ia, Ont.; Nov, 28th, 1914. over twp years, I was troubled with , Drowsiness, Lack of. Appetite and Headaches. 1 tried several medicines, but got no results and my Headaches became more severe, One day 1 saw your sign which read 'Fruit. a-tives' make you feel like walking on air. This appealed to me, so I decided ta try a box, In a very short ime, 1 began to feel better, and wow / feel fine. . Now I have: a good appetite, relish everything 1 eat, and thie Headaches are gong entirely. 1 cannot say too much for *Fruit-a-tives';, and recom. mend this pleasant fruil medicine Lo all my friends", DAN McLEAN. "FRUIT-A-TIVES' is daily proving its priceless value in relipving cases of Stomach, Liver and Kidney Trouble-- General Weakness, and Skin Diseases. 0¢. a box, 6 for $2.00, trial size, '20e. Af all dealers" or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, : AAA AAA AL IA AAA AAA me TO SAVE EYES Ia the Object of This Free Pre- seription---Try It if your Eyes Give You Trouble. Smid, Thousands of people suffer from eye troubles because they donot know what A ¥ know some good home rem- edy for every other minor ailment, but hone for ir eye troubles, They neglect thelr eye cause the trouble is not suffi- cient to drive them to an eye who vould, anyway, chal venl a heavy fee. As a Jist resort they upticlan or to the five and ten-cent store, . @and oftentimes glasses that they do fol, after being used specialist, not need, or. a feu Taoniha, do their eyes more fhjury i res Ty a Here is a simple prescription thiit every) one SOWA. use: § EARS Bon-Ofto ais- solved in 1 glass of water Oe Tres or four times a day to bathe the eyes. Thin Fons and thé Ahuple Bon-Opto Keeps the eves clean, sharpens the ly overcomes 'infla i weal, , . tired 'eyes and Lo ly 'benefited and often- y use. Many -reporta show that wearers of glasses oy dls- carded fter a. few. it Tony for the eyes, and contains no ingredient which would Indure the mast tive eyes of an Infant or the aged our own dru, can fill this prescrip- tion, or the Valmas Drug Co. of Toronto wilt ft for you by mail, Try it, and know for once what real eye comfort Is. to whom the above article as ti i ~Opto is & very remarkable ody, - ithent ts are well Ahown te Ih ewn bo Bo Any fod druid Bo of ly or hand far roruldr se in aimee unm oma Geo. W. Mahood fills many Bon-Opto prescriptions and will gladly nll yours. HS a Would not be Without Zutoo Tablets At Any Cost Such is the statement of Mi. A. O. Norton, of Boston, the largest ack Manufacturer in the world. is voluntary testimonial re- garding ZUTOO follows : 286 ess St., Bosfcn, Mass, *1 have been a sufferer from headache since childhood and have used all, or nearly all the so-called 'cures' on the market, Some moaths since my atten- tion was called to Zutoo Tablets and 1 have using them ever since with most gratifying results, 1find they chire a 'sick' or 'nervous' hetidache in a and WO Ni THEM AT A 1 25 cents per box--at all dealers helped me." i it Charles Knoph, on Oath, says: "My "night sweats stopped and: my ¢ e stopped from the Louis ©. Zink, on Oath, saye: "1 to thank 'Nature's Crea- nave that T am here to-day." Send for Booklet - containing com- plete state! ho have ' "Nature's Creation." % H a4, Cosgrave Builds wt reform a men by sug- hat he ought to be as good j mgmhbo t{ from here attended the 'SIDE | WL FEa any friends 6f Mrs. Joseph Duff are Frontenac ~N_ CANONTO, March 24.--Mrs. R. H. Love of Station died very suddenly last Sunday. She was vigiting her |#0n William at Canonto. She had. hed Soa of three score and A jes and M. Cameron of the 146th Battalion were guests in Canonto last week. Miss M. Davis of Folger, has gone to Kingston Hospi- tal, where she will undergqg.an opera- tion for appendicitis, Edward Payea has donned the khaki with the 146th. The heavy storms for the past three weeks lowered the school attendance. DONALDSON. March 22.