vs From Eastern Ontario Points PLEASANT EVENING AT CAMP : 1812 DISTRICT NEWS FROM THE WHIG'S BRIGHT EXCHANGES. Form the Events In The try About Kingston Are Told of Interest to Many. Eliza Munson, aged eighty- is, receiving . treatment in le, died on Tuesday. : nto Board of Trade is fing vigor. It is going after Industries with a vim, : Dominion Match Co., Dese- ronto, will open a liead office in To- ronto, Messrs. Knowles and Marri- gan will be in charge. Mrs. ¥. A. Reed Hostess At Enjoy- able Function, Mallorytown, March 24. -- The home of Mrs. F. A. Reed, "Camp 1812," Mallorytown, was the scene of a most enjoyable "St. Patrick's Day" party on ¢hie evening of March 17th, when the soldiers and young ladies of Mallorytown were invited there, The evening was spent most pleasantly in daprtitg and games The young ladies looked f in' gowns of green and white trim- med with small green flags or sham- rocks. : " ' At nine o'clock supper was serv- ed on the long table im the porch. About: seventy-five partook of the te Wesley Lindsay, Deseron-| good things, which Mrs. Reed knows to, was reported wounded recently, so well how to supply. The table and oh his way to a hospital in Eng- | was most beautifully decorated with land. | flowers and flags; the tricolor, Union Miss N. Arthur, B. A, Trenton, Jack and the flag of "Old Erin' be- has been engaged by the Adams high [ing the most prominent. The centre- school board to. fill the vacancy piece consisted of a large white bas- caused by the resignation of Miss ket of Killarney roses, ferns and Ney. : ~ Sr |shamrocks, The places of the sol-) Sunday, March 26th, will be a red | diers were marked hy swagger sticks letter day in the Deseronto Method- | tied with red," white and blue rib- ist Church. Over one hundred and! pons. \ forty will be received into member-| Lieut. D. M. Bissell proposed a | ship. ; | toast to MrssJleed (the hostess), to Edward Jose, a well known and{which she responded by saying, respected resident of Thurlow Town- | "The soldier boys of Mallorytown, ship, dled Wednesday, after being when fighting for 'King and Coun- ill for some time. Deceased was!iry" must remember that they al- sixty-five years of age. | ways had a friend in her and if they op | Gananoque | AEE (From Our Own Correspondent.) March 24.--A splendid recruiting meeting in the interests of the 156th Leeds and Grenville Battalion was held in the Opera House on Wednes day evening & rew out a AetoRdanes, sinicipal R. G. Graham of Gananoque High School occupied the chair. Stirring addresses were given by Judge Herbert S. McDon- ald of Brockville, Col. Bedell, of Merrickville, 0.C., the 156th Batal fon, Rev. Walter Cox, Fev, Father Kehoe, C. E. Britton and W. G. Me- Clellan of Brockville. Mayor Fergue J. O'Connor gave an address of wel: come, An excellent programme of musical selectiong was interspersed. Solos were rendered by T. E. Shields, James Lawson, Gib Orser, Miss Gus- sie Dempster and Mrs. R, D. Gordon. By the recent enlistment of Har- ty Hovey, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bovey now have four sons on service for the Empire. On account of the recruiting meet ing on Wednesday evening the mid- postponed until: last evening. Quite a large delegation from See: ley's Bay Hodge, Daughters of Re- bekah drove to town yesterday after noon with a number of candidatde Ivan Burne, son of the late Tim-|peedéd socks, cigars, tobacco, or, ev- Jiuy Surns, Brocxyitle; i Mis Le ten cedar ofl just to 1et her know and + daughter o e late | they would get it. The boys gave Nicholas ©hurchill, of Elgin, were | (hye TE and a tiger oa i united in marriage on Tuesday. "For She's a Jolly Goed Fellow." Clare Malley, Deseronto, who has, A pymber of snap-shots were tak-| been in the employ of the mail ser-io,. among them was one of all the vice on the C. P. R. lime, has returned guests seated at the table and an-| home for a few weeks' holidays and | ;iper of the soldiérs under the pie-| t o prepate for the coming Civil Ser-|, .. .¢ their king and the flag of] vicq exams, : thefr country. The party dispersed! Charles Nowlan charged with the |. uo o'clock voting Mre. Reed an | theft of jewellery was brought be- ideal hostess NE 1 fore Judge Dowsley and changed his ETE election from trial by jury to that of 4 { summary trial by the judge. No i date was set. v : on At Smith's Falls, J. 8. Munroe, of | § : ey the head office of the Bank of Com- merce, Toronto, has succeeded Mr. | Allan as acting manager at the lo-! cal bank. Mr. Allan has enlisted | for overseas service. | A pretty wedding on Tuesday was | solemnized at Lyn, when Rev. J. de | P. Wright united in marriage Clare | L. Charlton, son of Mr. and Mrs. | George Charlton, and Miss Margaret Graham, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Graham. - | At the meeting of Smith's Falls | council the tax rate for public school | supporters was struck at twenty-five | mills on the dollar, and the same for | separate school supporters. John | Rath was reappointed tax etollector | * at a salary of $600. i The death océurred Monday of | Robert Brown, aged eighty-six, at| he residence of his son, Charles | ewilon Brown, Fairfield East, after | & short illness, having heen up