Business J Houses Roe ZA 8 > : ~The Bank of Toronto offers the advantages of its most complete and modern Banking Service. ample banking Your busi- This Institution possesses large resources, facilities and carefully chosen connections. ness and private banking accounts are invited, Assets BARK BANK or TORONTOJ FOR SALE A large stone house in Portsmouth, with spacious grounds; furnace, eleetrie light, gdod outbuildings, on a corner; one block from ear line. The price we ask is $2,800. Owner is-leaving this part of the country and property must be sold. The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 BROCK STREET. $66,000,000 --~ Opposite Randolph Hotel For machine work, hand sewing, reading and writing, glasses are helpful I As optometrists, skilled in esmmining the eyes, we not only Janke your, Wye giagves becoming, but wunefl R. WObein Manufacturing Optician rs a tie Have You F. J. Johnson, Florist, Market Square. Seen Fresh Cut ah ae and Plants Every Day. FLORAL DESIGNS, Phone 239, The latest out in Choice Chocolates, | it's known as "The ' Chatterbox"-- each piece is of the choicest old fashioned variety and the well-known Patterson Quality. | i 1 | They are put up in 1 1b. and 2 1b.| Choice Packages at 50c and $1.00 per box. { Fresh Eggs Butter Select Groceries Phone 68 or 874 New Maple Syrup Creamery and Dairy a HH 3 -- ite 14g) LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~--~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. "Do you needa spring tonie. * Go to Gibsons, Ve your carpets cleaned by H. Mine, phone 542. Strawberries, Pin es, ecriy vegetables at Carnovsky's. "Thiitéday night was a wild night. Taere was quite a flurry of snow. | fn Cunningham, plano tuner, 21 King street, Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store. { The Queen's medical students are | writing on their examinations in Convocation Hall. "Strong Moth Camphor Balls" at Gibson's. Winter has not entirely gone yet. The soldiers who shook their great- coats find it quite chilly. Thomas P. Thompson, inspector of sieamboat boilers, Kingston, was in B rockville on Wednesday. "Strong Moth Camphor Balls" Gibson's, We take up, clean and lay your karpety and save all bother and wor- ry. Phone 542. H. Milne, 272 Fagot street, Miss Gertrude Patterson, Storring- ton is in the General Hospital suffer- ing from appendicitis. 25¢ Baby Cough Syrup 15¢, Gib- son's, Capt. Nelson Meclenman and his) crew are getting the steamer Saska- tein ready for the season. "Do you need a spring tonic." to Gibsons, The Civic Finance Committee has decided to grant changes asked for by the Street Railway Company in "us agreement with the city. "Strong Moth Camphor Balls" Gibson's, Ald. J. M. Hughes has returned from a business trip through Okla- homa and Kaugsas. He found that { the alfalfa crop was in good condi- tion, Before buying your bicycles call and see our Cleveland, Faloon, Rambler and Standard Bicye les. All guaranteed. Prices from $28 10 $45. Rev. E. D. MeLaren, D.D;, Van- touver, a Queen's graduate is go- ing overseas as chaplain of the Duke of Connaught's Own a battalion rais- d in Vancouver. 25¢c Baby Cough Syrup 15e¢, Gib- son's, Ford Motor Tires and Ford Motor Ojl for sale by H. Milne. Phone 542 and we will deliver promptly. 