ih Cela Who pro Fits. he bo: Job The Senate bas spent another Seaton. In & heated discussion of of order. It geems that in Bw Ottawa. Hort Mr. Laos the St. John Baptist Society, and dealt with the question of Sucation. lhe cout ot it hi. Rterred raterred do 8 Hon er 1 hae hr po the s Fano of a, Jewry An amendment was submitted detfiring that it was i the Sen- ate fo piles' Mr} Landry decided that the Sneodment was out of order; and his decision was rev all the conllerva- tives versed an who Were © hot! French-Canadians," Me. Landry, according 46 the re- port, whieh, 'after a-grent! Sgt; was, read in the Senate, sald: "T do mot wish to Mire' the fumes) but a' few days later 'the fanatic majority rose anew against me on the question of patronage. 1 saw the premier and told him the only thing I could do was to leave the chair. The premier advised 1mpe to resume ithe chair, 1 refused emphat +. OR' the day of the prérogation. Leggam- ed the chair declaring that the prem- fer, in a letter to me, thoreughiy ap- proved of my attitude. That letter, read, would have forced a minister of 'the crown to resign." Mr. Landry, Had vacated the chair during th Sis Font in] 'the Senate, refused 10-eny whether the newspaper gave a correct report of what he sald. ~The great qiestion was the meaning of fanatics. Nuttal} and Webster were consulted. Both gave interpretations which seemed to make the use of the word «matter of privilege. : Efentually the dlacussion wes end. ed by Hon. Mr..Pope-being directed to bring 1 subject before the house in a mo would in his letter {o Mr. Landry? Who is it that, were the letter read, wopld Le if LE, { : sk 1 ® 3 1-5 ° g E sii 1 The Post Office deficit in the last financial year wos $3,000,000. The extravagance of the government fis n showing itself in tis way. Hint -' in Munitoba the vote in favor of prohibition was largest in the district where the soldier vote wae strongest. An evidence that the soldiers as a body do not faver the bars. Another political . crisis. is on in England, and it is over the disposi- tion of the government to exempt too many single men from military duty. The married men are making protésts and they are not doing this in vain. Lloyd-George was appealed to with '| regard to the - payment of union ag by the manufacturers of muni- He addressed his answer: to th ERs, "but It 'was confidential. why? The munition: manufacturers "e Ne $bie vo gay Vuiag wages. 2 The speak head when He called the majority of the upper: house fanatics last Jume. Now he js called to account end is dodging the issue. - It is up +o him to stand by his statement or apologize, and de Ber pam do either, : halen iin federal legislation upon the Hquor~quedtion wil] be of a limited character. It will simply forbid the shipment of alcoholic: liquors into any province in which prohibition has been carried. What about the manufacture of stimulants? Wily it be stopped? The finance ministér is as anxious @s the prémier to keep in the esti- mates items which affect local plans and public buildings. The premier referred to the announcement re- specting these items as '"'comfort- ing." 'To whom? - The politicians who want to use the public estimates "as brides In an election. | PUBLIC OPINION A Poor Time. (Guelph Mercury.) Villa chogo a poor time to kick Uncle Sam in the shins. He wasn't ia the watchful, waiting mood just on. . Is It Luck? (Montreal News.) The ment is talking quits casually of cashing an 1O.U. for $75,000,000. Some people have all the luok. c--ro---------- "Not Frivolous Now . (Priace Arthur Chronicle.) We to claim that France and the French were frivolous. = That was before the war, { Phin : (Montreal Star) Premier Botha said: "Lite under fhe Gatien Mae Womd be HES in a coffin Lak idea in different or by The 3 n Advertiser.) : Mexico is the ulcerated tooth of {his continent. A little don | tistry on Uncle Sam's part sho cure, 1 on on Dec. 29th, that Germany would consider peace proposals whenever) Dave Joa the day ot 8 ask terms, This is from a » dapletsly tted. The building was valued at 10,000, and the loss is fully covered by insurance. - The congregation al- ready had in view the erection of a new church, the plan being to use the building destroyed for separate school purposes. Higher Rates For Money Orders. Ottawa, March 20.