mer eee h THE OLD SHOE TRAP. too quick and ran into one of the } and was fairly successful. BE. Johns- Ounce upon a time Tabby, the cat, shoes and out of sight. tou is hauling feed for his cattle from| went to sleep beside Tom's old shoes mit. was all guiet again the '| his former resid at Spaffordton; | that he was to take in the morning to mouse peeped out, but the cat saw Edward Hingey is moving this week | the cobbler's to fix a hole In the toe. it this time, and the mouse had just to his farm in Leland. John Donag-| Tabby loved to sleep near the stove, time to scramble back into the oth-] hue, Westport, is spending some time] and Cook always was apt to drop er shoe. Theat put in its paw and . : with his sister, Mrs. A. N. Koen; Vin- | something nice to eat when cooking, tried to find Mousie in the shoe, but BREWER'S MILLS cent Sullivan, Kingston, 'at F. Mc-land the cat was always sure to be the mouse had run out of the hole in March 20.--The weather is becom- | Donald 8; "Jack" Hogan visited at | on.hand to get it the toe and back to its hole, ing spring Tike, but the roads are in Mrs. W. A. Leeman's recently; Mr, This morning Tabby was very Tabby was sure the mouse was in a bad' condition James Smith. is 80d Mrs. E. Johnston spent Sunday slecpy, for she had been awake near- the shoe, so she took it up in her | hauling timber for a new barn. Miss | t J. Burng'; John L. Koen and sis-|ly Light watching for a fat little pdws and shook it as hard as she Lorette Keys, visiting in = Kingston ter, Mary, also William McQuaide | mouse she had seen in the pantry, could, hut no mouse came out. Then for the past few weeks has returned and sister, at J. Johuston's; but the mouse was too smart for her Tabby put her head in as far as she home, The funeral of the late Mrs Cosgriffe is making an extended visit}: had only come ont when she was could, but ne mouse could she see,] ¢ Shannon took place to Brewer's Mills | '0 Inverary. Mrs. L. Burns is spend. | sure the cat had both eyes shut and and when she tried to pull her head re of -- cemetery on Thursday last ing a few days with Mrs. E. Johnston; | was really asleep. out of the shoe she found it was / a i ' 5 TR ry ¥ . Robinson, Campbell is in Inverary. The poor little mouse was very, stuck fast. This frightened her, GLENDOWER. very y just now, so she crept and she began to fly about the room March 26. ~The Toads are very FALL RIVER. out very slowly and carefully until so that the cook thought she was hav- Rl Feocme Toads are vert! March 22.--There has been but|she was at the other side of Tom's ing a fit, but when she say the shoe before the shelgning Breaks | little trafic on the roads here of|s where the eat lay. Just she laughed and pulled it from poor up. Sidney Deyo is going to draw | ate; Owing to such frequent heavy |as she was slipping by Tabby open- pussy's head, and put the shoes BD te Le forint Lm Quite o | SNOW storms, but the: roads are goti- ed her éyes and saw the mouse, Out where neither Mousie or Tabby could Youd te tl 8 Joldsnar mn ie by hay, (IE in good condition once again fdr |went her paw, but the mouse was get at them again. T. Babcock is drawing wood to the travelling, Mrs. J. Armstrong and EIT VEE Bae Be 4 i TENE want to Gain Weight . ? -~ Why Fleshmaking Food Does Not Al- ment now passes: from your body as' Uf] ro renee mean ow ee ™ te i Sire MENLAT he Go Fasie an 0 quickyy » : : ple. Full Directions Given. the fat producing couténts of the very Thih mén and womeh--that! Big, same meals von are eatthg now develop hearty, filling dinner you ate yesterday. flesh between your skin and bones, What became of all the fat-producing The best of any theory is practice. uring In DEAD OREEK. March. 