RATES Bditlon) in city ......90.00 8 1a Advance cons 8.00 , By mal ural offices . ted States HH on BR ......81.00 Jean; IF not pad pn. adv 1.50 n a ears bo Dalla Biota vance 1.50 and "months pro rata. an nting in Canada. is a8 \ I ach Bt ATIVES New Yo vereecr 338 FILA Ave. ork Frank R. Northrup, nager. Chak i bardivig. akr BACK TO ANNUAL THRMS, The legislature is giving effect to the petition of Kingsion for a rethrn to anunal terms in the council and the law" will be amended aceording- ly.. The design of the three-year term was to give permanency to the government of men who are willing enough {0 serve the peopl®, buf un- willing to undergo the "Irritation of annual elections. | The effeét has been (o secure seats for some men Who nave been very indifferent with regard to their service. The men who slipped into office for three years are not as mindful of their public du- ties as the men who have to give an account of their stewardship every year, Kingston's experiment is not likely to be duplicated in other cities. Comment has been made upon the fajlure of the three-year system here, f rnp tenes, set A BILL TALKED OUT... oy Notwithstanding the titanic battle tle wilieh raged in Ottawa last week with 84 snd ending with a practical triumph of the company, it Is' possible that the bill for the extension of the char- ter o! the Niagara, St. Catharines, and Toronto Railway will not go i through. It was talked out on Fri- day evening, during the time which was al'otied to it, and it may be talked out for good the next time it comes before the house. The 'Toronto 'Telegram = now charges that Sir Adam Beck has been thrown to the wolves by his party at Ottawa. He was almost alone in committee as the represen- tative of the Hydro 'interests when the company made application for a renewal of its charter. The company has seventeen years in which to make good its policy, or show evidence of its'bona fides, and nothing was accomplished. In the battle royal before the railway com- mittee the C.N.R. won out.. The . Telegram pictures the conflict as a desperate one, Practically it was a trial of strength between the anti- Beck forces and the Hearst and Bor- den governments. Sir Adam Beck is reported to have said: "This is a deaih-blow to the Hydro, if 'you will renew this charter. .. The line will: bo rendered noh-remunerative, or not 31 lly, remunerative do justify us in going on with it." He had 'reference Ya 'the, Hydro-Radial line. Fille n in bs /_ Tlleiuople ats gusting o view Adam. Beck ohone side and thé O7 Ni'R. COnPERY on ths other; Judicial to enlighten along with the rest of the commun: the pé of the com- Ph JERE r , i mp n. the country, that the government ls dnx- fous to shield some special' interests or friends will be strengthened. Let the commission be vested with all the power a federal government can give it; and let the government as well as the people trust it to decide what is evidence and what is hearsay regarding the Dominion shell com- mittee's tra ons. The opposi- tion will be justified in opposing any restriction of the scope of the pro- posed imvestigation." The opposition will" certainly not vote to limit an enquiry, and the government and its supporters, in seeking to smother any of the scan- dals, will be inviting censure of the severest kind. . EDITORIAL NOTES, Sir Adanf Beck and the provincial auditor had a serious clash in To- ronto in discussing the proposed am- endment to the Awdit Ac. A com- mittee of experts had ' bétter take hold of the cdmmission's accounts and determine just what their posi- tion ig so far as the province is con- cerned, The Belleville Intelligencer com- plains about the manner in which the Militia Department has been attack- ed while the minister is away. Well, why did he leave? He knew the charges were coming up. So did his colleagues. They were going to Mult the business through, and they were forced to surrender, That was all. It must have been @ great disap- pofntment to the liberals of Fron- tehac on Saturday not to hear Mr. Kyte, of Richmond. He was one of the brightest men ef the house and most courageous. No one questions his independence of mind and action after the manner in which he dealt with the charges respecting war con- | tracts, The people of Montreal for about ten months of the year complained of the indifference and insanity of Med- eric Martin, who happened to be their mayor. But when a new éléction came around they seemed to be re- conciled to his performances, and he is Hkely to be returned in the elec- tiorf 'which is taking place this day. "The more eccentric some men ave the better they are liked, -------------- Ontario ig paid $40,000 by the In- International Nickel Compdny in settlement of an annual tax which it was difficult to compute. But this rating was based upon exportation of ore to the value of $5,000,000, whereas the ore exported last year was valued at $17,000,000. Ontario is evidently entitled to a heavier tax, and the 'government need have no hesitation. in imposing upon the Nickel Company. Mr. Bradshaw, Toronto's commissioner, who employed upon a special work 1 Ottawa before Ne recent appointment, found a sur- plug in the sinking fund of $167,- 000, This is a find that puts the Ot- tawa council in the very best of humor. What to do with the mo- ney, however, 'seems to be the con- undrum. of the hour. Kingston had & find of this kind not so long ago, but it was lmited in its size, and there was no diffculty in spending it to advantage. finance 3 a The Want at Ottawa. Toronto Star. : The Dominion Government needs {to be strengthened and stimulated, awakened and toned up. If