robinson is having his ice house fill- ed this weék. The dance in the Ma- sonic Hall on Friday might promises te be well attended. BETHEL. March, 1.--John and Percy Ashley of 'the 59th Battalion, Gananoque; made their farewell visit at their home here before leaving for Eng- land. There was no school on Mon- day owjng to the big snow storm. Miss Cronmie spent over Sunday with her sister, Miss M. Crowin, teacher. Miss Edith Kellar, Sharp's Corners, is spending a few weeks at her uncle's J. M. Jayne's. Miss Clara Hamilton is with Mrs. George Smed- ley for a few days. Miss Olive Sals. bury came up from Morven, for the Red Cross concert in Hinch's Hall.. Edgar and Carmen Salsbury attended the concert at Newburgh on Wednes- day evening last. Corson and Ar- thur Ashley spent Wednesday in Na- panee. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paul, Newburgh, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jayne. Mr. and Mrs. John Curl, spent Sunday evening at his uncle's, J. W. Curl's. Miss Sarah Amey is able to be out after her illness. The many friends of Miss Laura Horman were very sorry to hear of her severe illness. EVERGREEN VALLEY. March 3.~--The snow storm block ed the roads and the mail courier could not make his trips. Walter Smith had the misfortune to lose a cow. Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Milsap a baby boy. Mrs. Byard Parks, Deseronto, has returned to her home after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. George Mil- sap. George Paddock is still working at the ice in Kingston. Ernest Pero, Desert Lake, while helping W. Heg- adorn saw wood with a sawing ma- the misfortune while throwing wood from the saw to reach a little too far and his left hand came in contact with the saw fl | and nearly cut oft the first finger. [| W. Hegadorn hurried him to the doc- tor and had it dressed. The doctor says there are hopes of saving the ROY Storms has moved on Mrs. James Hegadorn"s farm. Mrs. |, David Parks has gone to join her husband at Ottawa. Mrs. James Much to Marshall Babcock, who was hurriedly taken to the hospital and underwent an operation for appendicitis last Mon- day night. Reports say he is getting along as well as cam be expected. Leeds MILL HAVEN March 1.--A number of people | | from here attended the dance held on Amherst Island last Friday night. 'When coming home they drove into a crack and most of them got wet. Mr. | Richardson is drawing lumber and gand for a new barn. The Women's Institute held a social at I. W. Bak- er's in-aid of the Red Cross Society, and realized over thirty-two dollars. '| Mr. Smith has disposed of his house. and property to David Lemmon who wil shortly take possession. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Milligan and family of Saskatoon are visiting at. Oscar | Amey"s. March 2. -- William Adams of Lethbridge, spent & few days last J weeks at Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gallagh- er's. Henry Crummy, of Eloids; lost a valuable horse and a cow last 'week. Mr. and re. ip Hanton gave a party on evening honor of Mrs, and Mrs. Frank John- '|ston who will leave shortly for their {home in the west. Mrs. William Spence and son Ronald of Green- 'jbush are the guests of Dr. Bourns. Feb. 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rev. A. E. Hagar has been accepted as chaplain | fo rthe 156th Battalion. Mrs. Mil- 'ton Kilborn is fil. Miss Grace Can- | {non and Miss Rea Maishel are visit ing at Roy Blasichard's, Addison. s---- MORTON. March 6.--J, C, Judd has gone ta spend a month in Toronto. B. N. Henderson has purchased a residence on Main street from Lester Sly. Hen- ry Burtch, Elgin, is spending a few days'in the village calling on friends. Joseph Neddow and two children, Lansdowne, called on friends a cou- ple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Burtch are moving on W. Grey e, as Mr. Burtch is en- ga with Mr. Grey for the coming summer... B. N. Wiltse and four daughters attended the funeral of Mr. Wiltse's brother, which took place at Gananogue on Monday last. E. Jones has brought home with him two more fancy drivers, and is speed- ing them around the village. Miss Estella Sly has returned to her home, corner of Queen and Main streets, af- ter spending a few days with friends at Seeley's Bay and other points. ---- POOLFE'S RESORT. March 4..