ho For Sale i Cadillac Automobile Chassis, 1912 Model, in £06d running order, self starter, electric lights and d tires; to be sold cheap. Also Ford body, with in first class condition, at reasonable price. ak YORK FR ORANGES ES a wane PRUPE & Gos «456s Leh is bbs i 3 30¢c a dozen 3, 4 and § for 25¢ save you from. dread attack. Rheumatism 15 easier to dvoid thau to cure, states a well-known author- ity. We are advised to dress warm- 15; keep the feet dry; avoid expos- ure; eat less meat, but drink plenty of good water. Rheumatism is a direct result of eating tod much meat and other rich oods that produce uric acid which is bsorbed into the blood. It is the (function of the kidneys to filter this facid from the blood and cast it out n the urine; the pores of the skin areialso a means of freeing the blood ofthis impurity. In damp and chil- 1y) cold weather the skin pores are closed thus forcing the kidneys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fail to eliminate the uric atid which keeps accumulating and circulating through the system, eventually settling in the joints and muscles causing stiffness, soreness | ---- {From Our Own Cofrespondent.) March 27.--At her residence, Syd- | 2 enham- street, on Saturday morning, March 25th, Mary Walker, relict of the late I. W. Bennett of this town, passed away after an illness of only a few days. eased, was well- Known and held in high esteem in town and vicinity having ere for many years, Her husband pre-deceased her years ago, She leaves one son, Walter Bennett. James Walker, a well-known news- Paper man of the Otfawa Valley, is a brother of deceased, and resided here for a number. of years. The funer- al was held this afternoon to Wil- low Bank Cemetery vault. Fhilip Crowley, son of Mrs, J. J. Deirby by her first: husband, passed away in Kingston where he had been undergoing treatment for some time past, on Saturday. The remains were forwarded to Gananoque and the funeral took'plase this morning to St. John's Church where requiem resided A sa oe Alfred Baker, Stode stfeel, has four sons wearing he : : W. § Bedard, has betn confined to his home on North street for the past few days, by illness. spending the formey's parents, E. H. Hurd, Brock mirpose taking Kingston this week. Mr. and Mrs, street. it The Suitiary police now go out to Toe with emch |" n. Mr. dnd Mri. Gordon E. Hurd are : the week-end in town with | up residence in CONDUCTED SERVICE cently carriéd Kingston réin- & * *b | * On the transport which re- #f foe : Détivéred to All Parts of the City. 114 j and pain called rheumatism. | ed in Gananoque vault, 814 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 140881 pun culled theumatin. ion |® in Gemmuogue vault. 1 prs Behe of Jud SHS ais kisi | 40 Frea Moibod ht Churn ch ' ad Salts; s "| of st. Elder Reynolds o 4 ful in a glass of water and drink be-| ton were brought 45 2 clgse last ev- fore breakfast each morning for 2 ening. week. This is said to eliminate uric!" jaumer Shéess. don of Mr. and Mrs, acid by stimulating the kidneys to, charles Sheets, Garden street, hag al aun, Jus ridding the blood enlisted with the 156th Leeds and | of these impurities. o | Grenville Battalion, and 1s mide. Tron the atid of grapes] yt 18, TCROTed that some iteen : F : 3 8 *$| new recruits for the 156th Battal- and lemon juice, combined with Ml-| io, jiave been rounded up during the tia ang i neq with Sxceliont Te-| past week, The recruiting week will Sits by thousanc B.al 10 Who are|ye prought to a close o Monday ev- hive a pleasant. elfeneascont thos | CBing and drill resumed on Tuesday | + '€Herves a~ rning. | water drink which helps overcome me z c= mass was sung and iis remains plas foreements overseas, oil the: & chdplaing weré Roman Catho- # | Hes. On each of the two Suns # days they were at sea, the #| chaplains were kind enough to #1} conduct a Protestant service for # | the Protestant troops amd the #7} services were much -appreciat- -$ ed. The war has dome ' won- #/| derfu] things in bringing those # of different creeds more close- #| ly together. 4 > Sb bbb ddob ibd bb bbb dddob bd COTTAGES RANSACKED a No Epideniic or Disease has ever been traced to Pasteurized Milk All our Milk is thoroughly pasteurized and sold in ALE - STOUT -- LAGER Pure -- PALATABLE -- NUTRITIOUS -- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINF anb SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION Residents in the local option districts PERF PPP FRET P EP ERR Phone 845 :: Price's Mazda Tungsten Lamps re iday's Electric Shop, Phone 94 -3- -3 "4 345 King Street Boys' Norfolk Suits Pleated or Plain Coats, with pitch pockets. Up to size Greys, Browns and J es. «AH Suits have Bloomer Pants. urie acid and is beneficial to your kidmeys as well. r SOWARDS Keeps Coal and Coal Keeps | SOWARDS. . A A ---- Usually the city chap who