this can be done by putting out onc Con servative and appointing another, well and good, . But the work m be done, and done thoroughly. Theft lance at Ottawa. The voltage which drives the machine must be increas- ed, The Govemament must get in touch with the people of Canada, and opinion. In any Government, the alterna- tive to reform is defeat and change, Goyernments seem.to be afflicted with a fatal inertia, a weakness which prevents. reform and leads them to drift to shipwreck. At last the people, even those who are friendly or tolerant, lose patience, and change the Government from top to bottom. In this direction the Borden Govern- ment is drifting. ------------ "CONSERVATIVE PRESS. The Ghouls At Work, Montreal Star. Twenty-two .thousand Canadians! ~--dead, wounded or missing--and yet wé gre told that there aré hu- man ghouls so lost to all sense of primitive decency, to say nothing of patriotism or appreciation of the causes of this war, that they will fatten on the very monies, taxed out of us to carry on the war. The rest of us sweat blood to keep the war "going, and send out best beloved to the front to die; and these men---the charges allege--cynically and glee- fully pocket enermous profits and commissions out of our blood-ntoney, ths leaving us that much less to spend in arming eur volunteers, and lessening by just so much the weight of our blows against the Germans. If these charges be proven, the Gov- ernment cannot go %oo far in punish- ing the guilty. A more rough-ind- ready people back their "war profi: teers" up against a wall and shoot them! If we had shown a little more of that spirit when the crawl- ing species first appeared in our dread day of national agony, we would have fewer of these sickening charges to deal with to-day. [Hsia EVENTS 25 YEARS ACO Sir John Macdonald to-day enter- tained the following gentlemen at luncheon at the Rideau Club, Otta- wa: Rev. Father McWilliams, Rail- ton; John Mcintyre, Ald. Gaskin, George . Richardson, R. M. Horsey, Kingston, J. D. Thompson's appointment as 'registrar of Frontenac has been an- nounced. "W. PF. Nickle gave a dinner to the senfor year in arts at Queen's Uni- versity, He Won't Quit, ; ¥Torontd Globé.) At Oftawa' Members on 'tha Coh- servative side of the House are won- dering if Sir Sam Hufhes will quit meekly: What an absurd idea. Sir Sam will not quit meekly or in any other way, He will have to be pried loose. divided militia Toronto dldermen are upon the proposal to make grants of $42,000, must be more vigor and more vigi- : draw strength and speed from public |' Ld you this delicious table "Get it at your o 's--~in_3 pound glass fr a2 5, 10 or 20 Book of choice recipes, Desserts and Candies" mailed free from our ontreal Office. se + THE CANABA STARCH CO. Limited MONTREAL, CARDINA z snantronn, 229 roar -- Slush! © In Napanee Beaver, There was a young ntan named Rut- tan, Who said, when for office he ran, If you make me your Mayor, By all that is fair, I will do whatever I can Tp improve the old town, And to give it renown, And you'll enjoy the fruits care, of my Now the ladies say, hush Don't believe all this gush, You will find it is really all talk, As you wade through the slush, (Caused by the Spring rush), Upon our good Mayor's sidewalk. The chief Turkish port on the Mediterranean was destroyed after a bombardment of three hours by British war craft. A bill in the U, 8. Congress pro- poses a pension of $40 @ month to + J. H. Durham, Cape Vincent. ce has notified Germany to cease Salonika raids or war will be declared. "FAGGED-OUT" WOMEN, Will Find A Helpful Suggestion In This Letter. Overworked, run, down "fagged out" women who feel as though they could hardly drag about, should pro- fit by Mrs. Carter's experience. She says:--*"l am the mother of six children and 1 got. so weak and run-down that'll coyldn't eat any- thing and it seem almost impos- sible for me to gep around and do my work. I tried different doctors' remedies without efit. I saw Vinol advertised and de: d to try it; and received so mich benefit from the first bottle that I gontinued to take it, and it has builf, up my strength and made me strong.and well. I con- sider Vinol the best medicine I have ever taken, and adylie #11 weak, run- down women to try it." Mrs. Bessie Carter, State' Road) N.C. ' If all the tired overworked, run- down women in Kihgston could only realize how our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, Vinol, supplies the vi- tal elements necessary to build up blood and strength, we wouldn't be able to supply the demand: Geo. W. Mahood, Druggist, Kingston, Ont. "Of Shoes and Ships, and Sealing THE CONSCIENCE, The conscience is an elastic form of alarm clock which was brought to this country in the Mayflower in 1692, but ig not being cultivated to any great extent at the present writ- ing. This is because no two con- sciences have the same 'viewpoint or ust measure, and the average citi- gen finds it hard to secure a good fit. The earliest form of conscience known in this country was that in- troduced by the Pilgrim Fathers and had no elastic whatever. The Puri- tans had been terribly persecuted in England because of their lack of con- | PUBLIG OPINION | What, Always? (Brantford Couriér.) Sir Robert Borden always takes prompt action when any specific Chagges are made, y Anything Goes. Oftawa Citizen). It is not & compliment to parlia- ~| ment to appoint a judicial commis- sion where a parliamentary commit: tes might properly conduct the in- vestigation. {London KAdvertiser.) Willard takes a' merve tonic. Anybody that can pull down $47,500 for tangoing 30 minutes needs noth- ing