Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Mar 1916, p. 7

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When remitting money in large or small amounts use Bank of Toronto Money Orders or Drafts. You can purchase them from any one of our Branches; their cost is small and they are safe and sure--a protec- tion to both the sender and his correspondent. y Capital Reserved Funds | NEW SILVER NOVELTIES IN OUR EAST , WINDOW. A datety and useful gift fof nurses consist Protector, (we wv A Needle-C useful : A Needle-Craft Spool Helder,the friend of gvery Dozens of Sliver Hat Pius, 40¢ per pair. R. J. Rodger, Manufacturing Jeweler and Optician, 132 PRINCESS, STREET Opp. Randolph Hotel. of. Owe Hat Pls with "ins, four Blouse, Buttons, one Collar Hution. ft Crochet Bracelet of Silver, inexpensive and most busy woman F. J. FT Johmeon] Florist, Market Square. Fresh Cut Flavers Jd Plants Every Da FLOR vid DESIGNS. one 239, - Have You een "T. J. Waffle" alty District. Pursuant to a ¢ om ssio mn of Saje is sued to me out above name Court'in an action wherein ter Is plaintiff and the { Wiatflen is defendant The latest out in Cholce Chocolates,' 0" 1 it's known as "The Chatterbox' '--! The Ship T. J. Waffle each piece is of the choicest old 'v¢iiy be sola by public fashioned variety and the well -known,| to reserved bid, at the Patterson Quality. Daw son, x the They are put up in 1 Ib, and 2 1b.| ome ive srtloch Packages at 50c¢c and $1.00 per box. | Php og doag's Drug Store. | 10 feet long, Opp. Y.M.C.A. Kingston, On | | of the Ship auction subjec Cour Ontar 1916, use in on Wedoes. the hour o . L. fle" 2 [ia Jn 1913 aa 1914; I. Waffle" ds lying at Richard son's 3 k. at Kingston, and-may be in petted there. Ferme of payment: One pufchuse money ab sale, he Ure haser | shar s Bill of Sale, 'R. 8. STONEHOUSE, fourth par balance {i may have CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS & COFFEES. COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS: ORDERS TAKEN FOR COAL AND WOOD, JOS. AHEARN, JR, 279 1-3 MONTREAL STREET. Phone 866 the of plaintife, J. 85 Sparks Stree agents bein ROVER & FIELD, agt, Toronto, frox Solicitor for LVRS Esquire, | Ottawa | MESSRS. 120 Ki {tained TO CONTRACTORS | Tenders will be received by {der ned up to 8 pm, next, the 30th, for the iw orks required In the erection an completion The Convalescer Home" Welter Cairn~ Island, India of Thursda A of and the tor -- # FISH! FISH! Fresh Halibut Fresh Salmon Fresh White Fish Fresh Pike Fresh Herrings Finnan Haddie, Filletts. GORDON'S GROCERY, Montreal and Bay Sts. Phone 88. : ipecifications offices of the any tender mot may undersigped necessaril POWER & SON Are Merchdnis Bank ( Arie Watts Florist HYACINTHS & DAFVODILS 170 Wellington street, Phone, 1703, | ---. Will elaim your attention now. There are two very 'necessary things to consider when buying FOOT- WEAR . - Te STYLE Style is something that every woman wants in shoes. We are ready to show vou theflatest in STY' LISH FOOTW EAR. = Besides having style, vour shoes must be comfort- abie; that's where we come to your aid with a shoe that will suit your foot. WE SELL YOU A FIT-- WE GIVE You THE STYLE. {In the Exchequer Court of Canada, Toronto Admir- Adam Fos- office of Sheriff H the is a steam barge, eet beam, 7 feet depth, engine 12 by 14. the Mar- Marshal, Admiralty Court. OGLE Ia wham farther. Ala may be. obs the un- several trados be », mbers. A AAAs LOCAL NOTES ANI "GENERAL IN INTEREST Sapsrsisep sag Si and Vicinity --What the Merghduts Offer to the Readers of the, Whig. Blood Tonic, Gibson's. Sstug Sood Lindsay,a Queen's}. graduate of 1865, is dead. He was 4 prosperous hardware merchant. #Planos tuned by yearly Contract. C. W. Lindsay. Limited. merce will make its cruise to the Is- lands the last of June. "Grape Fruit Salt," Gibson's. The President of the Board of Trade has received $5 from Mrs. A. Fund. \ rever Hot Water Bottles {Prouse's Drug Store, opposite St. An- drew's Church, phone 82. Bradstreet's apndunces the incor- A poration