remitting money in large or small amounts use When Toronto Money Orders or Drafts, You ean purchase them from any one of our Branches; their cost is small and they are safe and sure---a protec tion to both the sender and his correspondent. . $6,402,810 hm aoa r de or TORONTO : pectacle Factory We vite you to bring all your Spectacle repairs -- broken frames, lenses, ete, to us. We give prompt service and our charges are reasonable. We have the finest grinding plant in Kingston. R. J. Rodger, Manufacturing Jeweler and Optician, 132 PRINCESS STUEET ; Opp. Randolph Hotel No Epidemic or Disease has ever been traced to Pasteurized Milk All our Milk is thoroughly pasteurized and sold in Sealed Bo Phone 845 ig Price's A NT dis HERABION Hospitals with SUCCES, CURESCHRONIC WEAKNESS, DISCHARGES URINARY DISEASES, BLOOD POISON, ELE DRUGGISTS or MAIL 81. eh MAN §: NEw YORK of LYMAN 08 a T0 Dn. LE THERAP SHERARIO Big Sip! To-morrow only, 500 Ibs. Have You? Seen The latest out in Choice Snoctlaten | sme TY it's known as "The Chatter | each piece is of the Aiterbox old | fashioned variety and the well- known, Patterson Quality. They are put up In 1 1b. and 2 Ib. | Packdges at 50c and $1.00 per box. | of Dairy Prints, 'to be sold 's Drug St foag's Drug Store|: sc 1 500 dozen Eggs, 28¢. Opp: YHOA. Kingston, Out. | Fowl, Chickens and js Turkeys, and many other |things too numerous to men- | tion, Anderson Bros. 192-200 Division Streets. Phone 458. "FISH! FISH! Fresh Halibut Fresh Salmon Fresh White Fish Fresh Pike Fresh Herrings Finnan Haddie, Filletts. | GORDON'S GROCERY, Montreal and Bay Sts. Phone 88. (------ CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS & COFFEES: COOKED AND SMOKED i EATS. | ORDERS TAKEN FOR COAL AND WOOD, JOS. AHEARN, JR, 279 1-2 MONTREAL STREET. Phone 866 fF. J. Johnson,| Florist, Market Square. Fresh Cut he ais Plants FLORAY Y ORMIGNS, Phone 239, | | | | | " at Gibson's. for man and s '132 Union street west, is showing no sign the provement from her illness. Mrs, R. Day, University avenue, is recovering in. the General Hospital wy from an attack of appendicitis. $1.00 Emulsion for 50¢, Gibson's. my White, seriously in of ty- hold fever in Hotel Dieu, has suf. Sciently recovered last week to re-! turn to his home in Rigin. H. in plano tuner, 21 King street, - Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store. The Kingston oh Boys A tion of Toronto has fixed July 29 as the date of its annual excursion to Kingst ® ami by Chick food at Pick. mer | 01 w Ww. Gibson, druggist, is giving twenty lectures in Materia Medica to the nurses in training at the Kings- ton General Hospital. "Good Nail Brushes" at Gibson's. Robert Johnston, Willetshoime, is having the body of the freak vcolf barn on His farm mounted and sent to the Ottawa Museum. '"G0c¢ Dyspepsia Tablets" 26¢, Gib- son's You ean buy a lot from McCann for less than the cost of a good plane. Most families own a piano. Why not own a lot on which to build? $1.00 Emulsion for 50c, Gibson's. Lieut. W. J, Cheverie, assisting of- ficer in charge of 98th Siege Battery, Was a passenger on the 8S. Sicilian which arrived at St. John, N. B,, on Tuesday. Included in our 57 varieties of vegetables you w'll find leeks, garlic, horse-radish root and mustard cress, Carnovsky"s. A musicale was held by Mrs, H. R Chown's pupils on Thursday evening in Sydenham Street Methodist Church Bible School hall in aid of the Red Cross Society, The sum of $30 was raised. "Good Nail Brushes" at Gibson's, "All kinds of Piano repairs -at C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street, A settlement was made in the Po- lige Court on Friday morning in the case of George Ottawa, charged by Charles Kouorn with the non-pay- ment of wages amounting to $54. The héaring of the case required two ses- sions. Pianos for rent as low as $3 per month. