Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Mar 1916, p. 12

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Everybody must own a Bieyele by the 1st of April. ~ Why? every person must be economical. You 'by riding a bicycle--the faithful old animal that is always ready to serve you. 'We will be 1 at Jee if you don't ride a Massey, be= cause : le. tell you they get more satisfaction ey OY CI than any other wheel. 'Costs 'a little more on the start, but less on the finish, and it is} the finish that counts. You ean buy one now for $5.00 cash, $1.00 per week, then by the time the roids are nice you will have it nearly paid for, ] RIDE-A-BIKE. having job hunters applying for posi- tions to go overseas as paymasters, quartermasters or ins. many people who refuse themselves for any other branch try to work in for these tions. The following Ross Col. T. D. tions to the waste-paper basket: "It is published for the informa- tion of all concerned that the num- ber of applications for Appointments quartermasters a8 paymasters, chaplains of the C.E.F. is so large as to render it unnecessary that further such appointments, are to be sent to Militia Headquarters and are the on- ly ones which will be considered." Below is given the list. of officers of the 3rd Division who passed the seventh course at the Royal School of Artillery which terminated on March 4th. AH are provisional lieute- pants and the nymber refers to the. C.F.A., 'Battery In which they have their militia commission: @G. Alexander, 2nd, Ottawa. W. J. Boyd, 8th, Ottawa. J. F. P. Bimie, 24th, Peterboro. + By placing your orders direct 'with us you see exactly what you "are buying and as we employ no agents you save the middleman's profit. Buy now and have your work set up early in the spring. * J. E. MULLEN * Cor. Princess and Clergy Sts. ~ Phone 1417. . Kingston, Ont. ( No Epidemic or Disease has ever been traced to Pasteurized Milk All ous Milk is thoroughly, platouriseq and sold in | Phone 845 . L. R. Boyd, 6th, Kingston. to qualify | Broo Fou Montreal---Prov.-Lieuts, C. L. Cate, : C. Sinclair, R. A. . Fifth - Division, "headquarters at Se TTT Lieuts, R. Kent, F. Division, headquarters at _Halifax-- Prov.-Lieuts. W, E. Camp- bell, B.D. Milledge, J. A." McCul- Toush, WW. Rogers, H. M. Stairs. itary District, headquar- ters at ipeg-- Prov.-Lieut. G. C. Welsford. : : Eleventh Military District, head- quarters at Victoria, B.C.,--Prov.- Lieuts. R. C. Farrow, A. S. McDon-~ ald, H. L. McPherson, G. E. H. Pal- Thirteenth Military District, head- quarters. at Calgary--Prov.-Lieuts. Kevgaworthy, A. G. Oliver, G. 8S. ee The 146¢h Battalion Sportsmen's Platogn made a ten-strike when it arranged' its big boxing contest for Saturday 'next, as the Willard and Moran baftle at Madison Square Gar- den, New York, is on the same night. The sportsmen' have made arrange- ments with the telegraph" people to run in a special wire for this ocea- sion so that those who attend may have the news from the world's cham pionship heavy weight contest, round by round, direct from the ringside as each occur. The best talent obtainable will the different boxing, . Carty, 2nd, Ottawa. . L. Dwyer, 8th, Gananoque. . J. E. Graham, 34th, Belleville. . M. Goodeve, 2nd, Ottawa, . H. Garland, 2nd, Ottawa, | . Hinch, 14th, Cobourg. | Ea = w nur ma pe . W. Johnson, 5th, Kingston. Zz goErs . M. Knowlson, 5th, Kingston. . Knowlson, 5th, Kingston. . M. Little, 14th, Cobourg. . Livingston, 5th, Kingston. . E. Lawson, 23rd, Ottawa. <4 B ben . J. Minnes, 5th, Kingston. . C. Murton, 14th, Cobourg, . B. Marshall, 14th, Cobourg. . Macdougall, 23rd, Ottawa. . C. McLean, 23rd, Ottawa, . McKenna, 5th, Kingston. . 'W. Pligrim, 5th, Kingston. weEHAnEE-D . 8. Reynolds, 34th, Belleville, . A. Wobd, 2nd, Ottawa, H. H. Wallace, 34th, Belleville. 8S. H, Wilson, 8th, Gananoque. €. H. Watson, 14th, Cobourg. H. A. Wickett, 5th, Kingston. D.'Robertson, 2nd, Ottawa. a The remainder of the names are as follows: First Division, London, Ont.,--Prov.