--The. roads are getting good again after the recent snow storm. Dani¢l Hannah; Jr., has re- turned home from Schumacher. A little baby girl has come to stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Sproule. Pte. Alfred Hannah of the 146th Battalion, Plevna, visited his home here this week. Frank Bart- raw had the misfortune to lose a horse recently. William Mundell spent Sunday at N. Morrow's, Robert J. Sargeant and his sister, Migg-Eve- lyne, spent Sunday the guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomson, Elphin. CLARENDON. March 20.--Miss Maggie Campbell has returned from visiting friends in Pérth. Miss Hamilton attended the funeral of cousin, Miss Annie Butfel]l in Trenton Saturday, 18th. M. Moss made a business trip to Maberly this week. John Glenn, who was on the sick list, has recov- ered. W. J. Clement and J. H. Young are unloading carloads of hay hero this week, William Barr 18 visit. ing his sons in Renfrew, Rev, Mr. Taylof, Sharbot Lake, held service here on Tuesday night. James Oanip- bell spent a few days with Kingston friends, I. Kirkham made a business trip to" Sharbot Lake on Monday. ECHO LAKE. March 20.~--The meeting held by Mrs. Gowdy on Sunday was largely attended, Elmer McCullough of this place has enlisted with the 166th Battalion for overseas service. Daniel MeLeod made a. business trip to Kingston on Tuesday last. Mrs, 8. Vandewaters of this place is spend- ing a few weeks with friends at Yar- ker, Hay Is quite scarce in thjs rhood, as some of the farmers have to buy. Visitors: Markus Switzer at W. Storms'; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cox at J. Cronk's; Miss Hattie Salsbury at €. Cox's; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ruttan at H. Hick's; 'Mr. Vandewaters, Orphia Wagar and al- so the Leslie boys at D. McCleoud's; Mrs. C. Cox at A. Wagar's; Mr. and Mrs. Gowdy at L, Switzer's: . DENBIGH, March 21.--Stuart Ferguson of Perth was during the week-end and Sunday again a guest at the Denbigh House. L. Gendron, Principal of Vannachar school, also favored a few friends here with a call on Saturday last. Miss Clara Fritsch, graduated nurse, who has enjoyed an extended vacation here with her parents, left "yesterday for New York eity to re. fume her duties. Rev. Mr. Sampson of Plevna, who has enlisted for over- seas service, conducted his farewell service in the Methodist church last Sunday evening. Lenten services are being held in the Lutheran church every Wednesday forenoon. Some farmers are getting ready for sugar making, though the snow is yet very deep in the woods. ARDEN., March 22.-~The box social held in the village hall on Thursday evening was a great success, 'The 146th band from Kingston rendered many fine selections. A wee gon has come to stay at James Alexander's. Miss Blanche Scott and Pte, M. Wood- cock were quietly married at Moun- tain Grove last week. M. Williams, J. Parks, C. Clarke, H. Steele, Mt. and Mrs. N, Gendron and f yA day for Saskatoon: Four new tre: eruits have been séciifed here for t 146th. W. Steele is convalescent after a severe attack of pneumonia. Sergt. Brown has gone to Mrs. Morgan's on Tuesday evening. Mrs. George Detlor, sr.,.had the mis fortune to fall and break her hip. A pumber from here attended the box sovial at Mountain Vale last evening. in, SYDENHAM. March 23. The weather still oon.) | tinties very ¢old, "and 'the roads are not in very good condition on account of the deep snbw. Mr. Lawson still contihues very low, with no hope for recovery. On Wednésday Br. To- vell visited the High School and vae-| ciated the pupils who were uot al- ready operated upon two weeks ago. There are still a few cases of rmea- Many are ill of military school, Kingston military son cert {n Harrowsmith last