LE ------ To Be Sent To Germany For Kings { ton Prisoners. If yu were a 'prisoner of war In a img ROL ting 'out' "the stopped, Saw Wold Sou MKS To receive a par- cel containing tea, pork and beans, suffar, cocon, cho , tobacco, 0% | soap, salt, mifk-powder and a can salmon? , Fr Breakfast We hit Phone 76. arbi BUILDERS !! Have You Tried It Saves Time P. WALSH. Coffee : gourER, -8 Princess St. AN day Monday goods for the 12 parcels were arriving at the consu- late, and were packed by the consul and his staff. A number of who have made donations to the fund camé in for a few minutes, and were welcomed spectators of the packing. In some cases they alwo pat to work. it is a big und king to prepare 125 parcels so that each will be well enough packed to stand the journey to Germany, but none have arrived there in a damaged condition yet. -------------- Supplementa:y Estimates. The supplementary estimates of the Province of Ontario contain the following of local interest: Mines and mining, expenses mak- ing geological survey, three months, 'M. B. Baker, $156.88. Gratuities--Mrs: Lawlor, widow of the late : James - Lawlor, i $360; Thomas Evans, attendant, $400; al lowance to widow of the late Pref. A. K, Kirkpatrick, for professional service rendered by him, $231.65. Grant to Royal Military College Rifle Cluly $100. GAS, HEARTBURN, INDIGESTION OR "Pape's Diapepsin" ends all stom- ach distress in five! minutes. Time it! Pape's Diapepsin will digést anything you 'eat and over- come a sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach surely within five minutes. If your meals don't fit comfort- For living rooms; din- { ing rooms, bedrooms, in fact for any roem in the | house, there is nothing so artistic, so durable, or So. economical -as "MARQUISETTE CUR- TAINS. For this season we show some entirely new ideas in 'these goods. Five colors in every de- sign, $1.25 to $10 . ; Li meh oid ably, or what you éat lies like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of indigestion, Get from your pharmmcist a fifty- cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a Jose just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risiugs, mo bejehing ~of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heart- burn, fullness or heivy feeling in the stomach, nausea, debilitating head- aches, dizziness or intestinal grip- ing. This will alt go, and, besides, there will be no sour food left over lin the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous adors. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because it takes hold of your food and di- geats it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all stomach misery is waiting for you at any drug store. These large fifty-cent . cases con- ttain enough "'Pape's Diapepsin" to keep the entire family free from stomach disorders and indigestio for many months. It belongs your home. Quick Eyeglass Repairs It is certainly a relief to know that you can get repairs here quickly, without serious incon- A SICK STOMACH SIL ---- ben attained. Mr. Dawson. ba TR gh dro The secretary of he athletic com- mittee paid a Capt. Sola 4 3 1d oil] the late et son and Sapper "Len" McQuay, who have given up their lives on the ficld of battle. He, also moved a vote of appreciation for the gift of $5,000 in the will of the late Capt. G. T. Rich- dardson for advancement of sport at the University, Frontenacs Assault-At-Arms. Capt. James T. Sutherland, quar. termaster of the 146th Battalion, an- nounced on Monday morning that af- ter repeated requests made to him, a repetition. of the big athletic pro- gramme put on 'by the Frontenac Club would be given in Ontario Hall next Saturday evening. Besides having some of the best boxing bouts that can be arranged, he has secured a direet wire to the Willard- Moran rena in 'Maddison Square Garden, New York. Hockey Result. In the N, H. A. Saturday Canadiens defeated Torontos ty 6 to In the Allan Cup series, 61st Win- | nipeg Battalion, won from Regina | Victorias by 8 to 2. i Norman Millan On- All-Stars The team to vepresent the east in thie annual AR-Star junior O. H. A. game has been selected as follows: Goal-Lieut. W. 8S. Nurse, Belle- ville. Right defence -- Norman Millan, | Kingston Frontenacs. Left defence---J. (Mac,) Aurd Lee. Rover-- Wilfred Sheldon, Wright, Aurd Centre-----Harry Watson, St i drew's Collége. { Right wing---Alfred H. Peterboro. Left wing--Arthar | Lindsay. Anp- Graham, | W. Carew, meets n, | Bive attention again to the Street year, | Vany fias declined to accept the the | titor at the ifistance of the Commis- | tract This 'generator is to be in- ~. ht, |same in the mext two days. { John Wright's ... ... MSH ities Commission which afternoon will have to ¥ power question. 