--The Post Of- fice ent announces that ow- ing to the present premium on New York pen it hat been found nec- to inerease the mission to Pre Sadi lm ui se in United States. Until Rurther ters will collect five cents on sums up to $6, Honiasd 10 'wents on: syms from $5 to $14, ete. --a% is. now 'believed Brig. Cen. E. W. Wilson, ey Information received, to be an im- Young de Johmge has been by prominent people at Ver- 81 dun, Que, lately as.a war hero. "Iam a Home Missionary, - ' weak and run-down after a ir Wh of LaGrippe, I had headaches, indi- gestion and pains in my chest, and wag tired all the time. A friend | asked me to try Vinol and the re- sult is 1 am free from those troubles and I feel well and strong and able to go to work again." Mrs. Hattie Johnson, Towanda, Pa., % The reason Vinol was 80 success- ful in building up Mrs. Johnson's health is because it is a constitution- al remedy which contains peptonate of iron to enrich and revitalize the blood, the nourishing properties of beef peptone and the healing medi- cinal extractives of fresh, healthy) cods' livers, all combined in a deli- | cious native tonic wine, without oil. 'We wish every person in: Kingston who is suffering from a weakened, run-down devitalized condition would try our Vinot on gur guaran- tee to return their money if it fails to benefit theft. 'Geo. W. Mahood, Kingston, Ont. "Low Cost of Living" Menu Menu for Tuesday BREAKFAST a Minced Beef Hashed Brown Potatoex Baked Toast LUNCHEON Coffee ; BREAKFAST Minced Beef--Chop enough beef to make a cup. Add half a cup of stale bréud crumbs, a little water, and a piece of butter. Boil one minute, Baked Toast--Cut thin slices of bread and butter. .Lay in a baking pan and pour over a little milk. Bake in a very hot oven until brown. LUNCHEON Beef a Ia Surprise--Chop one onion fine, add a slice of bread, half i = OVEREATING. Overeating is a dangerous habit / which 'is-¢aused 'by allowing the ap- petite to roam at will without a bridle on. If a law could be passed requiring the owner of every ap- "| petits to drive it with a Mexican bit, people would listen to the afterdin- ner speaker with more interest and the members of the medical frater- nity would have to take in washing in order to pay the rent. In pidneér days overeating was not prictised to any great extent. The six a'clock dinner of nine courses and a tiger had not been invented, and there was little incentive for a mah to go out and become thorou ly congested with free victuals. There was not so mudh variety in the food. line, either. There would be less overeating to-day if people had to face the cold, stili remains of 4 batch of corn.meal mush three times a day, as was so often the case with qur forefathers. Overeating is generally accom- panied by a deep sense of melan- choly. located near the~ waistband, and will never be confused with the toothache by one who hag had. both 1in a firm and decided manner; The chureh supper is highly productive of overeaiing en masse, and sho RANDOM REELS "08 Shoes und Ships, and Sealing, Wx, of Csbhages and Kings" a cup of chopped beef, a quarter of a cup of water, and boll ten minutes. Just before serving add two table- spoons of chili sauce. Orange Cream Pie--Heat two cups of milk and half a eup of sugar, the yolks of two eggs, a tablespoon of dissolved cornstarch, : and boil one minute. Then add half a cup of oranges cut in very 'small pieces. Bake with one crust and frost with the beaten 'whites; DINNER Beef Roll--Chop fine enough beef to make two cups, add ope cup of chopped fresh pork and season. well. Beat two eggs, add a 'cup of cracker crumbs, a teaspoon "éf tomato cat- sup, and bake half an hour. Tomato Jelly Salad--Boil two cups of tomatos, alld a 'teaspoon of brown sugar, a teaspoon Of vinegar, and season well. Stralh) wid a