Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Mar 1916, p. 7

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a When remitting money in large or. small amounts use Dank of Toronto Mogey Orders or Drafts. You can purdhase them from any one of our Branches; their cost is small and they are safe and sure--a protec~ tion to both the sender and his sorrespondent, Capital Reserved Funds ........ $5,000,000 $6,402,810 A HE | BANK or TORONTO ' FOR SALE A large stone house in Portsmoutly, with spacious grounds: furnace, cleetrie Jight, good outbuildings, on corner: one block from car line. The price we ask $2,300, property must be sold. The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 BROCK STREET. NEW SILVER NOVELTIES IN OUR EAST WINDOW. A dainty and tdseful gift for nurses consists of: One Hat Pin with Protector, two Cull Pins, four Pleuse Buttons, one Collar Button. A Needle=Craft Crochet Bracelet of Silver, inexpensive and useful A. Needle-Creaft Spool Heolderthe friend of every Dozens of Sliver. Hat ins, 0c per pair. R. J. Rodger. : Manufacturing Jeweler and Optician, PRINCESS STREET Opp. Randolph Hotel nost busy woman 132 DISTRICT MANAGER. Wanted by the Excelsior Life Insurance Company 'for Kingston and District, a good contract with re- newals to a capable and experienced man. Apply im writing to SUPERINTENDENT OF AGENCIES, Head Office, Toronto. "WE WILL BUY Spanish River Pulp Bonds and Pape Ontario Spanish River Preferred. GRAHAM, MAC ACHON/ ALD & COM IVER Bankers, Toronto C Th The et ut 12 cvs crocontn| Valuable each piece is of the choicest old] Residential Property fashioned variety and the well- known, Patterson Quality. They are put up in 1 1b, and 2 1 Packages at 50c and $1.00 per wo | FOR SALE Hoag's Brug W | Tenders Opp. Y MOA. Kingston, Ont. |" Fig a 1916, for the ol owing dw Slungs, i 1 FISH! FISH!! | Fresh Halibut ~Fresh Salmon will be received by the purchase of t Nos Nd. 11 also a brick-veneered develll the north side of een 'Nelson a ese properties geparate necessarily on can be {Johnson 'street j3on el; ir » bought en b any tend ured tro m the Owner is leaving this part of the countyy and hone 68 or 874 Pulp and Paper Homids BY TENDER. un- up tq moon on the 10th day 49 snd 451 Nelson All inform- indey LOCAL NOTES ANI AND ITEMS OF ; GENERAL INTEREST {Happenings In the City and Vicinity =--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Spring Blood Tonle, Gibson's. . Fresh smeits, 10c a 1b, at Gil- | bert's. Miss Eva M. Staley, R.N., left to- day for Chicago.' Pianos tuned by yearly contract. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Creatore's baad will give a con- cert in Kingston on May 17th, "Grape Fruit Salt," Gibson's. 'Classes are over at Queen's Uni- versity and examinations will begin on Monday. Gilbert oiters choice roll and print butter, 33¢ 1b.; cooking prints, 27¢ Present. "rhe Distinguished English Actor, H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store. The snow has disappeared very ripidly; the warm days have made the waters rush, All kinds of Piano repairs at C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street. **Hypophosphates Tonic," Gibson's. Misg Amelia LaPalm and Miss El- sie Vallance, Belleville, arg in King- sten to visit frends. "Syrup Tar and Cod Liver OIL" Gibson's Bandsman Henry Neil Torrents, 39th Battalicn, formerly of Kings- ton, and Miss Jessie Elizabeth Pople Kingston, were married in Brock- ville on Tuesday night. Spring Blood Tonic, >Gibson's, Canafla's best creamery butter is "Duchess," on sale at Gilbert's stores. : There was a very mail in on Thursday morning. Jetters came i in exceptionally | quick time. Some letters were post-| ed in France on 15th. March. Pianos stdred at reasonable rates. VC.