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street. Lieut. William J. Sharpe, 21st Battalion, arrived in Canada on Tuesday of the SS. Sicilian ori~sick- leave. He is returning to his home at No. 274 Flora street, Ottawa. Lieut. Sharpe was wounded at the front. Provost, Brock street, has this | yoas an extra fine assortment of Tweeds, Cheviots and Serges for his order clothing department. His réady-made clothing and gents' fur- nishing departments are wellassorted with new goods, "50c Dyspepsia Tablets" 25¢, Gib- son's. Walter Hutchinson, passed away recently the funeral taking place at Cataraqui Cemetery, has returned to his home in Peter- boro. rie was accompanied by Mrs. William Mue kier, and daughter, Margaret, of Johnson street, who will stay with him for a short time, "Velvet Skin Lotion," at Gibson's. Your piano is worth every consid- tion. Our expert tuners are at your service, C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street. A pleasant sleighing party was held on Wednesday evening by the Misses McKane and Misses Arniel, Clergy street, A large number of their friends were present. All re- turned to the home of Mrs. Sergt. W. Smith, 268 Wellington street, where supper was served. After- wards dancing and games were hear- tily engaged in until an early hour. whose wife Kingston Mills House Burned. Mrs, Donald Graham, sister of Mrs. W. Toner, ' Court House, on Wednesday lost her house and all furnishings at Kingston Mills by fire. With her son, Mrs. Graham has been residing there for some time. There was no insurance. The house. and furnishings were a total loss, Literary Centenaries. The year 1916 will be a remark. able one for anniversaries. First and foremost is the Shakespeare tercem- tenary; July 7th will mark the tens tenary of the death of another of out greatest di Richard Brinsley Sheridan, who died in the greatest poverty, but was accorded a magnifi-) cent funeral in Westminster Abbey. Other literary anniversaries dre those of Charlotte Bronte, who was born in 1816, and Thomas Gray, the poet, who first saw the light a cen- tury earlier. This year also witness- es the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Philip James Bailey, a poet who has always met with far greater veneration abroad than in his native | country. oe Et so pein EBERT your inspectio LACE at the mop edion = OES for -_ = 1h thrand Bo i «THE. 'HOME OF 2000 SHOES. 8 #* Should Speak With Authority. Bishop Frodsham, in his book, "A Bishop's Pleasaunce," tells a good story against himself, "One early morning on the guay of a northern port a crowd was wait- ing for a tender. There were well- dressed wharfside laborers, half eane-cutters, and others, including myself. "A pert little child in a high voice asked, 'Mummie, how old is God?' The mother rebuked her child, but a more sympathetic cane-cutter walk- od solemnly across the guay, laid his band on the child's arm, and said, pointing to no, 'Missie, you ask that bloke In leggings. He's one of the Firm!" The Difference. "Pa," asked Willie, "what's the difference Yetween an invalid and a sick person? "An jovalid, my son," answered ps, "has money." George: Geo. F. Driscoll Presents THE STIRRING MILITARY DRAMA, CONDENSED ADVERTISING nares. First esl vee flo ie a "word. "Rae con Se gr Rn on a ant » @RLP WANTED WAITRESS WANTED. APPLY HOTEL 'Albion, LA NOYa=tPPLY AT WAL DRON'S DRY | i Goods Store, Unger the Auspices of THE MOTH BATTALION, CHAMBERMAIDS, APPLY AT THE: Randolph Hotel, THESE little. one week, sou Tar orn! AND A FOUND _ STOVE. Apply at 222 Princess street. | FOUND ARTICLES ADVER TISED FREE, Anyone finding anything and Jiahin to reach the gwner may ES Feparting the facts to he Brith hig. adver. will a Biinted in the 1 $10 cash soon oy Sot 1 Terme ms, a snonth . Lindsay Ltd, 121 Princess hatapt A.C. 72 SEED OATS--GOOD, CLEAN, free