The Bank of Toronto offers the advantages of its most complete and modern Banking Service, This Institution possesses large resources, ample banking facilities and carefully chosen connections. Your busi- ness and private banking accounts are invited. BANK or TORONTO A A A SP i ANA tA NNN (YT 3 Military Wrist Watches Our selection includes Radium or Plain Dials. P all the first-class makers; vices range from $2.76 up. Ss R. J. Rodger, # 132 PRINCESS STREET. "Where the clock is on the walk." Spring Opening When you "look her over" out in the - garage, be sure to give your storage battery the necessary attention. We're experts. it. Storage Phone 1045 Les us inspect Battery Service Station. I. LESSES, fut 507 Princess St Free inspection of any battery at any time Se : The latest out in Choles Chocolates, it's known as "The Chatterbox" ---- each piece is of the choicest old fashioned variety and the well-known Patterson Quality. aphoy-are-put-up-in.1 Ib. snd 2b. Packages at 50c and $1. Hoag's Drug Store Opp. Y.M.OA. Kingston, Ont. Coal The kind you are Tooking for 18 the kind we sell, Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTHS CO, Foot of West Bt. New Maple Syrup Fresh Eggs _ Choice Creamery and Dairy Butter Select Groceries CAVERLY & BRADSHAW | '"Bon Marche Grocery,' Cor. King and Barl Streets. at | CHOICE GROCERIES, TEAS & COFFEES, COOKED AND SMOKED 'MEATS. ORDERS TAKEN FOR COAL AND WOOD. JOS.. AHEARN, JR, . 279 1.2 MONTREAL STREET, 3 Phone 866, Are As_Foliows JPhursday, 20th, unless therwise advised: Live fowl nd chickens, weighing 4 Ibs. and upwards, 18¢: also dressed fow! and chickens, erate fatted, dry picked, 2 to 22¢; according to ii We pay highest cash prices for all farmers' Produce, F. J. Johnson, Florist, Market Square. Fresh Cat Flowers and Plants | 1 | el | | Every Day. FLORAL DESIGNS. Ph 230, re RE ----] vook's Cotton Root Compouna, A safe, veliable ve medica: id in _t Pianos and Furniture Packed and Moved. Rates Reasonable, Team Work a Specialty. ROBERT HENRY, 4858 Albert St. Phone 1365; Watts-Florist Enster Littles, Rosen, Vielets, les of the Valley, Hyacinths and Daftodils. 179 W ling ton St. Phone 1763 Special Prices on All { OANNED FRUITS Raspberries Blackberries Peas ches 2 tins tins tins 25 en FS | Strawberries Plums GORDON'S GROCERY, Cor. Bay and Montreal Streets. PHONE 88, { ; $1,100 5 Room Cottagd, B.& C,, good cellar, negrly new, easy terms, 300 pgeren nnd, 000--Thers . Is $10,000 worth of moar on this lot, alse good bulldin 300 acres for $450 Buildings and same timber. 100 farm and acres good RT aa Lar W. H. GODWIN & BON Phone 424. 39 Brock Bt ET ET = $108uits toMeasure $10 If you want your Suit for Easter, Come Now. OUR PRICES ARE: Suits inne owe vasa a 3000 rt'Coats ......... $5. "All Onr Work is Guarantesd. AL INTEREST Happenings In the OX the Oy and Vicinity ~=What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. X Caniphor alll ot Sibeon's, 3 artlett boro, Ris Balok, I to Kingston by the death of her father, Pianos for rentdl, C. W. Lindsay, limited. Now is the time to secure one for your summer home, Ald, George Latyrney commenced his duties as warden's clerk at the) penitentiary on Monday morning. D. Craig, Brock street, has almost fully recovered from his recent oper- ation in the General Hospital, H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street, Leave orders at McAul. ey's Book Store. The will of the late Edwin Thom- as, who was killed at the front, was entered for probate before Judge La- vell on Monday, Miss Laura M. Staples of the Roy- al Bank, Woodstock, has come to Kingston where she has accepted an appointment in the Civil Service. Harvey Angrove, Queen street, leaves on Thursday for Montreal to take a position as house surgeon in the Verdun Hospital for the Insane. 