\W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street. "Grape Fruit Salt," Gibson's. The civic Finance Committees was| expected to meet the Street Railway] Company representatives this after- | nooy "with regard to. the company's reqflest for permission to change its fares. Swan Fountain Pens $1.00, at Gib- son's, It is said that the Canada Steam- ghips ldnes is proposing terms for | the purchase of the St Lawrence | and Chicago Steam Navigation Co. It is thought $140 to $155 a share PRICES: will be pdid $1.50. Spring Tonic at Gibson's, F. Pound, who has been oy the en- gineering staff of the ('ataraqui causeway, left on Wednesday night for Trure, N.JH., to take a position with the Hamilton Bridge Company on construction work. Famous Players Film of ' "Grape Fruit Salt," Gibson's Provost, Brock street, has this] BLANCHE SWEET 'IN year an extra fine assortment of "THE RAGAMUFFIN/ Tweeds, Cheviots and Serges for his | order 'clothing department, His ready-made clothing and gents' fur- And Other Photo Plays. nishing departments arewellassorted with nev goods. PriteHy Nal 10c vent I Spring Blood Tonic, Gibson's There was a small market Thursday morning owing to the pad condition of the roads. The prices mHURSDAY, were mostly unchanged, although eggs were for the most part slightly Jam advanced from Saturday's prices a PEBAN me REcaihire Story, Butter "RAYMOND JU HOOUK" BEL NOR ing to the smdll offering. sold from 33c¢ to 35¢ a 1b. Swan Fountain Pens $1.00, at Gib- [yup ether BN OIL eu son's Just this whole fish, "Kismet," Milestones "My Lady's Dress," Etc Seats Nowy on Sale. 9 NIGHTS COMMENCING FRIDAY, MARCH Matinee Saturday at 2.30, SHAKESPEAREAN FESTIVAL a large DPBritish Actor, English Players in Complete Prodftcdons of "HAMLET," On Friday Night Saturday Matinee, 'MERCHANT of VENICE Saturday Night, "MACBETH." | | | | Mat: 23¢, Hoc, THe, $1. Seats Now on Sale. 9 DAYS, COMMEN ) MONDAY, 8 of ~ r re Any Seat FRIDAY Triangle Plays Present The Famous Broadway Star "JULI and "MA. Adde week, fresh Halibut, | Kull 2 3-4 hours entertainment. sh, 13¢ 1b.; half, 14c 1h. teen RH, T0: sliced, 16¢ Ib, at Gilbert's stores. [seats reserved). Hes few at 13¢. The American Consul has receiv-| E 195, ed another consignment of books for | the Fort Henry Camp library. There is now a very large number of books of all kinds in the library, most of which have been donated by the] Prisoners of War Relief Committee | of New York City. "Syrup Tar and Cod Liver oil," Gibson's : Farmers from Wolfe Island came to the city on ng ' SPECIAL FEATURE DA Wednesday and "Thursday, * March 29-30, er who Klaw & Erlanger and Geo. C. Tyler George: By Edward Kndblauch, Author of With a Brilliant Supporting Company PRICES: BOC: 75¢ $1. $1.50, $2 J The | special ¥ngagement of the Eminent | 500 JOHN E.KELLERD | Supported by a Capable Company of | Evening, 25¢, Be, The, $1, 3 Works 9 Feature Vaudeville A 2! SERAND Theatre & SATURDAY | AND" in n 2 part Comedy, < { Attraction, Hope-Jones Unit Orchestra. | GRIFFIN'S CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES. insertion, ic a word, ' Each con- thereafter, secutive lasertion hatf. FOUND A SET OF BLACK PRAYER BEADS, on Sunday night, near Catholic Church. Owner may have same by calling at Whig office. A BLACK AND WHITE FOX TERRIER PUP, S€turday. Own- er may have same property at 254 1 street BLACK AND WAN HOUND, Owner may have same by apply- ing to G. Radage, Willow Farm, care of 'Bath Road, P.O. LADY'S BROOCH, in St. George's Cathedral. Apply to the Sexton, {YOUNG MAN. APPLY STEWARD, Frontenac Club. A KPICHEN WOMAN, "the Hotel Royal A BOY, APPLY MILO'S PAINT SHOP, 256 Princess street. AMSTER, STEADY WORK, Box 430, mE office, APPLY AT A \ TEAMS wily 0 GIRLS 70 WORK IN STORE. Apply 238 Princess street, A GOOD SMART BOY. APPLY the College Book Store. DRIVER FOR GROCERY. cor. Ring and Bar! streets. AKER WANTED taitor. AT ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything and Wishing to reach the owner may do y reporting the facts to The Britigh Whig. The adver- tisement will be prinjgd In this column free of chargé. avery lll OUND FIRST CLASS 30. AM at once . Carroll, VANT, APPLY « ALS ooh GEN |, 65 Clergy du al Mry. Janes He LW