from foul seed and smut. Price Joe rN bushel. Chas. 8 Shibley, No. 2, Harrowsmith, x . | PRICES: Evening: 25¢, 50c, 73¢, $1. Matinee, fly J DAYS Lo er | 2 Feature Vaudeville Acts 2 Famous Players Flim of : I uO l Marguerite Clark in [SMART BOY. APPLY EIR 'The Prince and the Pauper' { W. Lindsay Limited, 121 Princess And Other Photo Plays. Mut. Sent FIRNT CLASS. PORTER, APPLY Frontenac Hotel. GOOD COOK AND HOUSEMAID, AP-| ply 108 Wellington street. i | | lender Hotel, King siteet. as! A DINING ROOM GIRL. APPLY or phone 1239, | A COOK GENERAL, NO WASHING on | i { runing. Apply to Mrs, Garrett, 62 | Johnson street. | 40c Evening, 10e; re- a ORT SCO beeEear | served fe extra, | LADIES FOR DEMONSTRATION | i work, Napanee and vicinity; experi- | { { | ~ | { Prices: ARY THURSDAY, MAR. 30 Kiaw & Erlanger and Geo. €. Present ence not necemgary. Apply at Whig office " { | SMALL ironing 160 | G RNERAL SERV ANT FOR No washing nor nly on required Apply Tyler St Stuart St. Stu | YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST wri GEN- | eral housewur one to sleep at} hame preferred no laundry. Apply | te 173 Barrie 178 Barrie eet The Distinguished English Actor, S AN ENGINEER, WITH 20 HuRSE- | power, traction engine, to drive gounts stone crusher. Apply R. H. Fair, Kingston Station, MEN TO WORK ON COUNTY STONE crusher. Apply to T. Treaves, R, i M.D. 1, dnverary, or Windsor Hotel, Saturday, March 26th, Arliss In the New Comedy of Romance, | SOME OYE TO TAKE CARE OF TWO { small children in their own home, where there are na other children. Will pay fer. their Keeping Ap- | 4 By Edward Knoblauch, Author of "Kismet," "Milestones," "My | ply Box Whig office. lady's Press," He. WANTED GENERAL YI WANTED TO RENT (WITH oN 1. $1 50, $2 of buying), small farm or large lo 1Mng house, suitable for | wesday. with dwel g poultry 28 garden produce. Apply | { STRAND Theatre| Box ABC, Whig office, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATU REAY! | Triangle Plays Presen "WILLIAM S. HART" in "THE DISCIPLE," A stirring & Act drama of the Great West, alse "William Conklin and ack Swain, in "SAVED BY WIRELESS." A Keystone farce comedy in 2 parts; | five other good photo-piays. | Full 2 3-4 hours entertainment. | Matinees, 2.90; Evenings, 7.30, | Prices: Matinees, 10¢; Evenings (all sents reserved), aoe few at 1bhe. E 195, PHON a nom | GRIFFIN' S Special Feature Days, Wednesday and Thursday, THE COLLEGE WIDOW, | Geo. Ade's Famous Somat. in 5 big reels. ---------------------------- | INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no Lan vassing. Send for particulars. Press Synd cate, 3,969, Lockport, N.Y. AN With a Brilliant Supporting & PRICES: BOc: 75¢. Seats on Sale A |g ET a Toa Tan for Faatock, 3.98 By) + ¥ let tel w XN i DRESSMAKING. 4 |FRacT io TO IN dressmaking, re designing, "rimming. ate; three | New dellars, uding yey em. Madame Elder, York Dréssmaking | Parlors, bie Princess street, corner | DANCING. | y PRO¥ | Miss 8 JUDON, AUTHORIZED BY Prop ESET Gilde, ste. k ft WV Phone 130. gi EE TT IE SET LEGAL And other sele ap rv select subjects. | a and solicitor. "LAW office ORCHESTRA. ence street, Kingston. Prices: Matinee, 10c; Even. |= ing, 10-15¢. Watts-Florist Note--A complete change of bill (] HYACINTHS & DAFFODILS ow street, BANISTER 79 Clar- A. Monday, W ednesday, Friday. | Boxing Contest | GITY HALL, SATURDAY, March 25th, at 8.15 p.m. Under Auspices 146th Battalion "Sportsman's Fiatoon ng-side Seats, O0e. EXTR a Ie. wire ro ring side {of the Willard-Moran World's Cham- | plonship Contest. Rach round announe. ed as it occurs, PROTECTION ACT. {5p "cusses 55H) fr 15¢ still lead, SARDINE Bs to equal, rn AUCTION SALE FARM STOOK AND IMPLEM s, | DAY, MARCH 31 BA FRID! At Well Farm, York Road, just outside City Limits, § Cholce Milch Cows, Horses, - Gasoline B ngine, ete, S. W. GREER, Auctioneer, AAA A A et John Muir's Great Wealth. John Muir,' who bas left a rich leg: acy to his countrymen, like so many thousands of writers and American idealists, was poor, He was a close friend of Mr. BE. H. Harriman, the multimillionaire railroad day Mr, Muir surprised bis wealthy friend' by saying. "Harriman, you know 1 am a richer man than you are?' ; "Yes?" sald Harriman, with a ques tion in his tone. "Because," continued Muir, "T have afl the money [| want and you baven't."