Ct Hh. . ihe X 1A OF EXPANSION WITH ITS FRES- ENT QUARTERS. Queen's Faculty Of Education Must He Given Increased Accommoda- tion And Larger Equipment, In a report upon the work of the Faculty of Education at Queen's this session, Dean Coleman states that the total enrollment was 143, as com- pared with 104 a year ago. The ac- tual attendance this session was 78 as compared with 73 last year, The decrease in the attendance of men through enlistment has more than OF THE 21ST BATTALION HAS BEEN WOUNDED. He Was the First Member of That Umit to Bring Down a German Last Fall, \ Miss Bertha Swaine, 158 Fronten- ac street, received a telegram on Sat. urday to the effect that her brother, Lieut, Herbert M. Swaine, 21st Bat-| talion, had been wounded at St. Eloi. Lieut. Swaine was admitted to hos- pital, The telegram stated that other particulars would follow, When the 21st Battalion was mo- jable Garmer | From the.very hest Canadian and New York - houses, backed by our prsonal guarantee and sold at unusually low prices, are the chief reasons why we Ji" parse Domsitiiltics Jn the way 91 are selling so many Suits and Coats this spring. duates with Faculty entrance stand- Last summer the Faculty offered 28. It is planned to provide the. first T.dJ. OCONNOR : . s regdlar support of the summer ses- provements wait of necessity upon ing. This is highly desirable, since for 'the first time classes for candi- mentioned classes in alternate years 260 PRINCESS ST. = Phone 800. sion, {| material increases in accommoda- Pi - the year of attendance upon the Fac- 1 Join the Army dates for degrees in Pedagogy and and the latter classes annually here- . . 'The Faculty has practically reach- Higher up street but lower in price. | tion staff, and equipment, been made up for by the increased number of women, The Dean points out that while the attendance of university graduates may not increase to any material ex- lent in the immediate future, there are large possibilities in the way of bilized in Kingston, Herbert Swaine, although a qualified captain in the 14th Regiment, came to the city ; ----THE HIGHER TOPS FOR WOMEN-- ; Fine Boots with higher tops are Fashion's latest edition for dressy Footwear--we show the best lines in patent lace--kid lace and button--per= Abemethy's Shoe Store § HE 3 5 4 fect fitters ...... Sera EL ESAs sa N ERT AAs At sada va st Ess Home-Made Candy and Chocolates Fresh Made Every Day SAKELL'S Next Opera House. ulty of Education brings these stu- dents for the first time into direct Of Satisfied Customers--Come to-morrow. ; also classes for extramural candida- SPECIAL MILLINERY BARGAINS ALL THIS J tes for teachers certificates, The tot- WE after. It will be seen then that the Faculty of Education has thus com- od the limit of expension which ite present quarters and equipment will touch with the university. EK. al attendance upon these classes was mitted itself to a policy of active and permit, Further enlargement and im- ABSOLUTELY NO PROTECTION. The Shops known for good values and up-to-date siyles arc the places to ask about the D & A and the LA DIVA Corsets. "'Made-in-Canada" in one of the best equipped corset factories dn the Yi. they offer all the qual- ity formerly found oaly in high grade imported corsets, but > sell at little more than The Stars and Stripes Apparently Not Recognized. "1 would rather walk than come| back on a steamer flying under the American flag," wrote a lady to her officer-husband in the city last week. The lady has been visiting in England for some time, and the steamer office| gave out the information that the! quickest and most converlient way| {home was on a certain registered | boat. She absolutely refused, add- | ing that even if the Stars and Stripes| [8 : % Me : . "Q | fing was neutral, it was absolutely no| 9 us w hen it 'comes to protection for travellers. Men's Hats that boast Passod Away In The West. | 5 the high water mark of | There passed away at her late re-| quality. | sidence, Gladwin, Michigan, Mrs. Ji arose <hi | Alida' Vannest, wife of Stewart Bre- | LIBUT HEHBERT SWRINE A large shipment of | aut; in her fifty-second year. Mrs.