6 Com- agreement drawn up by the City Soli- sion. It objects to the clause which requires that it buy the new genmer- ator at the end of the ten years' con- stalled by the ission, the com- . 'The Company holds that with Hydro Power the payment of 1,20 cents a kilo-watt-Nour will give the Commission sufficient' profit to pay for the gemerdtor and that it should not be called upon to take it over, ; Just what is going to Bajppen in connection with the Street Railway service if the mew power agreement is not soon signed is hard to say. Some time ago the Company warned the Commission that its engine was liable to break down at any time, as it was in need of repairs. If the en-| gine collapses meantime, the cars! will go out of operation till repairs | could be made, and these would take about two months, It would . take eight weeks to insiall the proposed motor generator. THE Y M.C.A. CANVASS, The Amount Reported Monday Noon Was $4,600.85. i After two weeks of effort on the! part of the Y.M.C.A. convassers $4,- | | 500.85 has been secured, and in | view of the courtéous reception ac- corded the different workers on thelr rounds it is decided that a few more days. will clean up successfully and perhaps even secure enough to| make a substantial reduction on the | standing overdraft of $1,600. Re-! ports will be received at the Associ- | ation building to-night 'at 7.15 o'clock and those who have og & N A i ay os Aw Road to Dublin White Light of the Moon, Litble Girl Come Dixie Down in -Bombay Z I Left Her dn New Hampshire ) An Old Ireland / In the s of Old Kenta ws 7 me In Holland Ireland, 4 Hear You Calling 1 Love You, Canada / The 160 Princess Street. duane q . Sn Rose ttle Girl Norway Sweetest Girl in Monterey There's a Wee Bit of Blarney in Killarney 'When Old Bill Bailey Plays the Ukalele Good Luck to the Boys of the Allies College Book Store, Fm On the Road to Happiness 1 Never Ruew F Had a Heart Phone 919 LP New Dress Goods Our range of Dress Goods and Suitings is new at its best--all the latest ideas from Paris and New York are here ready for vour inspec- tion. pleted lists will be asked to finish y The following are the additional subd- seribers to date: Previously reported . D. B. Murray Friend Dr. 8. H Simpso& .., ... ,. WLW, IVatts oo. GL. ..2 $4,528.85 10.00 10.00 10.00 10,00 | 5.00! 5.00 5.00 5.00 W. J. Saunders Prof, Gwillim _ . hr Prof. W. E. Macphérson .. The West téam will be announced | on Monddy. The game will be play- | i ed Wednesday at the Toronto Arena. | . Curling Games : ! M. P. Reid and Hanson's | rinks are in the finals at the Curling | at the curling rink during the past | few days. The following are the re | sults of the games on 'Saturday: J. Hooper won from W. L, Good- win by 13 to 4. George Hanson from A, W. McLean by 10 to 7. W. J. Driver from J. F. Macdonald by 190 to 3, Dr. O. Daly won from J. B. Cooke by 12 to 11. A. W. Me- | Lean won from W. J. Driver by 12 to | 3. 8.8. Corbett won from H. D, Bib. | by by 8 to 7. M, P. Reid. won from | T. M: Asselstine by 9 to 6. W. L. Goodwin won from R. N. F. Macfar- | lane by 8 to 5, ~ A. W, McLean, T. M. Asselstine, 8. 8. Corbett, W. J. Driver, J. Hooper and S. R. Bailey are in the consola- tion series. Notes of Sport. Ted Woods, the great English dis- tance runner is the latest to join the Toronto Sportsmen's Battalion, The O. H. A, got through the sea- | son this year with only one This is a remarkable record. i Dr. Robert Hanley won the third race at Havama with Euterpe. She has been second several times but this is her first win. Brantford wants a baseball lea- | gue of the four western Ontario towns, Hamilton, Guelph, Brantford, and London, and four Michigan cit- ies. Flint, Bay City, Jackson or lan- sing. i ---- The Capadlan boxing champion- sltips will be held this year 'n To- ronto instead of Montreal. The dates decided are April 21st and 22nd, and ten thousand souvenir programmes Chub bonspiel which has been held | protest, { 5.00 4.00 2,00 Dr. D. Buchanan 35. .. Prof. J. Waddell 3... :. Mrs, James Harris ,, .. .. John J. Baker Turned Over the Case, i Owing to the fact that the coun ties of Lennok and Addington have thrown in their log with the Canad- jan Patriotic Puady,.a case from Fronlenac county Was been. turned over by County Clerk J. W. 