Military Tailoring and Supplies FOR OFFICERS OF ALL BRANCHES OF HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE : Cut and tailored by experts from correet "imported cloths, with careful attention to regula- tion details. We are especially equipped for this exacting class of work and guarantee satis- faction. British Warms to measure Service Jackets to measure Breeches to measure $12.00 to $18.00 . Slacks to measure $ 7.50 to $10.00 Delivery in three day.s Fox Spiral Puttees Always in Stock. Sam Brown Belts, Leggings, Trench Caps, Military Gloves, Jack Spurs and all other Mili- tary Supplies. C. Livingston. & Bro., Brock St. Military Tailors. $20.00 to $30.00 ..$20.00 to $30.00 "+ Owing to a late train, Miss» Dora We are showing a splendid line of Serges, Broadeloths, Cheviots, Tweeds, ete, for this spring's wear. The colors of these we guaran- tee to be perfect and values © that equalled for some time to come. EXTRA FINE SERGES, in Navy and Black, 52, 54 and 56 inches wide; a great variety of weights and weaves, at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 FINE FRENCH BROADCLOTHS, a very large assortment of all the popular colors, in wide w idths, at 75¢, 90c, $1, $1.25, $1.50 & $1. 75 NAVY AND BLAC K/ CHEVIOTS, suitable . for real hard wear, wide-widths, at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 a yard. - TWEEDS, COVERTS AND FANCY MIX- TURES--A great variety at popular prices. Hornet ~ will not be : "wm DAILY BRITIS J LONE ie ns W IN AID OF THE 50TH (QUEEN'S) Dora Gibson, English Was the Chief Attrac- | | Under the auspices of Queen's, University Choral Society, and in aid, {of the 50th Battery (Queen's), an | excellent concert was given on Tues- | day night in Grant Hall, There was {a very large attendance. The program was one of the best that has n given here 'in | some time, andthe qualities of the iR.-C. H. A. {fred Light, bandmaster, were well | shown, , Lieut. Light has now a yd, under Eieut. Al-' H_WHIO, WEDNESDAY, Fomttmteteamttmtmto libs Sionettetestmteny At The Grand. Among the good things that the | Grand Opera House has secured for | Thursday and Friday is an elaborate { Dhotoplay production of "The . Un- known" from the widely read novel of A. R. Wyllie, entitled "The Red | Mirage". Lou Tellegen, the inter/ nationally famous romantic actor, 'who was last seen here in "The Ex- | plorer;" is in the leading role and assisting him are Theodore Roberts and Dorothy Davenport. A two-reel Universal photoplay, a comedy pie- ture, the Paramount Travel Series and the Pathe News will also be shown. The vaudeville includes splendid musical organization. i Frankie Hall in a singing and piano- | - Among the many selections, all of | which were greeted with applause, | were: "The White Czar'" (Lotter), { "La Princess Juane" (Saint Saens), | "Humoresque™" (Dvorske), "Bohe- mian Dance" (Godard), "Madame Butterfly" (Puccinty, "Coppelia" (Delikes). | Gibson, prima donna, Royal Opera, {Covent Garden, London, Eng., was { late in reaching the stage. Her ap- pearance 'caused an outburst of ap- | plause. In a dramatic soprano | voice that justified the reputation | Migs Gibson brought with her, she |sang "Return, Thou Conqueror" and "Aida," by Verdi; "Soft Footed i#now," by Sigvried Lee, and "Sweet {As the Graces of a Rose," by Win- | gate; ""O Mer Ouvre Tol," by Delikes, | "Brightest Day," by Martin, and, by | request, "The Rosary." M. Louis Faget, cellist, who ren- | dered beautifully Schumann's ""Aben- | dlied," Godard"s "Berceuse Jocelyn," | and #opper's "Papillion," was also { accompanied by Miss Bertha LeV. { Warden, pianist. During the programme some of | the Queen's girls sold candy to the | audience, the proceeds of which also | 80 to the battery. | At the glose Miss Gib ! n spoke of | books stamps she 8s selling in | aid of a home in England for disabled | soldiers. Em) | | | 1 in the City | ps | { } The latest registration number of certificates issued to officers in Can- | ada is 37,930. A large number of letters are writ- ten by the soldiers on Sunday even- ings H. W. Perryman and C. R. Sals- bury have been taken on the strength of the 146th Battalion. Sergt. Albert E. Gould, Wood- stack, with 146th Battalion, has been unfortunate to have his knee {sprained and is in the #otel Dieu | Hospital, He expects it will be fully a month before he is able to leave hospital. "Teddy" Butlim@\Printing Bureau | employee, Ottawa, has left to join {his battalion at Kingston. His fel- low workers presented him with a | wrist watch and address in ply. to which he. said two of his brothers | had already fallen in the great | cause. There wag a fair attendance at the 14th Regiment training class for civilians on Tuesday night, there be- ing about fifty present. This how- ever doés not in any way do credit, ito Kingston as a military city. There are hundreds of men in the city who should attend these classes and gain this freely-offered military training without abligations. Capt. | was in charge Tuesday evening and | and after an hour af drill, target | shooting was held. This work will be under the supervision of Sergt. | Allan. It is likely that prizes will { be offered for those making the best' | record in shooting up to May 1st. i}! The ladies of Brock Street Church were amply rewarded for their pains | | in arranging a social evening for the soldiers in the Military Y. M, C, A. Club room on Tuesday night.' Quite {a crowd assembled and keenly en- | Joyed the piano and violin soles and | recitations" given by a number of | talepted young ladies. The pies | whieh followed the programme were {abundant and toothsome. The club i} | room seems to be growing in popu- i | larity with the boys and all regretted | that this was to be the last oppor- i} | tunity of entertaining some of those | | present' Prof. L. W. Mulloy of the Royal Military College, the South African | war hefo, has, been made honorary lieutenant-colonel of the 146th Bat- | talion in recognition of his recruit- {ing work. (Continued on page 12.) MAJOR H. STETHEM : HAD A Of A CLOSE CALL. ll He Was Among' ong the Officers Who Were Poisoned at St. John, | N.B. Major Herbed Stethem, Kingston, was among the officers who - were poisoned at St. John, N. B., when it was found that poison had been put into their food. the headquarters staff there, and i} had only been there a couple of i} | days when he met with this misfor- tune. He is recovering from the effects, but had a close call. The' officers are staying at a hotel aiid an Austrian woman employed there, is under arrest on suspicion of being Jmplicated in a plot to poison the of- cers "Il believe in the Young Men's Christian Association with all my heart. Under God it has done more in developing me for Christian ser- vice than ian any othtr ageficy. late D. L: Moody, Evangelist.«: §% toria, B.C, has Tigh is seat in the Cabinet, McLeod Major Stethem has a position on Ga AC Flumerfel defeated to Vied, logue act, highly recommended, and "The Three Flying Lordons," aniac- robatic act second fo none in Vaude- ville. This splendid programme will be shown on Thursday and Friday afternoon and evening. Grifin's. | The bill at this theatre for to-day and Thursday, two days only, should prove to be one of exceptional merit, consisting, as it does, of a pro- gramme containing at least twelve of the best known and le stars in the photo-play d, Among them are such weW-known favorite screen artists as Blanche Sweet, Lil- | lian Gish, Mary Pickford, Fred Mace, Henry B. Walthall. 'As an ad- ditional attraction and one that should prove to be of peculiar inter- est to young people, and 'even to those who are not extremely youthful, we have the world-renowned expon- | ents of terpischorean art. .Mr. and | Mrs. Vernon Castle, in motion pic- tures, showing them in their home in New York and the interior of the famous San Souci restaurant, show- ing them in aN their famous dances with special music. The above pro- gramme consists of twelve reels of motion pictures an®)nine different subjects and is without doubt the largest and pest selection of high "ass photo dramas and 'comedies | ever presented to the amusement loving pullic of Kingston. At the Strand. ' Capacity business greeted the screen presentation of "Marse Cov- ington' at the Strand last evening. It is from the play of the same name by that well-known writer, George Ade. Other good reels were also shown. The same bill will be given again to-night. For the last three | days in conjunction with the regular bill the famous French official war pictures, "Fighting in France," will be shown. 