evening. . was under the auspices of the byterian Chtirch. On Fridny even- ing Mrs. J. MacMillan entertained those ill of grippe are: Dr. and Mrs. Sargent, Miss BE. Dowsley, Mrs. 8. Snider, A baby girl has 'conte to stay at T. Fitzpatrick's. Miss Po Martin has returned: home after 'on Oath, from those} teaching at Snow Road since Janu 'ary. Mrs. W. Spafford has béen vis- iting her mother, Mrs. Dowsley. Miss M. Freeman, Spaffordton, Spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. B. Sills, nN . Darling to-day. = Mrs. Barlow is in the city for a short time with her sis. ters. Frank, youngest son of Wii- Ham , is recovering from a for the modern girl 40) than darn her oe. severe attack 'of pneumonia, The amily Bebee and Pte. J. I: Ball canvassed Steele, and C. Williams left on pn during the week-end for recruits, Kingston. The "Tommy's Friend Club® met at|' 1 Si el | ol I a number of her friends. Some of 4 \VERARY. 3 March 21.--The Women's Insti-} J tute met at the home of Mrs. Ira Penvod to: that. she is gaining yf Aa in Kingston General Hospital for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Myls W. Lake were at home 10 a few of their friends one evening last week. Miss Jennie Farmer of Kingston is spending a few weeks at William Lindsay's, Robert Shep- herd has returned to his home in the west. He took with him a car- toad of horses and house-hold er- fects. Mrs. Edward King is quite fll with appendicitis, W. Cheeney of Elgin passed through here buying 'horses for the war. He succeeded in obtaining quite a number. An. drew Fadden has disposed --of his fancy team of driving horses to Al- fred Garret. Mr. McFadden pur- chased another team from John Cleary, Wolfe Island. Stanley Gib- 8s n and Mr. McKendry of Kingston, spent Sunday among friends here. Hercules Lake of Wilmur purposes moving into "Jack" Smith's house. He is engaged with Thomas Arthur! for the summer, John Gowan will work for Thomas Thompson this coming summer. "Jack" Sleeth is moving into his new home. y Miss Pessie Freeman, Sydenhaw High Sehool, spent the week-end at her home here, = ~ + KEPLERVILLE. March 23.--E, Andrews, cheese manufacturer, married recently to Miss Johnson, Soperton, has faken up residence here. A year ago Mr. Andrews purchased' the cheese fac- tory and fine residence of R, J. Stan: ley and since has proved himself to be a good cheese maker and well liked by his many patrons. The bad rouds 'has made it difficult for the mail carrier to make his trips, but 80 far has not missed a mail. Many from here atfended the recruiting meeting at Battersea Friday night last. Considerable hauling of wood and logs to Battersea is going oh now. The sawing machine is work ing here. Robert Dixon and George A. 'McParland are drawing tile from Seeley"s Bay, Irvine Caird js draw- ing 'feed from Leland. 'Thomas Clark and family of Cedar Lake vis- ited Charles Clark's recently. - Mies Mabel Anglin, Pine Grove, school teacher at Battersea and Misses Nel- He and Lizzie "Anglin of Battersea were at J. E. Anglin's Sunday. Miss J. M. Crozier, teacher, spent the week-end with Miss Allie Jamieson at Battersea. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bal, Cedar Lake, spent Sunday at James Boal's. | Lennox & Addington BICKNELL'S CORNER. March 22. --George Scott has been drawing' sand from Newburgh. Earl Salisbury sold some straw to Archi- bald Alkenbrack, Camden East. Wesley Simmons returned home last week aftepy visiting her parents in Enterprise. Robert Blakely sold a horse one day last week. A sad gloom was cast over the vicinity on March 19th wlieén one of the most respected residents, William Pringle passed away. Deceased 'was a great sufferer for the past six months. His funeral was held 'on Tuesday, and the re. mains were placed in Wilton vault. SWITZERVILLE, March 23.