-Lieuts. headquarteres 4 Cadillac Automobile Chassis, 1912 Model, in I zood running order, self starter, electric lights and good tires; to be sold cheap. Also Ford body, with top, in first class condition, at reasonable price. Burrows, 8. P. Chapman, G, L. Cull-| ham, H. D. Galpin, L. F, Hayman, G. F. Kingsmill, T. Sanderson. i Second Division, headquarters at] Toronto,--Prov.-Lieuts. G. R. Bal-| four, W. G. Bowles, G. C. Britton, R.| R. Collard, C. D. Creighton, J. J.| Campbell, E. L. Gill, E. W.. Hachborn J. C. Jones, F. W. Kantell, N. H. Lo- rimer, A. B. Manning, H, C. Scarth, H. L. Sheppard, D. S. Staynor, H. D.| Wallace, W. J. T. Wright, M. W. Waddington, D. M. Waters, G. M. . 0. Kilpatrick, 8th, Gananoque. | . H. Miller, 2nd, Ottawa. | . D. Peck, 8th, Gananoque, take part in | wrestling and fencing contests. Ex- 'Alderman James Bews has this part of the affair in charge and that in it- self is a guarantee that everything will be first class, Everybody is pulling for the affair . R. Hanlon, 5th, Kingston. | to be the best yet and a large crowd | is expected to be present, 1 Colonel G. Hunter Ogilvie, A. A. G., 3rd Division left on a tour of in- spection of C. E. F., units on Mon. day. Lieut.-Col. W. J. Brown, G. 8. O., | 3rd Division, proceeded to Ottawa on | Monday. Major G. H, Gillespie, I & O. of C. | C. 3rd Division, proceeded' to Alexan- | dria, on duty, on Monday. Capt. Campbell Laidlaw, A. M. C., is detailed. for duty (temporarily) in connection with laboratory work at Ottawa, Ont. | Capt. L./L. Stauffer who has been in the office at the A. D. M. S,, at | the Armouries is going overseas in | the near future to the Canadian Ar- my Medical Corps. at] L. F.| Ptes, Beaton, Tucker and Dunstan, 93rd Battalion have arrived in the | city for medical treatment, the form- | er going into thé Elmhurst Convales- cont Home and Ptes. Tucker and Dunstan to the General Hospital for treatment by Lieut.-Col. J. €. Con- nell. ai George Tidman, T. A. Reynolds and L. H. Bryant have been taken on the strength of the 146th Battalion. W. H. Thompson is the latest transfer from the 14th Regiment to | vision, headquarters at}: the 146th Battalion. Pte. G. L. Hewitt has been ap- pointed an acting sergeant in the 146th and Ptes. V. Francis and E. Moulton have been appointed corpor- als provisionally. Lieut. W, M. Mackenzie transfer- red from the 146th to the 156th Bat- talion at Brockville and is taking the machine-gun course here. ' 'The 80th Battalion, Belleville, se. cured 44 recruits," March 1st-16th and has 34 appointed officers, nine attached officers and a total stiength 'The 156th Battalion, Belleville, secured 96 recruits during the period March 1st-15th, and has a total of 821 men, y Young lady, would you not rather see that young man of yours in kha- ki? Encourage him. 1f you can go and do hot go your position after the war and for your life-time will be a serious one. You think people will forget, but not so. They will remember and you will re- member because beside you and at every turn you will meet the man who did go. The brand will be upon you. Why not avoid it and apply the remedy now? The following have registered this week for the first eourse at Infantry School of Instruction: C. N. Asselistine, 156th. 8. A. Blakey, 146th. ' J. H, Braddon, 156th. H. Burke, 155th; W. G. Butson, 136th, D. F. Byers, 139th. G. E. Compson, 156th, C. Crossman, 156th. G. D. Dardis, 164th. G. 8. Dawson, 136th, J. A. Dillane, 156th. 8. J. Dunsford, 93rd. L. H. Field, 207th. M. E, Fox, 156th. W. J. Gibson, \14th (Regiment.). J. A. Graham, 156th. B. Hartley, 207th, O. D. Johnston, 207th. P. L. Kuhring, 43rd (Regiment.) J. G. MacLachlan, 207th, J. H, MacMillan, 154th. K. D. McBean, 136th. W. L. McBride, 154th. W. G. McDonald, 164th. J. E. Meier, 146th, R. H. C. Miller, 207th. J. W. Nicholson, 139th, W. Patrick, 107th. R. Patterson, 107th. E. C. Richards, 136th, J. St. Pierre, 156th. F. P. Strachan, 146th, C. G. Walton, 156th, J. T. Wilson, 207th. H. J. Wiser, 207th. E. W. Wrightmeyer, 155th, Fight for your country, your con- science, your faith. 