Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Apr 1916, p. 6

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That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only be had by brew- : ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul- phur. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When it fades, turns gray or streaked, just an application or two of Sage and Sulphur enhances its appearance a hundredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mix- ture; you can get this famous old recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients for 50-cents a large bottle, all ready for use. It is call- ed Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- pound. This can always be de- pended upon to bring back the nat- ural color and lustre of your hair, Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens no naturally antl evenly that nobody can tell it has been ap- plied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after another application it becomes beau- tifully dark and appears glossy and lustrous. . This ready-to-use pre- paration is a delightful toilet requis- ite for those who desire dark hair and a youthful appearance. It is not intended for the eure, mitigation or prevention of disease, Gi Your wife one new Picture now (house-cleaning present). A boauti- ful assortment reproductions from in the old world. PRICES MODERATE. _ Bargains in Pianos, Pictures, Frames; ote. Pont forget our new store is next to John Laidlaw & Son's. D. A. Weese See the window every week. Coal The kind jou are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO, Foot of West St. The man who can look his wife in the eye at 2.30 a.m. and explain to her satisfaction why he did not get home earlier is an exception. . ) [a purse of money in recognition of THE DISTRICT her splendid service and as g#fdken of their affection and gratitude. S---- Robert Brown, an ofd resident of CLIPPED FROM THE WHIG'S | Deseronto, is looking hale and heat: MANY BRIGHT OHANGES. ty. Mr. Brown has been spending y nx the winter with his = daughter at . Belleville and Selby, and will shortly (n Brief Form the Evenis In the|jeave for Sudbury, where he spends Country About Kingston Are Told | the summer, Full of Interest Lieut. James Cole, stationed at of to Many, Marlbank, was taken seriously ill Major, the Rev. W. Beattle, Co- |e was treated by the local doctor bourg, is on leave in England. until Wednesday, when he was re- James Barry, Hastings, with thelpn,veq to Belleville. Arriving at Mounted Rifles, was killed in action. | gejjeville, it was found that he was W. Wood is moving from the W. ugering from apepndicitis, and an Boulter farm to the Valleau farmig,cration was performed. near Picton. W. Scott, Demorestville, has bought a farm near Pieton and will FORMER CAPTAIN move there soon. -- Edward Genereux, Deseronto, has| Of Military Police in Lindsay a De received a position with the Cana- serter. dian Locomotive Co., Kingston, | Lindsay, April 14.--It has been ® sols liave Lee 4 given out around town that one of on T. F. Low's farm east of Renfrew, Lindsay whe and will be sold for residential pur-|the 89th Battalion from Lincsay left here about one year ago desert- poses only. 1 led from the regiment the night pre- Upon recommendation of the Ren vious to that assigned the company frew assessment committee, C. K. * to leave Brockville for England, and rigs | Wes apopiuted town useessor the fellow has never been seen siunce, at A-aaliry of ee. across the bay though his whereabouts is sought for at Deseronto was the first person to| bY the Militia Department. 1 cross this spring. He came over in While in Lindsay he served as a skiff on Saturday. captain of the military police, and Capt. William Massey was again professed to be a native of Sweden. the first to make the trip from the He spoke German, Swedish, French, port of Ogdensburg to Alexandria Yiddish and English languages, and Bay for the season of 1916 ? was looked upon as a clever officer. .Dr. F. L. Neely formerly on the It is now a matter of conjecture as to whether he was a spy or an ordi- aia o the Bagteft Hoapilal, Brock nary deserter who got cold feet at the last moment. His sudden disap- oi sapiuia of the 142nd Battalion at pearance had the effect of withhold- i nsportation of the troops Death came with startling sudden- ing the transportatic : ¥ : for several days. ! ness on Thursday morning to James To a companion he previously stat-, Falconer, tailor, while at his work in} 3 pe would never go overseas, and | the tailor shop of H. A. Morgan. He to an officer he left an unpaid account | was eighty years of. age. of $30. Pr Mitchell has appointed - Miss Irene Race to the position of head nurse of the Eastern Hospital, Lots of Nerve. Brockville, to succeed Miss Whalen. Deseronto, April 13.