'Good seed makes good lawns." uU se Kentucky Lawn Seed from Gib- son's. "Jack" Renton, accidentally shot two weeks ago, was able to leave the General Hospital on Friday for hid home, He has had a splendid re- covery. ; Good fresh seed makes a beautiful lawn. Kentucky Lawn Seed from Gibson's Red Cross Drug store has no equal. Special Passover services are be- ing conducted in the Jewish Syna- _gogue on Queen street, commencing Monday evening and continuing through the week, It is expected that commenced in a short time on the new Rowan Catholic Charch which is to be erected at Wolfe Island on Lhe present church site. "¥resh garden seeds" at Gibson's Pte. "Rusty" Marshall, 21st Bat- talion, is, according to a letter re- ceived on Saturday by his wife, in the Base Hospital at Salisbury Plain. work will be INCIDENTS S OF THE DAY| LOCAL NOTES ANI AND ITEMS OF GENERAL N Peter- KITCHEN WOMAN, APPLY HOTEL day al. ¥ARDNAN, Hot adits. MAN. PANTRY COOK. doiph Motel. YOUNG MAN, APPLY Frontenac Club, ------------------------------------------------ MAIDS FOR GENERAL HOSPITAL: also for Nurses' Home. A COOK, APPLY TO MRS, VAN STRAU- benzee, Beverly street, we WOMEN FOR SCRUBBING, BY : iy Hotel Frontenac BRITISH AMERICAN TAPPLY RAN- STEWARD, ONE AUTOMOBILE HEAD- LAGHT, nickle 'hatles street, and Rideau. Owner may have same at Valleau's Grocery, cor. Montreal and Charles streets, A JACK-KNIFE, on Barrie, between Unlon and Earl streets Qwner may, have same by calling st Wihig office. Nant se il sop 5 *hatham or Baker farm near Millhaven. SEVEN ROOM FRAME one on jHontreal Sliect. Hou Apply to AF Ponte 20 26 tens Si. Phone 743. {A FINE THREE-YEAR-OLD HACKNEY horse; 120 egg incubatog, nearly new, and a few well bred R. I red Mens. 'Apply J. D. Boyd, 108 Pine street. Cag Se HEE oh FOUND ARTICLES ADVER Anyone fnding aaything and wishing to Lk the owner may A L FEW RLS BOYS. APPLY Dominion Textie Co., Cataraqui St MAN TO WORK AS OILER. APPLY A. Davis & Son, Ltd, Kingston Tannery. Matinee: 15¢, 25¢, 35¢, bO0c. Evening: 25¢, 50c, 75¢ $1.00, Seats on Sale Thursday. Easter Monday, April 24 Matinee, 2.30; Evening, 8.15. SEL wY N & CO. Present the Season's Biggest New York and Boston Laugh Hit, ROLLING STONES A Comedy of Youth, Love and Ad- venture, by EDGAR SELWYN, Author of "The Country Boy," "Nearly Married" and other successes, ORIGINAL CAST Exactly as seen in this play six AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GE N.] eral housework. Apply 95 Fron- tenac street DRIVE work; good Ww age ] 'cess street. Apply 55 Prin- By. et -------------- {A GOON GENERAL SERVANT. 8 28 Wy ply Mrs R. McCann, lington street. HOUSEREEFPER OR for a family of required Apply office two. to Box 144, vious N. C. experience required. Polson, 266 Ontario street ------------------------------------------------ COOK WANTED AT THE HOME FOR the Aged, - 362 Montreal street Plain cooking, Apply to the Matron. | EXPER GIRL FOR GENERAL small family. 1 pr Apply Mrs. Collins, vd bt 3 J atv mn street it is unl'kely that he will return to the front in the near future. Moth Camphor at Gibson's. Another ned the khaki, in George Geary of the Whig press room. He has enlisted Fin the Army Dental Corps and will sroceed overseas in the near fu- ture. Sprinkle your lawn with Kentucky Lawn Grass Seed. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug store. W. O. Hart, London, England, oc- companied by his wife and little son, Launcelot, were in the city on Sat urday. Mrs. Hart and son are visit- | ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Savage, Montreal street, while Mr, Hart is in Toronto on business, Moth Camphor at Gibson's. Provost, Brock street, has this year an exira.,fine assortment of Tweeds, Cheviot8 and Serges for his order 'clothing department. His ready-made clothing and gents' fur- aishing departments arewellassorted | with nev goods. Alice Greenwood, a domestic em- ployed at a Barrie street residence, was overcome by gas on Sunday night. There was a. slight leak in the gas pipe. She was taken to the General Hospital where she soon re- covered, Sprinkle your lawn with Kentucky' Lawn Seed, from' Gibdcn's Red Cross Drug store. A cablegram received on Monday | announced that George Ewart Glad- stone Oldreive, son of Mrs. G, 8S. Old- reive, Wellimigton street, wounded by gunshot He is in hos-| pital at Boulogne, He went to front with 27th Battalion of Winnipeg The priprietors of the Belleville Ontario are hustling to make the pa- per a big success and the six years of their ownership has worked won- ders. They are now installing lino- typers and a Miehle press of the fast type. The stirring partners are con- gratulated on their enterprise. Moth Camphor at Gibson's. George McGrath, found guilty of manslaughter at Toronto was sen- tenced to fifteen years in peniten- tiary. McGrath was tried for the murder of Thomas McKibbin on January 31st in a house on Bulwer avenue. Jealousy over a woman seemed to be responsible for his ac- [on * the . perstm of staff of the A Memorial Tree. To mark the first anniversary death of Lieut. Calvin Day, who fell at the baitie of lLangemarcke, the board of Sydenham Street Methodist! Church has glven a tree fo be plants ed in Macdonald Park, on Saturday afternoon next. Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor of the church, will officiate and addresses will be made by W. F. Nickle, M P., J. W. Edwards, M.P.P., Mayor Richardson and Major Pome ton. of Everyone Getting Them, The 146th Battalion is sending out letters asking for recruits. One ap- peal was sent to & young Kingstonian who has been in the trenches several months, another was received by a man eighty-six years of age, and an- other by a man who is suffering from rheumatism. The officers of this battalion have evidently made up their mind that none shall escape the appeal. A new decoration for award to the| rank and file of the army has been instituted by the King, known as the Military Medal, ranking after the D. C. M. and before all war medals, and the first Military Medal was bestowed on a Canadian soldier, Corp. Richard Miller, 1st Battalion, Gen. Plehve, formerly commander of Russia's. northern army, is dead. ------------------------. CASTORIA For Infants and Children | New York Skirt & Suit Co, 203 Wellington Street. Whig employee has don-| 7. | 'had 'been | months Harris Theatre, New York. This is positively guaranteed the { original No. 1 company, now playing Toronto this week. MAY ville, parlor ences Mowat, IST, TO GO T0 BROCK. a competent cook and house maid. Good wages. Refer. required Apply to Miss 180 Johnson street. 25 Cy 25¢, Seats on Sale | Matinee: | Night: INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly correSponding for newspapers; canvass'ng. Send for parle ulars. Press Syndi- cate, 3,96 skport, 2 STRAND Theatre! FERS {MoNDAY, TUESDAY & A EDNESDAY, "4 JAN GI [Star of the "Hirth of | ported by Wilfred Lueas Dolly, in nn 5 Aet Trin I THE A "Charles Murray and Loutge ¥ weuda In "THE GREAT VACUUM OBB, » A Sire maker Z.reel Keystone. Also other good pheto-plays. Full 2 3-4 Hours' Entertainment. Matinees, 2.30; Evenings, 7.30, Prices: Matinces, 10¢; Evenings (aly sents renesyedle ol few mut 15e, GRIFFIN'S| : Monday and Tuesday. Episode No, § of RED ( Popular ye CIRCLE. | THE A » RED of Real Life, | As The Shadows Fall, With HBRbERT