WHI SDAY, MAROH 8, 1016 , hs $ be dort 'e ter) + DROPPED 1,000 SHELLS * + OVER 218T MNE.--. Members of the 21st Battal ® fon writing home to their par- ents and friends here speak + about the Germans bombarding their lines. One writer States that the Huns dropped. one thousand shells in a few hours over the lines of the 21st Bat- 4 talion. Only a couple of casual #% ties occurred. * D main, & Mise Eortha Billings, - Chemical | CLIPPED FROM THE WHIG'S oad, Broc he 4 ville, has received an in MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES. teresting letter from Pte. H. Offer, | in Brief Form the Events In the with the 21st Battalion in France. | He states they have been hammering | Country About Kingston Are Told ~~Full of Interest to Many. the Hung since New Year's, On one) Charles Simpson has been appoint- occasion, the Germans put up a! white flag which the Canadians | €d to the Brockville police court. _ Brockville Council has granted promptly shot' down. The German | white flag is not trusted after their shooting some Canadian stretcher $25,000 to the Canadian Patrietic Fund. Mrs. Fanny Joynt, Bastard town- bearers who were carrying the wounded to the rear. 'I was helping a chum of mine who got hit the other night," he|ship, was given three months in jail wrote, "and the Germans kept their | for theft. Cf starlights up and made it as bright Messrs, Brownson Bros, Belleville, as day, and peppered us with their | have disposed of the Citizen's Dairy machine guns, but we got him into | to Mr, Parks, Torontg. ; the long grass, but he died shortly In a fire in W.'C. Dempsey's house afterwards, His brother got down | at Belleville, firemen had td carry to see him. before he died. He took | out a number of the inmates, his ring off and asked, to have it sent |' The marriage of Miss Agnes Spen- to his wife. He was from Kingston | cely, Peterboro', and Clarence Eas- tor, Brockville, was solemniZed\ on Friday afternoon. Miss Hazel Fowler, datghter of and was shot in three places." Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Fowler, Brock- ville, ang Ivan Hoy, a former resi- dent of ; were married on TAX ON AMUSEMENTS : \ BY ONTARIO GOVERNMENT FOR : The death occurred on Saturday of WAR REVENUE. Mrs. Elizabeth Post. The deceased The Province Had a Surplus of $271,- | Was Joss at Prescott. and ved there 000 } practically all of her life until com- the han Rom Budget Speech in ing to Brockville seven years 'ago. Toronto, March 8 ARRGRBCOmERE. » On February. 28th Albert W. Stra- of increased taxes on race tracks and Shan. of es Se a Aomanition 8 ley on tickets of admission to such | Kingston, and Miss Kathleen Hoss, Pace 2 Mmvsanont, as Moving ple. Smith's Falls, were united in. mar- s , h | riage. : skating rinks, baseball and lacrosse parks and Sireuges, wy nade J ihe Bartaion, Te wT. Wh. = Miss Nellie M K- haustive financial statement in the| yiije, Nojlie owt Icunston, Druck. son, were married on Saturday. The death occugred on Friday last at her home in North Augusta, - of Mrs. Charles Thompson, following a year's illness. The deceased was a daughter of the late Isaac Avery, of Junétown, Professor Rickwood, Pembroke, who enlisted with the 136th, has been presented with a handsome wrist watch by the members of the Methodist Choir, in appreciation of his faithful service as their organist and leader. At St. Michael's Church, Belleville on Monday, the marriage was cele- brated of Miss Sarah H. Malyea, dau- ghter of the late James Malyea and Mrs. Malyea, and of Fred J. Milne, son of Robert Milne. DIED IN LONG GRASS Took His Ring Off To Send To His - Wife. ON FINELY The Verdun Fight Goes On INFANTRY FIGHTING ON THE FRONT HAS COME TO A HALT, At Various Points the Germans Are Peppering Away, But Have Won Little Success--French Recovered Trenches Taken on March 6th And German Prisoners Taken. (Special to the Whig.) Paris, March 8.--"Infantry fight- ing on the front north-west of Ver- dun came to a last night while the Germans poured a heavy shell fire in upon the French positions," sald the War Office statement. "North of Verdun the situation remained unchanged last night. West of the Meuse, north-west of Verdun, the enemy bombarded our positions throughout the night, but there were no infantry actions. East of the Meuse there was intermittent) firing, to which our batteries replied | energetically. *In the Champagne, east of Mason De Champagne, we have recaptured trenches taken by the enemy on March 6th. We also took eighty- five prisoners. "The Germans attacked in the vi- c¢inity of Fresnes along the railway and the road from Manhéulles, but their results broke down under our artillery fire. "North-east of Fresnes the artil- lery bombarded Blansoy