| _ EUT HERBERT SWAINE. = || new Soft Hats in differ- | Breault was born near Enterprise,| from Toronto and enlisted | x shades of Green : Fadl ye dark nage fol, Toromty aid. ent shade 8 of Gre en and Grey, Just received. $2.00, $2.50. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. | Campbell Bros, John Vannest. Four brothers and] | two sisters mourn her loss, she be-| The House of Successful Hat Styles... Phone 640 For the Parlor! Mahogany Parlor and Music Cabinets. Music Benches, 2d Fancy Mahogany Parlor ables. Follow the » Procession Of discriminating Hat buyers. You can put the most expheit trust in | Box Seat in the He 'was giv- | en the rank of Company Sergeant- | Major. Shortly before the battal-| X ion left the city he was taken ill but ing the first of the family of seven | was able to accompany the battalion children to pass over the Great Be- {5 England. On the trip over Sergt.- | yond. Two of her brothers reside in| Major Latton died, and Herbert Gladwin; two brothers and two sis- | gwaine took his place in No. 3 Com- ters reside in Canada, near the old | pany, of which Capt H. E. Pense and home at Enterprise. All her brothers jjeut. Stanley Cunningham of Kings- and sisters were present at her bur-| (on were officers. ial, but one brother. Mr. and Mrs.| when the battalion went into the : Breault were united in marriage 35 trenches in France Sergt.-Major Three and Five Piece Parlor Setts, in Fancy Silks, Tapes- tries or Leather. | years ago, living for seven years Near | gyaine had the honor of being the ~ | Centreville. Twenty-eight years ago | g,q¢ 21st man to kill a German. He | thep decided to was later granted a commission and | Mich, A A A eet anata Wodehouse ; _ | appointed to No. 1 Company, which | e ouse S = 2 | contains most of the Kingston boys. ! Queen's Hospital Fund. "+ | | 3 Previously acknowledged, $22,154.- | h s | " IN MARINE CIRCLES, Babv_Chic : ' | $50--Battersea Red Cross work-| » | ers. | { $26--Dr. E. H. Young, London, MANY OLD-TIME VESSELS WILL FOR THE BABY CHICKS ' Ont; Shaniy Women's Institute. BE USED ON LAKES | $20--Madoc Women's Institute; 1 9 queen's Theologival Society, Kings: 74 4 ie Demand For Ton: | The-perfeet food, in which only the 5h : : Q B 3 n To Meet the Big Demand For Ton Phone 147, for Repairs and Qui } Service. move to Gladwin, | For House-cleaning, ask for Furniture Restorer--it does the work. At We are specializing in Living Room Furniture. We are carrying this spring a large stock of CHESTERFIELDS and Easy Chairs to match. They ean be covered in a variety of coverings to suit your own individual taste. If you are furnishing a ton. : " ' finest and cleanest ingredients are $10--Mrs. J. F. Macdonald, Kings-\ "*8¢ This Summer--War Will Re-| 04 which, combined with years of ton; J. P. Home, Goderich. sult In a Scarcity of Men. | experience, have made Wodehouse's PTTL LIAL LE Wil- | i T. F. Harrison Co. PHONE 90. Hartt Boot and . se Co., Limited Fredericton, N.B. . 8 den or living room, you can select your rug and drapes, then cover your furniture to match, Don't you like this idea ? Do not leave your spring work until NOW. the last minute, We are busy, * Speak for time $5--Miss Jessie Cattanach, liamstown; James Fairlie, Late J. Murphy, Wolfe Island. residence. The pallbearers were as follows: James Casey, Joseph | Murphy, Matthew Murphy, Thomas {| Casey and John Murphy. The de- | ceased is survived by three daugh-| | ters and four sone, The daughters, | Miss Nettie Murphy, Mrs. Timothy | O'Shea, and Miss Nina Murphy. {| and John. { Mrs. G. 8. Compton, Toronto, is { the guest of her mother, Mrs. James Daly, Rideau street. AND CASTOR OIL It. Cross, Feverish, Constipated, Give "Qalifornia Syrup of Figs." Look back at your childhood days. | | Remember the "dose" mother insist- ed on--castor ofl, calomel, ecathar- tics. How you hated them, how | you fought against taking them. With our children it's different. