'Rich Yet Delicate-- Clean and Full of Aroma. is blended from selected hill-grown teas, famed for their fine flavoury qualities. Imitated yet never equalled. NEW YORK FRUIT STORE . .. .20¢, 80¢c, 40c and 5Oc a dozen . "...eB0c a I THERN SPY APPLES ....... IANGES FOR MARMALADE BITTER ORANGES ... GRAPE FRUIT .... Fruit Delivered to All Parts of the City, 814 PRINCESS STREET. The most stylish foundation for the up-to-date costume is a D& A or a La Diva corset. Save money and improve your appearance by selecting a D & A or a La Diva, which are made in Canada by highly-skilled opera- tives, in one of the finest corset factories in the world. Every corset is guaranteed. . Aft best dealers, everywhere. Daminion Corset Co, Quobee, Montreal and Toronto. Kingston'sElectric Store Let us light your home with electricity while your carpets are up. ; . Or tone up your fixtures) renew your sockets, shades and tungsten lamps. Tungsten Lamps up to 60 Watt, 25¢ each. We sell and rent Vacuum Cleaners. Our Clean- ers at $35.00 each are unexcelled. H.W. Newman Electric Co. Phone 441, 79 PRINCESS STREET. HEN tire prices are dis- cussed, keep in mind the fact that you can-purchase Goodyear Tires at the lowest prices compatible with quality-- because Goodyear Tires are manu- factured efficiently and in large quantities--IN CANADA, UGoodyear Service Stations carry these tires in all popu- lar sizes. Other dealers have them or can get them B\ for you. Ganenonts (From Our Own Correspondent.) April 10--Rev, C. E. Kidd, ins drews Church during the past week, filled the pulpit of that church ye terday at both services and wis E by fairly large congresa- tions. The local squad of the 1567 Jeeds and Grenville Battalion is in- creasing in numerical strength, hav- fng-2t the present time seventy-L#o names on its muster roll. Some at- tention is being given to target prac. tice, They have taken up their new quarters at the armoury and expect to be joined here in a short time by the other units from Broerville and the surrounding towns and villages, to spend the summer here instead of at Barriefield as had been reported recently. The men headed by their bugle band turned out for parade to the Presbyterian Church yester- day morning and made a fine show- ing. The notification on Saturday to the effect that the epidemic of meas- les in town extended only through the North and South wards is off as three cases have been discovered in the West ward. The disease howev- er does not appear. to be of the most virulent type. The Bt, Lawrencé channel is opening up rapidly, the wind on Saturday and Sunday clear- ing out a large amount of ice, On account of the prevalence Of meas- les about town the Gananoque Free Library has stopped the" issue of books until further notice. All books being sent in are to be fumi- gated before further issue is made. The pupils of the various gohools that are open at present have been ordered to use precautions 16 pre- vent the spread of the disease, by the use of permanganate of potash, and lodine. Pte. Wood, of the C.M.R,, located in Hamilton, spent the week-end with his wile and family, First street. Frank Latimer who spent the past winter at Collingwood with his daughter has returned to town. Migs Lena L. McNeil, teacher of the ducted into the pastorate of St. An-[ill Local Notes and Items Of General Interest. "Fresh Huyler's Sweets," Gibson's. Pte. Campbell, of the 146th Bat- talion, was removed to the Richard- son Convalescent Home, owing to ness. "Huyler's High Class Sweets," Gib- son's. : Messrs. Murray and Anderson Sykes, sons of Rev. CA. Sykes, for- merly of Kingston, have enlisted for overseas service. Rev. C. E. Kidd, Gananoque, re- cently inducted into the pastorate of St. Andréw's Church, is a nephew of W. G. Kidd, Barrie street. Miss Bentiett, 160 Lower Bagot street, was removed to the General Hospital, in James Reid's ambulance. She is suffering from appendicitis. "Huyler's Sweets," Gibson's. T. H. O'Brien, engineer on the steamer India, underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis at the General Hospital. He is doing nicely. The Connty Patriotic