2% +-Crows "have made]: Moss, Clarendon, was in this vici- . : nity recently. A number from here - ~ Table their appearance here again. More . Ww Local 'Branch -Time 1918, t Men ate enlisting in the 146th Bat-|intend taking in the concert at Ma hnso : - nny cheese factory at Glendower,. Biram family have bean sulterisg for som 2 : Hopping and wife are at James Wil- Erippe. . . ; : : ¥ pl i berly on) Wednesday night. Thomas , t 3 Tralo ave and arrive ar City talion. Frank Guernsy was at Mrs. . nourishment. it contained? Possibly What do the' peop 2e used Sar- Depot, ont Jobnsan Atreer. ' C. Brooker's last week, Alma Loyst W. Duffy and son John. are hauhng cover with water and boil soft, mash, | yon haven't gained in weight a oD What 8: he Deahle Ni have Ure hake son's and son spent a couple of weeks with Gelag WW, | 1s visiting friends at Arden. Laura pulp wood to Crow Lake for Thomas { add twice the amount of water, a|llat food probably passed from your received from every part of the'coun- her parents in Brooke recently, A Gray lost a valuable horse last week, Lv, City. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Dus- Menu for Saturday fece of 1 he jui bady like unburned coal through an try. A lady from California wrote "I 1 ERR 12.30 2.0. and Pearl Vaness are at Arden. Ed- in have taken residence at Ports- plece butter and the juice of half fopen The materials for flesh, never in my life before weighed more i . .. 258am. .| ward Wilks at Cole Vaness'; Mr. up DREAKFAST a lemon, fat and strength were th k than 137 Jos. Naw I weigh 155 and feel jig Tor. S.308.m. | Jewel at Mrs. Brooker's on Sunday. | Outh, after spending =the winter a food doesn't work and stick, and the fine. My face is filled out and rosy PE « 14d, . 141 p.m, h RY ut '| Nere. J. Armstrong and family in- nnanas plaing truth may be, You hardly get and I fell better than I have for years $e Reanse 4pm. 3. 'm.| Miss M. Wright has gone home to tend leaving here soon for = near Apple Omelet enough nourishment from your meals to A patron from Wisconsin reported, "IL 3 acnl to visit her mother, who is ill Toast Colle pay for the cost of cooking This is can speak ,wonders for Sargel, having leville . 6.58pm. 7. .m. di Kingston where they have a rented Clear Beef : Soup~Cover a soup |lrue of many thin folks the world over. gained 20° pounds from its 'use. A Golng t PETWORTH farm awaiting them. A. Guigue lea- bone with water, add one onion, a |Lheir nutritive organs, thelr functions man from New York sald, "T'have gain- " . ves soon for Sharbot Lake. Mr. and e I : Aid * of assimilation, are probably sadly out ed 21 pounds.and look and feel like a No. 18--Mall March 21.--The roads are in a {ne "4" ar Wot Willlam Palmer's; s aie pot herb and simmer four hours, of gear and need reconstruction new - person." 18---Fast Ex. " . i v ; Ad 8; $ l RRB as Toad condition owing to the Mus. Edward Conroy ai T. Buker: on rockville . 83.16a.m. 8 . a : S Ne. 1 tp 3330 pm. .| this place has enlisted with the 146th Herbert Duffy and Mr. and Mrs. Wes- DINNER Lid.. 1.08 pm. DINNER, LUNCHEON Mexican Bean Soup Strain and season. To those who are in this class and NOTE--Sargol i& not, as-some believe, ley at A. Gray's. £ Clear Beef Soup Bread Crumb Brown Bread--Mi who would like to add from ten to a single patented drug but is instead a a cup of rye meal, a nt of al ave pounds of good firm healthy skillful combination of six well recog- a ---- » Beles Kidney Bent - TH ROAD. rem: rumb Brown Brea hy 1s 18, 19 run! Measles are prevalent here. Mr. and . BA ; Curried Mrs. Charles Darling and Mr. and| March 21.---The roads are in very and muscular tissue to their nized flesh buliding agents and assimi- a cup of fine stale bread crumbs, two | weight, the following test Is suggested. lative aids. Leading focal druggists cups of sour milk, three fourths of a ron. welsh yourselt. Then Sohiinue he sell it say there is $ large Jepiand s 8 Ny v 1 4 e § > pe vr Vis Wai Dania vey a d cup of molasses half a cup of raisins, every one of them a single Sargol tab- Bain wolkht and. hat it OS A TWAYS Told other triins asi exce Sunda jadiarcts 21--Fhe touis ard Jn very atererony aid a nh n a teaspoon of salt, and two of spda.