Mire dames JN 00 SMART BOY FOR MAILING DEPART. ment. Apply at 'Whig office. {IFIRST CLASS PANT MAKER WANT. | ed at once, «W. Carroll, tailor. eb i APPLY et ee see EXPERIENU BD GENERAL, ek Ors, - Treadgold, 43 Frontenac TWO SM FART TT WOMEN; ALSO KIT- chen woman. Apply Queen's Hotel. | D STRONG BOY. APPLY JOH ~-| son's Gréen House, head of John-| | son street. | Finder leave at Whig offic with Mrs and receive urday. or conimunicate 210 Union street, ward v : | 4 TO Lor. | BREAD BAKER AT ONCE, SECOND! pROM EA, NO. 372 ALFR Toye & Coy $ roon > hand. Apply to R. H. , hot water heating. { | No. 195 Ontario street. mas MNls, 79 Clarence street. | 1 PRXPERIENCED MILLINERY | lady and apprentices. Apply | Millinery, 128 Willington St AN sal Gedye convenience; ver Box cated, quiet. DWHLLINGS, STORES, 3 storage-Foik-dnioit Pe oC Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock st every Apply LEARN POLISH. rap mouldings. Ap- Moulding and Glass SMART BOYS, P Ing: girls to WN ply Frontenac Co. dad THAT COMMODIOUS HOUSE, enham Place Apply Power Merchants Cham GENERAL SERVANT FOR SMALL! { family No washing nor ironing. References required. Apply 160 Stuart St. Son, Ban ) S------------ UNFURNI Division, cheap Smith stree IN CHEESE | Apr i 34, MAN TO MW factory. Duties to 15th. Apply P. Foxt Sydenham, Ont 'rincess " William ommence n, Box No. YOUNG Apply street A SMALL FARM OF Front road mouth No. 1, 753 ACRES, SERVANT who can in evens | ae. {FROM IST MAY, } 8 rooms, hot tric light nd gas. 79 Clarence street. EXPERIENCED GENERAL for family of three, one do plain cooking. Apply at 21 Rideau street ' to W. Ay y E. P ortsmo F] cisions ep -------- 0 WORK ON COUNTY STONE *Apply to T. Treaves, R., inverary. or Windsor! April 1st. | Thomas Mill M.D. v Hotel, Saturday, 'MAN FOR HIDE steady work; must be sober and] industrious; married man prefer- red. Apply to John MeKay, Lid, Broek 'street: FROM MAY 1ST, West: a 9 roomed ho room; hot water heating. next' door, at 188 ------------ fA WARBHOUSE, | pe 4 dry; airy rooms] key. Frost's Queen street. INTELLIGENT PERSO 'N MAY Phone 526b. earn $100 monthly corresponding | AN by proving || te ---------- ee ---- SABLE MUFF ON THE MARKET, bind | Davisy| re- | s on | FURNISHED ROOMS, CENTRALLY LO- 329, Whig office. | DEFICES AnD | 74 SY D-| next door or Wood, miles west of Poris-| Grass, RR 'NO. ISSY% U NION { ST. | TORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | pour sewn lock and "ity Storage, 299 FOR BALE .. Joe; RE ATR ARES, ROUNDS AND fers at right prices. THESE Mitte. one wi Fire-ki Turk's. gy Tr STONE HOUSE, Rr . Steeves, Portsmo A VIOTROLA, NO. 8 AND uth, ¥ lections, $42.50. Terma, 10 selections, and $5 per month. C, W. Lid, 121 Princess street. ] 0.AC. 73 SEED O ATS=GOOD, CLEAN: free fro ul jeed 20d and amy ice i eg be Der} bushel ibley, , Harrowsmith, Ont ® ~ novsLE FRAME HOUSE, 331 AND 29 Montreal St, cor. James; six rooms; baths and all conveniences; Dewiy orarated, Apply 53 Doug- lass , Hamilton. |X en roomin, ING AND 'house, in. good MN Joca- tion; * ms, well established: annual income $7,600 MeCi ad Real Estate Agency, 82 Broek BGGS FOR HATCHING, lay strain; large Flymonth ath Rooks: Rhode Island Ri J' yandoties. RC. srs for " Apply W. 0. Cook, m ideau St. CHOICE STOCK OF SECOND - HAND house furniture; also some good kitchen stoves and ranges. w buy 'all kinds of second-hand fur niture, J. Thompson, 333 Princess sireet. Phone 1600. A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SEC- pnd hand furniture, stoves, cloth- oots, sult. cases, tools, ete. If in ave anything to sell, drop a card. 1 will call. 8. Shapiro, 45 __ Princess street. Phone 1237. HAVE RECEIVED . A LARGE shipment. of of high grade bicycles, ave offering special bargains for same, Also a rge stock of Dunlop tires. George Muller, 373 King street. | "| | we | | @ousms FOR SALE AT ALL PRICES, from $1,200 to $5,000, Bome bar gains, k | mousEs TO RENT, FURNISHED AND | unfurnished. N | FARMS FOR SALE, VARIOUS SIZES t | and prices. FIRE, LIFE AND AOUIDENT INSUR- ance; money to loan. G. A. Bate- man, 67 Clarence street. FOR SALE OR TO RENT MY RESIDENCE, NO, 122 UNIVERSITY avenue, 11 rooms hot water heat- ing. For 8 apply to Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence street. PERSONAL {COMPFURTARLIE Hime FOR LADIES before and durk "confinement. Strictly private. doctor and in attendance. Write 169 owan Ave. J 8, for newspapers; no _canvass'ng. Send for particulars, Press Syndi-| cate, 3,889, Lockport, N.Y | EARN $25 WEEKLY IN SPARE TIME mailing circulars for large atl | order houses, we furnish nam everything necessary: no experi-| i ence required The Independent | A Grocery Co., Wiinasor, Ont i | EXPERT TOOLMAKERS WANTED IN shops of Dominion Cartridge Co. Limited.. Good opportunity for high class toolmakers to secure pers manent employment under pleasant surroundings. Location, TOW nS burg, Quebec, in kaurentian Moun- tains. Houses for married tool- makers and employment for chil- dren over fourteen. If you are an expert toolmaker write, Btving ful full particulars qf experience, to, inion Cartridge Company, ns Brownsburg, Que. or apply in per- son, 6 Turgeon street, St. Henri, Montreal BUSINESS CHANOES. ON SHARES, 350 ACRE FARM, KING ston township, near i Tenant to furnish' half For particulars apply street - | 336 - Barr One detached, venlences, hot water heating; semi-detached, eight rooms. to D. McKay, 469 Princess St. TWO SEMI - DETACHED BRIC houses, Hot water furnace, light, Possession May 1st H. Sullivan, 36 Clarence street, Box "EK," British Whig office. othe gas, c¢lectr, THAT DOUBLE BRICK, TWELV room house, 232 Brock streed, fro April 30th; iron roof, hot heating, gas and electricity: fire places, modern improvement soft water cistern in laundry. Ply 'Archdeacon Carey, LARGE SALES OR BOARDING bles, 14 stalls, good lofts large sto age 'room, size about 60x80 ft; trally located; possession at onc CAN START C 'ataraqul. of 'stock a SITE m---------- and | gawo BRICK HOUSES, MAY 18ST --| nine rooms, all con- Apply | | 9% and 95 William street. and all modern conveniences. Apply to W water two Ap- 230 Brock St | m pp------r---------------------------- | COMFORTABLE HOME FOR LAD before and after confinement; pi doctor, graduate nuree in attends Strictly private. Apply 169 Cowan Ave, Toronto. | HAIR, MOLES, WAR i and all growths A ARIS le ri 4 ake, Throat and Skin 8 an f ' Bagot street. pacialiat, » t. DENTAL A. BE. KNA oP, B.A, LDS. DDS Office, 268 Princess Street. Phone 668 DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN tists, 159 nis BEE, street; J. Leonard Walsh, D. LDS, as sistant, Phone PATENTS. BABCOCK & soxd THER. Marks, Designs. b. 1897. or ¥ m a. STA cen- e. NE ANYW u Ne mall order ety at home: nc anvassin, own boss Send tor tree booklet: For particulars apply to Jas. Rich. ardson & Sons, or J, Driver, estate agency, 352 King street real | BUSINESS NOTICES, a. K. CARROLL AGENCY, | mmm |F. J. Johnson, Florist, Market. Square. Fresh Cut Flo tells how Thursday mora- Heacock, 2.969 Lockport, N. The Fegture Masterpiece e. | I : Mrs, Piskoin | UPmomsmeno. | LmoaL | VANITY FAIR. fw. CAVING, UFHOLSTERING, RE. | J + r » pa Learpe w Seven Wonderful 'Parts. mattress Satine, Drop a card ORCHESTRA. EL aa | PRICES: Matinee, FINANCIAL Evening, 10c; Reserved. Beats, 15¢c : Fresh White Fish Fresh Pike Fresh Herrings Finnan Haddie, Filletts. GORDON"S GROCERY, Montreal and Bay Sts. Phone 88. ing report the crossing to be in fair MH. shape. From the time one leaves the igland until they get to the city the ice js a mass of slush, There are many air.holes. The farmers think that the crossing wilt hold out until April 15th. WARD, PAINTER AND PAPER hanger, for good work. Apply 132 Victoria street, or phone 1557, B. CUNNINGHAM, and solicitor ence street, H. DEALERS IN ia an 100 Lower Bat uiteet., phone 1849. Ilighest prices paid All orders promptly called for. MRS, McLAUCHLAN, KING STREET, shes io announce that her millin: | ery rlors are now open at 113 MISS AUDON, AUTHORIZED BY wv | Brock street, just abo : ark Norman, of Montres real. i just above Waldron's. ear e standard modern dances WINGS VERANTAN CURTA F. Nie- Balboa, Walk Waits, Broad ' 'tents, canvas, skiffs for a Money issued on_ city Glide, etc. 39 Union Street | motors, folding boat seats, fishing 'm properties, municipal Phone 120. { tackle, etc. Frank W. Cooks, 89 country debentures; mort : Clarence street. gages purchased; deposits received { 4 . and interest allowed. "RR. C. Cart- PAPECRHANGING. WM. EGAN WISHES TO ANNQUNOR wright, nmanager. 