y This year every pepson must bé economical. You save money by riding a that is always ready to serve. vou. We will be mad cause more people will geil you they get out of MASSEY BICYCL a little more on the start, but less on the finish, and it is ~ the finish that counts. : ~ You ean buy one now for § ; ¢ | then by the time the roads are nice you will have it nearly paid for, RIDE-A-BIKE. Treadgold 88 PRINCESS STREET ieyele--the faithful old animal \at you if you don't ride a Massey, be- ore satisfaction +. Dr. Hickey's Speedy Cure and Dover's Cold Breakers have robbed more people of colds than any other simild preparations. No cough and cold ean remain after a few doses of these splendid reme- dies. We are justly proud of them. Attractions! NEW SHIRTS NEW TIES NEW HATS NEW SUITS - NEW COATS - New Goods for Men and Boys. Oe stuck: ja bist. with new ideas for x Wear. The New Mar is also shown with a buttons. Keep in the march with TTI il ! Hit ica i S than any other wheel. Costs|Th 3.00 cash, $1.00 per week, Sporting Goods Co, i Brock Street Methodist he Tos gest corps 'in . 'militia, BW one of the most comp! organizations of its kind in the world, has received but little prominence in the campaigns for recruits for over- seas service, 1 it is said to be one of Be factors in the se- curing of recruits. One of the most interesting phases of the work being done is the issuing of dental history sheets which is not only a Y , but is Tan, no matter 10 WhAL extent ths no matter w exten ) Body 'may be disfigured on the battle eld. This dental history sheet is a chart showing each tooth in the head. is chart is kept with the records of the recruit in the battalion to Outset of the war a large fe of men Sing ished to ene Ca .Expeditionar to pass the medical uy active service because ; 'e teeth. The Canadian lilitia Depastment took the matter up, and fer a time the difficulty was overcome by having the men's teeth attended to at the different hospitals. This soon became unsatisfactory, as not only did these hospitals stand the expense of the work, but the work | Soon grew to such enormoug propor- tions that the hospitals were unable to handle it and carry on their regu- lar work as well. Lieut. J. J. Graham, Napanee, was| in the city on Saturday. Lieut. Bennett has been very suc. cessful in the recruiting of men for the 146th Battalion in the Arden district. He brought in seven more men to the city on Saturday. Pte C. Allen has been promoted to the rank of corpdral in the 146th Battalion. Pte. B.-A. St. Pere has been trans- ferred from the 80th to the 146th Battalion. \ A. Wattam, J. Wiliams, W. Jack- son, N. Newekk and J. B. Lemon have enlisted in the 146th Battalion. As soon as suitable accommaodation can be arranged, it is expeéted that another School of Cookery in Kings- ton will be asked for. These schools are of immense value, and it is rather & surprise that the authorities should have one discontinued for even this long. It is Said in Hamilton that wr | Squadron of the C. M. Rifles, under Major Allan Stroud, may go to Val-| cartier early in April to : drain for al brief time before going overseas. { Forty-five thousand horses are flow! being used by the three Canadian di- divisions now in northern France and, Flanders. A report received at the Kingston rectuiting depot of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery states that the horses are divided into 15,- 000 for each division. The horses are in use for officers, harse and field artillery. and transport service. A lad aged seven, on returning to school after heing absent through ill- ness; was examined by the school doctor, who was in military uniform. On arriving home for lunch he was asked by his mother as to how he Bot on with the doctor. ~ The boy an- swered, "All right, mother, but he was a horse doctor." Upon heing asked for an explana- tion he proudly replied, "Because he ware spurs, mother." { "Major," the old collie dog, the re- cognized mascot of the 59th Battal- fon at Brockville, has had a varied career. Where he came from no one knows, but since the war started and he has been a military canine. He first attached himself to "B" Bat- tery, R. C. H. A, and then to the 21st Battalion. He accompanied the 21st to Montreal{ but had to p- turn. At Barriefield he went to the 38th Battalion, and finally to the 69th, which 'unit he accompanied to Brockville, His next move is un- certain, but the 146th may get him. Twenty soldiers from "C" Battery, R. C. H. A., will take an gight-weeks course at the Royal Military College to qualify as pbysical directors for work in the summer camp this year. The course commenced on Monday. The Sunday evening *'sing" in the Club-room was very successful last evening and a large number of eeldiers were present. The writing and reading t Harrowsmith, the Stomach, Lizer, Kidneys and Shin, The truth of this statement has bben proved in thoukdnds of cases of Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Troubles, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Chronic Headaches. The enormous sales of 'Fruit-a- tives," 5c. a box, 6 far $2.50, tris size At dealers a sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, and heavy demand made upon the writing paper and pe stanip wicket. For the next two weeks a lively succession of events is plan- ned, beginning with Tuesday evening when there will be a lunch and lee- ture. The club room and concerts are free to soldlers. The draft from *'C" Battery has been increased from fifty fo 1560 and two officers. : Lieut. G. S. Stewart, formerly of arrived in the city from Toronto, and will Spend the next few days recruiting men for the 3rd- Divisional Supply Column. The men being taken dre those with au- tomobile experience. Capt. Mayell, who was in command of the School of Motor Transport that "passed rough the city last year, is com- ma