0 UT OF THE HIGH RENT DITRIOT S jatch and Wait for Our Millinery Opening Next Week The Latest Imported and Domestic Models, at Prices: . that will Suprise You. NOW FEATURING COLORED SATIN HATS FOR PRESENT WEAR. ; ----See the Window T.J. OCONNOR 260 PRINCESS STREET. 'PHONE 800 . Higher up street but lower in price. Ladies" Exclusive | THE DAILY N EVERY DAY EVERY YEAR EVERY MONTH Note The Success Signs less it is successful. Also, the houses that make the biggest suc- cesses nowadays do so by satisfying and pleas- ing the public on whom their success is based. And in order to reach the publiec the most sue- cessful business and professional men 'use' newspaper advertising. Newspaper advertis- ing shows which way the trade is going. Note the pages of ad- vertising in to-day's Whig and you will see at a glange that the list of merchants, manufaec- turers, and other adver- tisers comprise the most progressive and the anost successful business and professional men in olr community. Advertising and sué- cess. go hand in hand. You don't sek a coneern constantly advertising in the newspapers un- Each - depends the other: Good business men and good newspapers, working fogether, spell SHCCESS. upon ESBYTERY TALKS. UNION Names Dr. John Nei; Toron- ONLY HALF THE NUMBER OF STUDENTS SEEK MISSION FIELDS THIS YEAR As Compared to Last Owing to the Fact That the Country Has Called Them to Serve For the Empire Elsewhere. The members of the Kingston Presbytery had a big grist of busi- ness before them, at the March meet- ing, held in Convocation Hall,.on Tuesday, and as a result an adjourn- ment was not reached until 11.15 p. m. Three very busy sessions were held during the day. The question of Church Union was again taken up, and resulted in the passing of the following resolutions, moved by Rev, W. T. Wilkins: Moved by Rgv. W. T. Wilkins, sec- onded by Rev. Dr. Gracey, that the yeas and nays be taken on the fol- lowing: «"This Presbytery for itself, irre- spective of the views expressed by other Presbyterians, and not taking into consideration the replies report- ed as given by elders, communicants and adherents ' throughout the church to the question submitted to them, anent church union, express its mind thus regarding the basis of union and the appendix in law, ete. transmitted as also regarding the resolution passed by the assembly there anent, namely, for approval and non approval: "In view of the large minority op- posed to the proposed unity and in view of the large number of minis- ters, elders, communicants and ad- herents of the church, who in conse- quence of their having gone over- seas, to serve their King and coun- try, In the terrible conflict now be- ing waged, have-been debarred from | expressing their minds regarding| such proposed union of the church- | es, this Presbytery does not deem it| wise or expedient that the assembly should proceed further at present, toward the consummation of an or- ganic union of the negotiating] churches, but would most earnestly | urge the assembly to take such steps as may be necessary to secure the fullest possible co-operation with such Churches to prevent all unnec- essary or undue overlaping in sup- plying ordnances to congregations and mission fields already existing but not self-sustaining, as well as in new mission fields requiring to be opened up, also to secure proper ec- clesiastical supervision and needed 'assistance for such union congrega- tions as during the course of "nego- tiations for a corporate union of the churches have already been formed, as well as for any such congrega- tions as in the immediate future it may be deemed expedient to organ- ze." % The Vote Taken. Ladies', and Gents' Dres- - gers in Oak, Walnut, Mahogany late designs; just out -- mirrors of the best plate, drawers convenient size--$10, $13, $19, f {on in this way. up to $1560. Rugs and Carpets in Tapestry, Brus- sels, Wilton, ete. Curtains in Lace, Brussels Nett, Ma- dras, Velour, ete. Phone 90. "T. F. Harrison Co. Yours, nm '|its union committee, for the passage Repair and Upholstering Work done Promptly : ol a '| scription to standards, and submit- | Footwear During this week we are showing a few 'lines of Men's Tan Calf , Gun Metal Bluchers, G uttons; regula: $5.00, 50 so Bush choice ... $3.75 Special | --Women's Overgaiters, all colors; Regula $1.00, for pyrrraineneriieannees 280 111 PRINCESS ST. The vote on the first resolution stood as follows: Mihisters, yea, 19; nay, 6; elders, yea, 2; nay, 2. | by a vote of 14 to 10. Following up his resolutions, Rev. Mr. Wilkins said that it would Be a wise move to leave the matter with the General Assembly. He favored sending the report of Presbytery as it is at present, without modifica- tion. Prof. Jordan said Presbytery had already voted on the questign. A mistake was made in having the vote Iii the facé of the present great war, it was a tragedy and a great mistake to send down the remit from Presbytery on jhe question. In connection with the question of church union, the Presbytery re- ceived an overture from the Presby- tery of Winnipeg, in which it was stated: "The Presbytery of Winnipeg prays the General Assembly at its meeting in 1916 in Winnipeg, where in 1902 the steps towards union were. first taken: "To declare at the coming meet- ing of the Assembly that the union shall be consumma in June, 1918, "To apply without delay, through in '1917 of the necessary legislation in Parliament. to enable the Presby- terian, Methodist and Congregational churches to unite. Sia "To suggest to the Methodist and Congregational churches, the advisa- bility (should they be so disposed) of tlieir proceeding with union as soon as possible." Prof. Jordan gave a report of the special committee re remit on _&ub- ted a deliverance on the said remit, which was adopted. -- ; Reports Submitted. Rev. Dr. Gracey, of Gananoque, submitted the report of the Home Missions, which was adopted. He Children are probably brighterto-day than a generation ago--but are they stronger? That's a grave question. So many pinched faces, dulled eyes and languid feeling make us wonder if they will ever. grow into robust, healthy men and women. If yeur children catch colds easily, are tired when rising, lack healthy color, or find studies difficult, give them Scott's Emulsion for one month to enrich their blood and restore the body-forces.to healthy action, ~~ Scott's Emulsion is used in private schools. Itis not a"patent medicine", bhargiful drugs. Tt caunot harm; itis oon: it benefits lungs and 'the systetn. Your drug. gist has it--refuse utes. to, As Assembly Moderator. |*°%i.: The second resolution was passed b Smpiv = bight concentrated oil-food, |. steps be taken to secure a man for that field as soon as possible; grant, That a grant of $250 be asked for G , when that field is filled. That a grant of $250 be asked for Tamworth, and the congregation be Yistes to secure a grant of $750 if That a grant of $100 be asked for Tweed, conditional upon their fail- ure to raise $920. The treasurer, Prof. J. Matheson, presented a report, which was re- garded as most satisfactory, show- ing a balance of $400. A vote of thanks was ten Prof. Matheson for his zeal in looking after his dut- Rev. Dr. . Gracey = submitted the request of Newburgh, to be given the status of a mission fleld and placed under the care of H. M. Committee, with a view to the better working of the field. The request was granted. It was agreed that the special commission appointed to co-operate with representatives of the Roxboro cireuit, relative to the filling of that charge, Committees Appointed, At the evening session, the report of the striking committee to select the standing committees were adopt- ed as follows: . Home Missions, Social and Evan- gelism--Rev. Dr. Gracey (Conven- or), Dr. MacTavish, Rev. J, D. Boyd, Rev. E, C. Currie, Rev. James Rat- tray, Rev. C. C, Salisbury, Rev, A. J. McMullen, Rev. A. O. Acton, Prof. Wallace, elders of Madoc, Ganan- ogue and St. Andrew's Church, Belleville. Foreign Missions -- Rev. W. 8. MacTavish (Convenor), Rev. D. E. Foster, Rev. A. Little, Rev. T. J. Hall, Prot, Jordan, Rev. W. W, Con- rod, Rev. J. N, Beckstedt, and elders of John Street Church, Belleville, Lansdowne and Napanee. Young People's Societies and Sun- day School--Rev. A. 8. Kerr (Con- venor), Rev. John Dawson, Rev. M, N. Omond, Rev. E, R. McLean, Rev. D. Fiske, Rev. C. E. Kidd, and elders | of Shannonville, Stirling, St. drew's Church, Belleville Cooke's Church, Kingston. and A. LL W, O, Funds--J. M. Strange |} (Convenor), Rev. Dr. 