Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Apr 1916, p. 6

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3 el WioBR.EN 3 Be AY AFTERNOON. TENTION OF "A y in pril err Te Reliable Fur and Come to Kingston in 1846-- iain Were Findwtistian Yi b tl Overseer At Building of Court; Has Been Drinking Given Further} 4 -- 'Wagon will : ' lo cc i {) Samuel Free, 286 Bark street, died| Everything will be all r h with : Reh uddenly on Sunday afternoon. e| James Wright if right Pe de : . . been ill recently, but had almost | enlists, not for service oveneas, but} Publie and High School SPECIALS: -- recgysted. old was the cause! as a member of the "prohibjed Nst.' |} Bobks. ......i-: h right' | Keep the Home Fires Burning . 25¢ «Th d was born | Wrigh 5 just a little bit) as | : }in the county of Wicklow, eq . in a was she pase of | College Text Books .....:. Popular Music «ooo -2 for 6c the year 1830. He came to Canada! his trouble. If he had tha Military Text Pooks ........ . oT 40c THE PATH END in 1846, and settled in Kingston, In| clear jump over the pond, jo midis Si Files Reprint Fiction .s 1853 ho was married to Mary Anu! have escaped the law. He ws drunk} lannon aansins ss ens Abrahams, of Kingston.: He was|on Princess street, afd fonstable Pennants and Pillows .| foreman for the late R. Tossel in the| Patterson wok him in chage. ile Te kag The Fo ook. . COMMITTEE DECIDES TO EN-|, jig trade for tweniy-sevén years, | was pov mad because he wis ace st- Framed Pietures .. The ord Book ¥ORCE PAYMENT. during whieh time he was Overseer | oq by the polics comstableiand en-iff Leather Hand Bags . 218k Bastalion Pictures ------------ at the building o e Cour ouse d to sh some It. : i " . <S Mark "OB azors Of Amount Subseribed--The General| and many of the important buildings Seavols ag how oe hy * he Tot Bibles and Prayer Books .... ; Mark Cross Committee Is To Meet Shortly For| in this city.| Later he purchased a ,0ain "asked Magistrate farrell of 5,000 Mile Guardnice. | Aeommminiim of tho Suame Wrigue. "HE a STATIONERY AND BOOK. SALE IN YEARS. "Al right," sald Wright {ommitice of the Canadian Pairiutie "I will give you a chajce then," ap FR und om turday afternoem in the i} | said the Magistrat 0 ore Phones: "donee bi. Resi- | oara Ot Trade rooms. ~The ac-| | Tat right sir," said Wight. 0 ec counts for April from the relief com- ] Exit Wright. mittee, and amounting to $5,922.80, Joseph Love was drunk and alli} 160. PRINCESS ST. OPEN NIGHTS. - PHONE 919 were passed. Incidentally it was fie had to say to the Magptrate was Msi ic learned that of the total sum sub- ; 1 | "Yes sir." Constables and scribed by the citizens towards the| J : | | Sargeant nipped him. A jayment of ~ YY Tn Patriotic Fund, $51,400, the sum of| Ji ] | $1 and costs will secure hp freedom; $47,100 had been collected. Between fl | otherwise he will serve tin days. a CW 1 a now and September it is expected we a i F ] se a" Edward Ton, who that $3,000 more will be paid in. Tt | Sir, sail i drunks, | : pong the week- 5 8 ¥ " | } was reported that there is about $300 A --g. charge was Ted against | BE ) | overdue, and that there was a mani- him. He was also touche} for a fine ; 3 i fest disposition on the part of some| § ER 0 , | : . of $1 and costs, i eT" phe Anounls that they A case of using abusife i 1 i . 4 i 3 8 Di I ized the publication of a notice to the| | | | was staged, but the 'omplainav i i a rithdrew the charge, apd this put 130 I AM A i [J | effect that these accounts, if not paid ¥ithdrg the evidince, How- | A at once, or if something were not paid | Je ne bring a case i IN y aL ee ONT. pd Sviletion: would. be en, that far into court, and the man ac-| It is deemed expedient to call a fhsnd Jeomised to pay the costs of | meeting of the general Patriotic Fund the cou { for next month and for the election Henry Pollax, a Geruha, tins Boon} of officers. Some changes have been on remand for a couple of weeks | made in the personel of the com. While in his cups, he sees a great mittee so far as the Council is con- deal more than' the ofdinary man. | around her arm, and can at- cerned, and it is only right that the Fer instance hie can sée men hunt- tach them herself easily, as she cit izens on their part should make ing him down with revolvers, ready | , , receives