of the! Kingston Mining, ; molting and Manufacturing Co., Spring Blood Tonie, Gibson's, Constable Samuel Arniel went to Toronto with the twelve-year-old lad séntonced to a term in the Industrial School for theft. "Grape Fruit Salt," Gibson's, D. Cralg, Brock street, was oper- ated on in the General Hospital on Wednesday morning for appendicitis and is pi ing micely. The Canada Steamship Lihes Lim- ited announce that C. E. Croft ig ap- pointed Chief of Commissary Depart- ment, with Tieadquarters at Toronto. Spring Tonic at Gibson's, Inspector J. R. Stuart is to ad- dress the trustees' department of the Ontario Educational Association on Thursday, April 27th, on "School At- tendance." H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street, Miss Bessie Rogers, who is spending some time in Brantford. All kinds of Piano repairs at-C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street. An overseas maid, going via New York, will close at the Kingston post office at noon on Friday. A parcel post mail wlll close on Thursday at 5 p.m. The committee on boys' work at the Y. M. C. A. will have a "Father and Son" banquet on Thursday even- ing. Dr. Carroll, Brockville, is to speak. ? Swan Fo son's, The A and A, Scottish Rite Ma-! sons, had a reunion in Hamilton on| Tuesday. The work of thé Yourth| degree was exemplified by Kingston Lodge of Perfection. "Hypophosphates Tonie," Gibson's. Col, Lorne Mulloy has been secur- ed by the 156th Battalion to deliver! recruiting addresses at Westport, | Wednesday night, Delta, Thursday night, and Easton's Corners, Friday night "Grape Fruit Salt," Gibson's. Thers was a blank sheet at the Pclice Court on Wednesday morn- ing. The police had a quiet time on Tuesday, there heing no com- plaints of a serious character, "Syrup Tar and Cod Liver Oil,' Gibson's. v Kingston will this summer have a' new band organization, known "Foster's Band." The first prac- tice was held on> Tuesday evening, with twelve musicians present. The steamer Wolfe 'Islander will be well lighted this summer, Ar- rangements have been made to have ah electric system placed in the ves- sel before she starts out on her sea son's work Pianos stored at reasonable rates. C. W, Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street. Dr Leave orders at MeAul- ey's Book Store. " Miss Jessie Jack presided at the organ in the First Congregational | Church Sunday, in the absence of untain Pens $1.00, t f t } t. = ) mn y d i n J. W. Bdwards and W. F. 1. 3 the Stevens total prohibition resolu- tion. before the House. Swan Fountain Pens $1.00, at Gib- son's, The. death occurred in the Hotel Dieu Hospital on T uesday ening of Thomas Fitzgerald, aged Yifty-nine years. The deceased had resided at 26 Clergy street west for some years. In religion he was a Roman Catholic. Your piano is worth every consid- tion. Our expert tuners are at your service, C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess. street. Spring Blood Tonic, Gibson's, The Daughters of Rebekah of the United States will hold their annual May 16th to 19th. There will. be between 500 and 700 persons in the party. "Syrup Tar and Cod Liver Oil," sibson's. The firemen were ewlled out about 8 o'tlock on Tuesday night, but it was a false alarm. Box 13 was fcunded in some mysterious man-~ ner. Although the box. was hot op- ened the number was given once. Spring Blood Tonie, Gibson's. Provost, Brock street, has this year an extra fine assortment of Tweeds, Cheviots and Serges for his order 'clothing department, His ready-made clothing and gents' fur- nishing departments arewell assorted with new goods, Canadian Casualties, Twelfth Battalion---Killed in ac- it tied, Frank 'D. Richardsolt, Bright- on, Ont. {Twenty-first thell, land, Battalion--3Wounded ock, Ernest Weller, Eng- Rev. Austin Smith will preacher this = evening George's Cathedral. be the in St "Tenders will be Teceived sv hy ah dersigned up to 3m March, m8. for he artes of the twa large office bailing remises Dearing. #treet numbers oto I ia jacin. FEE Ballaings © "In: W. and C, "er. R. nlesraph les. An estate owning part requires 10 lauidete its. 3 AND. ITEMS OF The Rochester Chamber of Com- " ¥. Chown for the Belgian Relief i at Gib- | as Nickle voted for the amendment to The amendment embodied the principle of the government measure convention at Alexandria Bay, from Not Not Agia ville Acts 2 th i LE AN O0n Pinto Fa Any Seal, Klaw & Erlanger and Geo. C. Tyler Present The Distinguished English Actor, In the New Comedy of Bomance, By ¥dward Knoblauch, Author of "Kismet," "Milestones," "My Lady's Dress," Etc. With a Brilliant S pany | PRICES: B0c, 75¢, $1. $1.50. $2 | Seaty Now on Sale, 2 NIGHTS ious, Matinee Saturday at 2.30. SHAKESPEAREAN FESTIVAL ting C Actor, { Supported by a Capable Company of English Players in Complete Productions of "HAMLET," On Friday Night Saturday Matinee, | 'MERCHANT of VENICE' 4 Sutarday Night, MACBETH." $1.50, Mat.: 25¢, 50¢, Tdc, $1. Seats Now on Sale, Triangle Plays Present BESSIE BARRISCALE, In the 5 Aet Wonderpiay, "THE GOLDEN CLAW." "WEBER AND FIELDS," In n 2 Act Farce Comedy, "THE BEST OF FIN EATIS, » Alno. other good photo-plays. Full 2 3-4 hours entertainment. Matinees, 2.30; Evenings, 7.30. Prices: Matinees, 10¢; ings seats reserved), 10e; few at 1c, PHONE 105. SPECIAL FEATURE DAYS, March 29-30, The Feature M: asterpiec e, Mrs. Fiske in VANITY FAIR. Seven Wonderful Parts, ORCHESTRA. PRICES: Matinee, 10c; | Evening, 10c; Reserved Seats, 15c. Be "SR still lead, others try to gqual, NOTICE RE ASSUMPTION OF SURNAME. Iingwton, Sergeant fn the Ordnance Corps, heveby give notice that | have renounced and shandbned my former surunine of "Koefi" aud intend here- ftey to be known by, and 10 uke on au joestbom the sirname of "Ki Mureh 25¢h, 1910, FREDERICK KING, 0, 3 Special Engagement of the Eminent JOHN £.KELLERD PRICES: hE 25¢y Ble, T5¢, $1, STRAND Theatre MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, Also the World's Greatest Comedians, | (ali GRIFFIN'S Wednesday and Thursday, 1. Frederick King, of the City of | vear-old Black Mate | 6 months: interest, 7 per cent, Ww. fl 1 psH-W WASHER. APPLY FRONTENAC DUNG MAN. APPLY STEWARD, Frontenac Club, MAN, A KITUNEN WO APPLY AT the Hotel Roy, 0 GIRLS 10 WORK Apply 208 Princess sireel. GOOD SMART BOY. the Leese Book Stor SMART BOY FOR MAILING DEPART. ment. Apply at' Whig office, WAFIRISS AND WosAN Fon HOUSE. cleaning. Apply Albfon Hotel ---------- SECOND Te wwe & Co, BREAD BAKER AT ONC hand. Apply to R. H. Nu, 195 Ontario street. ee -------------------- rf AT UNCHeA GOOD SMART BOY AT Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store; $4.00 a week to start IN STORK. || APPLY AT -- SLACK AND WHITE BRRIER PUP, Saturday. A ine may have same by proving Fa at 254 Earl street. LACK AND TAN HOUND. 'Oud may have same by apply- ing to G. Radage, Willow Farm, care of 'Bath Road, PO. LADY'S BROOCH, in St George' s Cathedral. Apply to the xton. PART OFF AX AGRIC VLTUR. Own by calling ot el Princess street. BLACK SILK PEPLUM, on Brock street, on Sunday. Owner may have vd Ly calling at 330 Brock stre EBONY HANDLED NAIL VILE, Saturday morning, : Owner may yin have same by apy ng at 239 Al- fred street. i roune ARTIOLES ADVER. y TISED FREE, Anyone finding anything and' wishin, Sy reach the owner may do so. aerortine the facts to The Bria The adver. FOR CASHIER AND GENER- hy i work. Apply to Hender- son's Grocery, Brock street. | FIRST-CLASS "BROOM AND WHISK | tyvers. Steady job. Apply Boeckh's, 166 West Adelaide, Toronto. EXPERIENCED ; saleslady, and apprentices, Gedye Millinery, | A CAPABLE MAID; ONE cook; references required Apply Mrs. © App n, cor. Barrie and O'Kill| | GENERAL SERVANT FOR 1 family. No washing nor ironing. References - required. Apply 159 | Stuart St. AN Apply | YOUNG factory. 