Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Mar 1916, p. 2

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SIRE, iad sa 157 BROOK STREET. Tires, Plain and Nobby (read. -- 5,000 Mile Guarantee. Phones: Garage, 201; Resi: dence, $7, : ------ : G. W. KYTE, M. P., TO ADDRESS THE COUNTY LIBERALS. ; S-- Member Who Made Sensational Char- ges in Ottawa House Will be Prin. cipal Speaker 'ai Annual Meeting --A Sketch of His Career. 4 W. Kyte, M. P., for Richmond, N. 8, "ihe man of the hour," in po- Titical circles, at Ottawa, who made sensational oharges in the House of I ET] Khe A] We have the best brdudp, Phone 76. 341-3 Princess St. Real Shipt Oysters. Man¥ new designs for this season in both two and four yards wide. Bordered Linoleum | Rugs, two and three | yards wide and in sever- al different lengths, We show a number of new and handsome ef- feets in colorings that ai'e certain to please. TO YOUR LIKING. We sen povide you with the xent ? Have a talk with FL 3 Commons, on Tuesday, regarding the contracts for war munitions, is com- ing in Kingston. He will be here on Saturday afternoon, for the pur- pose of delivering an address at the annual meeting of the County of Frontenac Liberals, which will be held in the Court House. The County Liberals are looking | 4 forward to a great treat at the meet- Jing. Mr. Kyte is a brilliant speak- i] er, and in view of the recent charges | he made in the house, his address | will be of great interest. A recard } crowd is looked. for at thi gathering. | Nelson Parliament, M.P.P. for! one of the speakers, Duncan C. Ross, | M. P., of Strathroy, Ont., was invit- | ed to "deliver an address, but he has written stating that it will be im- possible for him to come. George William Kyte is a clever | lawyer from Richmond, N. S. Hl was born fifty-two years ago at St. Petep's, N.S. and received his high={ er education at Antigonish, whére he was later admitted to the bar. He wis at one time clerk assistant in the Legis'ative Assembly of Nova Scotia, and later chief Clerk. He| entered the House of Commons in 1908. Mr. Kyte's experience in Nova | Scotia includes a nine-years' term 3s | School Commissioner. He is a Ro- man Catholic and a Liberal. ance and an impressive speaker. has high standing at the bar, ana has been retained in some notable; Hattie Le Blanc murder case in Bos- ton. Stage Stops Running. On account of the.dce in the harbor | disappearing so rapidly the men who | own the stage which runs between take it off the route on Wednesday. The stage was a couple of hours late in arriving in Kingston, Fire Escape @xhibition; Fire Chief | Armstrong has ar- automatic fire escape given on the Brock street side of the Golden Lign | building, at noon Saturday. month. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, i | Princess street. In the County Court on Friday at | 2.30 p.m., Judge Lavell will hear the | cases of th ed with seduction and Gordon Judge for theft of chickens, Player pianos tuned and adjusted. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Capt. John Donnelly left for To- ronto and Buffalo on a business trip | on Thursday noon. Spring Blood Tonic, Gibson's. JShmetimos a man longs for to-mae w because he is ashamed of what | = "didn: t do to-day. vs. Advertised The only place in Kingston | where you can get Optical; Glass ground to order from the rough blank is at ASSED- STINE'S. WE HAVE the only surface | grinding plant mn the city. WE ADVERTISE FACTS! Yours for prompt service, 18 Ls ee XING ST. ] 1} [| resh California Prunes, a Tesh juicy, 10c, 2 13, 15c¢. Prince Edward County, will also be | e| He is| a man of striking personal appear- | He | United States, one of which was the | Cape Vincent and Kingston had to | Pianos for rent as low as $3 per King vs. Radage charg- | In one pound sections, 2b¢ dk Ln a List of the Captains And Engheers For the Vessels This Season--Four Steamers to be Used on the Coast Trade, > A list of the appointments to the vessbls of the Montreaj Transporta- tion Company for the season of 1916, bas been announced as fol- lows: Steamer Advance--Captain, J. V. Norris, Kingston; engineer, Sherman, Kingston. Steamer India--Captain, James Reoeh, Nottawa, Ont.; engineer, F. 