272 Bagot street. and at Go a 'ul tea and sale at her home on Al- fred street on Thursday afternoon. She was assisted by Mrs. Edward Pound, Miss Grace Pound and Mrs 0. Pound. ------------ It Was Paid, As the gas bill of a "portable" theatre showing ina provincial town in England for a month had not been oaid at the week's end, when it be- came due, a man appeared on the Monday night following to cut off the supply if the bill was not paid on the Mrs. George Pound held a success. | a RA ND i TONIGHT At 8.15 o'clock Bishop FALLON LONDON, ONT, | Will speak under the auspices of The 146th Battalion C.E.F. Admission Free. Adults : only. Children will not be admitted. SATURDAY 2 Feature Vaudeville Acts 2 Famous Players Film of CLEO RIDGELY AND WALLACE REID IN "The Golden Chance," AND OTHER PHOTO Prices: Mat. 40g Evening, loc; Any Seat served le extra. Monday, April 10 MATINEE PLAYS. AT 238; EVENING, 815 UNCLE TOM'S CABIN ~ 30 PEOPLE, WHITE AND COLORED lond of Scenery, Ponies, keys, Hioodhounds. "REET PARADE Mat, Children 15e¢; Adults Evening, 13e, 20e, ae, Sle. Sents Now on Sale, Don- GRAND PRICES: 25e. AT NOON, AL Be-WOODS PRESENTS cess of 30 Years. JUST ONE SCR AFTER ANOTHER. Played Detroit, { Toronto. | BREAKER. Prices: $1.50-$1-75.50-25¢ Seats on Sale le Monday. { re- | Two Bands, Orchestra of Twelve; Car! Wednesday, April 12 The Greatest Comedy Suc-| Potash and Perlmutter |THE BiG Someny RECORD- | } STREP SCRAPINGS AND ASHES -- STRAND Theatre! CONDENSED ADVER RATES First Insertion, 1¢ & Word, Esch con secutivé Insertion thereafter, haif-| cent a word. Minimums charge for oe; six, $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED A GOOD SMART BOY AT ABERNE- thy's Shoe Store. 3 AT ONCE, A SMART BOY FOR OFFICE | work. Robertson, Nicolle & Co. MAIDS FOR GEN also orderlies. Apply at office, ment. Apply at Whig office house work. Mrs. W. 246 Albert street. TRONG YOUNG MAN, must know city well Carnoysky's fruit store. Abernethy. AS DRIVER; 1 Apply at | {AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY CL ERK for Barrie sireei store Apply by letter or in person. J, Giver |e cowrETENT STENOGRAPHER. I'RE- experience required Apply Polson, 265 Ontario street N. '¢ | FIRST CL ASS hrooy tyers. | Apply street, AND rk. Gy Wages 156 West Adelaide {AN | i INTE! earn 00. for newspapers; Send for' partic monthly ¢ orresponding | Press Syndi- N.Y « WHO Sit PERINTENDS been Me- sri or volunteers who have unable to qualify physically Kelvey & Birch, 69-71 Brock St GIRLS FOR KNITTING AND FINISHING DEPART- MENTS. --Apply-- KINGSTON HOSIERY CO, Limited. ' TEACHER WANTED. S.8. NO. duties to commence at For particulars apply to Cox, Sec.-Treas, Coxvale, 12, on; at David J. Ont | WANTED GENERAL This is the Same Big Com-| LIGHT WICKER HABY CARRIAGE, pany and Production Which| Buffalo and| in good condition Box 407 Whig office, Apply SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS for cash or in part payment of gew pianos and Victrolas. CC. W. Lind- say, Limited, 131 Princess street. Clean, {ree from papers, bottles and refuse, for filling lots, east side Albert street, corner Alice. Must be properly dumped, as instructed by caretaker. BUSINESS NOTICES, "Tite = . : i ERAL HOSPITAL; | SMART BOY FOR MAILING DEPART. | A GOOD SWART GIRL FOR GENERAL | WHISK | i LIGENT PERSON MAY canvass'ng. | } | FOUND PARCEL OF STOCKINGS, oh corner of Brock and King Sis, Wednesday evening. Owner may have same by calling at W big { iffice. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- . TISED FREE. Anyone finding aanyining and wishing to reach the owner may a y reporting the jacts - The British Whi tisement wiil be printed in his column free of charge. © ply at 87 Clarence street. LISH CARRIAGE, condition: a ba or call 190 Ontar MILK ROUTE, 175 JARTS. DAILY; cheap. Owner 0 enlist. Ap- ply Box 740, Whig office. ' MeLAUGH OK URE Sultamle for vers puch ene Ohl n= sell che: Abily to anoque, A VIOTROLA, WN ssloctions. seat oP month. 7 ihe. be Princess atroet. IMPROVED BANNER OATS AND 0, A No. '72. Free from smut and foul seed. Price 75: and 80¢ per Dushel, Sy 8. 