87 Clarence St, that he has purchased the tailor Kingston. shop formerly run by Thos Gallo way, and will do al kinds of re. pairin Also make own cloth. 131 wasusren | Law office, 79 Clar- Kingston. | | | The Annual Meeting Of the County of Frontenac Liberal Association Will be held at the Court House SATURDAY, vApr. 1st, 1916 30 p.m. GEO. W. XYTE, MP, For Richmond, N.S. Nelson Parliament, MPP, 3 cemen And others will Address the Announ t LE "AND we) Messrs. Caverly and B . # Brock and. Wellingto 8 Al BIR (shaw wish to announce the? bldg bd FRIENDDS INVITED. opening of a Bon Marche | _ DRESSMAKING. Come and make this a Good Rally. . COOL. F, A. FERGUSON, corner y PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS IN Earl Btreots King and dressmaking, cutting by measure. | President. a i ad. SATURDAY, APRIL 1ST, J. 0. ELEERBECK, with a complete line of sta- ple and' fawey groceries. Your patronage solieited. y nC om AEE DANCING. Fiver FLORAL TOAN AND ment Socfety: incorporated Dissident, Colonel + AR. ; viee- president, W INVEST. 1863; Smith, {Fro NTENAC PAINTING, GRAINING AND KALS { mining. Fifty new designs wal paper at factory prices. Rooms pa- | Deted, $400 per room, including | per. Young and Rowley, 188 Colborne street; phone 1632. | LIVERPOOL, IONDON AND GLORE Fire Insurance Company. Available sets $61,187,215. In addition to | which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of | eity property, 'insured at lowest | - possible rates. Before renewing | : old or giving new business get > Aoais Poon: 2. | Neem THE CANNEL DE LUXE, $20 Quaer Ton. and pressing. up =uits from your Workmanship Brock street. ; Soe ; FOOTWEAR guaranteed. A ARCHITECT WH. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ete. Offices, 258 Phone 608. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, a Chants Bank Building, fic USE 15g | wlll lead, pthers try to equal | Will claim vour attention now. There are two very | necessary things to consider when buying FOOT- WEAR ARCHI. Bagot St | "MER- | corner streets. : [ALL --STYLE-- Style is something that every woman wants) in shoes. We are ready to show. vou the latest in STYLISH FOOTWEAR. » retary. Anderson Bros 192-200 Division Street, Have received a chdice lot of fresh made Butter in Rolls : 'Which we can sell at a rea- sonable price. 14 466 is-busy ring 1646 Sydenham. Orne | WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5TH, at 1.0 pom, | ALD, ©, Rogers', Front Road, Pittsburg. | 18 grade Jersey and Holstein Miich | Cows (new milkers and springers), 5- year-old Black Mare, 3-year-old Clyde |, 1n consequence oof vicknens and. be | Colt, and a quantity of-hay. 'Terths: ® ne smabie. to procure suliable help. 1{ 6. months; interest, 7 pet. cent ! whon to inform = my customers iha: I he will fot be able to call on them with | y \ thread during the present. week. J. SCHOFIELD. 3, Nat em Spr Shas) i : 13a le "1 | 4 _FIT ng _imiled Besides having style, vour shoes must be comfort- abie; that's wliere we come to vour aid with a shoe that will suit your foot. | » WE SELL YOU A FIT-WE GIVE YOU THE 4 STYLE : NOTICE. -- | CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS & COFFEES. SUDRED AND SuoxzD | ORDERS TAKEN HOR COAL AND WOOD, » AUCTION SALE | TAND ND Junin EN ys MARCH 3 Road, y Limits. 3 Choice Yatich Cows, 5 Work Horses, 3 Gasalihe ein Phe

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