'H, Brian, Kingston. Steamer Simla-- Captain, C, E. Coons, St. Catharines; engineer, D 8. Kingston. Steamer Windsor--Captain, John Doyie,. Kingston; engineer, A, Dunn, Kingston. Tug Partieti-- Captain, A. Lepine, , Bt. Anne de Bellevue, Que,; en- Er J. B. Lappen, Kingston, * Tug D. G. Thomson--Captain (no appointment yet); engineer, George Henderson, 'Kingston. Tug Emerson--CQCaptain, William J. Murphy, Kingston; engineer, J. G. Lamoureaux, Kingston, Tug GHde--(no appointment yet). Tug H. F. Bronson--Capt#in, Luke Mallan, Morrisburg; . engineer (no | appointment). Tug M. P, Hall--Captain, Thomas Lepine, Lachine,' Que.; engineer, H. : 'Carter had made the supreme sacri- LOF THE {ST RATRALION KI IN ACTION. His Wite Resides At At 212 Rideau Street--Daughter Born To Her in December Last. Bugler Frederick Carter, 23st Battalion, was killed in action' on March 18th by a gunshot wound" "in the chest received while carrying ammunition to a machine-gun crew, home was at 212 Rideau street, and he was twenty years of age. The announcement that Bugler fice for his country was a matter of deep regret not only to military men, but a large number of eitizens. Since coming here from Harrow, England, where his parents reside, he proved himself a true man and a soldier. He Was one of the best of buglers, and was honored by being chosen as the only one to go with the Royal Cana- dian Horse Artillery detachment bp the coronation in 1910. He was for three years in "A" Battery, R. C. H. A., as a trumpeter, and after leaving the battery was appointed sergeant Rugler of the 8th Gananoque Bat. ter When the war broke out Bugler Carter was very anxious to go dtd do lis "hit," but 'owjng to the fact | that his brother-in-law, Sergt. Aker- | ley, was going oversea, with the R.| C. H. A,, he was prevailed upon to re-| main at 'home and look after the fam- ily. When illness made the return of Sergt. Akerley necessary, Bugler Carter immediately enlisted in the Paus, Kingston. Tug Mary--Captain, H. | eillier, Cascad Que. ; | (no appointment). § Lake Barge Ungava--Captain, ©: Sauve, Kingston. } Barge Hamilton--Captain, ander Herbert, Montreal. Barge Quebec--Capt. William La- | londe, Coteau Landing, Que. Barge Jlelrose--Capt. Louis Ben- I'oit, Kingston. Barge Selkirk--Captain T. | due, Valleyfield, Que, Barge Winnipeg--Capt. edars, Quebec. Barge "Augustus----Capt. Viau, Yalleyfield, Que. { Barge Burma---Capt. William Le- | due, Ste. Justine Station, Que. | Barge Dunmore -- Capt. Daoust, Verdun, Que. Barge Kingston=Capt. vin, Valliefield. Barge Valencia-----Capt. Valliefield: Barge--Lapwing, Capt. Joseph Le/, duc, Valleyfield. Barge Thursh--Capt *Ferd lette, Hudsons Heights, Que. Barge Hiawatha--Capt. blias, St. Roch de Richelieu, Que Barge Muskoka--Capt. L. Hebert, Montreal, i The following steel steamers will be used on the Atlantic coast trade: Glenmount--Captain, W. H. Nor- cott; engineer, David Cameron. Stermount--Capt, W. H. Blackler; engineer, Robert Downie. Kinmount--Captain, W.F. Young: | engigeer, R. J. Gibson, Rosemount--Captain, L. G. Dixon; engineer, Mr, Dickson. } ~~ Desgros- engineer, | | Alex- | L. Leé-| M. More- fan, . Ovilda W. Lange- E. Major, Movements of Marine Men. Willlam C. Spencer, first elifineer { Toronto, to fit out the vessel. George | Potts, second engineer, has also left | | for Toronto. Thomas Hazlett has left for Mon- | treal to fit out the barge Egan. Capt. Robert Fraser, of the Mon-] | trea? Transportation .Comvany, who | has heen spending the winter 'in Cali- fornia, for the benefit of his health, is leaving there April 1st, and is ex-| | pected back in Kingston on April | 14th, Capt. H. | treak A Soa Company, is in | New York looking after some of the | company's vessels. { Capt. Murray Barry, who has been { employed by the Montreal Transpor: ! | tation Company, is leaving for Win- | | ives. FINISHED A OUT ON 7TH BIRTHDAY iB Mrs. W. R. Caswell Attendod, Barriefield School 62 Years Ago. Mrs. W. R, Caswell, years ago, well-known resident of has just celebrated her 70th birth- day, finishing a log cabin quilt which she commenced work on March 1st. "Po mark the event, Mrs. Caswell | walked from Kingston to Barriefield, and paid a visit to the old school house there which , she sixty-two years ago. She also had dinner with her old school mate, Mrs, "Hutton, Barriefield, apd also Mrs. Watt, Union street. ter of the late Sergt. John Steacy, tformerly of the police force, this! city. { i i ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. John Gzowski to Wed Miss Kittie Hughes. A London cable says: Lieut.