and Rim- sourt, east of Fort Moulaisville." + {From Our Own Correspondent.) | March st enjoyable assembly | was held in Turner's Hall on Monday | evening. The Citizens' \ | chestra furnished music. Band or- . Mrs. James Nobes. was taken i 3 to| Kingston recently for treatment at! the General Hospital. i The young ladies of the Maple, { Leaf Organized Bible Class of Grace { Sunday school held another mission-| ary tea yesterday afternoon at the home up an and Mrs. George W. Scott, Arthur street, and received) Balfour Confirms Story Of Her | very fair patronage. Reaching Port. Gananoque Council, No. 284, R. T. London; March 8---The German of T., held a social at the home of comsmnerce raider Moewe eluded Brit-| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cummings, Ish patrols on her return to a Ger-| John street, last evening, and drew man port by cruising northward la good attendance. . around Iceland. First Lord of the | Capt. Howard Taylor spent a short Admiralty Balfour told the Hause | time in town with relatives this of Commons. From sources of its| week. It is understod that the cap- own the Admiralty has confirmed | tain purposes returning to the front German reports that the Moewe ac- at an early date. z tually has reached a German port, | Mrs. Francis Keyes, Orchard View, he said. . | was summoned to Lansdowne on ac- {count of the serious illness ¢f her | brother, Michael Lappan. DESIRES 10 RETIRE David Bentham and son Joseph i" vy left this week for Hamilton to accept | situations with the Hinge Company, N. | that operated the Cowan and Britton | plant here for some months past. | - Miss Agnes Bedard, Boston, arriv- ? ; . | ed in town this week for a visit with Will Ask Permission Of General As-| 00 oper Willlam S.Bedard, North | | sembly, Through Presbytery, For | gireet. » Permission To Retire--Pastor Of | Send Your Subscription. Kinsgton's character factory needs Chalmerg Church For Twenty-nine | . { |'your. support. Do not shirk your; Years. lduty. Send along your cheque, | { cash or promise, to the "Y."' Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam for a cold on the chest at] | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. | W. R. White, Caintown, has pur- | chased the farm of the late W. J. | White, who died recently at Graven- hurst. The farm is one of the Best in Yonge Front and has been in the White family a period of ninety- PEP PP POP ee By mm wi eo This flavour is unique and never found _ in cheap, ordinary teas. Let us mail you a sample. Black, Mixed or Gre: First Spring Showing CRUISED AROUND ICELAND, « Of New Millinery and Tmported and Domestic Novelties, Wednesday, March 8th And Following Days. We aim to please and invite all ladies to examine our stock before ordering. Misses Butler and Graham Phone 1267. Princess Street, opp.. Y.M.C.A.. Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings, REV, DR. MACGILLIVRAY IN MI ISTRY FOR FORTY YEARS 2, Legislature yesterday. From these sources it is estimated that a reve- nue of $450,000 per annum will be derived. The tax on race tracks will be raised from $500 to $1,260 per day, while a toll of one cent will be taken from patrons of the type of | entertainment 'mentioned. While the Provincial Treasurer did not specifically state the method of collecting the tax on patrons of amusements, it is understood that a system similar to that prevailing in Montreal will be adopted. This | means that the theatregoer or base- | ball fan will hand over the amount of the tax in addition to the regular admission fee. It is expected that the one-cent levy will be enforced for sole tiie at the beginning, but as experience shows, the tax may be i" graded according to the price = the | The marriage was solemnized on | Thursday in' St. Francis de Sales! admission fee. This is apparently | ) ...p ~° A | what the 25-cent maximum tax which | urch, Smith's Fails, of Loretta, may be brought into force by regula- | only Jalgater of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- | tion or order in Council has in view, | ir ou iontuing, And Jose aru wile sourSe of his budget speech, | puis, Arnprior. ht forth congratulations | + from the other side of the House, the | James V. Ross, Belleville, who lost his eldest son, Gunner Leo Ross last The Berlin Statement. (Special to the Whig.) Berlin, March 8.--West of Regne- ville on the west bank of the Meuse, the Germans stormed the French front below Bethincourt on a front of about three and one-half miles and for a depth of nearly two miles. The War Office claims the capture of Regnevilla village, seven miles northwest of Verdun and Forges, also the capture of French positions on. Rabenand \ Heights. French lost 700 prisoners while holding the remaining houses in Fresnes, The Austrian War Office reports capture of 10,000 yards of trenches Worth up to $3.50 | eight years. 