ding the columa and Lieut. Stew- al suppl officer. . Lieut. Lyons, Cobourg, apd Lieut, Hills, Peterboro, recruiting bakers for overseas serviée, will come to the ¢ity immediately and use opace in the A. D. of S. and T's office as head- quarters. Twenty of the required hundred bakers have been secured in this division. The Kingston Infantry School of Instruction opened on Monday with thirty probation officers in attend- ance. A similar number will be taken on next week. The eighth course of the - Royal School of Artillery opemed at Tete de Pont Barracks on Monday morn- | ing with 250 in attendance. CHARGES WERE MADE | AGAINST WAR WIVES, But Threat to Publish Names Brought Apt Retort From Women. Botting (Wah. 20 The Arbeiter ung oriking*Men's Gazette) the local Socialist newspaper, pub- lishes the following proclamation, which, it states, was recently issued by the commandant of a small Aus- trian town: "It has comé to my knowledge that many women whose husbands are at the front are not observing their marriage vows. In proved cages in the future I propose to pub. lish the names of these women.-- Rosenow, Major." - The following reply appeared later in the local newspaper: "Your warning has caused great commotion among the women of our town. But why should our names only be published? We demand that thee 'men involved should share the same publicity. -- (Signed) -- Many War Wives." Chanffeur's Long Term. St. Thomas, March 20.--George P. (Barpey) McGregor, a St. Thomas chauffeur, was sentenced to two and a halt years in the penitentiary, on a serious charge, by Justice Suth- erland, who in pronouncing sentence sald he could have sent him for se- ven years, but he took a moderate view of the case. . The French War Office has sent to the war zone a party of actors and actresses from the Comedie Fran- caise, the national 'theatre, The Russian munition crisis is passed and the morale of the troops is splendid. A fizht to a finish is now predicted. A Greek actor named Condayannis, has been convicted as 5 8py by a court martial in Paris ahd sentenced to death. : 4 tables are being inctreasingly used In this letter is told once more the story which comes from 'many thoneends of womea. It is the story system and misery of of all the accompanying hesdaches sod loss. of Count ights' - Unable to Rest or Sleep Wag Bun Dows.and fa Tareibily Using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food of exhausted nerves, of a rdn«down |p Nervous Condition Gained Regularly. in. bed, awakened by bad dreams; fact, I was so bad I thought I could not live, and started to use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food without much ope. : 4 improve under this treatment, and ag fruthrully say it has done wml jw of good. It took sonte time to get the nervous system restored, but! Bh At 'Collingwood § "broke out in the No French Model Corsets. Priced Have Your T (Front Laced) (Front Laced) from $1.50 to $10.00. Sole agents for Kingston. Corsets Fitt To havesperfeet Corset satisfaction it is essential to chooge the\proper model--our expert corsetierres will assist you in choosing the corset most. adaptable to ygur paxticular figure. ia ey Satisfaction guaranteed. "YEH 1 Bl OR CONSTIPATED Louk, Mother! If tongue is coated give "California Syrn, of Figs." il Every mother realizes, after giv ing her children "Californid Syrup of Figs," that tas is their ideal laxa- tive, because they love its pleasaht taste and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bow- els without griping. en cross, irritable, feverish or breath is bad, stomach sour; look at the tongue, mother! It coated, give a teaspoonful of this"harmless 'fruit laxative," and in a few hours ail the foul, constipated waste, ' sour hile and undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. When its little system. is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, indi- gestion, colic -- remember, a good "inside cleansing" should always bé the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "Califor- nia Syrup" of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonfu} to-day saves a sick child to-morrow. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "Ca- lifornia Syrup of Figs," which hae directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold bere, so don't be fooled. Get the genuine, made by "Calitornia Fig Syrup Company." PITH OF NEWS. Despatches From Near And Distant Places. AN Mexicans in the United States have been called home. Dr. T. W. Snarrow, T8ronto, is dead, aged eighty-three Years. W..L. McGiven, a Boer Yeteran, Aged forty years, is dead in Montre. al. Brig.-General Leckie has suffered a relapse, and is still in La Touguet Hospital. : Frank Danby (Mrs. Julia Frank. au), the novelist died in hér home in lon. swamped near Prince Rupert; six men lost. The London Standard established By | as a morning newspaper.since 1857, has suspended publication. Gen. Gallieni, the retiring Frénch Ministers of war, is now at Versailles where he shortly will undergo an op- eration. British Government is consid- wd Prinses who pie vith the en: Bi Nah Ry ehmer ( aad shut ta Marie division was Have You Tried Pure Beef Dripping for Cooking Purposes ? It is kettle rendered fvom select beef fat. The cost to you is less than half the price of butter and 5¢ 1b. cheaper than lard. Sold in handy moulds averaging about 1 1b. ~ 15e, PICNIC HAMS for boiling, 1b. The Wn Davies Co.Ltd Phone 597 AAR A Arr mann, The cannery steamer Alpha was! For the beginner in cook- ing, Crisco is especially attractive. It will enable her to get bet- ter food at the same cost as her neighbors who use lard, "lard compounds'® or butter- ine. Her cakes will be a pride be- cause of their richness; their bility --and their economy. . Her reputation asa cook will work will grow with it. Aull in Dart at Jest. he will owe it to her use of Crisco