--Last Sep- Miss Race is a graduate of the Hos- | tamber a lad by the name of Edgar pital. Covert, along with one Keith Sharp, David James Fairfield, Belleville, [jacided they would join the soldiers, auctioneer, passed away Wednesday [and so ran away from home to Na- night after a bréef illness. He was | panee and tried to enlist in the 80th in his usual health up to a few weeks | Battalion, but, Béing under age, they ago. He was seventy-six years of | were not taken, They came home age. and remained the winter, being em- A very pleasing event took place |ployed locally until a few weeks ago Wednesday at the home of Mr. and [they hiked out for Toronto with the | Mrs. Charles Brown, Fairfield, when | hope of getting in a battalion there. their second eldest daughter, Dollié, | However, under persuasion of his | was united in marriage to Clinton | mother, the Covert lad came home Mortimer Cole, Redan, and immediately enlisted with the Frank Charbonneau, Arnprior, re-| 155th, and is now quite contented. | ceived word of the death of his son |The lad Sharp secured a position in | Francis at Bounty, Sask. The de- | Toronto and remained there. ceased, who was in his forty-fourth - year, was found dead in his bed on a Wednesday. At the Age of 75 Years, Mrs, James W. Mackie left Brock- Carleton Place, April 14.--Mrs. | ville on Monday to join her husband- | Edwards, wife of Francis Edwards, | br. James Mackie, practicing at Ig- | passed away on Saturday, aged sev- nace, Ont. Mrs. Mackie was for-|enty-five years. The deceased lady mer Miss M. E. Whalen, head nurse | was before marriage Abbie Lewis, at the Eastern Hospital. The staff | and lived in Carleton Place fof 'many | of the hospital presented her with years. She is survived by her hus- band and two sons--John L. and Ed- ---- ( Ten dollars cash and covered, takes a Victrola home To-day. We carry thousands faney, it's here. Make up your mind Victrola to-day--it will 1 - é 3 resent residing in the great west. he funeral took place to the Eng- lish Church at Franktown, interment being made in thé churchyard. AA AAA AA AAA AAA AA AAA | dred. : 1 small sum each month thereafter until the cost is bring the sunlight of laughter, make the cyes dance, the lips move, the feet keep time--whatever you questionable: future Is. not the 'epay vou 2 ¢ ten-thousand fold. Prices from $21 ' Wis Masten s pica" C Ww * d . » t d Giving Their Groats, . | ; ! : im In the codrse of Montreal's Patrio- ® ° 1n say, 1 € tic Fund campaign, in which the com- 121 PRINCESS STREET. got nearly $2,600,000, a collector win Edwards--both railway men, at sour promise: to pay us a your promise: to pa; TODAY'S WORK. with 12 selections to your Today Is the time to pursue > - hy fortune and to grasp the oppor- WOOT s-- Records that tunities at hand. "Tomorrow" of Record x is never hers, and putting off the good we may have for a best wisdom. Therefore use to- day. Do the kindness before to get a ZA T you, the duty nearest you, and tomorrow will take care of itself. mittee went after $1,500,000 and ) approached a group of three men on the street, one of whom he recog- nized as a worthy but not affluent Scot of his acquaintance. The other - B . good cause, but a financial inventory , showed that one had just a dollar, a second only a dime, and the third but a humble "jitney." These amounts THE LOW CUTS ARE HERE. of suggestions bad BOSE Se oes ¥ We are prepared to show styles in Pumps and [8 | 1oxi"September. Oxfords that will surely The Patent and Gun Metal Pumps in Colonial and |} Reproot. the new Hi-Waist Patterns are beauties, Kate Sanburn has recalled a blow $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. ™, "I asked," she says, 'the carpen- two proved also to be from the Land ©o' the Heather and Harry Lauder. On the collector disclosing his mis- sion, the three at once evinced a willingness to add their groats to a were pooled, and then arose the question as to how the donation was to be acknowledged. After a couple his ultimatum: "Pit it doon to 'The Scots Wha Hae and Wha Hae Not."" And pit doon accordingly it was in the official lists. Labor Glut In British Columbia. The continued.congestion of the labor market in British Columbia has caused the Government to again ex- tend for six months the arder-in- Council prohibiting the entry into British Columbia from any foreign ~N\ country of immigrants who may be classed as artisans or skilled or ua- . skilled laborers, The new order-in- Council will apply until the end of meet with vour approval. to her vanity as follows: ter to adorn a weather-beaten door with some putty and a ccat of 8 Puig xn fix up a thing wonderful, ; Lots' humbly people use faint and $1 'i = putty. But I guess yoli and I hain' 3 Ye tied it yet." THE HOME OF G00D SHOES. son's Red Cross Drug Store. aoa / ; paint." on, " 'Yes'm,' he replied, 'paint and "Fresh Huyler's Sweets" at Gib- Some nervous peoplé with a few dollars and no brains take exercise (Prom Our Owa Correspondent.) April 14.--The annual business meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Grace Church was held at the parsonage yesterday afternoon. The financial report showed a fairly successful year. The following of- | I cers were elected: President, Mrs, | Robert C. McCullough; vice presi- Hi dont, Mrs. Willian Carpenter; Te cording secretary, Mrs. C. J. Wilson; ; RB : : : corres ndinG moretary, Mv. W. Di Many new lines--deliverad to us during the last ten day: --new fab- Pennell; treasurer, Mrs. W 8, Ab-| ries in exclusive patterns--uréal style features. bott; delegate to branch meeting, | . : Mrs. William Carpenter; alternates, | Mrs, Thomas Scott and Mrs. W. 8. | Abbott. Fish and Game Overseer George Toner is losing no time in getting » : after the law breakers. Yesterday | at Big Bay on St. John's Island he| 2 seized quite a jange number of musk- > v =» . rat traps, set on the houses that| ) 3 were broken open. | High Sehoct Inspector James R.! ; WethereM finished his inspection of Real Indigo Dved Serges--ri i eo A inser eb bit the local school yesterday, finding! di id lige | ved Serges--roll front, form fitting coats teaching staff and equipment in goed / meaium wi th, cuff bottom trousers. working order. / . : Pte. Charles Wand of the 80th Best value in the city, $15.00 Battalion located at Belleville, has| been quarantined at his home on Wa-| ter street for the past week as ome] of his children had the measles. 3 Pte. William McDonald of the| " 80th Battalion spent the past few days in town with his wife and fam-| ily, Garden street. Rev. Melvin| Taylor spent the forepart of the . week in Wellington with his sow, | Garnet Taylor | To Fave New Officers. We show the best variety of quality fabries obtainable, $18 Renfrew, April 14.--At the coun-| . - , cil meeting tiie report of the property| New English Rain Coats $7.50, $10.00, $12.00 committee bearing upon the purchase ' ny . of the Temperance hotel and acquir- N RB . ing the old Albion hotel, situated | . Ne y OVS Suits q upon the market square town pro-| bi A its $5.00, $6.50, $8700 perty, was adopted. A mortgage) . upon the former will be taken over| by the town and a note given for the] balance of $1,800. It is proposed | to convert the Albian hotel into town| offices, using part of it as a jail, fit-| ting it up with steel cells. The old town hall property, at the back of] which is situated the present "'lock- up," will be disposed of by tender. Lieut. Anderson Successful. i Ottawa, April 14--Lieut. G. B. Anderson, son of the Rev. G. 8S. An- derson, rector of St. Matthew's Church, has arrived from San Anto-| nio, . Texas, where he attended the| school of aviation and has success- fully passed his examinations. His! friends are now congratulating him upon his success. Lieut. Anderson leaves on Monday for the front. Almonte's Donations. . Almonte, April 14.