'Brad- shaw. A husband and wife, who were residing near Parliam, moved to Napanee when the husband enlist- ed for overseas. The patriotic fund cheque has been coming out of the Frontenac allowance because Nap- ance refused to take over the case. A Glowing Tribute. Capt. O'Flynn, Belleville, with the 2id Battalion, writes in glowing terms of his friend, Capt. George Richardson, who was killed while go- ing out to save three of his men. He says that language fails to express the high' qualities of his friend, whe was ohe of the finest types of men he has ever met, and his death was a great loss to the army and country. Only One "BROMO QUININE." GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 25¢. © James Fitzgerald, Gore street, loft to-day to attend the funeral of his miete, Mrs: B. Gavin, Lansdowne. Col. Adams and Capt. Gilmore, Belleville, were in Kingston on Sat- urday. 1.00) To get the genuine, call for full: | name, LAXATIVE BROMO QUIN- INE. Look for signature of B. W.|f Broadcloths and Venetians, in the season's best shades $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Shepherd's Check, in Black and White -- small or large size . .89¢, 50c, 60c, 75¢, $1, $1.25 { Navy and Black Serges--The color is guar- \nteed--widths from 40 to 58 inches, . 80c, 75¢, 90c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Wool Poplins, Satin Cloths, Novelty Tweeds, Homespuns, Whip Cords, Armure Cloths, Crepe de Chene--All the wanted shades, 50c, 75¢, $1.00, $1.25 Taffeta Silks--36 inches wide -- nice fine Chiffon finish, will give good satisfaction. _ All the correct shades $1.25, $1.50 Silk Poplins--36 inches wide -- African Brown, Russian Green, Reseda, Copenhagen, Old Rose, Navy, Amethyst, King's Blue and Black. Price . . Newman & Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. ny OLOSING OF MAILS British mail irregu- larly. Tnformation posfed at P. O. Lobby from time to time. Wood Split Pulleys closes wish. to say that carry a Heavy stock Wood Split from small sizes up. We ¢an name United States, Grand = Tronk, cast Grand dally ..12.45 p.m. going 11.30 a.m. est notice. Collected $90. To users of Power, we we 4 Pulleys, vou lowest prices and sup- plv the pullevs on short- BUILDERY SUPPLIESeoeey of A 5 = 5 * -- - We sell beautiful Oriental Pearl Rings at very moderate ces. Onr pearls are smooth and round, and of an exquisite lus- tre. Set in Single, Three Stone, and Five Stone Rings. Smith Bros. : , 0S. JEWELLERS & OPTICIANS. Oculists' Prescriptions for Ghasses carefully filled. Gourdier's _ LP -------- pe eim-- | SOWARDS Keeps Coal and Coal Keeps SOW ARDS. will be printed, the proceeds to go to venience or loss of time. J Hoo BUnien: he Only the. exceptional mechanical facilities and i Rev. Thomas Joplin, secretary of | the. Shantymen's Christian Associa- | tion, delivered an address in Cooke's The sudden death of Remy (Pop) a Sosk i | A i veran: ¥ , new brick. 7 hot ale a complete record sys: fem such as we maintain make this sort of optical service possible, I.S. ASSELSTINE, 0.0.5. sloctrioity, ver. Hi stable. > ML, 'brick, 7 TOONS, hot water heating, pos, ls Gourd + melr Cour brick, § Too ot a6, large stable. 8, near King Si, 8 reams, hat heating, See Vara pl Svar od With 'Good view of the , v of the lake, ~ ¥ Lig pound. sections; 25¢ Fresh California Prunes, inice fhd-juiey, 10¢, 12 1:2, | Evaporated Apricots, 15e; 3 $i SB ol ed | 188 10, hated Peaches, 21bs. | 25¢ H Burger, Swiss consul and vice:presi- dent of the Toronto Baseball Club, was a distinct shock to baseball cir [1 etes, in whith My: was #0 | well and favorably known, Mr. Bur- | ser has been. conuected in a finan- | elal way With President McCaffery and the ronto Leafs for many vears, and in the Téan days could al- ways be depended upon to help out in a piueh; Ban Johnson, Américan League chief, last sumuier shipped $750 :"wotth 'of baseball paraphernalia to 12, During spare mo s the Lathe 8 god Ganres By ayo re- pro a » citing Mayer Church of Toron- || | ATTENTION | AWe pav the highest Cash. Prices for »Raw Furs of all kinds. Bring or send your shipments to us. New price list on re- quest. | i morning, and at Brock Street Sunday | subscriptions before he I¢aves. The street. Church Sunday evening, dealing with the work in which he is engaged. He spoke at Broek Street Church Sunday school in the afternoon. = The sum S. Anglin & Co. Woodw king Factory. 3 Lumber ards, 3 fay 454 Wellington Sts. of $17.50 was collected at Cooke's Church. Up to date Mr. Joplin has collected the sum of $90. He will re- main in the city until Wednesday, when he will leave for Gananoque. He will be glad to rdceive any further Factory Phone 1415 =. Oonl Te Fgh same can be sént to him at 269 Broek Ladies' Musical Club. a Weekes |