'Macgillivary, Principal Ross, Rev. J. Cumberland, | | Rev. Dr. Gracey, Rev. J. T. Caawell, |} Rey. D. BE. Foster, Rev. P. N. Sin- clair and elders of Thurlow, Nap- J. Al Systematic Giving --- Rev, | McClement and D. A, Shaw. Statistics of Finance--Rev, W. T, Wilkins (Convenor) and convenors of other committees. /Supervision and examination of 'students--Rev. Prof, A. Laird (Con- venor), Rev. Dr. Macgillivray, Rev. J. D. Boyd, Rev. A. 8. Kerr, Prof. Dall, and the represeptatives of the Kingston congregations. guson (Convenor), Rew.-J. Cumber- land, Rev. W. T. Wilkins, Rev. C. C. elders J. M. Strange and Prof. Mor- ison. Recraits For Ministry." Prof. Alexander Laird presented the report on the examination of students, He pointed out that last year, all the members of the senior class numbering eight had made ap- plication for trial for license. This year there were eleven in the senior class, and all had made application. They are W. E. Bannerman, : Bruce, J. M. Laird, O. R, Lavers, J. D. McCrae, J. T. McKay, R. H. Mo- Kinnon, J. P. McLeod, 8S. C. Mitchell, A. B. Morrison and Hugh Shannon. The following recruits for the min- istry asked for home mission work: George E. Kelly, Belleville; H. A. McLeod, Owen Sound; C. F. Ham, Odessa; G. H. Kirby, Newmarket; C. C. Gilbert, Sherbrooke; A. L. Black- lock, Glenburie. The students were certified to by Presbytery. for this 'work. twenty-five offered themselves. The number was- exceedingly small, due to the fact that a number of the best students had offered their services for overseas service. It was also reported that several Methodist stu- dents were seeking work on mission fields. Tlie moderator, Rev. A. 8. Kerr, gave an excellent report of the Young People's Societies and Sunday School Committee, of which he is convenor. The keynote of the report was an ap- peal for the young people to become members of the church; to give larg- er grants to the budget, and religious training in the home. The ideal was a Young People's Society and Sunday school for each congregation, erator for his illuminating report. the same evening to grant the censes. The question of summer school for committee to consider. d fate' could be obtained. . more men. Delegates to Assembly. gates to which: meets in Winnipeg: gillivray, Rev. A. 8. Kerr, Sco! Laird. Woott & Bowae, Tomales, Out: wa + 8 An- |} anee, Gananogue and Newburgh. i Dawson (Convenor), Rev. J. A. Wil- | |i son, and elders Prof, Matheson, Prof. |} the treasurer || Historical Committee--Prof. Fer-|}§ Salisbury, Rev. James Rattray, and our morning. HENDERSON'S COFFEE | Is in a class by itself. Money It's al Our new spring stock of Travelling | Goods is ready for your inspection. Trunks, from . eevee. $2.00 80 $25.00 Bags, from .."........$1.85t0 62000 Suit Cases, from .......$1.00t0$18.00° ¥ ~ -Abernethy's Shoe Store An event where gen- erous price concessions, elegant styles and desir- able selection make a wonderful buying op- portumity. 3 Discounts that are genuine. Now is the time for bargains in fine Furs at [J {Brass Beds Campbell Bros. I0US FOLK FAVOR Our Coffee! We are building up a very large trade in kind that we grind fresh on premises" every own Coffee, the Prof. Laird pointed out that last year fifty students were certified te This year about cannot buy better. breakfast necessity. pound. bY. Home-Made Candy and Chocolates Fresh Made Every Day SAKELL'S | Next Opera House, Entirely | Springs and Mattresses. || Reid's Quality; Reid's Low Prices. A WISE MAN STAYS) ON THE FENCE '"---- LONG ENOUGH TO THINK | 'A QUESTION OVER C+ oO alengans say Leann ya rE? Furniture new and finishés in Hall Seats, Hall Mirrors and Combin- ation Hall Racks. 59-61 " A Sas Hon 5 Den with, Moderator Nominated. On motion of Rev. Dr. Macgilli-| vray, the present moderator of the | Picton; Rev. J. T. Caswell, Sunbury; General Assembly, Rev. John Neil,| Rev. A. J. Wilson,' Napanee; Rev. Dr. D.D., of Westminster Church, Toron- | Henry Gracey, Gananoque; Principal to, was 'nominated as oderator of Rev. Robert Laird and Rev. Dr. Gracey returiied thanks to the mod- It was agreed that an examination for the students seeking license be held on the afternoon of April 27th at 2.30 o'clock, in St. Andrew's Hall, and that Presbytery meet at 8 g'elock establishing a 'workers and members of Young Peo- ple's Societies, was left with: the Rev. John Dawson reported on Systematic Giving, and after doing that a great deal better Rev. Robert Laird stated that the missionary work in India needed far The following were elected as dele- the General Assembly, Ministers--Rev. C. E. Salisbury, Rev. P. M. Sinclair, Rev. D. E. Fos- ter, Rev. John Dawson, Rev, Dr. Maes Prof. tt. 