1 REV. DRCMACGGILUIVRAY in training at Kingston, and Miss | acter that carried the leaven of good- Throat Gargles at Gibson's Red 2 Extra V alue : After serving over forty years in [Kathleen Ross, Smith's Falls, ness Wherever she went. Cross Drug Store. Men's Odd from the Russians northwest of 1 : ; inistry J M i- ted mw 2, Provincial Treasurer - hinted that! the ministry, Rev. Malcalm Macgilli- | united in marriage Deceased, whose maiden name was | At Elgin, on Wednesday, Rev. Fa- | were | . Tarnopol. . i there might come a time when the | M8y in action in Flanders has joined vray, D.D., for" twenty-nine years | : : (A g | What Many Childten Lack. | f Lucina Avery, was born in the town- ther McKiernan united in marriage) Miss Marcella Kelly, daughter of | | Mrs. and Mrs. Denis Kelly, Elgin, to | | James G. Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. | | J. W. Hayes, Smith's Falls. + The meanest Y. M. C. A. that ever | existed is worth every dollar ever in- vested in it.--Dr. Gordon. | On February 28th, at Smith's] Falls, Albert W. Strachan, of the| 3rd Division Ammunition Co., now | The ate Mrs. Charles Thompson. |. iinvial authorities would have | the colors and is going overseas with | Pastor of Chalmers Church, Kings- Brockville, March 8.--Early on |to differ from the Finance Minister | One Of the first battalions to cross to | ton, is askifg permission of hel , oq signt, indeed, it is to see so Friday last there passed away Mrs. at Ottawa with regard to the method | England. He has enlisted in the 59th | Presbyterian General Assembly to re: many children on our streets weak, | TLucina Thompson, wife of Charles | of taxation. He alluded to the | 8t Brockville, {ure from the mMRistry, peevish, delicate and ailing, with | Thompson, of the township of Eliza- | generally understood plan that the| 'Of the 112 recruits taken on in The application of the Moderator spindling little legs and arms and | bethtown, after a lingering illnesd. | province imposed direct taxation, and | the latter half of February to the |Of the General Assembly came be-| Go "0" "hat parents can do The late Mis, Thompson yas. an |gaid that after the war the Province | Strength of the = 155th Battalion, Jore the Mods ni neste | nothing with them, all because they | n r , one © ose | 3 5 'res . 4 y . : Ait ' a Angh ah 18 Jeligion. 9 e of Ontario would firmly assert its de- | éighty were Canadians. Of the re- amie] that lack vitality. Our local druggist, | a fine woman, the essence of kind- ness in word and deed, with a char- ship of Escott sixty-three years ago. She was a member of a large fam- ily, the surviving ones being: -Alvin and Egbert, Junetown; Melzar, Shar- bot Lake, ex-M.P. for Frontenac; Mrs. John Darling and Mrs, Joseph _ McDonald, Lansdowne; Mrs. W. B. Lanigan, Winnipeg, and Mrs. (Rev.) Georst Scantlebury, Ottawa. A daughter predeceased her mother some years ago. Caused A Disturbance. - There was a lively time at a dance held in Barr'efield on Tuesday even. ing. It is reported that a couple of thegparties who attended the dance were pretty well used up. After he had admitted having made a remark to the effect that "Cangda will never be any "geod while under 'British rule." Patrolman Leo was dismissed [from the Windsor police force. Don't forget the Y. M. C. A. Can- vass this week, Every little helps. Send your cheque to the "Y."" if some people should ever try to swallow their pride they would ehoke to death. Some people boast that they pay as they go, but it seems mighty hard to get them started. Many a man denies his wife a" lot of pleasure by refusing to argue with her. She was | sire to have a clear field for the im- | mainder twenty-five were position of those taxes within the | three Scotch, three Irish English, and one compass allgtted at the time of. Con- | American. federation, Mrs. Florence Munville, Belle- The Treasurer stated that the to- | ville, was before Magistrate Massor tal ordinary receipts for the year were $12,975,732, and the total ordi- nary expenditure $12,704,362, leav- i ing a net surplus of ordinary receipts | accused was found guilty and a fine over ordinary expenditure of $271,-| of $25 and costs imposed. 