|let. In two weeks weigh again and in accordance with a guarantee con- 1ton lo, roll. | His hi apna are RW vu. and wind storm. Farmers are de-|\ spending the week at Yarker. The lighted with lovely weather. Ar- but mixing with your food-it alms to If you find a druggist who Is unable | Mis Orlene Kerr and Helen Kerr thur Keyes and J. W. Redmond are Curried Cauliffower--Boil in salt- [turn the fats, sugars and starches of fo supply you send $1.00 money order Misses Orlene Kerr and Helen KOIT | jraving sand to their homes. Mr. ed water, and, when fender, drain | Khar Jou have eaich, into, rick ripe 'or rewiatered letler to die, Nation! A hi h s . y : : C, 8 . eo tis. ratories, 74 St. J St, - Enterprise, at A. Watson's; George Cliff has been having his ice-house Apple Omelet--Peel, core and slice and pour over three tablespoons of |sues. and blood--prepare it in an easily real, and * complete yi "days oa farmers have been drawing cinders. | ja1¢ ilk, th lks of tw rfl ifted with half Me. Mrs. J. M. Bradford and 3 half a cup of milk, the yolks of two © our sifted wit alf a teaspoon Mr. and Mes. 1 spent radfon at H. March 21.--In spite of the cold| eggs, the stiffly beateh whites and of soda, one of cream of tartar and Watson's. The sawing machines are weather gardeners are already pre- | the apples. Turn into a buttered pan, half a teaspoon of salt. Work in one still in this vicinity paring their hot beds. Thieves vis- | cook and fold. full tablespoon of lard, add one cup 4 ited Mr. Brash"s hen house recently of cranberries cut in halves, and-en-' SANGSTER. every woman know | the person of Patrick Egan, He. is|jiouriey Mrs. Hugh Day has re- Bud ath. 5 a ; . . le, spent Send with hi & mnwhat I know now, | survived by his wife, and two daugh- | yyrned from a fortnight's visit with vilig, spent the wee iv Bielehd ¥isitos neie ters, Mrs. win Muinhy, Budge, her mother, Mrs. Wartman, Bath, }a0d Mrs. Wi - Maki ae Brots- who is seriously ill of paralysis. \ y -| Battalion. That makes six Petworth S . 658 pm. 7.37pm. Doys who are wearing the khaki. 13," 14, 18. 's Steam three hours in a buttered nate ine difference and fee Jehat iin. {ained In each large package of money e 4 ¥ e re . 'back in any © s clory w mould, Turn Jrom ihe duould and Sargol does not of itself make fat, Inoreass Sieg edo clony- walsht BREAKFAST .. 4 filled. There have been a few 10ads| two apples. Melt a tablespoon of but- melted butter to which has been ad- [assimilated form which the blood can ment will be sent ¥ i y 5 d a % eA f - 4 it You postpaid, in plain Witson js able 10 be put alter 3p a of hay from around this locality g0-| tor and steam the apples five minu- ded a téaspoon of curry powder. readily accept. Much of this nourish- wrapper. Henderson. Mutvale, at 'T. A. Kery's.; 105. into the city. A number of} ox Add mixed a tablespoon of flour Cranberry Pudding--Mix two cups r--~ earn en and he is minus a valuable flock. J. LUNCHEON. ongh milk to form a dough, Steam March. 21 The desih 4 Brash is repairing the building on' Mexican Bean Soup--Soak .two half an hour and serve hot with the March vg aa a hig farm he purchased recently from | cups of Mexican beans two hours, syrup of stewed cranberries. Conn--*1 shen | Zo March 20th of ohio. of Bedford iMrs. Harpell, Jackson Mifls. J. Or. [ Ld most hightly respected cilizemns In |ger jg pecovering from an attack of The choir and uncle, Peter Ferguson, Mrs. Fergu«| Mission Circle of the Methodist son and daughter, Miss Jennie Fer-| church met at the home of Mr. and guson, left Monday for Toronto Mrs. Wesley Reveler on Monday ev- Miss Mildred Redmond "entertained old, | have for the