15th denham, MAN TO HELP IN CHES Duties to commence April Apply P. Foxton, Bos® No Ont. TO WORK ON COUNTY STON Apply to T. Treaves, F 1, ) fnverary; or Hotel, Saturday, April 1st, A MAN FOR HIDE steady work: "must industrious; marred red. « Apply to John Brook street. | MEN | crusher. | M.D WAREHOUSE, be sober and mart MeKay, dtd, {AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly <verresponding | for newspapers, no _canvass'ng. | Send for particulars. cate, 3,969, Lockport, CAN sBoURe ployment on chines. readily round. cash or varn and pay liberally for all work done. Whites to-day-=-Auto-Knit~ 'ter Hosiery Co, Dept, HE, Coliege 8t., Toronto, Ont. N.Y. rYou CONSTANT Auto-Knitter, EM- | ma- nished with profitable, round employment on ting mach' nes, Ten dollars per week Peadijy learned. e teach you at ho Distance. no hind- rance. 'Write at once for particu lars, rates of pay, 2¢ ip stamps. lery Co., De stress, all- Autos ear- nit- | Auto~-Kaitter Hos- pt. 115 C," 257 College Foronto: BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE a mall order § canvass! Pard for Trae "booiklet: NYWHERE CAN STAR) Sihess &t Nome: nc own boss veils how a. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. 'pairing 'and carpet work -and mattress renovati Drop a card or call 216 Bagot street. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST: ment Society; incorporated 1863; president, Colonel H. Smith, CMG. vice-president, W. I. Nie- kle, K.C. Money 'issued on oity and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mort- gages purchased; deposits received and interest allowed. RC. Cart- wright, manager, 87 Clarence St, _ Kingston R. | | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE | Fire Insurance Company. Avallabl 'assets $61,187,216. In addition ® which the polleyholders have tor | security the unlimited Ilability of eity property, Insured at lowest possible. rates. Ratore renewing old or giving new business gel | rates from 'Strange & Strange, | Agents. Phone 325. ARCHITECT NEWLANDS & SON, tects, etc. OM ___ Phone 608. POWER & SON, ARCHITROTS, MER. Chants = Bank Riilding, corner Brock 'and Wellington stree DRESSMAKING. PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS dressmaking, cutting by measu adame designing, trimming, eto; dollars, eluding system. M Elder, Dressmakin Parlors, wi Princess street, corne Sydenham AUCTION SALE. WEDNESDAY, APRIL FIA, at 1.30 pan. | ALD oC, re', Front Road, Plt | { } + | 18 grade Jersey and Holstein -Milch Cows (mew milkers and springers), 5- a Colt. and a quanti of hay. Terms: MURRAY, 4 RUOHON BALE ~~ At Beil A Just' ett 15 Cholte ich ¢ ch Cows. MILLANBRY | 128 Willington St. WHO CAN | SMALL | Windsor | prefer! $1.50 » to $3.00 per aay e at home the. year | Rye §==- supplied far | indtalments. We supply tps ------------ en RELIABLE PERSONS WILL BE FUR. |' ete., enclosing. ARCH). | ces, 268 Bagot St | three | | year-old Clyde! hig. tisement will be printed in this _ 1 free of charge. LOST FF ON THE MARKET, SAT. | Finder leave at Whig office | i with Mrs. Davisa and receive re- mmunicate { Union street, i T0 LET. | OF rid ES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM- bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, <1 Clarence street. | Tho- 8 rooms, hot water heating. mas Mills, 79 Clarence street. URNISHED ROOMS, CENTRALLY LO- cated, every convenience; very quiet. Apply Box 32% Whig office DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES AND storage for furniture. Ca Real Estate Agency, 32 Brock ri eg ---------------------------------------- {THAT COMMODIOUS HOUSE, 74 SYD- enham Flace Apply next door or] Power & Merchants Bank Chémbers. t Son, a--------p------------------------ IA SMALL FARM OF 73 ACRES, { | mouth Ww. No. I, Apply to E Portsmouth. Grass, R.R. Press Syndi- | FROM {ST MAY, NO, 572 ALFRED st1.,| COMFORTABLE HOME FOR LA 8 rooms, Hot water heating, elec tric light and gas. Thomas Millis, 79 Clarence street. | gmom MAY 1ST, NO, 188% UNION ST. West; a 9 roomed house with sun room; hot water heating. Apply next door, at "188 STORAGE POR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy, rooms; har own lock and key. Frost's City Siorage, 299 Queen street. Phone 526b. | i ON SHARES, 330 ACRE FARM, KING. ston township, near Cataraqui. fTenant