and! around until the previous evening. LATE RH, FIELD. A former well-known and highly es- A Tie Game Resulted. ! Jast evening at which a number far 'admission into their order. The initiation was performed by the loc- al degree team. Harmony Lodge No. 15 Daughters of Rebekah held a leap year party in the 1. O. O. F. recreation hall of Seeley's Bay sisters were guests. Quite a number of young people went up to Kingston Wednesday af- ternoon for the production of "When Dreams Come True," at the Grand. \ i A report hag been circulated to the effect that the quarantine of the 59th Batfalion "A" Company would be raised at midnight on Thursday. Night Constable Archie Neal has resigned his position to enlist with the 156th Battalion. His resigna- tion was accepted by the Council, and applications have been called for to fill the vacancy. Capt. Howard Taylor, who has b.en here for some fen weeks las left for overseas to join his battery a' the front, Rex. Taylor of Cobalt has return- ed home after spending a short time with relatives in town. Mrs, Howard Taylor has gone to Paris to gpend some time with relatives. Death Of Sand Bay Lady. Mrs, Gavin of Sand Bay died at the Hotel Dieu on March 18th, aged thirty-seven years. She suffered from throat trouble, Diseased was the wife of Benjamin Gavin, and was a Roman Catholic in religion, also a member of the League of the Sacred Heart and Sodality of the Blessed Virgin, and will be missed by a wide circle of friends, She assisted the Renfrew, March 24.--The session of the Citizen Shield for the woason of 1016 still hangs in the balance. In) a spectacular game . : here Renfrew succeeded in overcom- | The Late Hill Campbell. ! ing the lead secured by Buckingham | 'Cornwall, March 24.--Hill Camp- fn the first game of the home and | bell died here in his seventy-ninth tiome series for the champlonship of { Year, after a brief 'illness. Mr. | the Ottawa Valley on Saturday last. Campbell eame to this country when | Although Renfrew defeated "Buck- ten years of age, and resided in this | fngham to-night by a score of 2 to 0, | section nearly all his life. . Forty-| thus making the total on the series | Seven years ago he established pos- | leemead resident of Ottawa and Mal- lorytown, who passed away Tues- on {day, March 21st. | ton, the | a tie at 4-4, a play off must be ar-| Brocery firm of Campbell Bros, re- | choir, and gave of her services freely to help along any good cause. Her maiden name was Edith Hamil- Three sons and four gaughters survive, the oldest, fifteen years, and the youngest two weeks old. She is also survived by her mother and goven brothers. The funeral took place on Thurs- day, March 21st to St. Patrick's Church, and thence to the vault at | Verona. Rev. Father Kehoe, Gan- anoque, officiated. . Among the rel- week service in Grace Church wasj ranged for the immediate future on | neutral ice to decide 'the honors, Leaving For Tho Front. Smith's Falls, March 24.--Archie Paul, who has been in thé employ of | years an elder of Knox Church. { | is survived by his widow, one bro-| Miss tired in 1897. He was for fifty | atives present from a distance were He | Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, M. Linlin and Mae Donouhon, Westport; | James Titzgerald and Miss Fitager- | ald, of Kingston; Messrs Hamilton | Desmond Joyce, Phillipeville; Mrs. J. | J. Lappin, Lyn; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ther and one sister. Cobourg Clerk Enlists, Port the Frost & Wood Co,, for the past | Hope, March 24.--Arthur eight years has enlisted for overseas | Bletcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 8 service and on Friday afternoon was | Bletcher, Port Hope, has presented with a beautiful wrist watch by the members of the staff as and has joined a Highlanders' bat- a token of. remembrance, talion at Lethbridge, EN th ts afte ihe ii hts X AAA rat Victrola in the home rio winter evening 1s ewer too long; what the weather, no member of the family need be of concett or entertainment at any time. in dnd see the different styles and hear your favorite selece Come 31 to $75 tom $3} ta $75. Victrolas §21 to $255. » Easy terms his position in the Bank of Toronto | '| his liberty on suspended -| irother; James | Flood, Ballycanoe, resigned | Six Months in Central Prison, { Brockville, March 24 >--Henry Bu- | cher and John Moreau, young sol- | diers charged with the theft of a horse, were brought before Judge | Dowsley. Both were found guilty. | The theft occurred in connection with | a dance being held at Lyn, which was {attended 'by the two soldiers, who | went there in a band-wagon. They decided to beat the band-wagon back, and went to the stable and helped themselves, taking one man's horse and another manu's cutter, the latter being considerably damaged before Brockville was réached, as the horse had not been harnessed proper Bucher was sentenced to six months in Central Prison, as he had been out on suspended sentence on a previous charge of theft of which ne had been found guilty. Moreau was allowed sentence after an appeal for leniency on be- half .of the prisoner by Capt. Hope, of the 59th. The Late Mrs. Andrew Garrett. rockville, March 24.