-Col. St. Pierre Hughes, commanding the 21st, and Mrs. Hughes have announe- ed the engagement of their daughter, Kittie, to Lieut. John Gzowski, of the 19th, son of C. 8. Gzowski, Toronto. The future father-in-law and son-in- law are now at the front. It is in- correct that Col. St. Pierre Hughes has been invalided to England. KYTE MAY ADDRESS Kingston Liberals in Their Rooms) Saturday Evening. | Lieut. i the Kingston Reform Association, has written G. W. Kyte, M.F., who is]! "fannual meeting on Saturday after meeting-of the Kingston Liberals on Saturday evening in the Liberal rooms, Israel: Malt beara, of man's name,--} E. D ' . McMaster, of the Mon- | ail Dr. A. W. Richardson, president of | | to speak at the Frontenac Liberals' §! 21st Battalion to take his place on the firing line. A pathetic part of the story is the fact that besides his wife, he is sur- | vived by a little daughter, born on | December 18th last year, and who | has never seen daddy. In lodge work the deceased was ac- tively' connected with the Sons of England, and his death adds another! to the list of heroes of this lodge. NOT AGAINST ALDERMAN Case of Last July Against Party. March |, 30.>--(To the Editor): In your issue of the 28th .inst., you state in the report of Coun- cil .that a fine was levied against an | alderman on July 20th last, and that | the same was not paid till March 20th of this year. I am told there is no suck record 8n the police court pro- ceedings, and the statement discredits some of oul aldermen. I think, in | justice to th en sitting around the you shid give the alder- AXPAYER., Another Kingston, The Whig finds. that the case of July 20th was not dgainst an alder man, and it also finds that any fines # --- The Biggest Selling Book 'of the Year in England. The First Hundred Thousand $1.25 By the Well- Known English Novelist, Ian Hay, . Ian Hay, who was a lieutenant in Gen. Fre welts Army; in Frafice, Nod with the foree during the battles of Mons, the Marpe and the long retreat into France. Read what the Mor ning Post :- "No anotatibus can do dramatic 'record of dogged bravery and heroic self-sacrifice.' a Daily Gr aphic: Gi "No volume of phe / have more delighted readers." Scotsman: ; "It distinctly Tanks as a Globe: -- I The College Book Store, 160 Princess Street. 'The well dressed lady--+ibe buys her wearables from us. imposed on aldermen last vear were | duly paid. By way of a joke the! July case was stated in Council to be! against an alderman, and it was re- ported as a fact. At the Police Court. There was a very short session of the Police Court: Thursday morning. ! The middle-aged woman who threat-! {ened to fight every member of the police force, when gathered in for | drunkenness on Wednesday after- ranged to have an exhibition of anon the steamer Inland, has left for | loon, was as meek as a lamb when arraigned before the Magistrate, and | wos fined $3 and costs, with the op- tion of twenty days. ® In' Good Homes J. Hunter superintendent of the Orphans' Home, has just returned | from making a visit to the children | who have beep placed out in homes by the Orphans' Home, throughout the. country. Hp has a most very ing the children. Only A Slight Wound. On Tuesday morning, S. Cor- | bett received a letter from Col. A. ¥ Ss Sapper Thomas Reid, son of Mrs. W IPL. Reid, received in France, was very | slight. and it. would only be a few 'days until he was able to leave fuoyital, f "The Hat Store' PA A A ry NEWEST HATS FOR } Kingston, | | | attended | { spent an hour with her first teacher, Mrs, Caswell is the eldest daugh-! { We are sale agents in Kingston for the best made hats and because we carry such a tremen- dous variety vou can easily be suited here. Besides, we save vou noney on every.hat