--From "American Ideals," by Clayton Sedgwick Cooper. i Remember you must dle. not startle. you, but let it while there ls yet time to R.S.C. Chapter 115." THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF CANADA hereby give notice that a has, under pr 0h inte or Public : Seve ris. a with the nister c 0! Ottawa, a the office he Dist ray of trict of the County of Frontenac at Kingston, Ontario, a description of the site and marine proposed Cataragui River at the HI} bridge npen: ing of the Cataraqui Bridge ai King» ston, Ontario. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration of one month from th of the first Sibiieation of this The Great Western Bh Company of Canada will, under Section 7 of the sald Act, apply is the Minister |. of Public ory at his office in the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site al Dinh; and for leave to lay the rine ca A Dated at Toronte this tenth day ot | March, A.D, 1916. THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN : TELEGRAEH COMPANY OF CANADA, ED. PERRY, Let this $ Sultan Yuu ao { TWO GIRLS WANTED AT THE or | FRIDAY, IA SMALL | FRONTENAC LOAN AND NAVIGABLE WATERS nov BLE ¥ FRAME JOUSE, 831 AWN Montreal St, cor. James; six Oy baths and all conveniences; newly decorated. Apply 53 Doug- lass St, Hamilton, rr -------------------- rs eg------ PORTABLE SAW.MILL, IN GOOD RE. pair, with power or without, A quantity of logs jlo be cut this spring 'with fit, ply Box T. 8, British W Nn Lae free of charge. wo» A PS Sn i . LOST. MARCH ITTH, NEAR | Lake View Hotel, small black bob- tailed dog, white breast, tan legs, | 'white front feet, also scar on one shoulder. Answers name of | p "Jackie" Finder communicate | T with H. 8. Horne, Wolfe Island, and receive reward { J | STOREY \STONE HOUSE, ON rriefleld; 3-4 acre ell; suitable for Ap [oN MARCH 16TH, P.M, FOX TERRIER, white with black spot little below left shoulder; black and tan head ears and tail aneut; exposing teeth looking at you. BOARDING ~ AND house, In good central lves- rooms, well established; annual income $7,600 MeCann's Repl Estate Agency, $2 Brock St. EGGS FOR HATCHING, BRED.-TO. lay strain; large Plymouth Rocks; Rhode Island Reds, R.C.; White Wyandottes, RIC.; 15 eggs for $3 Apply W. O. Cook, 251 Rideau St, A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SEC. ond-hand furniture, stoves, cloth. ing, boots, sult cases, tools, ete, If | you have anything to sell, drop a FROM 18T MAY, NO. 372 ALFRED ST. | card. 1 will call. 8. Shapiro, 45 8 rooms, hot water heating Tho | Princess street. Phone 1287. mas Mills, 79 Clarence street. j BRC K HOUSE, 128 UNION ST. WRT. SH near street- car junciien apd DW BELLING, STORK 8, OFFICES AND Queen's University; five" bedrooms; Real Estate Agency, $2 Brock Bt. bath room, ete; hot water heating, Eas and electric Nght. Apply on THAT COMMODIOUS HOUSE, 74 SYD. | the premises. enham Place. Apply next doer or Wii HAVE RECRIVED A LARGR ower, & Son, Merchants Bank shipment of high grade bieycles, } and are offering special bargains for same. Also a large stock of Dunlop tires. George Muller, 373 King street. \/ FIRST-CLASS 1 roomin curls upper lp, | ton; Fe sometimes when| Answers to name of "Paddy Last seen at Chaffey '| Lock Station. - Owner Phil Br ady, | { Chaffey's docks, Ont TO LET. | Low FICES IN CLARENCE ST: CHAM. { bers. Apply to A. B, C