1 Makin, Sun- burg, FERRIS STRAIN S.C ER Jantility Drehie anon 50 .50 per hundred. Orders led" as Nt Apply Box AB, Whig office. It bo N PERFECT ain, Phone 359, rio street. | LOST BARBRY'S WHITE FLANNEL shawl, scalloped in silk return to 175 Stuart street A HEAD Kindly | | A MOTHER OF PE ARL HANDLED UNM. relia. either in the Portsmouth r, or én some of the local stores Finder Kindly re: 0 Whig office and rlieive SMALL BUFF PURSE, CONTA a) small sum in silver, on Lower Prir -1 cess Street. Finder kindly return NOUBLE FRAME to bicycle shop of C. A. Jones, 610 329 Mot rans St, Division street. I am winding un] rooms; baths and my business and am prepared to newly desorated: sell a limited number of bicycles lass St, Hamilton at specially low figures Phone 1284, A FIRST.CLASS BOARDING AND EE ------------------------ house, in good central loca- | TOO! Le 0 LET. Sum 1 ms, well established: McCann's SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE. Real Estate Agency, $2 Brook St. to Mrs, Goodwin, 1 HAVE RECEIV ED A LARG shipment of high grade MRO and are offering special bargains * for same. & large stock of Dunlop tires. Jeorge Muller, 373 King street. hone | CHOICE STORK HOUSE, 3m AND { cor. James; six. | all conveniences; Apply 63 Doug: | -- i APPLY | Alice stre we GENTLEMEN Princess #1 | ROOWS; Apply erred FURNIS i pr 261 {OFFICES IN CL ARENCE ST, bers Apply to A, 9 Clarence street; CHAM. B. Cunningham, | OF SECOND « HAND house furniture; also some good' kitchen stoves and ranges, We buy all Kinds of second-hand fur niture. J, Thompson, 333 Pri Street. Phone 1600 tates A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SEO. ond-hand furniture, stoves, iy ing, boots, suit cases, you have anything ¢ © I will call. Princeds street |r URNISHEK BD ROOMS,CENTRALLY LO. | ated) every convenience; very | quiet 29, Whig office 0 CES AND | furniture McCann's | 82 Brock St THAT COMMODIOUS HOUSE, 74 SYD | enham Place An 2p next door or! Power & chants Hanky Chambers. DWELLINGS, STORES, storage for Real Estate Agency, FURNISHED, S- ROOMED HOUSE, COR. Union and Beverly street, for sum- mer months Mrs. Ferguson, Phone 971 | Houses FOR SA from S000 galas, . HOUSES TO RE ENT, LARGE NF URNISHED ROOM, SUIT-! i able for light housekeeping. Mod- unfurnished. ern conveniences. 261 ARMS Princess street. r and om SAL, {FIRE LIFE AND "Accomp ance; money to loan. man, 87 Clarence street. LE AT A to $8,000. -- FURNISHED AND Apply E, VARIOUS sizms tet eee A SMALL FARM OF 75 ACRES, ON Front road,2'% miles west of Ports- mouth Apply to W. No, 1, Pe INSUR- E.Grass, R R R.}| G. A. Bate- rismouth | FROM 1ST MAY, NO. 372 ALFRED sT., | 8 rooms, ho! water heating, elec- tric light ar gas. Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence 'street FOR SALE OR TO RENT ------ MY RESIDENC E, NO. avenue, 11 rooms, ing For terw Mills, 79 Claren { STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN. | fry, airy rooms; your own lock and ey. Frost's r Meyn street. Phone 526b, BRICK HOUSE, MAY tached, nine rooms, ences, hot water garden, Apply Princess street. 122 UNIVERSITY hot water heat- apply (0 Thomas ce street. City Siorage, 299 | SOLID BRICK HOUSE, MACK rooms, hot wa tric lawn, IST-ONE all heating: _ to D. MacKay, DE- convent- light; £ge | 59 FR WARD, PAINTER Ann i { hanger, for good work. Victoria street, or phone 153 H. ROSEN BROS., DEALERS | old junk, 166 Lower Bagot streel PAPER | THURSDAY, AVERLY & BRADSHAW "Bon Marche Grocery," FRIDAY & SATERDAY, Triangle Plays Present "DOUGLAS RuARNKS, d an A) spot. The doorkeeper remonstrated with | him, pointing out that the manager | was on the boards at the time and | agency, Phone 38 y Driver, real Avply 132 | rwo SEMI - DETACHED BRICK | King