-- Mrs. John Dickey is spending -4 week at Mallorytown, guest of 'her sister, Mrs. C. 0. Guild. Miss Katie Guild has returped home from a visit at Walter Williams'. Miss Edna WilcoX is visiting her sis- ter Mrs. B. E. Poole, Caintown, Mrs. Henry Lake is at Ivy Lea with her daughter, Mrs. Wastley McNeil. Mrs, Orpha Jones is suffering from an at- tack of bronchitis. Miss Florence Andress was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Elliott, Siftoms. Thomas Shearer is doing a rushing business with his sawing machine, Miss Acton spent the week-end at her home in Brockville. Mr, and Mrs, J. F. Weeks spent Sunday in Brockville. Miss Rita Andress i# visiting at Wel- lesley's Island. Rev. W. G. Bradford, Mallorytown, made some pastoral calls here this week. F. A. Read, New York, is spending a few days at his home here. Several panes of glass were broken in the flower house at Butler's Island last week when ice, former from Friday's storm fell from the overhanging branches of a tree. - JUNETOWN. March, 3.--Mrs. A. E. Summer, Mallorytown, spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Henrbison, Mrs, W. B. Foley, Lans. downe, is with her brother, Benja- min Ferguson, who is quite ill of pneumonia. Miss Cassie Tennant is guest of friends in Rockfield, Mr. and Mrs, William Green, Kilkenny street, spent a day recently at Frank Fortune's. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mallory, Escott, were recent guests of their uncle, Jacob Warren. W. H. Franklin is kept busy with bis sawing outfit. Mr. and Mrs. John Herbison enterta'ned a few friends on Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson, Ferguson, it be- ing the first anniversary of their marriage. James P. Warren, Ro- A TULA | FEBRUARY DIVIDENDS - LARGE chester, N. Y., arrived on Wednes- day last to da week with his fa- ther, Jacob Warren., Mr. and Mrs, Eli Tennant and cilidren spent t week-end at Z. Purvis', Lyn. J tob Warren and Ben Ferguson who have been very ill of pngumonia, are both recovering. ' Miss Orma Mul vaugh left on Sunday to enter the Toronto General Hospital as nurse. intraining. Robert Cughan re- turend on Saturday from a month's visit in Prescott and New York. Wil- lard Purvis has returned to his home in Gravenhurst after a month's vist with bi® parents here. Miss Ada Collins, Brockville, who has been nursing Jacob Warren, returnd home on Sunday. Several from here at- tended the funeral of Monday of Mrs. Charles McDonald, of Quabbin. Miss Annie Scott, Gananoque, spent tne week-end with relatives here. The many friends of Mrs. Charles Thompson, ' North Augusta, were very sorry to-day to hear of her sud- den death at her home there. Mrs. Thompson: was a sister of Alvin and Egbert Avery here and also of Mel 2ar Avery, Sharbott Lake, Miss Mary Avery spent Friday in Brock- ville. Anniversary services in the Caintown Methodist Church will be held on Sunday, March 12th by Rev. Dr. Cooper, Lapadawne, Prince Edwa by PICTON. March, 2.--Phillip MeCrimmon made a trip to Royal street on Tues- day. Mrs. George Richardson has returned home after visiting her son in Toronto. Walter Colliver and wife were in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Guy Johnsen is spending a couple of weeks at Belleville and other places. Mra. C. G. Fox made a call on Mrs. G. Richardson on Tuesday. CHERRY VALLEY, March 4.--The recent 'snow storm has made the roads good, and farm- ers are drawing logs to the sawmill. Mrs. -J. Carr died at her home en Feb. 24th, after a long illness. The ladies of this village spent an after- noon at the home of Mrs. G. Dul- mage sewing for the soldiers. James Bentley is very ill, with little hope of his recovery. Many people are suffering with grippe. The soldiers from Picton took a five-mile march to this village Friday morning, and a fine lunch was prepared for them by the péople here. . In conversation it is always best IN UNITED STATES. Substantial Thcrease Over Same > Month Last Year--Interest Also Large. ' : iw York, March 6.--F li vidend and interest disbursem in the United States total $131,000 000, us compared with $121,000,- rr Ag ons by the Franklin National ed Philadelphia. Of this amount inter- est payments will total $65,000,000, as compared with $59,000,000 last year, dividend disbursements will be $66,000,000, against $62,000,000 in uary, 1915. A classification of February dividends shows $34,000, 000 to be paid by industrial com= panies, compared with $25,000,000 in the corresponding month last year, while combined; steam railroad and street railway payments total $32,000,000 against $24,000,000 in the second month of 1915. Imperial Oil Dividend. Toronto, March 6--Under a profit sharing scheme a number of employ- ees of the Imperial Oi} Company throughout the country have become shareholders through the purchase of a portion of the new stock recent- ly issued when the capital 'was in- crease to $22,000,000. The company has just declared a half-yearly divi- dend of four per cent., representing on the old basis an increase of two per cent. for the half year. Big Profits On Alcohol. New York, March 6.