RAWILANSON and AGNES VERNON And n 2-Reel Story of Adventure, | The Dawn Road \Two First-Class Comedies. | ORCHESTRA. - | Prices: Mat., 5c; Ev'g. 10c. | _COMING | THE __THE JUGGERNAUT. Ps $1.50. | Fr e Friday, : Good, strong boy, or young + man for Mail Dept. Ye Whig, re- % quired at once. Don't apply if + you are afraid of work, Good + opening for ambitious boy. +* * SEPP EE PP EE ERR PPI REP ERP RIy WANTED GENERAL TWO ROOMS, IN VICINITY OF versity, by professional man. ply Box An, Whig Office, A YOUNG GENTLEMAN Ww ANTS ROOM and board; private family prefer- red. Apply BoxsA. G Re don sap. and Rau ka » + re- % * * * Ap- comfortable room; private family preferred. Apply Box 154, Whig WAN BY MARRIED COUPLE, small furnished house, one, or small flat. Whig office. SECOND-HAND UrRiGarT . for cash or in part payment of pew C. W. Lind- Princess street Apply Box pianos and Victrolas. say, Limited, 121 | TREET refuse, for filling Albert street, corner be by caretaker lots, east Alice. ty and quiet house, by an elderly retired Anglican clergyman one large-bed sitting roem, ting room about 12 feet square, a fajr-sized bed-room, off one or hoth rooms. No ture required except a bureau dresser and a wash-stand. Break- fast required, but other be taken elsewhere stating price, to "A. 1 Whig office; up te noon April Either | Send answer © ARCHITEC? wat NEWLANDS & SON tects, etc, OMces, 268 __Phon e 608. POWER &® Chants Brock sagol B 81 15c "Sams 156 still lewd, others try to equal, ITECTS, Bullding, Weillagton PAPERHANGING. Cr -------- te ------------------ PAINTING, GRAINING AND KALS mining Fifty paper at jactory prices. Rooms pa. pered, $4, per room, Including paper tn and Rowley, 19% Colborne street, phone 1832. LBGAL BH. CUNNINGHAW, A RRISTEN and solicitor, Law office, 79 Clar- ence street. Kingston. BORN. on O0OD--At Picton, to Mr. and Mrs. E.R son | PRINGLEE--At Forest Mills, on Mareh sh, to Mr. and Mrs. John Pringle, a wl daughter. ~-SHANE---At Odessa.on Apr. Leita Evelyn, only daughter h raf Nir. and Mrs. Jas Shane, to Har vey Laughlin, both of Ernestiown. DIED. 'ORRIS--At North -Fredericksburgh, on April 9th, Luorisha 'Mae Norris, Aged one month and twentytwo MER. ahk and CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank the Sofrs of England, | Leicester Lodge 2%. for the kind letter of synipat! the prompt pase; nt of ire on the ocea off of the my late wife, | {Emma Dutton gned) Samuel Putten ' Raglan ro sSARD OF THANES of Ch for 'the they ald the life of my late 15 Ww vite y Proga Dutton --(Signed) Samuel Dutton 154 L154 Raglan re Ry Ae NO ADVAL ADVANCE IN PR IN PRICC ZIG-ZAG | SARDINES 2 for 25 Cents - Equalled by few Excelled by FENWICK. HENDRY & OO. on {LAU i LLANA 12 none enfin Orillia, on Arch th, May ughter of R. J. Shetlor, Jihal. dau aged 23 years. HAS EIGHT T SHOT WOUNDS | When Frank Eve's Barn Caught Fire, Sergt-Major Edmonds Of the 210 On Monday Afternoon. © Out Of Action, A barn owned by Frank Eves, ab. Mrs. A. P. Chown received a cable | man, caught fire from some un- from her husband Capt. Chown to 'kpown cause, at J-o'elock on Mon. the éffect - that Sergt: Major Bd-| day afternoen, and was 'badly gut-| ihonds, of the grenade section of the ted. Two cabs in the barn were al- 21st Battalion, had been wounded on. 80 destroyed, together with some! A) April 10th, while fighting in France. robes. he cable states that he hap eight The loss was placed $1,700, | anat wounds on his left leg and So. with partial insurance, but it is not thought that his oo ------------------ tion is serious. Sergt Major Bd: | The bowlers are getting ready for; monds was soon to be | | lo | TWO CABS DESTROYED, at I their summer session. mission in retungidon of Ris "ane STEADY | CAPABLE MAID | References | Whig | COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. PRE- | Apply | UNI- | Whig office. | GENTLEMAN DESIRES BOARD WITH | Al or to share | 100, | PIANDS | SCRAPINGS AND ASHES oo | Clean, free from papers, bottles and | side | Must | . NG properly dumped, as instructed WOR PRI ROOM OR ROOMS, IN A GOOD LOCAL. | i or a sit. | and | with closets | furnt- | or | meals can! | carp Frida¥, | st corner | strests | uew designs wall | April 4th, Lockwood, a | IMELAUGHLIN BUNK CAR, 1914 MO- del; self-starter, electric light and shock absorbers: five passenger. LOST s-------------------------------------------------- SILVER BRALEL gy i WATCH, | Apply Mrs. Geo. Bawden, River St. day night, on Barrie street. Fin-| Phone 1112, Mer please return to 374 Barrie St (DOUBLE FRAME MOUSE, 331 AND 320 Montreal Bt, cor. James; six rooms; baths and all conveniences; newly decorated. Apply 63 Doug~ lass St. Hamilton. A FIRSTCLASS BOARDING AND rouming house, In good central l0ca~ tiun; 5 established: annual cCann's Real Estate NS air 82 Broek St. lone TEN DOLLAR BILL, ON PRIN-| cess street, Saturday afternoon, be- tween Laidlaw's and Corrigan's Finder kindly return to Whig office and receive reward. |sMaLL BUFF small sum in silver, cess street. Finder kindly return. to bieyclie ghap of €. A. Jones, 610] Division street. I am winding up| my business and am prepared to a : : ! sell a limited number of bicycles| Wit HAVE rail ue x at spectally low figures. : Phone will sell cheap, Also ait 1284. of furniture, good mattresses s. J. Thompson, 333 Prin- . | CONTAINING on Lower Prin. © TO LPT. it NFURNISHED i Awpls 4 Whig « OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. AN bers. Apply to A, B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street. cess street HOUSEKEEPING | ~ immedia y at Box| wi Mice MAVE RECEIVED A LARGE shipment of high grade bicycles, and are offering special bargains for same. Also a large stock of Dunlop tires. George Muller, 371s King street. Phone 1032 -- | -- FURNISHED ROOMS, CENTRALLY LO- cated, every convenience; Very a LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SEC. quiet. Apply Box 329, Whig offic ond-hand furniture, stoves, eciloth- nea es er ARD ing, boots, suit cases, tools, ete. If DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES AND You have anything to sell: drop a storage for furniture McCann's ¢ card. 1 will call, 8. Shapiro, 46 Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock St Princess stréet. Phone 1237. THAT COMMODIOUS HOUSE, 74 SY D- | enham Place Apply next door or | Powe & Son, Merchants Bank Chambers. FURNISHED, S-ROOMED HOUSE] COR. Union and Beverly street, for sum- mer months. Apply Mrs. Ferguson, Phone 971. ONCE, table room LARGE HANDSOME HALL and chair, extension! dining table, two sideboards (all walnut), Singer sewing machine, kitchen range and every descrip- tion of household furniture. 559% Princess street. ------------------------------------------------------. FROM 18ST MAY, No: 8 rooms, hot wa tric light and gas. 79 Clarence street ALFRED st.,| er heating, el Thoma Mills, CADILLAC FIV PASSENGER TOUR- ing car. First class condition in every respect. Full equipment, including air pump, slg covers, tools, extra tire, ete, etc. Apply AT ONCE, A NEW T ROOMED HOUSE, | Howard 8 Folger, 44 Clarence St. street, -------------------------- AMfre barn and large lot. | Ren $11.00 per month Apply J. D Boyd, 108 Pine street, $1,10010 ACRES or LAND, 8 MILES -------- from Kingston Good house and STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, | barns. Cheap for quick sale. gy: airy rooms; your own lock and | ¥. Frost's City Storage, 299 | Queen