them. In the end she any change they see fit in their repre- #5 shoot him in Nick Carter fashion, | " y { has an attractive bracelet sentatives. " > the very moment they get a glance | 4 (rar? - y . | (guaranteed), and it could be There will, therefore, be a meeting] THE LATE SAMUEL FREE ot him. Poor Henry it in very bad 1 A ; { § attached to a watch if desired. of the general committee Very S00D | ~~~ | Shape. A doctor stated that he was ' i h for a discussion of the whole situa-| farm in Pittsburg township, and| mentally unbalanced, and that he " 3 ; 5 | tion, and an election of officers for | farmed: for some years. About fif-| was not fit to be allowed at large. | . 4 , 3 } * the current year. teen years ago he retired and lived | For this reason, Magistrate Farrell| ok; | Imi TOS in Kingston ever since. | gave him a further remand of one | ® Kentucky Lawn Grass Seed from| He is survived by his wife, dor | week. ! Gibson's makes beautiful lawns. sons and three daughters: Ex-Alder- S-- | f/ J Y JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS Mr. and Mrs, A. W, Wheatley and | Man Robert J. Free, Kingston; Wil- | . . y/ \ f Hh i | Headquarters for High Grade son Harry left on Monday for Duluth | !iam Free, Dauphin, Manitoba; /Tho- | Judgment For Plaintiff, i ) I Pearl Strirg Necklets, to visit relatives before Mr. Wheat- | a8 Free, Kamsack, Sask... Shmuel | Judge Lavell gave judgment for ley takes over his duties with the |! ree: Hamilton; Mri TC. B. Poutley,| the plaintiff with costs, in the case Lima Locomotive Works of Limo, | Lelerboro; Mrs. Robert Ballantyne,| of Davis vs. the Northern Assurance Oho. *| Ballantyne Station; Mrs. C. F. Kutz- Company. The plaintiff's claim was! rn bach, Hamilton. Nineteen grand-| po. the reccvery of $650, the amount More Strength For children and five great-grandchiidren! of insurance on the sloop Laura D., Feeble Old People. | 2150 survive, . { owned by the plaintiff. A. B. Cun-| If all the old people in Kingston Mr. Free was a member of Syden-| pinoham acted for the plaintiff. J.| realized what Vinol will do for them, | Lam Street Methodist Church and a| i Madden of Napamee for the de- we would not be able to get enéugh | Conservative in politics, fendants. ! of it to supply the demand. We -- quote from a recent letter received CONCLUDED SERV 1CES n i w | from Mrs. A, E. Carson of Kingston, Ouly One "BROMO QUININE. | N.Y. Harvey Angrove Removes From the To get the genuine, call for full | She says: "I am sixty-nine years City This Week. name, LAXATIVE BROMO QUIN-| of age, and had been ailing for a| Harvey Angrove completed his|INE. Look for signature of E. W. long time with indigestion. I got| connection With Queen Street Metho- | GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. run-down, was weak, dizzy and] dist Church, as bass soloist on Sun-|25c. could not sleep at night. I consult-| day evening, and was the subject of ed two doctors who said I had hard- | complimentary remarks by the pas- ening of the arteries and at my age | tor, who expressed the Toone of the Want Log Removed. could not expect to be strong again. congregation on his excellent service,| Local motor boat men are asking | 4 a B My daughter would give me no | and wished him very great prosperity | for the removal of a big log whic b| peace until- I tried Vinol, as it had | in the days to come. He hoped that has been.anchored in the water near | done so much for her. I have tak-| his splendid voice might be heard in | the big span of the Cataraqui bridge. | en five bottles and my health and|in the choirs of other places as it|1ne 108 was used by the contractors, | » Nobby Range of Easter Wearables at Prices to Please. | | strength have come back, So I am |had been in Kingston. Mr. Angrove | Dut it is stated that it is not Sequired FOR shie to do all the house-work for! is completing his medical course at hed and fhe motor boat iho h would, my family of four, and I am recom-| Queen's University. He leaves on Ike 10 have It removed, as 8a hin- Expanding links in Gold-fill- ed and Silver, are sold separate- ly, with the giver's initials en- graved on them. The owner collects enough links to go | | Gourdier's mending Vinol to all my friends." | Wednesday for Montreal to act as | Slane to them in bringing their boats 8 The reason Vinol is so beneficial | house surgeon in one of the Mont-| » & Hig lL. to old people is because it contains | real hospitals ) { | the very elements needed to replace After the evening service the mem.