street. houses, 93 and 95 Wiliam street. Hot water furnace, gas, electric | Nght, and all modern conveniences. | Hoag's Drug Store'c M. Opp. Y.M.O.A. Bingston, ont. gor. King and Earl Streets. Notice We We hace redéived 100 pounds of | Choice Creamery Butter and 500 | Ibs. of choice dairy fresh made in rolls and prints the above is a choice Jot and can be sold at reasonable, prices. We have also a choice lot of Yeal, Mutton, Lambs and Pork, any quantity or cut desired to suit pur- chasers, at Anderson Bros Phone 458 and 1846. nm, | Watts Florist HYACINTHS & DAFFODILS 170 Wellington street, Phone 1763, CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS & COFFEES. COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS. i ORDERS TAKEN FOR COAL AND WOOD. JOS. AHEARN, JR, * 270 1-2 MONTREAL STREET, Phone 866, We consider our spring shoes the best we have ever had the pleasure of showing. Any man who has worn Astoria Shoes will tell you their good qualities, Let us show vou the new shapes that are made to fit every foot. | be removed the trench was retaken, could not possibly leave the stage for |* an hour--the. gas mah might cal} then. Wh "" said the gas man, obdurate- | , "I'm going to cut it off now.' Ys Hold hard," said the doorkeeper. "I will go and tell the manager." Disguising himself in a huge red 2-Reel Keyste Also other good photo-plays. Matinees, 2.30; Evenings, 7.30, | Prices: Mauatinees, 10¢; pvenins (an seats reserved), 10¢i few ai 1de. PHONE 195. cloak and a great felt hat with words, "Behold, my lord, the man | be remunerated for and if not seen threatens us." The manager (taking in the situa- tion) --Go; 1 follow thee.--London Fun, the glimmers, | instantly darkness Artificial Limb Marvels. Since the war broke out, artificial Hmb-makers have surprised many people by the ekcéllence of their achievements. Qne dashing young officer, who lost his. right leg just above the knge in the Marne fighting, has been fitted with so good a sub- stitute that he Is still ablé to eon- tinue in the service. He is pow a pilot in the Royal Flying Corps, and is busily employed at the Front. Another adventurer, who lost the major portion of one of his legs in a Mexican rebellion, came to England soon after the beginning of hostili- ties, hoping to take part in the fight. ing. He is a most expert horseman, and has been fitted with an artificial Hmb so perfect that now he 1 well as ever. It is only the wildest of buckjumpers that can unseat him. Twice a Prisoner, Mr. Aubrey Herbert, M.P. for South Somerset, who is heme on leave, has had his fair share of ex- periences in the fighting line. He has been taken prisoner both by the Germans and the Turks. In the former case, he and his men were captured together with the trench they occupied, but before they cauld and they were set free. It was at Gallipoli that Mr. Herbert was in the power of the Turks, being a hostage to them during a truce for the burial of the dead. He declares the Turk- ish soldier to be vastly superior to thé German as a clean fighter, and speaks most appreciatively of the courtesy shown to him by Turkish officers and men. drooping feather, and a sword at his | side, he walked on the stage with the | stands at the castle gate waiting to | FRIDAY & SATURDAY, The Inimitable Sereen Artist, Violet Mersereau, in a Brilliant Red Feather Photo- Play, AUTUMN 5 Parts, Assisted by Paul er AND Lieut. Percy Richards, A Tale of the Canadian North Wiat, RCHESTRA -- 10c. | Prices: Mat., 5c.; Evg., BATTLE CRY Y OF PEACE -- COMING Tac ann sues 190 still lead, SARDINES try to equal. ZIG-ZAG SARDINES 2 for 25 Cents Eavalled by few bv none HENDRY & 00. ' A Lifelong Bargain. There is a barber's shop in Cape