---At the regu-| Nature cannot jump from winter| . lar meeting of the town council the | to summer without a sprin an | TH MAS | x g, nor can | by-law granting $5,000 to the patri- | summer to winter without a fall. i 0 COPLEY otic fuhd andl $300 to the 130th Bat-| A woman talks until things gets | Telephone 987. talion were given third readings and | serious--then she gives a man aya rio & card to 19 Pine street when passed. It ig intended to raise these | chance. {Wanting anything done in the carpen-| ] hier tery line. Estimates given on all ki amounts by taxation this vear. 1 And many a man has lost his thou- [or repairs.and new "works aldo Kinds, sands through pursuing another hun-|¥20d floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. . 40 Queen Street. v eaiien iil BREWSTER OF B. C, AAA AAA AP AA AA AANA i Liberal Leader in Pacific Province is Forging to the Front. { After years of discouraging toil | and reverses, enough to. dry up. the ebthusiasm and hope of most men, | the Knight Solitaire of British Co- | lumbia public life, Harlan Carey | Brewster, is passing out of the soli- | tude.and the shades, and is becoming | an important figure in the politics of | the Province. His victory in Vie- | = ® toria on March 4 over Hon. Alfred { C. Flummerfelt, the recently-appoint- ne " ed Minister of Finance in the Bowser | - : Administration, lifted him from near- | ly the bottom of the political ladder | almost to the top. | Why "Knight Solitaire"? Because | never did a mediaeval baron have to | endure such lonesome fighting and | ordeals without colleagues as did Mr. | WE ARE NOW OPEN TO OFFER THE BEST VALUE IN KINGSTON OF Brewster in the Legislature from | 1910 to 1912. When he first entered | the House in 1907 things weren't so - ® 9 ? bad. The Liberal Opposition at that & time consisted of fourteen members, a - - but by the end of 1910 it had shrunk to one man; himself. For three ses- a sions, single-handed, he had to fight | the battles of the party he repre- sented against the overwhelming | : . . forces of Sir Richard McBride. Then, | : in 1912, Brewster himself succumbed | 1 e : temporarily, and the Liberals were |BS* » : jefe without a single man in the | " ouse. In 1913 he was chosen lead- | er of the Liberal party of thé Prov- | " ie | WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SATURDAY SPECIALS: week he has 'had to do the leading | from outside the House. Now, not | only has he a seat himself, but he | has a virile and able assistant in JU) $10.95, $15.95, $18.95, $19.95 Malcolm M. Macdonald, who a week |} . ; ae previously defeated the Conservative i SKIRTS, all sizes, Black and White Plaids, for . candidate in Vancouver. i - asin Mr. Brewster is a fisherman. Not |i the kind who go out in a small punt |} STRAW SHAPES and aha few ciscoes for breakfast, rT m-- ut a fisherman nevertheless. - And 5 his face Is ruddy with the 'wind, like |} READY-TO-WEAR HATS all fishermen's faces. It happens |} a SA esi tht emt nant that Mr. Brewster fishes in fhe Paci- fic Ocean, on the stormy west coast- of Yaneouver Island, but his com- ---- = i Sn i plexion is the same as that of fisher- > : : Wen on the north shore of our own |} BLOUSES (Voile and Silk) ....79% e je. [i] Bd Ne a at a. i Te Salmon is what Brewster catches [Bf Serbo e --or rather, the company of which |} ¥ cei an on be cose 5a {[§ , Some Exceptional Values. in Spring Coats. Don't fail to attend our Ester his business Mr. Brewster has at [Hi & Opening. It will pay you. least two achievements to his credit which augur well for the initiative | and originality he needs must show :§ when he becomes Prime Minister of British Columbia. He is said to be |} the first man to have eliminated Ori- ental labor from a fishing and can- {Jif y ning business on the coast, and be- ae. sides that, he was the first to intro- | > y duce smaitury methods of sealing Ue (ll 017 PRINGESS ST. Directly across from the Grand Opera House have them soldered by machinery. Mr. Brewster aid not aways fish. (i * Kingston's High Class Up-to-date Ready-to-wear Store for Ladies & Children. At one time he was a RASEpa por man, «by making a run in a bank. \ Films developed at Gibson's.

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