---There was no church service here. Sunday morning, but Sunday school was held at the usual hour. The Red Cross Society packed a bale of goods on Wednes- day for shipment to Toronto. Miss Jessie Empey has returned from Hamilton. Wesley Dawson. and family Napanee. moved into this l neighborhdqd last week. Lieut. D. | J. Day, Kin@sipn, spent' 'the past week at J. M, 8pafford's. Mrs. O. | Huffman, Moscow spent a week at her father's, M. Vi tine's. Ww. Dawson gpént Sundafat E. B. Swit zer's. C. W. Nédvillg spent Tuesday in Kingston, VENNACHAR. Maseh 21.--Reerttiting officer R. Yeiurped to Plevua with one uit Tn the person of Philip Vil- neff. J. Cowan made another busi- ness trip to Lavant last week, and returned on Friday. Haugh Kelley, tawatehan, pufchased- aH Mn 'Cowan's sheep and ¢ll save three head of eattle, and moved the. gante to Matawatchan on Monday. Mr, Cowan and family intend to move to western Canada about the. first week in April, A Lockwbooil, Denbigh, made a business trip th h here to Plevna last week, retur Friday. 'and registered at the "busy corner." Misses Mary and Viglet Flake, 'Who have bed In Kingdton Tor some time past, returued to their home here last week. W. Gilmour, who has spent the winter with relatives in A A eA AAAS | al exhausted and TT ol fe | h ford 1 2 " vitality runs low. | By building up| | | oo np 7 A 2 this, the nerves i | i Nl | i AN FIT TPEETORS TW I RUT MTree Ardoek, returned 'to his- home here on Thursday. Several. loads of fodder passed through here last week from Glenfield. Charles Ball made a business trip to Denbigh on Satur- day. M. R. Reid, 1.P. §., arrived in on the stage Tuesday, spent the day at our school, and proceeded to Glen- field school Wednesday + morning, then returned Wednesday evening, and left Thursday morning to inspect Wensley school. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bebee, accompanied by W. H. Sall- ans, made a business trip to Napanee last week. Many of the young peo- ple assembled at the home of Pte. J, L. Ball last Saturday evening, and spent a very enjoyablé time. Wii- lam Gilmour made a business trip to "Ruby Mine" on Monday. Mrs. John Gilmour arrived home from Mg: Carthy's Mills Wednesday. Hugo Brown, Wensley, spent Sunday at James Grant's. L. Gendron and W. Gilmour were weel(Coud visitors at Simon Ball's, Deénbikh. Caleb Brown, Wensley, at) Wellington Holmes' on Sunday. Charles Ball at' Simon Ball's, Denbigh, on Satur- . Herbert.and William Gilmour nt Sunday at Wellington Holmes', iss. Gladys Bebee, Bebeeville, visit- ed the juveniles of 8. 8. No. 2 on Wednesday of last week. Frank Grant spent t eek-end tinder his 'Mrs. L. N. Phelps has returned from 8th, a daught parental roof here. ' Pte. Roy Bebee spent Friday evening at Jobn Gil- mour's. Pte, J, L. Ball spent Thurs- day evening at George Hughes'. Ev- erton Flake spent Monday evening at John Gilmour's. Mrs. Zara Sni- der at Felix Rodburg's on Monday. SAND BAY. g March 21.---TPhe roads are in 8 véry bad conditign. A baby boy "--top class --bottom price is car Ia He Rul 2 Jefiaite; putpie to wipply 3 It 1s built for the yan whose prse cannot Miord a big), 5 TERE For the tian wiibse pride cannotafiond an unsightly, little; And it is a very definite success, Beauty is not necessarily a matter of size. Neither does size altogether control comfort. But skill, e and facilities are required to build a small, beautiful, comfortable, economical car. In a word, it required Overland organization. "And here is the small, light car--complete to the last detail. Its performance is on a par with its beauty, comfort and completeness. And its price--$850--is far below any former price for any €o ile eal A Dy a Svoune : appearance or A glance at the car impresses you immediately with its beauty and finish. As you look it over and read its specifications, realize its absolute