KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SAPPERS AT WORK, UNDER GERMAN LINES, AT VERDUN. ¢ : i Vi ¥ ce . SPECIAL PHOTOS OF THE FIGHTING IN THE REGION OF VERDUN. A party of French sappers who are at work placing time fuses on the mines which have > ™N 3 or rfl 1 A boon under At'Verdun, i Japanese officers in French uniforms, observing the operations of the F rench army now fighting in Verdun. _-- Se . hadi r= " Md Rigs Thousands of tons of wheat are stacked on the pier in Australia, awaiting shipment to Great Britain and France. FIRST PHOTO OF THE RUSSIAN CZAR. ON THE GALICIAN FRONT. Showing the Czar, in the car of the plane, inspecting one of the new giant Russian biplanes, which has made a suc cessful flight on which it carried thirty-two passengers. The biplane is of the Sikorsky type. sentinels shielded by plates with aacunningly made roof to shield them from being seen by aeroplanes. % The (Centre photo.) : A TRENCH FOR HORSES. ON THE MACEDONIAN FRONT. Most of the troops used in the Dardanelles operations have been transferred to Mudros keep horses from wandering away to look for a place, where . ¢ Mediterranean, to remain thete until the contemplated spring offensive of the Allies at Saloniks. View $enlous method of "digxing th horses in." Trenches : of camp of Mudros. stall, besides keeping the animals from wan