past dv Thuted and Mrs. M. J. Cochrane, a son. The many friends of Mrs. Nicholas Mur- | phy are sorry to hear of her illness. | Terrence O'Connor is visiting in Bur- ridge. Thomas Murphy at John Mur- phy's; Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bab- cock, and Baby Leo, at Thomas Young's; Mrs. John O'Connor is vi- siting friends in Kingston, Thomas Fitzgeralds, Fish Creek, is visiting In this locality. wood from the city. the members of her Sabbath School class on Tuesday Hayes, Front Road, has rented J. Mouldey's farm here and is moving is drawing Mr. POG T APBD AEG GOP Il PETG where they will reside. Mr. Kent of Sydenham spent a few days last week with his daughter, Mrs. Cochrane. Pte. Clifford Gibson, 156th Battal. ion, Majlorytown, spent Tuesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gibson, Miss Mabel Gibson spent the week-end. with relatives in Brockvil- le. ening In honor of their daughter Jennie. The gift from the choir was a silver sexvice and the gifts from the circle were numerous and cost- ly. The Red Cross tea held at the home of Mrs. J. Moore on Friday af- ternoon was well attended. The pro- ceeds were $10.50. A concert and bean supper given under the auspi- ces of the Presbyterian Ladies Aid in the hall last Wednesday evening Real Economy suggests the purchase of the D & A or the La Diva Corsets, There is a style to fit your figure. Compare its work- manship. and material, its comfort and appearance with other makes. Efficient manufacturing and very large MOREWOOD. March 22.--Mrs. James 'Reveler, WAGARVILLE, Botte Settee aaametama-saasd | Russell, and Miss Grace Flemming, |, March 20.--The roads are getting eu Crysler, were visitors last week at | ba sales enable you to buy these "Made «in:Canada" Corsets at about half what imported corsets, which are was well attended. * . no better, sell for. Every in a fair condition again. A number CHANTRY, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick : D& A and La Diva from here attended the quarterly March 22.--Miss Jennie Miller has | Reveler. Miss Edith. Fader, Rus- Prince Edward Corset is a real bar- meeting at Fifth Lake on Sunday. D. | peen visiting friends in Smith's Falls | sell, 1s a guest at W. Swerdferger's. gain. McLeod has purchased a farm from 'qyuring the past week. Miss Grace |Mrs. L. Manharvey, Mrs. W. Ferley Wesley Wagar and the former has Rappell of Athens is a gust at the |and Mrs. A. McConnell were visitors A 8 Dominion resold it to Harvey Cronk. Mrs. |pome of J. N. Davis. T.C. DeWell | to Ottawa on Saturday. Rev. D.D.| so ONGARDS, as ' Corset Co, Sydenham. Recruiting Is still going | 2*3 [amily spent Sunday at Wer for- Bie spent Thursday | ia Sitaya, A Eon pi 43 Yo I on. Murray Kirkham has re mer home in Bigin, Private John | Mrs. Beach 1s a guest at Lhe Ie the recent storms. The box social ~~ ; P f the 80th Battalion, her sister, Mrs, Gillespie. . . ; é PL ti l home after spending a few days with Fatierson Os a visiting friends | Yorke, Isobell and Walter, were re- { O% Wednesday evening was not 28 aS & rac 1Ca 1 eng Ida Mee qumber, here, Mr. and Mrs. Omer Brown of | cent visitors to Russell. Mrs. Ander- | Well attended as it would otherwise | FHomé Dress Making Lerrons 3 _ son, who spent a few weeks with her have been, on account of the severe time, has returned home. Mrs. Ard Delta wete the gucsts 'of Mis. A z= BR =, 1 Quebec, Montreal add Teroate Eli McCumber is visiting friends in me 2 i« | mother, Mrs. Dillobough, returned on | cold weather, a good programme was 'Wagar and Mrs. 8. Cronk have been Rawiton on Sunday. oh YN: Davis Monday to her home in the west. rendered. The proceeds amounted visiting friends in Belleville, Philip al ALS ne Mrs H. Davis, | Mrs. Wesley Reveler and daughter, | to twenty dollars, Gerald Wright, Wagar, Sr., is suffering from an ab- | y so Richards is confined to the |Jennie, were recent visitors to Otta- of Sandhurst, accompanied by Clar- Scess. hobse by illness wa. Albert Flegg was a recent vi- | ence Young of Bath, were guests of = -- fie . sitor to friends at Munster. Mr. | Allan Harrison over Sunday. = Mr. N OATES. TAYLOR. and Mrs. D.'"McGregor spent Wednes- 2nd Mys. pleGee of or Pines Vere March 21.