000. for the fiscal year ending The total estimated receipts October charged with using grossly insulting | language toward Frederick Coon, a| | member of the 80th Battalion. The! On Saturday the Young People's { Guild of the Presbyterian Church, 31st, 1916, are $12,892,378, the to-| Toledo, made a presentation of a set tal ordinary ependiture $10,-142, | of beautiful sterling silver, pearl- 451, and the total capital ependiture | handled fruit knives in a handsome $10,931,636. case, to Miss Violet Brigginshaw in It is expected that C. W. Bowman,4 honor of her coming marriage. the Liberal whip, will criticise the] budget this afternoon. ILL IN ENGLISH HOSPITAL, "Jerry" Somerville, Queen's Battery, | The deceased was Suffered From Pneumonia. Mrs. R. H. Somerville, Frontenac street, has received a letter from her son "Jerry," (Queen's). of the 46th He has been | King George Hospital in Battery in the London, England, in a serious condition with pneumonia, altho sit up, The letter states thst h he was not thén allowed to (was improving wonderful- ly, and expected to be up in a few days. The letter adds that the hcs- pital arrangements are of the best, the English women beifig very good to the patients, and doing everything possible for them. The King and Queen and other royal visitors; have lately been to the hespital. Penslar Cough Syrup at Gibson's Drug Store. at Are gladdened by the beautiful melodies and the artistic rendition of every kind of music on the i} Heintzman & do. Player-fliana "The Different Plaggr-Piano" And the beauty of it is that anyone can play this wonderful instrument without knowing a note of music. Have a demon- stration, today, of its ex- . biliti its _ exquisite tone, its patented "weather-proof" and ey NE ry Sad 2 Mrs. Andrew Hurd, a former resi- | dent of Brockville, died on Saturday | at the residence of her son. Dr. H. | E. Hurd, Toronto, after a short ill- | ness, at the age of eighty-four years. born in Brock- | ville, of United Empire Loyalist par- entage. About one hundred neighbors and friends assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Eyre at White- hurst, on March 1st, and presented Mr. and Mrs. Eyre with a beautiful chair," accompdrnied by an address. Mr. Eyre has sold his farm and is moving to North Augusta. WHEN FOOD TAXES ~ YOUR STRENGTH A -- You Need the Tonic Treatment of Or. Williams' Pink Pills. When the food you take fails to nourish when it causes you pain and often a feeling of extreme nausea, the cause is indigestion. Your sto- mach is too feeble to do its work and you will continue to suffer until you strengthen your digestive powers, Your digestion has failed because your stomach is not receiving the pure, red blood of health to give it strength for its work. The tonic - treatment of indiges- tion by DA, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People Filteaeds by building up and enriching the blood supply, fo that the techie digestive organs are strengthe: , appetite Is restored and tone given the 'rwhole system. Thousands have proved this by per- gonal experience, as is shown by the following typfeal instance. Mrs. James Boyle, Dartmouth, NS, says: "For years I was a sufferer from in- digestion. I could not take food without feeling terrible distress af- terwards, and in consequence I was badly run down. Sometimes after éating I would take spells of dizzi- ness with a feeling of numbness 'throughout my body, and at other times my heart would palpitate so violently that 1 feared I would die. Naturally I was doctoring continual ly, but without getting better. Then my husband got me a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills dnd before long I found they were helping me, and I continued to take them until I was restored to health, I:was nexer in better health than I om now, and 1 fo Dr. Williams' Pink These Pills are sold by all medi- cine dealers or your can get them by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Qo., Brockville, Ont, application be made'to the General Assembly, for ission for him to retire from active work as he has | reached the, age of seventy-one years, Geo. W. Mahood, asks the parents | of every such child to try Vinol, his| non-secret cod liver and iron reme- | dy, to overcome such conditions. It| | contains no oil or grease, and is 80 delicious children love to take it. GRANOMA USED SAGE TEA TO DARKEN HAIR mixed Sulphur with Restore Color, Gloss, Youthfulness. + On motion of 'Rev, Dr, Henry Gra- cey, Gananoque, another veteran | minister it was decided to transmit the request to the Assembly through 'ne Committee on Aged and Infirm | m'nisters an! with the concurrence of Preshytery. Althowgh Dr. Maegillivray has reaclied his three score years and .She en ,he is still very active. A warm | (ribute to 'his worth was paid him at the me ting of the General Assembly | held im-Kingston last June, when he| Common garden sage brewed into 'waa elected to the most important |g heavy tea with sulphur added, will position in the gift of the Presbyter- turn gray, streaked and faded hair jan Church--that of Moderator, a ipeautifully