7 French War Pictares Are Guaranteed Kingston military as well as civil- fans are expressing interest in the French Government's official war pic- tures, "Fighting in France," which appear at the Strand Theatre Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday, with ma- tinees daily. The fact that the pic- tures bean-ihe.divench Government's official stamp gusrantees their = au- thenticity, and seafs will be at a pre- | mium. In addition the usual pro- gramme "0f feature photo-plays will be shown giving an all night's show. Admission: Matinees, 25c; evenings, 26c¢, 36¢ and 50c. Ambition, A powerful portrayal of misdirect- ed character starring Gladys Hulette. 'also 'Stanley in Darkest Africa." This picture was taken in the jungles and is a continuation of the Stanley stories for which so many of our patrons have been inquiring. At the King Edward to-night and Thursday. Usual admission. GRAND JURY SUGGESTS A QUIETER GARB For the Prisoners Who Are Confined In the County 1 Jail. = | | The Grand Jury on Wednesday in- gpected the Coumty Jail and reported everything in such condition as to reflect credit on all concerned in the management of this penal institu- tion. The inmates. at the present time number only six, which is cer- tainly most gratifying as to the present state .of morality, ete., in the county. The. jury suggested that it 'would be an advantage in many ways if the garb at the pres. ent time worn by the inmates was changed to one quieter in ance Many of the prisoners and especially the younger men, are not criminals but plain drunks, and the garb such as now worn can hardly in any way be a help to them in re- sgaining their self-respect more so when employed outside and subject to the gaze of 'every passer-by. | Queen's College Notes. Charles A. Cameron, B. A. '13, |'who went overseas with the 2nd | University Contingent and was for some time ia France with the P. P | C. L. I, was appointed to a lieuten- ancy in the 8th Southamptons in September last. He took the 0.T.C. at Bedford and joined his regiment at Colchester and was recently ap- ! pointed on the regimental staff as musketry lastrudtor. F. G. Bird; B.Sc. "14, is lieutenant with the 3rd Division Engineers, Ot- | tawa. P. A. erm, Science 17, has re- ceived a commission in the 11th Bat- talion which is being recruited at it. | M. Walsh, M. A. '13, for some Hoe studying law with Graham & Boland, Yorkton, Sask., is now sig- nalling officer of the 53rd Batt. '3 I After being iu ill health for some years, Mrs. Helen Palen, relict of the late E. L. Palen, passed away Friday night at the family residence, Brock- | ville. Deceased was in her seventy- fifth year. On Thursday, there passed away at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wilson, Athens, Mrs. M. A. Steacy, aged sixty-seven years and nine months. op! n 4} guy ¥ about ten . a the two ~digeny patients: appear- | fi New Dress and Suiting Matenals A visit to our Dress Goods Department will give you an idea as to what will be worn for spring. We are showing a large range of Dress Materials that can- not be replaced at anything like present prices. ! We mention a few here: Navy and Black Dress 42 inches wide, at 42 inches wide, at . 52 inches wide, at . . 52 inches wide, at 52 inches wide, at . 54 inches wide, at .. 54 inches wide, at 58 inches wide, at 58 inches wide, at Black and White Check- ed Suitings 36 inches wide, at 40 inches wide, at 50 inches wide, at 54 inches wide, at 54 inches wide, at Black Wool Poplins 40 inches wide 42 inches wide 44 inches wide 50 inches wide 40 inches wide, silk warp 42 inches wide, silk warp sar ------ == Et That mean a decided saving in price if bought now. 600 yards Genuine French Duchesse Silk, full yard wide, proper weight and a perfect black. Special at ..$1.25 yd. 250 YARDS WIDE BLACK DUCHESSE SILK ; A rich ¢lear black and a make that - will not slip or pull. Special value at | EE a ---- ------------------ EE ------------ 5 Erterboro fds $3, 18 i i We have received a shipment of Women' s Box Calf Boots. These are made in button and lace, also high and low heel; these are considered extra value. Our Pie 2.50 foie Lockett