street. Phone 526b. {LARGE SALES OR BOARDING bles, centrally located; 14 stalls, | large storage space, good lofts] and office; suitable for good livery; | possession at once. Apply to Jas. Richardson & Sons; or J. Driver, 352 King street. Phone 913. (oh 250-5 ACRES aT BATH. buildings and fruit, . BARGAINS IN ory DWELLINGS and farms. G. A. Bateman, in- surance and money to loan, 67 Clar- ence street, Kingston. GOOD STA. | | FOR SALE OR TO RENT { DRESSMAKING. | MY RESIDENCE, NO. 122 UNE TY le bb itn avenue, 11 jooms, hot wa heats PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS, IN terma- apply to Thomas For dressmaking, cutting by measure, Mitis, 78 Clarence street a dotiare. 1 trimming, ete; three nel PERSONAL Rn, dollars, juding system. Madame 53 Pri @= gtreet, corner a. 3 rinces= gtre or {HAIR Pg vp ARTS, BImTHN i ht Bydenhal York Dressmaking ishes removed permanently, ont moar: 30 Years' fkperience. De Elmer J. Lak os a Skin Bpecielat. 25 BUSINESS NOTICES, | WARD, PAINTER ANe PAPER | hanger, for good work. Abpy 183 | Victoria street, or Phone 162 w INDOW Ho. Throat Bagot # CLEANING and removing storm sash, see { George Hillier, of Kingston Win» dow Cleaning Co,, 281 Princess St, or phone 81. AWNINGS, VERANDAH CURTAINS tents, canvas, skiffs for outboard motors, folding boat wis abn tackle, etc. rank W. Cooke, Clarence street. | WM. EGAN WISHES TO ANNOUNCE that he has purchased the tallor shop formerly rum by Thos. Gallo- wav. and will do al Kinds of ra. pairing and pressing. Also make up suits from your own cloth, workmanship Kusranteea. L182 Brock street. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Soclety: ! president, CMG. kle, and DENTAL A. EE. RA. LDA. DDS APP, Office, by Princess | street. Phone 653 DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 159 Wellington Leonard Walsh, D.D.8, sistant. Phone 346. UPHOLSTERING. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, ne. pairing and carpet work anf mattress fenovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot street PATEVES. i -------------- BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, aids Marks, Designs, Esto. Asi? 5 Xo ps er! atent ee amiper. aster of ona Laws Kk. "Patent Pros 99 ames St, tawn, Waghingte ' { | | INVEST. incorporated 1863; Colonel H. . ~Bmith, vice-president, .'W. F. Nie. K.C. Money issued on city farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mort- Sagte purchased; de posits received and interest allowe . Cart wright, manager, 87 Chirenes St, Kingston. ---------------------------------------- LIVERPOOL, MINDON AND LOB re Insurance Compan Avaliable assets $61,187,215 pal rh Hon which the policyholders have security the unlimited Jabiiiey | of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewin tate or pSiving, new business so from trange tran "Agents. Phone 3 36 ki ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order business at home; no canvassing; be your own 98. Send for free booklet; tells how. Heacock, 2.969 Lockvort. N.Y FURNITURE FINISHING DRISCOLL, FURNPIURE FINISH. or ae or drop a card, 22 John strae Pr. - A Limited Quantity of Nut Coal There. may. not be any more of this size prepared. The chances are there won't. We ae selling it for cash =t $7.75 per ton. TANT Tr | work on the field. | as a private in the 21st Battalion he | was employed in the mint at Ottawa, Recital in §t. George's. A well aftcnded 'and very enjoyabl | organ 1 1 ven in -St. | George's Cathedral on Sunday eves: | | ing after Jus har vice. R. R.F, Hat | : at the organ, siz selections, Mis © A. Tweddell | g "Just 2s 1 ja Am," by CARR and ang "Abide With With Me," Moby L Liter re---- 'Furniture a iehen, db pres : - clean. W, J. " "The sang