Fund Com- mittee 'met at the Court House on Saturday afternoon and authorized the paying of $719.50 to fifty-seven families. "Fresh Huyler's Sweets," Gibson's. Prof. M. B. Baker, of Queen's Min- ing School, will spend the summer in geological work for the Ontario Government in the vicinity of Sud- bury and Porcupine. The funeral of the late Catharine Davy took place from her late resi- dence, Garrett street, on Saturday aftérnoon to Cataradli cemetery. The service was conducted by Capt. Milton and Ensign Smith, "Fresh Huyler's Delicious Sweets," Gibson's. The funeral of the late Mrs. Agnes Stewart, widow of. the late Robert Stewart, formerly of the staff of the Portsmouth Hospital who died in Hamilton on Thursday evening last took place on Saturday afternoon to Cataraqui, It was announced in military cir- cles on Monday afternoon that there would be no more classes in the Royal School of Artillery after May 13th until further notice. The présent class will close on the date mentioned. Ivy Lea Public School, was in town on Saturday. Miss L. Erlen Hurd, | King street, is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Matthews, | Leeds township.' Clifford Kidd, an employee of the Canadian motive Co., Kingston, was in town and Mra William Kidd, King St. E. H. Hurd, Kingston, was in town ------------ THE BASEBALL LEAGUE The Annual Gathering To Be Held On Tuesday. The baseball fans of the city are to gather at the Y.M.C.A. parlors OR Tuesday evening for the purpose of starting up the baseball season. Stanley Trotter, President of the City Baseball League, wants a large attendance as the election of officers for the ensuing year is to take place. "Stan" Trotter has been the "live wire" of the league for the past three years. He has worked hard to pring the league to the high stand~ ard it has at the present time. This means that the man who is elected president has a big job ahead of him if he wants to keep the league Tun- ning the way Trotter has done it. When asked by the Whig if he would accept the presidency for an- other year Stanley Trotter stated that for three years he had put all he had into the league and he was jead to believe that it was "up ta' some one else to carry the load now. the head of the league for season it would tend to make he 'had been elect- an indefinite main at another people think that ed presiding officer for period. A Coming Event. The Sportsmen's Platoon, 146th Dattalion, has surpassed themselves with the splendid entertainments provided in the City Hall on Thursday next, will undoubtedly discount all previ- ous efforts. Capt. Tom "Sportsmen's" Batlalion, whe has been appointed 'Director of Sports" Military District, No 2, with some 40,000 troops to pick from, has notified the 146th Battal- jon that he will send a great bunch of entries, including Pte. Frankie Russell and Pte. P. W. Adams, the 108 and 105-pound champlon boxers of Canada; Pte. Charlie Christie and Pte. Ted Picton, the 145-pound champion and ex-champion of Can ada: also Pte, M. Goldburg and Pte. ---------- Flanagan, 180th, "potash And Perlmutter." Pinochle and politics, love and law, strikes #hd styles go to make | - | Lavell will preside at County Court Toco Northern Assurance Co, | over over Sunday with his parents gMr. | over Sunday. | He believes that if he were to Te-| given; but, the ambitious programme | for their Assault-At-Arms | Toronto, | up the story of "Potash and Perl-| "Huyler's High Class Sweets," Gib- son's. On Wednesday afternoon Judge | when the case of John H. Davis vs. that rose the insurance on the boat Laura | D., which was burned at Brakey's | Bay, Wolfe lsland, on November 7th, 1915, will be heard. | "Huyler's High Class Sweets," Gib- | son's. | Lieut. Frederick James spoke in | Princess Street Church on Sunday | evening in the interests of recruiting for the 146th Battalion. For thirty- five minutes Lieut. James gave a pointed, forceful and interesting ad- dress that was pppreciated very much by the congregation,. and should certainly prove effective. INVALIDED HOME. A Bunch of Men Reached Kingston On Sunday. Eight more invalided soldiers, re- turned from the front, arrived in the city on Sunday afternoon on the Grand Trunk. They were met at the station by Mayor Richardson, | Lieut.