dark and luxuriant, Just position he has ably filed. "A-foree-'3 row applications will prove a reve- fv] speaker, possessing remarkable ation if your hair is fading, streak- ability as an'execntive worker, Dr.leq or gray. Mixing the Sage Tea| Msogillivray was at all times @ POW- an4 Sulphur recipe at home, though, erful man i» church work. is troublesome. An easier way is to Dr. Macgillivray 1s of Scottish par- get a 50-cent bottle of Wyeth's Sage ents, why removed to the southeast apg Sulphur Compound at any drug States, and thento Collingwood, Ont. [oi60 411 ready for use. This is the it to and graduated in 1872. He complet- |4i1jon of other ingredients. | ed his studies in'Scetland and return- | While wispy, gray, faded hair is] | ed to Ontario in 1875. His first 44 sinful, we all desire to retain our ministry was. at Scarboro where he |you¢nful appearanec and attractive- remained five years, .He next went |). s By darkening your-hair with to Perth where' he remained siXiywoain's Sage and Sulphur Com- years, then coming to Kingston. It ig understopd that Dr. Macgilll- | qoag jt so naturally, so evenly. You| vray's resignation, as pastor 1 Chalmers Church, will be tendered \wih it and draw this through your | later on. time; by morning all gray hairs] {have disappeared, and, after another SALEPEIIELRIRRIEIIIIII |p cation or two, 'your hair be-| COLLEGE GETS $100,000. + and luxuriant. #| This preparation is a delightful | Queen's University will re- ceive $100,000 from the Ontas rio Government for the coming year, 1916-17. This is an In- crease of $27,000 over the pre- vious year. The supplemen- tary estimates brought down on Tuesday contained these items: School f Mining, $25,000; Medical Faculty, © $14,000; Queen's Arts Faculty, $18,000. In the main estimates the School of Mining was granted $42,000 and the Medical Cal- lege $1,000. 4 for the cure, mitigation or preven- & tion of disease. For informatio 3 that will lead to SEEN PP PRE ERE eRe hh oF rd |. person or pers ns suffering from | - Nervgus Debilivy, Diseases of the : Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison, © HER | Skin Diseases, ladder Troubles, , = ray to Meet! Special Ailments, and Chronic or Wife and Oh Aden - wa is | Complicated Complaints who can- Mrs. Confray and children, who| notbe cured at The Ontario Medi- figured ip the recent wreck near Ri-| cal Institute, 268-265 Yonge St, deau Stdtion, were able to leave the | Toronto. Correspondence invited. HUSBAND ENLISTED. Hotel Dieu for Hamilton on Tues-| day. - Mrs. Confray is the wife of} Pte. Confray, of the Hamilton Scot- tish. / He went to Hamilton from Montreal a month ago, and wos em- ployed by the National Steel Cor Company for a short time. He en- listed on Feb. 15th, and his wife and family were on their way to meet him when they met with the accident. Benjamin Cavanagh, Newboro, was placed in the Leeds counties bas- tile for thirty days for being intoxi- cated in a local option municipality. At Fosbore Feb, 23rd Arthur Walt, popular sksmith was unit- ed in marriage to Miss Jennie M Kennedy, Zion's Hill, He entered Quedn's College, in 1868, 414 time recipe improved by the ad-{} {peund, no one can" tell, because it!H of just dampen a sponge or soft brush | | hair, taking one small strand at a §i «comes beautifully dark, glossy, soft Hi «4 toilet requisite and is not infended | | I the discovery or whereabouts of the | Ji All Sizes $2.45 Pair Two Days Only, March 8th, 9th Roney's, 127 Princess St. . FEIE A ---------------- For Mar- $81 Month 5 se: NEW CONDITIONS FOR ENLISTMENT IN THE 146TH BATTALION, CEF. Any man enlisting now will have the privilege of boarding at home until the Battalion goes . into camp in the spring. MARRIED MEN will be allowed 60c a day ex- tia for subsistence; also $20 a month separaticn, as well as their daily pay of $1.10 and Patriotic Fund allowance, estimated from $10.00 a month up, making a total of $81.00 a month for privates (N.C.O. pay extra). will be allowed 60c a day extra SINGLE MEN for subsistence as well as their daily pay of $1.10, making a total of $51.00 -a month. STUDENTS of Queen's University who enlist will be given every opportunity to finish their courses. Any business man who has obligations will be given every opportunity to attend to same. ; WITH ABOVE LIBERAL CONDITIONS YOU SHOULD ENLIST TO-DAY | CALL AND TALK IT OVER WITH US. LIEUT COLONEL CHAS. A. LOW, Officer Commanding 146th Battalion, C.E.F. ~ On Thursday at Montreal occurred of Mrs. George Patterson, | : after a short. illness, Her maiden name was Miss Etta Lappin, Perth. Oliver Jones,son of Antoine Jones, Pembroke, was killed at Park Falls, | Wis. ~ He was an engineer. Re-| . mains sent to Pembroke for burial. |