4 "I hear, Tommy, you saved a life in the war." "Hi did, sir." "How did you do it, Tommy?" "By not hinlisting,.sir." the Tungsten Lamps All sizes up to 60 watt, In Larry Schafly will manage Brad- ford, Pa., playing first himself. The remaining New York Giant holdout, Rousch, has surrendered and reported yesterday. The edict bas gone out that there is to be no racing in France, '80 long as the Germans are at Noyon. A baseball bat for punting, having strips of non-resililent material set into the end, has beep patented by 2 sailor. ; Easy Chairs . $650 to $65 Chesterfields . $40.00 to $125 Davenports ...$21, $25, $456 ¥ ate BOOKCASES, LIBRARY TABLES TO MATCH. The military hockey championship ot Eastern Ontario will be at stake ' | when the teams representing the 154th Battalion of Cornwall, and the 77h talion of Ottawa, clash at the Ottawa Arena this evening. Louis S¢hettler with Peterboro in the Canadian.League in 1914, and with- Youngstown in the Central Lea- gue last season, will be with Terre Haute in the same league this sea- son, On his way to Cincinnati a few days ago Ty Cobb dropped a $600 diamond ring into the Pullman wash basin and it went through the pipes to some place on the road. Lieut, Lou March, Toronto, is be- coming a strong advocate of prohibi- tion. He officiated in the game at London on Friday night, and during the battle two whisky bottles were thrown at him. The disappointing LABATT'S LAGER IS MILD, PURE, APPETIZING Just the Beverage for the busy man; -- rests the nerves and ensures sound sleep. If not sold in your neighbort.ood, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED . LONDON .- - CANADA #8 Special ial arrangements for direct shipment to ise ; 'part of it was that they both were empty. : Manager Frank Shaughnessy and members of 'the Otta Baseball Glub's squad, who have ed free agents for this year, are al- ready in demand, Shaughnessy him- self has several offers on his desk and may decide this week which one to aceept. not stand the racket of being run another season in the happy-go-lucky pear to be on a very strong basis. W declar-| Ottawa Journal: The N.H.A. will} none of the N.H.4., clubs ap-| ships while engaged in the sporting goods business, after the provision goes into effect. The date set for the provision to become effective Is April 1st, 1918. Bud Aikens, a well known Ottawa athlete, who has enlisted with the 51st Battery, of Kingston, for over- seas service, was the guest of honor at a banquet in the Hotel Cecil, be- ing dined by the Ottawa Basketball club, of which he has been a popular member. A handsome wrist watch wregented By the club to Gunner Alkens, The Toledo Baseball Company, with Roger Bresnahan president, is organized. The capitalization is $60,- 000, with all stock paid in. Bresna- han holds $25,000 worth of it and orld of 2 Goalkeeper of the Berli on Jai SE eRe No | Jobs, and they will not be disgruntl. | ery step of the way during the cam- |. Club owners of the Internationaly Sport| the balance has been made up large- ly by local business men. The com- pany will conduct the affairs of the Toledo American Association club. An Ottawa despatch says: The Ot- tawa Hockey Club has completed ar- rangements for an exhibition game with Portland, Pacific Coast ue champions, which will likely take place here early next week. Frank Nighbor of the Ottawas has been chosen a member of the All-Star NHAC and P.C.H.L. team, which plays Toronto at Cleveland and' Pitts. burg this week. Nighbor left yes: terday, having secured permission from the Ottawa club. He will re: turn in time for the exhibition game against Portland. --- Manager Livingstone of the Tor onto pro. hockey team denies that he played Foyston and Holmes, the coast players, in Saturday's game { With the Canadiens without notify- : ing President Quinn of his intention. He declares that they were never sus- pended and that he does not fear the result of any action President Quinn may take. With peace prevailing, a higher calibre of baseball will be