--It. is under- stood that January net profits of Distillers' Securities were equal to 1% per cept. on the $30,843,000 Stock. Tt is estimated that for the March quarter the company will earn a balance for the shares of five per cent. These big earnings are, of course, coming chiefly through im- menses sales of spirits and alcohol for war purposes. The price of alco- '| minion Textile Compan Ton; compared with 5§ cents the mids TE Suparet wine ; +. and around 28 cerfts before the outbreak ofthe war. Tobacco Deal Closed. ~ New York, March 6.--Tobacco Products Corporation bought and took possession on Wednesday of the Schinasi Brothers, manuficturers of sigaréttes. The price paid was $3,- 300,000, which was paid ip cash by the Tobacco Products Corporation. Inventories taken over include more than $1,000,000 of tobacco, It is es- that timated Schinasi company will add something over $400,000 net per year to the' earnings of the Tobacco Products Cerporation, Company Out Of Field, . Ottawa, March 6.--Notice is given . in the Canadian Gazette that the Lumber Insurance Company of New York has ceased to 'write new busi. ness in Canada and that its commer- cial risks have been reinsured in the Western Assurance Company. of To ronto. Textile And Halifax, Halifax, N.S., March 6~--~The Doe have notifi- ed Board of Control that if city in- crease the assessment $25,000 as proposed they will dismantle factory at Halifax. . : Retire Preferred Stock. Toronto, March 6.--It is said that -the policy ofthe British Columbia Packers' Association in redeemifig its preferred stock has reached a point which makes it possible to retire the whole outstanding balance of this ig~ sue. The company has set aside a portion of its profits each year for this purpose. Big Copper Dividend. Boston, March 6.--A quarterly dis vidend of $15 a share was declared to-day by the directors of the Calu- met and Hecla Mining Company. If the quarterly rate is maintained for the remainder of the year it was stated that the return to the stock holders in 1916 would be the larg- est since 1907, and the third largest Ho! has advanced to 63 cents a gal LIABILITIES Notes ja Circulation Banks... id payable 1st Feb. ,371,763.00 97 ta consider all faces toward you and all ears open. a -------- iis Mortgage Loans with Accrued Loans on Stocks, B nds and Deben: Stocks, Bonds and Debentures Real Estate, acquired under foreclo- sure proceedings Sundry Assets Office Premises; Head Branches, . Office: Furniture Automobiles. . ... Less Written Off. Accrued Rentals Agents' Balances Municipal Debentures, at cost Cash on Hand and in Banks Interest on Debentures, Depowits, ete. ....,....... $155,140 05 Dividends. Balance Sheet as on December 31st, 1913 7 ASSETS, Inter: : $5,501,663 477,116 195477 12 13,471 93 ---- $6,243,995 50 Office and $207,161 90 5,600 00 308,461 90 180,124 38 $6,732,581 78 in the history of the company. EE ------------------ ED OVER 41 YEARS . THE STANDARD BANK OF CANAD STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS ON 31st JANUARY, Condensed from Goverament R 1 port: a AESOURCES onbhand ................. Deposit in Central Goid ie: ¥ M27431.98 serves Beas . 000.00 Banks. Bre . 3,19%429.2¢ Jima e .. LIABILITIES To the Public Debentures with Accrued Interest. ...$2,718,825 30 Deposits with Accrued Interest Mortgages Assumed Dividend payablé 3rd January, 1916. , Acevunts payable . .. To the Shareholders ,824,623 83 135,464 30 $3,450,988 22 $2,643,340 00 74472 62 $2,568,867 38 Surplus Funds Reserve Fund .... Contingent Fund .. Balance at Credit L. .$615,000 00 76,000 00 13,726 18 . LOSS AND GAIN ACCOUNT 179,223 91 40,000 00 13,726 18 $988,000 14 Balance forward from December 31st, Net Earnings after deducting all expense of man- agement and making provision for losses™, . CHAS. BAUCKHAM, We have audited the books and accounts of the Standard Relissiee Mo: Secretary, Treasurer. SANs Issrrsss ase sansaT natn 703,726 18 $3,272,503 56 $6,732,581 78 1914 $5374 all known 382,752 038 $388,000 14 Ema H. WADDINGTON, Managing Director. AUDITORS' CERTIFICATE December, 1915, and have verified the Cash and Bank Balances and Securities, and we hereby certify the above Balance Sheet exhibits a true and correet view of the affairs that date. Our'requirements as Auditors have been complied with; Ber cant. hanheen or Dore dGL 00000 $690,000. Sip To emmy He i Com tra ie $1372.18 STANDARD of the Corporation as/shown A. O. NEFF, F.CA. J. F. LAWSON, F.OA rtgage Corporation for the year ending 31st that in our opinion by its books as of Chartered Aceorntants. Account, the earnings have been sufficient to enable the to the Reserve Fund, 'amounts to $615,000.00. makes | H3.726.18, an in- RELIANCE MORTGAGE CORPORATION