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply don't realize what they do. The children's revolt is well- founded. Their tender little "'in- sides" ure injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only deli- {cious "California Syrup of Figs." Iis {action is positive, but gentle. Spring- | | field, 111.; Miss Hilda Day, Kingston. | The funerak of. the late Jeremiah | | Murphy, of Wolfe Island, took place | | on Saturday morning from his late| The | i sons are Howard, George, Stewart | It is stated that this season will see | a great many of the old-time vessels | on the lakes, carrying freight back | and forward, in an attempt of the ma- i rine men to meet the big demand for tonnage, owing to the big crops that must be moved, and the scarcity of boats caused by the war. | Vessels which have not turned their | engines over in years are now being | fitted out, and will go into commis- sion, and it is a sure thing that they will find something to do. All the managers of transportation companies on the lakes are locking | | forward to a banner year in the traf-| fie. | The local coal schooners will have {a very busy season. Already one tvessel; the H. M. Jex, has mage .- a start, and the end of this week will see several of the boats on their regu- lar trips. | The fact that so many men have | gone to the front will make quite a| hard proposition for the captains to| | secure sufficient help. The demand | | tor deck hands and cooks is now: very | | brisk. For two or three weeks now | the captains have had a staff at work | getting the vessels in readiness for | the season. Getting the vessels ready | for the summer is some task. A boat has to be overhauled from top {to bottom, and the expense is some | figure. | Jex Made Trip. The steamer H. N. Jex arrived in | port on Saturday night, after mak- { ing the first trip of the seasolr 3a" Os- | wego, with conl for Sowards, * ! |" The steamer Saskatoon tleared on i Saturday afternoon for Hamilton. ° The steamer Arabian, which was laid up near the dry dock all winter, {is now at Swift's wharf, and will { likely receive orders to clear this { week. - Pupils Collect Socks. | The pupils of the St. Luke's Church Sunday school by classes taught the "Premier Food" on the market. If you want success in raising your chicks, feed them with Wodehouse's Baby Chick Foed, rice, Large Packages, 25c¢c. Henderson's Grocery 59-61 Brock Street. PHONE 279. Her Home No LONGER CHILDLESS Taking the Great Medicine, for Women, Falls, Mass. -- "Doctors said) bad displacement "ery LNA er 1 had THE BEST MEALTH RECIPE FOR MEN DR MONEY 1S HEEP TMiNGS MoviING ! THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine street w wanting anything done in the Shan tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard- wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attentlo; 40 Queen street. By hop OF coc "A i FAIR AND SQUARES If some of your money finds 't- self into the channels of trade via this grocery shop, it will improve your temper because yon won't have any fault to find. ! Try our fine Teas and Coffee. Fresh Vegetables a Specialty. EMPIRE GROCERY, Phone 3490. The Talk of Are those pretty crea- tions of Spring Foot- wear now being display- ed in our window. They are fresh from the style designers of High Grade 'American and made in ana 0es. Style Shoes of Quality. Each shoe is the cor- rect expression of what Dame Fashion calls | lions of mothers keep this harmless | Misses N. McFedridge and L. Timms "fruit laxative" handy; they know | held a successful tea, social and sock children love to take it; that it never | shower for the soldiers last week. i fails to clean the liver and bowels! The little children brought thirty and sweeten the stomach, and that a| pairs of socks to be sent away. teaspoonful given to-day saves a sick) child to-morrow. i Ask your druggist for a 50-eent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for habies, The young ladies--and the older ones too--are hoping that Cataraqui bridge will be so improved that life! to will. not be imperilledl while crossing children of all ages and for grown-| it. They are very much in favor of ? : ups plainly ofi éach bottle. Beware|a section being added for pedes- time a man says something, . And occasionally a wife can read|of counterfeits sold here. See that trians. 1 to his loving' | is to wife it | her husband like 'a blank book. it is made by "California Fig Syrup| Mrs. e ingsto Refuse Set a short' - sister, J. R. Stewart, Cobden, [UNIQUE GROCERY AND MEA MARKET, C. H. PICKERING, one more wrinkle from her! "What's yours?" is a question that| Company." any other kind % 'usually provokes a smile. with ¢ 3 N