displayed in the major and minor leagues next season. The ball players will have to give their entire attention to play- ing the game in order to hold their ed by tempting offers from the Feds. The athletes will have fo hustle ev- paign, for it will mean a lot to them to deliver, -- 5 1 League met Monday and ra- | tified the 1916 playing schedule with |' 8ix pounds of food every day and still do not Increase in 'weight other hand many of the plump, chunky folks eat very lightly and Keep gain- ing all the time. 3 to say ti individual. thelr powers of assimilation are defec- ve. food they eat to maintain life and a semblance of health and strength, Stuf- fing won't help them. E. A. Coolson, 136th. 4 day won't make them gain a single something that will so act upon these fatty food elements that their blood can absorb them and deposit them all' about the cles and increase their blood's carrying liable druggists ing the missing elements needed by the digestive organs to help them convert food Into rich, fat-laden blood. Phis \ Sc FA : THE CIGAR THAT MADE modern treatment i Sargol and fi aims' through alien ily 3 he stomach wers to coax testines to literally soak up the elements of your fT and Hass "them into the where they are éarried to the starved, broken- down cells and tissues of your body. You can readily picture what result this amazing _ transformation should produce as with increase 'weight, the fill out, hollows about ers and bust disappea 20 pounds of solid, is added to the body. Sargo Nitely harmless, inexpensive, Leading druggists of this Vicinity have it and will refund your money if you are not satisfied, as per the guarantees found in every large package. If you find a dr t who is unable to supply you send $1.00 ney ofder or registered letter to National Lahoratories, 74 8t. Antoine St. Mont- real, = complete ten days' treat- sen you vege. Postpaid, in plain 'Why not make this test. First yourself. Then take Sar, oh ran ah tablet at every meal aha before you 80 to bed--for two weeks---then weigh again and note the difference. Let the, Scales tel) the story. e tablets are small, easil - lowed, produce no disagreeable oftacts contain no habit drugs, and are not at all expensiv : obtained. ® 48 compared with results eat from four to J The F Most thin id solid fat-making people 3 Pp one ounce, while on the It seems all bosh the nature of the It isn't Nature's way at all. n people stay thin because hat this is Most thi They absorb just enough of the cient A. dozen meals 'stay there" pound. A great part of the fat-produci elements of their food just stay there in the intestines until they pass from the body as waste. What such people seemingly need is body--something too, that will multiply their red blood corpus- power. . There is a preparation known to re- almost everywhere which was designed to ald in supply- For Emergencies When you have a bilious at- tack, or when you feel iliness coming on--promptly move the bowels, start the liver working and put your entire digestive system in good shape with a dose or two of the time-tested PILL You will welcome the quick relief and often ward off a severe illness. Beecham's Pills are carefully compounded from vegetable products --mild, harmless, and not habit-form- ing. Buy a box now. You don't know when you may need Beecham's Pills. A reliable family remedy that always Should Be + at Hand Lasgo, Sale of Any Medicine in the World, s everywhere. In boxes, 26 cents. MANY TO CHOOSE FROM mi Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers The Sawyer not turn out as d. |. of advertising "Enormous Bargains" he said, "I bought them to sell at $10.00, but not worth it; in fact I cannot recommend ou will find them worth $4.60". - and made some new custome _ were convinced of his sincerity. : _ Nothing new about it. Truth is as old ds hills and he simply told the truth, He discave #1 that honesty is best policy, and. very many advertisers are making the J all, but them a t ' .

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