'Elders--Prof. J. Matheson, Wil- liam McIntosh (Belleville), Prot. A. Prof. Matheson 'was appointed a tive for bills and overtures : Sve: Amembly invitation to hold: the the Assembly for next yeéar. "He has given distinguished ser- vice," said Dr. Macgillivray, "and is well fitted to adorn-the chair." Rev. W. T. Wilkins seconded the motion. Those present at the meeting of Presbytery included Rev. A. 8. Kerr, Belleville (moderator), Prof. H. T. Wallace, Prof. John 1, Rev, A. M. Little, Tamworth; Rev. C. €. Salis- 1055 OF APPETITE Most Successfully Treated by Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Loss of appetite is aceompanied by loss of vitality, which is serious. It is men in the spring because at this time the blood is impure and impoverished and fails to give the digestive organs what is absolutely necessary for the proper perform- ance of their functions. : Hood's Sarsaparilla, the old reli- able al-the-year-round medicine, is especially yseful in the spring. Get it from your druggist to-day. By purifying and enriching the blood and giving vitality, vigor and tone, it is wonderfully successful in the treatment of loss of appetite and the Sther ailments prevalent at this me. tabut it is,the best spring medicine. - Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the rich red blood the digestive organs need. It: is not simply a spring medicine--it is much mi hg that | ti FAIR -AND SQUARE You will decide your food buying problem quickly upon the event of Mince Meat 3 Ibs. Biscuits {Fresh Celery, Lettuce, h { { Henderson's Grocery | your first visit to our grocery. | Rhubarb. . (EMPIRE GROCERY, next | mo SE ee 0 d xt regular meeting the first Tues-| yw Meanie; Rev. P. M. Sinclair, El- ay in July in Trenton. | dorado; Rev. D. E. Foster, Tfenton; | Rev. John Dawson, Portsmouth; | Rev. E. R. McLean, Rev, A. A. Ac- ton, Deseronto; Rev. M. N. Ormond, | Ross, Principal Gordon, Rev. W. T. Wilkins, Tregton (cléfk); Rev. Dr. M. Macgillivray, Prof. W. C. Jordan, Rev. Dr. W. 8. MacTavish, Madoc; { Rev. Daniel Fiske, Bancroft; Rev, J. 'Rattray, Tweed; Rev. J. D. Boyd, Prof. William Morgan, Rev. Robert Laird, Toronto; Rev. E. C. Currie, \ Belleville; Rev. A. J. McMullen, Me- ' Donald's Corners; Rev. W. W. Con- 'rad, Melrose; Rev. J. N. Beckstedt, Lansdowne; William Mcintosh, Belle- ville; William Moore, Latta; Prof. J. Matheson, J. D. W. Darling, Lans- downe; James Gordon, Napanee; Alexander Dickson, Camden East; James Holscroft, Tweed; D. A. Shaw, R. J.-- Drack,: R. Uglow,; J. M. Strange. , AN INSURANCE COLLECTOR Was Taken For the Man Who Reads © the Meter. To be mistaken for a gas meter reader and shown to the cellar was the experience of a local insurance agent on Monday. The agent, a new man at thé business, called at a Princess street residence for the purpose of collecting a tefi-cent pre- mium on an insurance policy. When he did not state that he was an in- surance agent the lady of the house thought he was the man who read gas meter, so showed him to the ., - After _he had been down sre for a few minutes the lady of Lthe house thought that he was un- able to find the meter, so went down to show him the location. Upon Rg FOLCONTOCRT - 7B { designs ESE James Reid, The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 for Personal Services nm tn 100 Milk Fed Chickens 100 Young Fowls 500 lbs. Young Pork 500 lbs. Farmers' But- ter, in rolls * and prints at speeial prices. : HOOD'S WEST END MEAT MARKET, Phone 407. 'Resolve + to Succeed Throw oH She handicap of petty i t make you grouchy, listless and de- p . Get at the root of your ailments--clear your digestive system of T- ities, put it 4 good I order--keep it healthy Largest Salo of Acy Medicine in the Word, fronted 'with the question: "Where is your insurance book?" going 'down the stairs she was con- .