yon buy, because. we /pur- chase direct from the. manufacturers. Knox, Hawes, Tress, Piccadil: ly and Waverly Hats gold in Kingston at this store only. | 3 | satisfactory report to make concern-, | Ross stating that the wound which | the | f You'll be pleased with our range. THE ALWAYS A A A NNN war can expect to Newman& Shaw - English Press savs:-- "A narrative as convineing in its truth as it is captivating in its humor." London News: "Inimitable sketches of the lighter side of the war, Broad Arrow: "Though the stern realities are . oftol re- lieved by the humorous vein of the writer, the narrative always bears the: impress of truth." Foe justice to this - literary event." OPEN NIGHTS. Phone 919 ful Pearl Rings We sell beautiful Origntal Pearl Rings at very moderate prices. i Our pearls are smooth and' round, and of an exquisite lus- tre. Set in Sipgle, Three Stone, and Pive Stone Rings. Smith Bros. | JEWELLERS & OPTICIANS, Oeculists' Prescriptions for (lasses carefully filled. Stored Gourdier's CHUNKS OF REAL ESTATE. 3 Johnson oH, RHO Row for Row of tenements on of on Livin . 53.000 on King Row of 3 Ave. Row tenentents BUSY STORE. of B tenements | OLOSING OF MAILS British mail lag)y Tuformati ¥obby from daily golng States, Trunk, UniteN® Grand east Grand we Do. Trunk, gulng BE wa awaie . 1.00 p.m Uncluding Weslprn States) +... LOO pm, Grand Trunk al "west of city 2.30 p.m. Po R, 1045 7 dnd 5.30 p.m. and eo C. JAIL GOVERNOR EXPLAINS | About the Admitting of Prisoners-- i What the Rules Require. { Governor C. H. Corbett makes a { very clear explanation tg the Whig {as to why he objectéd last week to | admitting a prisoner into the jail be- | tween twelve and one o'clock noon. { He says the, rules require that before ja prisoner is received, he must have 1a turnkey with him in the outer cor- | ridor s0 that the gates may be lock- jed when ge prisonet has passed { through. This _is a necessary pre- | caution. The, Aurnkeys go home at i twelve o'clock {tor their dinner, after | being on duty from 6 'a.m., and he alone is in charge. of the jail during {that hour. ~The chief reason for the turnkeys going home at noon is so that they will have their meal at the same time as the prisoners. If one turnkey went at twelve and the other at one o'clock for dinner, it would mean that the prisoners would be idle for one hour, as two men are requir- ed to look after them. The Gover- nor says he might change 'their meal hour, but it would be hardly worth while, because When the authorities know the jail Conditions it is easy te arrange with him as to when a prs- oner coyld be best received. Plowing Ont the Roads. On Thursday morning, the man who has charge of the York road from the Bath Road to end of the Mshie diye, started the work of plow plowing the énow off the rom In places the snow is very Have your Pianos tuned by our expert tuners. C..W. Lindsay, a Hardie ed, 121 Princess street. BUILDERS SUPPLIESwecay | on Bagot St, $6,500 and lots Row of {thrick) A list of store at office { 4 ter nements dwellin _ Interior Woodwork. » TY aCe RENT. | pasture land, close at moderate IT vou are planning to build a new home, in- tend to purchase any in- terior finish, wé. woukl like to show vou some of the homes in this eity finished in our wood- work. Lh About 13 lin, well watered, { rental, | jot SES TO LET FIRE. INSURANCE ESTATES MANAGED EV, Malin & Son S. Anglin & Co. Woodworking Faetory. Lumber Yards, Bay and od Wellington Sts. oases Phone oY > Spring Cleaning | It will soon be time to start. How! about a new Eurekh Electric Vacuum Cleaner of a Bissell's Carpet Sweep- | er? We carry a full assortment of | Bansdister Brushes, Hair Brooms, | (Cedar Mops and Dust Cloths, inl] alt everything to make the spring || holiye cleaning easy. Our Paint De-! partment is complete. Give 'us a! call and let us show you just how | you can make sverything. look new | and clean. Bee our Maple Leat Paints, in all golors: Floglaze for the Floors and! Furniture; also our Fagous Camm ! bell and Japalac Varnish Stains, mess, we impart to linens, and as unyielding as the starch in colar tad tufls WE DO HIGH

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