---A number fro » 4 in very] day in Ottawa. Mrs. Walker, Moun- | 2 . T. McCormick's on Sunday. : > he attended the sale at Wilmur _- Wed. radateh 31L--The reads isha ol tain, spent last week with friends | Mr. and Mrs, 8. Wright of Cussy, vis- Prepared Especially For This Newspaper nesday last. The cheese meeting I hg A. Nuttall's was| here. Mr. J. and W. Wallace Kars | ited their -daughter, Mrs. J. Shep- by Pictorial Review Borrowed style has to be paid back | 4, Perth Road on Thursday night |jargely attended. Cattle sold as high| Were guesis in theyiclily jast week. pard. . The Misses McCarnock en- with interest in the long run, M8 well patronized from all points. | 4g $70. Frederick Jackson has|Miss Ellis Smith and Miss S. Hunter | tertained a number of their. young ; Mr. Cheanney, late purchaser of : vy ~| were week-end visitors at their | friends on Wednesday evening. ' G.| It is not a sign of intelligence to| Perth Road cheese factory moved to his farm near Joyceville. E, leby b ov- | Storms and wife spent several days | thoroughly believe in signs. ¥ thi a ; e factory, canvassed | Moore lost a valuable cow last week. homes here. Mrs. Appleby has m - 1 Sto) P 8) | 8 vicinity last week for patrons, Clawson Sly has returned home] €d into the house lately vacated by with is Deother at Ameliashulgh. aE a Slipped on tr he a : 'Bay | Mr. and Mrs; Vern, Fetterley. Mrs. | Mrs, . L. Minaker has returned to ont Kv eo frou Eau Bay. Juste he Had Poet M. E. Hunter, Mrs. Robert McCon-| her home at Cherry Valley after vis. _ Siivate Beek Sing: WESs armen in Cressy about the last of the month | nell and Tweed McConnell left on ting friends here. 3 In medium size the design requires and fit it out. Lester Sly was in Monday for Calgary. Mrs. are - yards insertion, 3% yards edging, 1! in | Hughes and little Sybil, Ottawa, are| = The House of Assembly passed an . ah Nom ar Morton recently on business. Ar ; yards beading. 2% yards ribbon and thur Keyes and hissister, Mrs. Elgin] guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | amendment to the prohibition bill, 3% yards 45-inch material, Moore, spent Saturday and Sunday|¥Frederick Reveler. Mr. and Mrs. | bringing the measure into force in There are three pieces to the pattern, at Lansdowne. Eldon McCalpin vis- James Fetterley entertained a num- | Halifax on the 30th of June next. giving half of each part needed. The ited ii Brockville the past week, Mrs. | ber of their young friends to a party The British have captured or sunk material is folded in half on the cut- Edward Grice, in Lansdowne last| at their home on Thursday evening.| 127 German submarines since the ting table and all of the pattern sec- week, has - returned home. Miss|(Miss Lena Martin, Chesterville, and } war started, a Washington despatch tions are laid on a lengthwise fold, the Bertha Birmingham has returned|Miss Verna of Ottawa, were week- | save. : front coming fifst, then the back and home from Battersea, where she was } An Empire Night Gown. is made to be slipped on over the head, : the yoke. visiting her cousin. M. J. Feather- - It is well to stitch the lace onto the stone was at home for Sunday. T. Sg Suody hefore it is cut. The material Stanley is visiting his son, R. J. Stan- E tal | ay cut from under the lace after- ley. Mr. Townsend is at J. Berry's. ven ospl reatment ward, however. To make, first join the » . . / «= . fron} and back sections as notched and DULCEMAINE. f Kidn D } il d gather upper edges between double March 21.