to furnish half of stock. Por particulars apply 336 Barrie street. TWO BRICK HOUSES, MAY IST One detached, nine rooms, all con- veniences, hot water heating: other i semi-detached, eight rooms. Apply ta D, MeKay, 459 Princess St. TWO SEM! - DETACHED BRICK houses, 33 and * 95 William street. Hot 'water furnace, gas, light, and all modern conveniences. Possession May 1st. Apply to W, H. Sullivan, 38 Clarence street, or "Box "F," British Whig office. BUSINESS NOTICES, WARD, PAINTER AND PAPER hanger, for good work. Apt 132 Victoria street, or phone 152 IN M. H.. ROSEN BROS... DEALERS , 168 Lower Bagot street, phorie J849. Highest prices paid. | All orders promptly called for. MRS. McLAUCHLAN, KING STREET, wishes to announce that her miltin. ery parlors are. now open at 113 Brock street, just above Waldron's, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CURTAINS, tents, canvas, motors, folding boat seats, fishin tackle, ete. rank W. Cooke, Clarence street, 38 HET EGAN WISHES TO ANNOUNCE | that he has purchased the tailor shop formerly run by Thos. Gallo- | way, and will do all kinds of re-| pairin and pressing. suits your For rikmanshl guaranteed, call | PROM 1ST MAY, NO. 372 ALFRED -- ON | electric | skiff$ for outboard | Also make | own cloth. | 131 AIT | STONE SE, » Rooms, . large lot tna gt terms reason- able. This | W. Sleeves, Portimont "on N ann T™W En EE 8 ase A Vel Prine Aanth a rom 1 seed fi Pres De per Foihag -- Shi Rr R. No. 2, Harrowsmith, Ont. J al DovpLE FRAME HOUSE, a1 328 treal St il James; sts rooms hs and all convenie newly Froid Apply 53 Doug lass St. Hamiltons A FIRST-CLASS BOARDING ANDY Fooming nou house, In good central loca Sons F . OE, estab) shed: : nw ncome Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock St EGGS FOR HATCHIN BRED.TO Rocksd a Surely] large 5 Dimond Rae Wyindotien he 15 'e for $3 Apply W. ook, 261 1 Hideau Bt CHOICE STOCK OF SBCOND - HAND house furniture; also some good kitchen stoves and ranges. Wg buy all kinds of. second-hand fur- niture. \l. Thompson, 338 Princess stipet. Phone 1800, A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SKC. ond-hand furniture, stoves, «loth. ing, boots, suit cases, tools, etcy If you have Mnything to sell, drop a card. I will call. |B. Shapira, 4b Princess streeyy Phone 123 | wie aye RECEIVED A LARGE shipment of En grade bicycles, are offering ial 'bargains ~ same, Also ad large stock of Dunlop tires. George Muller, 373 King street. HOUSES FOR SALE AT ALL PRIORS, fram $1,200 to $8,000. Some bar- . gains, HOUSES TO RENT, FURNISHED AND unfurnished. | Farms rom SALE, VARIOUS ures | and prices. A on | | | FIRE, LIFE AND A ance; money ro oan a. man, 67 Sarence ob oy | Front road. 2% miles west of Ports- | PERSONAL DIRS before and during confinement. Strietly private. Good doctor and urse In attendance. Write 168 Ban Ave., Toronto, WS ---------------------------------------------------- COMFORTABLE HOME _FOR LaDiS, before dnd after confinement: good 3 . graduate nurse, in attend. ne Strictly private' Apply 169 Cowan Ave, i | Toronto. Ar sid" ali Srowthal & removed A. NAPP, Stee. 258 Ponca street. Phone 663 DRS, SPARKS tin 159 Neltin on Sires. 3. Ltonard 3 esish, NDE. PATENTS. uBABCOCK & SONS, Patents, a - 5 erly of Patent Laws. tection" free. 99 i "Sainey Ste Mon Ste Jen B. CUNNINGHAM, ARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar~ ence street. Kingston, | {real A. . SEE Co oy Awe i Balboa, Walk Waits, Glide, etc. 39 Union Phone 130. PAPERHANGING. ------ ata o------------------------= | PAINTING, GRAINING AND KALSO. mining. Fifty new designs wall . baper at factory prices. Rooms pa- ' pated, 0 per room, lncludin Raper. Young and Rowley, 1 borne on phone 1632. \ Ebony Cube THE CANNEL DE LUKE, ' be received at | the of the undersigned (whore plans and nay be seen) up to 5 o'clock pr. on 1916, nstr of a For the Light, Heat, Power and "Departments of the Veal, 4t06 weeks old. 2,000 Ibs. of farmers' fed pork. Can give you L aniy AND

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