teaspoon of gelatine dineatved'ts 4 'quarter of a cup 'of 'cold dnd" turn into small moulds. Servdy on lettuce with |§ a cup of cold water." Apple Pié-----MiX a cup of sour apple sauce with half a 'cup of sugar; one whole egg, the yolk of one more, and oné cup of milk, Bike with one eri ana. to frost with the beaten white; yor ayer meeting. The best time .to reat is on Saturday, which will a low Sunday to 'be observed as a day of fasting and prayer, as was originally intended. Overeating is a fertile cauge of long-distance dyspepsia, which Hangs around the premises long after the victim has taken to drinking bouil- lion in stick form. Dyspepsia is produced by the stomach becoming dissatisfied with its surroundings "and refusing to become acclimated to any kind of food. It is a mourn- ful, unhealthy disease with a high temper and a nagging disposition, and is harder io discourage than the _ bay-fever germ. People who over- eat with great violence are particu- larly. subject to it, and have to be put on a diet of sackcloth, ashes and scalded milk. One of 'the most discouraging things. in the life of a sensitive hou e is to possess 4 lean hus- band whois always finding fault with home cooking, but who can't sit down at an outside dinner party without overeating in a shameless and defiant tone of voice. When we consider how much married women have to put up with tn this line, it is no wonder that bachelor maids uld are getting thicker than drugstores Bever:be, held on the night preceding in Kansas. 5 Your Spring Overcoat A garment every man should have. See the handsome garments we're now showing-- - New Slip Ons, New Raglans, New Chesterfields. They are handsomely tailored from Blaek and Grey Vieunas and Cheviots, Faney Seotch weeds in the neat Pin Dots and Black and Whites. . Special Values $12 $15 $18 > jr SEE OUR NOBBY SHOE STYLES, $4.00 and $5.00. Brass Jardinieres and All Kinds of YALE KEYS MACHINE REPAIRING: oF ME Brass Goods Buffed and Refinished. made bya acho while you, wait. i | Rabbit in Jelly 60 cents per tin. Each tin contains 2 lbs, net. --Just Arrived-- Jas. Redden & Co. Phones 20 and 990. WHY CHILLY WEATHER BRINGS RHEUMATISM Says skin pores are closed and uric acid remains in blood. p---- Rheumatism is no respecter of age, sex, color or rank. If not the most dangerous of human afflictions it is one of the most painful. Those subject to rheumatism should eat less peat, dress as warmly as possible, avoid any undue exposure and, above all, drink lots of pure water. Rheumatism is caused by uric acid which is generated in the bowels#ind absorbed into the blood. - It is the function of the kidneys to: filter this acid from the blood 'cast it out in the urine; 'the ores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this impurity. : In démp and chil- 1y,. cold . weather the 'skin 'pores are closed thus forcing the kidneys ta do double w 'weak hd sluggish and fail to eliminate At school I'learned a Tot that helped me not at © all; I conned, till I was hot, cheap maps upoifthe wall, ic acid which kebps accumulating jand circulating through the system, eventually settling al ui as and ay At the frst twin get from ahy Pp ounces of Jad be Jin the totais and ing for a week. This is said to elim uric acid by hr , thus| rities. 3 Jad Salts is didi, harmiess and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia and is used with ent 're- sults by thousands of 1 ks who are 'rheumatism. Hi vives of rhsasiaiisn i er spoonful in a glass of watér snd | YW Stu defure Jeakii sah Mori) MONUMENTS 11 By placing your orders direct with us you see exactly what you are buying and as we employ no agents you save the middleman's profit. Buy now and have your work set up early in the spring. J. E. MULLEN Cor. Princess and Clergy Sts. Phone 1417. Kingston, Ont. r : re | No Epidemic or Disease has ever been traced to Pasteurized Milk. All our Milk is thoro Sealed Good Coal | .SAFE COAL | 4 Good coal is the only. LE | We don't keep it in our i Safe; but we do keep it | | in a safe condition. It's coal list burss free.