Town at which Sir Leande | ecm CARROTS Good clean fresh Eggs; also carrots in bulk. Buy in any quantity for cash. n ne, { "A JANDIOR'S WIFE'S TEMPTATION" GRIFFIN'S phone 1849. Highest prices paid All orders promptly called for. | ums, MeLAUCHLAN, KING STREET, | wishes to announce that her millin- | ery parlors are now open at 113 Brock street, just above Waldron's. -------------------------- |For SPRING WINDOW removing storm Netran Hiller. dow Cleaning Co, or phone 91. AWNINGS, VERANDAH CURTAINS, tents, canvas, skiffs for yutboard | motors, folding boat seats, Bahing tackle, ete. Frank W. Cooke, $3 Clarence street. WM. EGAN WISHES TO ANNOUNCE | that he has purchased the tailor | | CLEANING | sash, 281 Princess Bt, | { | shop formerly run by Thos. Gallo: | way, and will do all kinds of re- pairing and pressing. Also make | up suits from your own Sloth orkmanship guaranteed. Brock street. UPHOLSTERING. | w. 4. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. | pairing and earpet work and mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot' street. LEGAL RB. CUNNINGHAM, and solicitor. Law office, ence street. Kingston Owing to repairs being made at the Works, the GAS will be TURN- | 2 pm to 5 pm, C. C. FOLGER, Address a Mass Meeting fa The see | of Kingston Win- | BARRISTER | 79 Clar- | NoticetoGas Consumers : av ERPOOL, ED OFF on Sanday, April 9th, from General Manager. | Possession May 1st. Apply to WW. | H. Sullivan, 36 Clarence street, or! Box "BF," British Whig office. DRESSMAKING., |" drcommata INSTR MONS king, hang gning, trimming, ote: : gaits. Thetuding system. Madam York Dressmaking Parlors, 253 Princess street, corner Sydenham. PERSONAL | COMFORTABLE before and af! doctor, ance, Cowan OME FOR LAD er confinement; go grag uate Jiurge fn attend- rie! Private. A Ave, Toronto, ply 109 Ww. BIRTHMARKS oi Erowths did skin blew {hes oar oyed permanently, wi Ber mer J. ae Ine Eye, N Bopost Ad Skin (8 kr] & : DENTAL E. KNAPP, mA. D.D.S. Office, 268 Princess ats cor "Phone sbi DRS. SPARKS AND sp, tists, 189 Weill Leonard Waist, DDE. sistant. Phone 346. nl | } | FURNITURE FINISHING DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH-| er. Call or drop a card, 23 John a, street. i PATENTS, DREN- SONS, Patents, Trade! Loess 3 e | Estb. 1877. Ferm., " erly Patent Office mer. Master 3 Book, "Pa 1 99 Bt, James St, wit ABCOCK & Marks Designs. | PAPERHANGING, PAINTING, GRAINING AND KALSO. | mining. FHY new designs. wall paper at aetoty prices. Rooms pered, $4 04 Per room, paper. HT and Rowley, Colborne street, phone 1632 FINANCIAL \PRONTEN AC LOAN ment Soclety; president, G,; dk AND INVEST. incorporated 1862; ! Colonel H. RR. Smith, | vice-president, W. F. Nie-! K.C. Money issued on city farm properties, municipai country debentures; ~mort- gages purchased; deposits rec eived and interest allowed t. C. Cart- wright, manager, $7 Clarence St, Kingston Ey and and ARCHITECT ---- NEWLANDS & SoN, tects, etc. Offices, 258 __ Phone one 608. POWER & & SON, ARCH HITROTS, Chants Bank Bullding, Brock and Wellington wa. ARCHI. | Bagot St MER. corner streets. DE LONDON AND GLO®) Fire Insurance Company. Avallabl assets $61,187 215. In addition t which the policyholders have for Security the unlimited /lability o city property, Insure at lowes possible rates. Beforé renew! uM 2 Eiing new bubinese rates from range & Strange Agents. Phone 325. re ANYONE NYWHERE START & mail order Pusiness" A En -B0 canvassi your own n Send far rae" Donklat; tolls how. eacock, A Limited Quantity of pr Nut Coal There may not be any more of this size prepared, The chances are there won't. We are selling it for cash at $7.75 per ton. Never Ee a man's bravery by bis supversation, i