-Col. R. J. Gardiner, A.D.M.S., | and Capt. R. B. Richardson, D. A. D. M. S., and taken in automobiles to the Elmhurst Convalescent Home. Sapper A. M. Marshall, Kingston, while with the Canadian Engineers at the front, was struck by lightning. He was invalided home from Oller- | port Camp, leaving his wife in. Eng- | land. Pte. Collard, 112 Montreal street, | Kingston, was with the 21st Battal- | ionion through all of their engage- | ments. At Deekebush, in Belgium, | he was the vietim of a shell burst, | and' deafness followed. Pte. 8. Coleman, Cornwall, reached | England with the 39th (Belleville) | Battalion, but a fractured bone in | the leg necessitated his return to | Canada. | Pte. G. Lash, 26th Battalion, Ot- | tawa, was returned for an operation. | | Pte. H. Mercier, Jasper,.was over- | | seas with the 12th Battalion, but a shell exploded negr him, and result- | | ing physical disability caused his re-| turn to Canada for tréatment. | Trooper. W. McLaughlin, boro, went overseas with C. M. R., but had to be Peter- | the 6th} Pre. was | i Bult; through the battles-up to Ypres, but | | sickness caused his return to England { and Canada, His home is in Ot-| | tawa. | { Pte. W. E. Scully, Peterboro, was | overseas with the 4th C. M. R., but} | lumbago- made his return' impera-| tive, 1 | | AAA A AAAI | | { | 2nd- Battalion, HANDY HUSBAND { Kuew How of the! to Get Part Breakfast. | 'I know one dish I can prepare | , MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1916. | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. "I can certainly say the Gin Pills Rave doe Tk of po for Te. Some four years I could not walk up ir, 7 fect 30d wakes were so len; T took three boxes of Gin Pills and the trouble has never returned. My mother, 82 of is taking on aud feels Py - MRS. J.B. SALSBURY, Camden East." GIN PILLS are soc. a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50 at all druggists, Sample sent free if requested. 20 National Drug & Chemical Ca, of Canada, Limited, Toronto. for Breakfast New Buckwheat Flour We have the best brands. D. COUPER, Phone 76. 341-3 Princess St. Seal Shipt Oysters. CATARRH LN OF THE = 4 BLADDER Bolleved In 24 Hours Each Cap- 4 sule boars (he (MIDY) 4 namo £5~ Beware of counterfoits AAAARASANS "ASHBY" WAT WY Style-We will show the font APRIL Mt ' AAS. Peabody & Co. Inc., Makers, Sales Dept. Montreal TI RRR RAILWAY GRAND TRUNK 3s7em Homeseekers' Tweed Pants $1.50 & $2 Sizes 30 to 44 Waist oney's, 127 Princess Street S-UNKIS-T RAISINS APRICOTS PRUNES PEACHES Insist on "Sunkist" At All Grocers. MONUMENTS! By placing your orders direct Excursions Round trip tickets to Western Can- with us you see exactly what you are buying and as we employ no agents you save the middleman's profit. Buy now and have your work set up early in the spring. returned | through an attack of rheumatism. |" | characters now that they have been | was perfectly cooked at the factory, mutter," the three-act comedy that for breakfast as well as any cook on AH. Woods will present at the | eqrth,' said my husband one morning Grand on Wednesday evening, April | when the cook was ill and he had HR Shr Sn rt BE Sd Ul Shes -day | He appeared w s dish, an s- ular characters of modern fiction-- | covered it was A e-Nuts which, of if. indeed, they may be called fiction | course, . was easy to prepare, for it among us in the "Sesh and blood for so long. They are loved for their weaknesses as well as their virtues. They are the most thoroughly hu- man heroes of the stage. Presided In St, Andrew's. Rev. N. H. McGillivray, of Knox Church, St. Thomas, and chaplain of the 91st Battalion, occupied the pul- pit in St. Andrew's Church at both services on Sunday. Since the war broke out Mr. McGillivray has been very active in patriotic and recruit- ing work. Aft the evening service he spoke from Acts 1:8; a discourse on power and prayer. "The Only Girl." Among the announcements of at- tractions soon to be seen in this city, it 1s safe to say that none will prove more delightful to 'the theatre-goers than the return engagement of "The Only Girl" "The Only Girl" re- turns by popular demand, and will be seen at the Grand on Saturday, April 15th Matines and night. 