--The death urred Thursday of a highly re- ed resident in the person of s. Andrew Garrett, following an Iness of some month's duration. he late Mrs, Garrett was the daugh- ter of the late. Alexander Craig, Napanee, and w born fifty-six years ago. = She Garrett twenty-six since then has reside: Her husband and . he Aubrey, survive, piso Li mo- r Mrs. Alexander Craig, and one James H. Craig, both of rian and. her many friends will learn with deep regret of the death of a kind friend and a good neighbor. "% sl . Mareh : 24--W. + Kichardson had t ortune rp rend dodo Ta 2 ' | ty. "Publicity is the most pleasing Jife," Mr. A. 8. Neill in their popallarity: "ht village cobbler. is Agur- ie fier", eruar w Acid, from Neurotic D and trom Optical Derangements. Until I vered that marvellous panacea #1 marvel at his improved literary style. It 18 oAI% 5 mipath sinte Bo wro as follows: 'Sir, obildged If you will let i three to 1 ing that you well as leaves me i am your obid onight h Some children are found to stam- servant peter Macannish."** mer because of defective chest form- ation; others because of the ignor- 'ance, neglect, or example of their parents, and otherf on account of nervousness. * In the first stages of the treatment a is given breathing, vocal, and exercises, while various ents of the body are employed care; for it has been found m different physical exercises child gain some benefit which en- coura them and assists to break down the nervous self-consciousness Curious Request. | of their affliction. A doctor in the country received one | day-a letter from an old woman | for a bottle of cough mixture for hee | husband, ending with the postscript: '| as follows in the Indian Picture Mag- "Pleese, sir, don't make it too strong, ' azine: 'Mahomed Osman, haircutter as the poor man has only got one leg [and clean . shaver. Gentlemen's ~London Tit-Bits, ! throats cut with very sharp razors ./; | with great care and skill. 7 |ing feeling afterwards. Different From Her Ma. | solicited." He--Why is it that theré's never 8 | ie should be very useful match in this house? She (curtly)--~F | Turco-German Alliance. can't make matches. He-- That's | - ------------------ strange. Your mother could. en | Dog in Burnéd Station. #%" 1 After being confined 32 hours. in | the burned. Bonaventure Station in | Montreal, a four-months-old Italian musi move n spread in the sun until that brownish color, when they are put into the storehouse ready for market. Some Barber. A trial to the wr That's So. doctor." "Well, where would hear them?" | chie, an employee 0 | Trunk, was found in the wreckage. { The animal, nearly dead from cold "* | and exhaustion, was successfully re- rived. of the Grand you expect RE New Millinery. Untrimmed shapes; 75¢ up, in a! «Huvier's ? " big variety, Beautiful flowers, 25¢ to | yy ers Wevkaond Sweets" Gite 3 Gedrge Mills & Co, "The| 44s semi-officially announced from or et | Berlin that contracts have been ex- ,, | ecuted between the 'official grain Cedar and Lavender Camphor," | puying associations of Germany and Gibson's. . | Austria-Hungary and the Roumagp- H. F. Coyle, Belleville, superin-| jan Grain Export Commission for tendent of the division of the G. T.| 100,000 carloads of corn and all the R., is seriously dll. | wheat, barley and beans available for export, estimated at 40,000 car- loads. "Huyler's Week-end Sweets," Gib- For Infants and Children . In Use For Over 30 Years on' Always bears _, wt the Signature of Ralph E. Montonna, a senior in the College of Liberal Arts at Syracuse University, has been elected editor of the new scientific magazine that will be published this spring under the auspices of Alpha Chit Sigma, the honorary chemical sodiety. Mon- tonna' is a native of Cape Vincent. Real Vales in Stylish Fabrics. The Best Tailored Garments from Modern Factories. (600) Six Hundred Men's Suits to Choose From. Fangs tl tte Esa SAAR AS AAA A ESE AAS in Toronto, on Sun A Mohammedan barber advertises | "1 hear strange sounds in my ears, police dog, the property of Lew Rit-- wag BE oy gt Xe t No irritat- | The Connecting Link. The cormecting link between the merchant and his customer is the newspaper advertisement. In it the merchant may make plain to the housewife or the househusband, the advantages of his store and the commodities he has to offer, in a way that would be impossible othérwise, because of the limited time, dnd the interruptions when the customer visits the store. 'When people go out to shop, they want to get what they need, and go home again. They want the business news, but they want it when they have time at their disposal. You can give it to them through the adyertising columns. ) | 5 Although the Westport hockey between the two clubs. Seeley's team defeated Seeley's Bay at the Bay winning the first by six to three | Brockville Arena by the score of 4 and going into last might's game goals to 2, Seeley's Bay are the | with a three-goal lead. . second of a home and home majeh Ask to see our Samples of New Materials for your Suit or Overcoat. champions of the Leeds County | Player pianos tuied and adjusted. Hockey League. The game was the | C. W. Lindsay. Limited. | $1.00 Emulsion for 50c, Gibson's, Made to Measure $15.00 v0 $25.00 evi eersavns ia isi ibis