for his nerve. ' 3 ------------------ A Sad End, : (Ottawa Free Press.) . After being the lion of the hour in D ont see why the ©, (Rochester Times.) The raked 4s ure, and that keeps The more fun- al «= we inject ito our er they will be and *ilta0 them, "Poor (The Winnipég Tribune.) ' might; Looks like y poor way to F , and on arriving here they proceeded to exercise what they had left: by burning everybody who .de- nied the existence of a deep and highly successful form of hell. They were God-fearing people and never allowed a store account to run, but were a trifie opinionated on the sub- ject of a future® state. Samples of this form of conscience are still do- ing business and consigning people to one of the most unpleasant changes of climate which ean be imagined. : One reason why so many people flee from foreign lands in the cheap and fragrant steerage and come to this country is because we have S80 RANDOM REELS Wax, of Cabbages and Kings." 3 much liberty of conscience. . In America a man can believe anything he wants to without being strung up by the thumbs or removed from the official board, so long as his con- science does not become so free as to drive him into bigamy or evad- ing the income tax. There are times, however, when it seems as if a lit- the less freedom of conscience would be a good thing, as it would give the overworked policeman a chance to recuperate. One peculiar thing about the con- science is that it will lle around for several years in a .dormant state, and then suddenly arise and compel the owner to restore $1.65 which he took from an employer who had en- tered into rest without being able to balance his books. This shows whit the conscience can do when it is not sand-bagged and laid away in some vacant corher in the attic. The government now has on hand a large amount of conscience money contributed by people who were over- taken by remorse at a time of life when remorse had about abandoned hope of catching up. Conscience is a great aid to mak- ing restitution, but after all, the best time to vestitute is before it becomes necessary. - ---------- * Rippling Rhymes on. on. eous, th ea bloody game; the blame; old lame; and Death goes marching on. MARCHING ON. I have read a hundred essays on the Causes of the Fight, and every country's in the wrong, and alli the hones of countless butchered men | are bleaching in the light,"and Death goes marching The war was forced on yonder king, who couldn't dodge the scrap; and it was forced .on t'other king, who is & peaceful chap; and 'meanwhile over every foot of Europels soggy map, King Death is marching It seems a shame, when all the kings were suffer- ing for peace, that war should spring its wrinkled front, and all its dogs release, that ~ Wide around in blood and fur and grease, and Death £0 marching on, their little wage to earn; tree were, the lurid beacons burn; dren watch and wait for dads who Death is marehing on. are in the right; if anyone's reaponsibl Europe's littered with her dead, her generals should And still the soldiers fight and slay, and where the vine and fig- the sleepless chil- won't return, and It must have been spontan- no man will take ind and halt and \ [idruggist here, bécause it darkens the MEN'S FINE WE CLAIN TO HAVE THE BEST $1500 " OVEREOATS IN CANADA ©. ¥ - i Overcoats! The choice new models are here and hand- some they are. N\ SEE BIBBYS NEW on awl, RAGLAN OVER- COATS--In Grey Cheviots and Scotch Tweeds; Special vahie SEE BIBBYS NEW BELCOURT OVER- COATS--New sewn in sleeve, full hack, shield lined cuffs and sleeve, pateh pockets; very dres- sy; special value SEE BIBBYS' CHESTERFIELD OVER- COATS--Special values at YOUNG MEN'S SUITS $10, $12, $15 $10. $12 $15, $18 SEE BIBBYS CLINTON SUIT AT $15.00--Soft roll lapels, patch pocKets, pleated back only, cuff on sleeve, high eut vest, with collar; sizes 34 to 39; new fabries: new patterns. ; SEE BIBBYS YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, "THE BUD"'--Smart English values at ve style; ready to try on, finished to gour order in four hours' time. Special SEE cloth top. Patents, at $5.00. very 'moderate. Bibbys for Men's Fine Shoes at Close Prices OUR BUTTON SHOE AT $3.50--Kid or SHE OUR ENGLISH SHOE, "THE EARL"--Tan or Black; receding toe, $4.00. SEE OUR JUST WRIGHT SHOE--Tay Blacks, Automobile Owners We carry in stock all sizes of electric lamps for headlights, side lights, ete. The quality of these lamps are the best obtainable and the prices are | Auto Tire and Vulcanizing Co. The Tire Shop 206 WELLINGTON STREET. SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES AND CARAS HA So Naturally that No- . body can Tell. : You can turn gray, faded halr beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a:50-cent bot- tle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Mil- lions of bottles of this old. famous age - Tea Recipe, improved by. the addition of other ingredients, are sold annually, says a well-known hair so naturally and evenly that no lene can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray, or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van- ishes and your locks become luxuri- antly dark and beautiful. # This is the age of youth. Gray- haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get ' busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- pound to-night and you'll be delight- ed with your dark, handsome Solr and your youthful appearance Within a Te Ss. This preparation is a toilet requi- site and is not intended for the Sauls mitigation or prevention of disease. Liev:. 'Frederick Watts, Toronto, has returned wounded from the Dar- dauellea. ; a