completeness. You But you must ride in it to appreciate its comfort. You must drive it to get the thrill its Performance will give you. : You can own one of these cars. But act promptly--for no car was ever in such demand. In spite of record productions and advancing prices, there is a shortage of cars. The demand naturally centers on top class at bottom * price--this small light car. And no other car at anywhere near its price can compare 'with this one for 3 IY MayWiiere ear I comfort, complete ness and economy. f Get in touch with uptoday--now. OVERLAND SALES ROOMS, ARTHUR W. H. CALLAGHAN, Distributor, 22-24 Market Street. Willys-Overland, Limited Head Otic and Works, West Toronto, Ont: Ne, WAN has come to stay at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Deir. Mrs. B. Gavin, who was taken to Hotel Dieu, Kings- ton, died on Saturday, leaving seven children, husband, mother, and sev- en brothers t6 mourn heér loss. Miss Joy Foley has been nursing at T. J: Dier's. Miss Ellen O'Connor has re- turned to her home at Long Point after spending some. time with her sister here, M. Timlin and Miss Mae, Jones Falls, at William MeDon- ald's; Mr. and Mrs. .John McDonald at Charles" O'Connor, Long Point. | Mr. and Mrs, C. McDonald and Miss Vera at P. M. Lappin's, Meleombe, DELTA. March 22.--The box social given by the Women's Institute was a great success, the proceeds amounting to $95, for Red Cross purposes. Mrs. M. French has returned from Ottawa, where she was attending the mill nery openings. Mids. Gwendoline Greenc has been visiting Miss Mary Bolton. = Privates McAlpine, C.8odé- berg and J. Young left here to-day. -- FTO. SALT You can fill the shakers direct from the opening in the handsome, dust-proof Sifto Salt carton. Once you try it you'll that *'Sifto" Salt is the most satisfactory of all salts for table use. it ns *'free running," no matter how damp the weather. Never hardens and never clogs the holes of the shaker. It is dazzling white and wonderfully pure, too. At all first-class grogers. Ww: Prepared by the "Century Salt" people. E DONINION SALT CO.. LIMITED, Sarsis, Ont. in Brotkville on Tuesday eveming last. +The infant child of Mr. Carl is seripusly il, The service in the Methodist Church on Sunday dven- visiting friends at Morton. Born. tofing last was conducted by the Wo- Mr. and MM, Frank Preston, on the| men's Missionary Society. A Te- er. Mre. Margaret | cruiting meeting is to be held in, the Hazelton celebrated her elghty-thira| Village Hall on Friday evening. birthday on the 17th. A number Se ao from here attended the hockey match LONG POINT, . a v1 March 18,--School was closed a few days this week owing to the ill- mess of Miss Singleton. Miss Mad- ®line O'Connor returned on T y from Delta where she was the guest 'of Miss Darley Flood the past week. Miss Hazel Townsend, who was ill 'with grippe, is better, Miss Ellen J Connat . Yisiting ms Wa Me- 8 Donald af Sand Bay, senna A Bryan spent the week-end at her aang In jfuis yh Tae: tonics {home here. Ira Bevens is seriously | know of Hil. Miss Lucy Bevens is spending a {ew weeks at T. Deir's, Sand. Bay. |S Gare Mr, and Mio. George K. Wright vis | woadertol Fewalts in condi- {ited friends at Elgin on Thursday |Hons. Seng for, testimonials, freg. Jama Friday. Mrs: Harold £ visit- oh W, 16e, y Jed at her father's, George Si 'S, Hall's ily Pills for constipation. Sand Bay, on Saturday. 'Many fro here went to Gananoque with lumber this week. Recent visitors: Mrs, Smith, Lynd! ol Wright; Ernest and Miss a son, Stiort Point at Philip Miss Brooks, Athens, at James Kel- sey's; Mrs. R. Andress of Marble Rock at James Beven's. - " a local disease, greatly in- | fluenced by constitutional conditions, 5° ternal domeny: Halts. Gathers & nin and Io on t eo v H terna Ri A bites prescribed by one of the best pret" He HO ASS