boasts {or having been raised on a farm sel- { dom makes a strenuous effort to get | back to it. Roney's, 121 Princess Street Kingston \ After-dinner delight-- | the music of the Victrola At times when you like to sit still ina listerting frame of find the Victrola is at Jourhs instant a orender your favorite elections--grand opera, violin, piano, band, orchestra, ragtime---any' music that stfits ] ; 3 ed Sn and fet us play some of them for you, and tho yor il ' you the various styles of Victors 2 and Vietrolts (32 to $2%5)--casy terms, . Cs > . C. W. LINDSAY LIMITED Aen, - i Process is It keeps all absol iy equalled Dunlop cannot go wrong. : : Du Bicycle Ti ive Awan Ld eS the only original tives. s 0" . Rubber "A" Company, 59th Battalion has | Along thé River Front<Kingstow Nm, ETT LTT | [SEAL In 5, 1and 2 pound cans. Whole ground -- pulverized -- also Fine Ground for Perco- The Doughty Patent an exclusiv DunlopBicycle Tire feature. wired-on tires uniform. The simply ry either -irachon or You'll find them un- for. general service. Tire & Goods | the appaal. | People Suffer Loss. A mms mmm imienia | The cottagés along the water front are constantly being broken into and} ransacked. In the last two weeks extensive damage and loss has been discovered. J. Pigeon lost a valu- able rifle and a historic ir of swords, A fishing rod worth $7 was also taken. "E. Rees and H. Crum- ley found a shutter torn of, Mrs. Adams lost a quantity of bedding and other people lost part of their be- longings. One citizen e a visit to his cottage a few #lays ago, and found four residents of the city playing a little game of poker in the cottage. Needless to say there were several bottles of booze on the floor. LIEUT McGILL RETURNS After Doing a Year's Veterinary . Work at The Front. Lieut. W. A. McGill, 133 Colborne streét, returned to the city on Sun- day night after having been at the | front with the Imperial Veterinary Corps for over a year. In February of 1915 a call went forth for veigmmary surgeons and uh der a special énlistment of one year, Lieut, McGill went overseas. He has been hard at work throughout France since then with English troops. He states that he seldom came across thé Canadians, There is still @ shortage of/ veterinaries at the front. Lieut. MeGill came across on the S8.Sicilian. ------ To Appear for Sentence. Last week in the Appellate Court al Toronto, an appeal in the case of the King vs. Stuart Farrell heard and dismissed. will now have to come before Judge Lavell for sentence. J. L. Whiting, K.C., appeared for the Crown and T. J. Rigney for the defendant. The case was first heard by Judge Lavell on November 29th, when the young man was found guilty. Mr. Rigney asked for a reserved case for appeal on a legal point on which Judge Lavell decided adversely to the prisoner. Bail was granted pending was Married A: Oxtaraqui. Susan Jackson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jackson, Catar- aqui, was united in 'marriage on Thursday evening, March 23rd, to Harry Wenholt, a member of the signalling corps of the 146th Battal- ion, formerly of London, Eng., The ceremony was performed by Rev. Canon Roberts, rector of Christ's church, Cataraqui, at the home of the bride's parents. The bride was an active member of this church and Sincere regrets are expressed in the village at the departure of $0 popular a young lady. Mr. and Mrs, Wen- holt will take up residence in King- ston for the time being. Awful Condition of Princess Street. Merchants on Princess street beg- | ged the city engineering department on Monday to give them some relief. Water from the walks, which could not get an outlet to the gutters, was flooding some store cellars. Begides this the 'walking was very danger- Qus. The merchants were asked to get the ice from the walks, and they in turn demanded that trenches be cut outside the walks, Princess street should be given special atten- fjtion at once. 3 A er r-- Col. Malloy Kept Busy. Lieut.-Col. L. W. Mulloy of this Jetty is being ke 'can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, Loarep, Lowogv, CANADA das James McParland, Agent, 339.341 King St. Bast adm et mama ag The prisoner| § SELLING PRICES ON FAMOUS : - Dominion Auto Tires _and Tubes PLAIN $12.00 123.75 15.600 18.00 ---- 27.05 ax.10 2.05 n.7e 36.75 N40 NOBBY BY "a BhaRahy Bann . PL Mg + 4SELERE ELL ng FE 3. 62.40 ~ Sold by all First Class Dealers in Kingston, a sla ih Health for Jick Women For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Has Been Woman's Most Reliable Medicine --Here is More Proof. : uw To women who are suffering from some form of woman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking ! the three following letters ought to bring hope : -- pre i o m's Ve thought 1 would give it a trial and 6 Eomont tien, Mavis Sern omens in faves of the estimony from a. - os