--The roads are in bad or 4 ey 1sease a € ! "TT" perforations. Turn hem at lower condition. "Mrs. R. Williame, who : eR BR it underwent an operation at the Gen- x : ' eral Hospital, Brockville, on Sunday Well-known Commercial Traveller Says That Dr. Chase's ot front and hack. Botehes, center-ront. morning, Is getting along nicely. Kidney-Liver Pills Undoubtedly Cured Him. edges of yoke together at under-a Theron Patience and Edgar Moaore- a. seam. Front of night gown is indi- News of his recovery from kidney took doctor's medicine to no avail, head left last week for Saskatche- . cated by "O" perf wan. Miss Erma Haskin has ré- Charming night gown of batiste and - Finish BE re - Aaration in oie Sutund to Jamsdowse, Where she will | disease will de 'welcomed by the and a io Statireoks face, made in Empire effect to be slip- with beading. continue the millinery business with | man: ~D. . nefited, ped on over the head. it , the ne Mrs, H. Mutvough. Mr. and Mrs. y friends of Mr. L. ~D. Griffin} ip 7514 trouble returned and. ¥ tried oT Fo Statret. the. neck of the night A model that echoes the daintiness of holed scallops in place of the lace edg- Percy Haskin ta ihe Mjotnigg district of the United | ter, but the help was o Be Er pire Hr Soe ih. place of tha lace edg- and I was soon bad in. night gown trimmed with rows of lace est form of decoration for underwear They re Wonderful ! Taste one--you're delighted--try another and another until they are all gone--and then you want more. THE REASON Ww. Cook, wr. pent the week-end in throughout the lower townships and | 3 Montreal hospital. G Absolutely the finest and most expensive products in the form of | Soule OC days last week in Kingston. | "uh 0 oo ing ins si So . > A : . : Recent . 4 his On the advi friend, I be- cocoa beans, sugar and milk are used in the manufacture of thess | Tyne: ut W. Cooks: A. WAL| tion for 35 EE La Se Ye a on bier | P0Na of satin ribbon, The sown chocolate Maple Buds. © But half the secret is in the Hams, Melcombe, at R. Williams'; | Will be accepted, as proven by all | Pills, and I now thank that friead, : illful handling they receive at the most sanitary and up- Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook, jr., and Fred-| Who know him best. for to-day I am as free from kidney \ in the w die at James Patience's: Mr, andj He tells in his letter how relief | disease as I ever was in my life. 1 : Mra. B. F. Leeder and little daugh.} Was obtained by treatment in Sher. | owe the cure to Dr. Chase's Kidney. ter, Phyllis, Ballacnoea; John Ho-| brooke and Montreal hospitals, but | Liver Pills, for they undoubtedly did gan, Kingston Mills, at. Mrs. William | the old kidney trouble returned again | the work. I am 68 years old and Patipnce's, : have spent 35 years as a traveller cme cue 6358 Above Patterns can be obtained from NEWMAN & SHAW, 3 © YONGE MILLS. : eral am tol t Dr. Chase's me- Pictorial Review Night Gown No. 6558. Sizes 34, 36, 28, 40, 42, Uh i Maroh Fier Gardiner pind dio are the best seliers and GI¥e | 45 inches bust. Price, 15 conte. 4. 36, 38,40, 42, 44, 46 and | po a business to Kingston 18 Y + ¥ week. ~ Mrs. Carpenter of Brockville nes ba the market. Shall be glad to] a. it 3 : Eo UoS Jus a recent guest of her sister, . aangor a Aleations In Jegard 20 Sty at a I tx . + | Burnham. Miss Rowsome, Lyn, is} : cure it people care to write me.' . 1d Cho visiting her sister, Mrs. G. X. P For about twenty years I was| Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver « Pills, ain Yy oli d : ocolate Edward Bolin is a.patient at St. Vin-| bothered more or less with the kid- | one pill a dose, 25 cents a box, all y cent de Paul Hospital. Pte, William | neys, then the disease became worse | dealers, or Fdmanson, Bates & Com- " Pergusos, 156th - Battalion, Brock- 1 was sick | 1 pany, Limited, Toronto. 3 ne A NG al HE