5 -------- ---- The SS.. Adriatic arrived in Bng- land on Saturday afternoon. She had Kingstonians on board, | - ; [but it was a good illustration of the | convenience of having Grape - Nuts about. "We took up Grape-Nutg immedi- ately after returning from a five years' sojourn in a hot country. Our stomachs were in bad condition, and we were in poor health generally. "In a day or two we liked Grape- Nuts better than any other kind of food on the table. We both gained steadily in health and strength, and this was caused by Grape-Nuts and Postum, "A friend of ours had a similar ex- perience. She was seriously ill with indigestion, and could find nothing to eat that would not give her heart- burn and palpitation, especially at night. . "She found that a small dish of Grape-Nuts with cream made her a satisfactory supper and gave her a comfortable night's rest. In a short time she gained several pounds in weight." "There's a Reason," Name given IY Cafiadian Postum Co., Windsor, nt. Ever vead the above letter? A jada via Chicago or North Bay or Cochrane will be on sale each Tues- day up to and including Oct. 31st, 1916. Valid for réturn within two months. An extension of time limit pot exceeding four months may be had on payment of $5.00 per month, but in no case later than Nov. 30th, 1916. For full particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, C.P. and T. A, cor. Johnson and Ontario streets. ers' Fares $41.25 TO REGINA AND RETURN FROM KINGSTON EVERY MONDAY TILL OCTOBER. Proportionate Fares from and to other points. ELECTRIC LIGHTED TOURIST CARS. For our booklet, "Homeseeker's and Settler's Guide," tickets; and-in- formation, apply to R. H, Ward, Sta. tion Agent, or M. C. Dunn, City Agent, CANADIAN NORTHERN Jack Peak, the 95-pound sensational bantams. Besides the above, Capt. Flanagan will send the great 160- pound pair, Privates J. Russell and George Janson. : Sergt. George Newman, Corpl. Billy Breen, and Pte. George Goul- ah, Toronto entertainers, members of the "Sportsmen's Battalion" will also add to the evening's fun. Corpl. Tommy Daly, former light-weight champion of Canada, will referee the contests, and that means thers will be good clean sport. The Sportsmen's Platoon is also ar- ranging an additional number of ex- hibitions, It is expected that Messrs. Park and Keanedy, of the Ordnance Corps, wilh take part, A Great wrestling bout, that will prove to be a thriller, will be between Mr. MecKimmie, Montreal, and Russell Ellerbeck, Glenvale. ELSIE JANIS T0 WED. Engagement to Young English Actor Is Aancunced. 'London, April 10.---Elsie Janis, one of America's youngest and lead- ing stage favorites, has capitulated to Cupid. It was announced that she is engaged to Basil Hallam, a young English aotor, who was a member of Miss 'Janis's company when she was in' England several months ago, : Announced. Mr. and Mrs. George Vanalstyne, | Collins Bay, announce the etigage- ment 'of their daughter, Mary Louise new one appears from time to time. and full of 9 to William Stillwell Greer. The mar. riage is to take place quietly om April 12th, g Phone 1417. EASY CHAIRS, CHESTERFIELDS J. E. MULLEN Cor. Princess and Clergy Sts. Kingston, Ont. AASASSALASASLLAAASLASALASALLALLALALLLALLAAAALASASAL Porritt Garage Co., - Limited All Kinds of Automobile Accessories, Tires and Tubes, Etc. We handle all the best goods and at the very lowest prices. Call in and see our Gasoline Savers --it will pay you to have one. : Phone 454. WELLINGTON STREET DAVENPORTS ET 3) LA vi & Large Line Just Arrived, ; Easy Chairs . $5.50 to $65 Chesterfields .$40.00 to $125 Davenports ...$21, $25, $45 ------------ BOOKOASES, LIBRARY TABLES TO MATOH. Start the Victrola and every one is ready to dance. The music of the sets their toes tingling, and they all enjoy dancing to such' perfect mage. | ST or SL Er HE how: rm C. W. LINDSAY LIMITED 121 Princess Street.