unningham | 79 Clarence sireet. vy FROM MAY IST, NO. 188% UNION sr. | West: a 9 roomed house with sun room; hot water heating Apply REX{ door, al 188 MoTOR BOAT, 25 FT. BY 6 FT, WITH hp. S-cycle engine Speed, 10 Lain ak decks, covered engine, Baldridge clutch, rear starter, in good order. Cheap for cash, Ap- ply wu I. c ockburn, 14 140 } Bagot Bt. A LARGE STOC K oF NEW AND SEC. ond-hand stoves, uraitute odd dressers, ron beds, ete. buy all kinds of new and YS i hand furniture. J. Thompson, $33 Princess street.. Phone 1600. FARM IMPLEMENTS: 1 drill, 1 spreader, 1 6 rt, 10° ft. rake, 1 petato power hay press. All: SA sacrificed to make building. Montreal. FARM OF 75 ACRES, ON 23% miles west of Ports- Apply to W. E. Grass, R.R. Portsmouth. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, alry rooms; your own lock and | ey. Frost's City Storage, 399 Queen street. Phone §26b. T™O SEMI - DETACHED BRICK houses, 8% and 95 William street Hot water furnace, gas, .eleciric light, and all modern convenlences. Possession May Ist. Apply to W. H. Sullivan, 36 Clarence Street, or Box "F.," British Whig office. \ PAPERHANGING, PAINTING, GRAINING AND KALSO- mining. Fifty new designs wall paper at factory prices. Rooms Deed, 0 per room, includin pape Young and Rowley, C rH street, phone 1632. Front road, moth, No, 1, . Apply M. Corkey, | Phone 1612. HOUSES FOR SALE AT AL ftom. $1,200, to" $8,000. ns. HOUSES TO RENT, FURNY nED unfurnished. 8 am " bar« 198 | FARMS POR SALE, VARIOUS sizes BUSINESS NOTICES, [ane H. WARD, PAINTER AND PAPER hanger, for good work. Apply 132 Victoria street, or phone 152 MRS, McLAUCHLAN, KING STREET, FOR SALE OR TO RENT. wishes td announce that her millin- | ery parlors are now open at 113 MY RESIDENCE, NO. 122 UNIVERSITY Brock street, just above Waldron's avenue, 11 rooms, hot water heai- ing' For terms apply to 0 | AWNINGS, VERANDAH CURTAIN Milla; 79 Clarence 1% h nan tents. canvas, skiffs for outboa * motors, folding boal seats, fishin tackle, etc. Frank W. Cooke, $8 J Clarence street. ett ---------------- - -------------- | oro HOME FOR LADIES WM, EGAN WISHES TO ANNOUNCE |" "yofre ' and 'during coofiasmine that he has purchased the tailor Strictly private. Good doet a shop formerly run by Thos. Gallo- | nurse in attendance. w ie a way, and will' do all kinds of re-| Cowan Aver Toronto rite 169 palrin, and preasing. Also make | " Ruits from your own cloth HAIR, MOLES, W v Norkmanship guaranteed, i | 5 Broek street and all growt n iam | LIFE AND "AcomNT INSUR. l hoe; money to loan. Bate- ' 87 Clarence eet A PERSONAL ishes removed permanen out scar; 30 years' SXperience. Elmer 1 Joke, Note, roat an kin Bagot street. a. = FINANCIAL yo ment Soclety: DENTAL 1A Be HK APP, Avy Office, 268 Princess street. oe ts ics ---------------------- na 87 Clarence street. Feat 41 (ons, san S xD. APARKS, 5 ellington Leonard Walsh, D.D.8s edt 3 ARCHITECT NDS & SON, ' AROH). ts, . ob5: Offices, 258 Bagot Bt. deposits received and Inte lowed, LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance Company. Available | assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for fecurity the unlimited lability of city property, Insured at lowest tec possible rates. Before renewing | Phonan old or giving new business rates from Strange & Strange " Fowsn Agents... Phone 325. . a se GLOBR | wr, N Af Chants Bank . - rock and UPHOLSTERING. | PATENTS, W. J, GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, nE- | BABOCOCK & SONS, Pa pairing - and ea work and | Mark: Forme mattress renovating. Drop a Sod {Man ae ee Rn By r or call 218 Bagot street. 192 Tut Patent R laws, Pen hone 346. 99 Sorte it. Mont- bt Prat Ottawa, Washington. ae dort: Birests. ts, Trade posited 1 . geod 1a the Sometimes it . charitable to, lengthen the days of "Huyler's Week-end Sweets," Qib-| Let stifalinest have fu son's,