| It grows on any soll. Kentuc + | NN SE rE rn declining strength with renewed vig- | bers of the choir gathered and pre-| | Lawn Grass Seed from Gibson's Red | Wood's £hosphoaitis, or, viz: the medicinal elements of | sented Mr. Angrove with a hypoder- | Cross Drug etore. | fresh cod livers without oil, pepton- | mjc fnstrument. A. J. Pettigrew | Tie rummage sale held "by the | { The Great Rugtish [Rewmed ate of fron, beef peptone, and a mild | made the presentation. i uy ot he Blunts | serve aks to 3 8 { oroo **Manood Drug Co:, Limited, Kings | THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. a en B15 DE ton, Ont g Lo. : | HOME FROM THE FRONT, | realized the sum of $215. 3] 7 Me a Fats Le . : | rte | Don't scold a child for being] | foe Heart, ning, emery. Friedl = ALL SIZES Major Frederick McKelvey Bell Has| cross; (ry Rexall Orderlies, as the| <== ii gp i erases tod druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on T weipt Arrived in Ottawa. | trouble is probably with the bowels. | New we Wood | Sr ---------------------------- poses BUILDERS SUPPLIES cea | arasirade (revo ALL QUALITIES F INDIVIDUAL EYE Major Frederick MeKelvay Bell, a Sold only by Rexall Drug Stores, ae a i rr former -Kingstonian, who has heen| 4nd 20¢ boxes. Geo. Ww. JH 100¢ : OLOSING OF MAILS serving at the front, arrived in Otta-| Obickens are quite scarce aroun { » " 3 > Ma Ir 5 all closes irregu- 3 1 . = wa on Saturday, coming over from| here, and there is a steady demand. British mal 3 = Give ALL PRICES Se 2, CARE. England on a, 88. rn rT | Quantities have shad to be brought] larly Information posted at I day was a great success. The lad e | here from Toronto. 'The price is] ©. Lobby from time to time, Major Bell had been in France un-| | " 13.45 pan EE -- til about two months ago, when he| twenty- five cents a pound. Il United States, daily ..12.45 p.m, J hbuse-cleani present). A beantls : joined bieut.-Col. Shillington's staft| "Flower seeds at Gibson's. [fr rand Tule BoIn 1.30 a.m. i Ey EE os from ] au No two persons' eyes are exact. in England. He will spend three or| ------ wl rent Grand going {finest paintings: in the old world. Cc ' by ke eS vaton WI Jout weeks in.Canada, and is expect Do. ie luding Western : We ean suppl Vv our: ti PRICES MODERATE. States) ? | Bargains in Planos, Pictures, Grand . Twink d 3 customers with elean, | Frames, etc. Don't forget our new Each eye must be examined J. H. Rell, of Hamilton, will come to! west of ,city | | | | oP yo .30 p.m. fresh Sawdust: {store is next to John Laidlaw & Son's. . We prescribe glasses { { ¥ Cc. P.R, 10.15 a.m. 3 Warehouse. x i sae oe i To J: ungston to meet him. | Furs | e. Nh , : | ! {Your wife ome pew Picture now one person's vision will wromabiy ed to come to Kingston to visit with| fajure suother's. relatives the first of next week. Dr.| th welentific fnatru- Sr -------- { Phone vour require- D. A. WwW ments, eese __ Get After the Dogs. i our awn factory. ceipt in taxes were limited In 1900 3 --r-- | See the window every week. a they amounted to $568; in 1301, + . | Secures Stock of Chicago and St. S. An glin & C 1 Preah aetvite. in Sat von $277; in 1902, $281; in 1903, $258. : | Lawrence Steamship Co. Wood ow Fact 0. I eyes Th us. Appointments As against this under the license] | It is understood that the stock of godworkin actory. made any evening. ; i x ina Every lemme we supply In The Whig is réginded that during] specially for each ease in the time the dogs were taxed the re- C A ST SHIP COMPANY system the collections grew. In| | the Chicago & St. Lawrence Naviga- Lumber 'ards, 1904 the receipts from dog licenses| 3 | tion Company has been sécured by and % ET ---- were $708, and there has bee. a ' | the Canada Steamship Company at Bay Wellington Sts. slight gain annually since. Very good. The original offer Factory Phone 1418 Hut the Whig on a former occasion : | ealt with a time far preceding this . H. W. Richardson, of James Rich: . { J S. ASSELSTINE, when a dog commissioner made the lardson & Sons, Ltd., advanced the eesslumber, Ocal and Wanda, | pursuit of the vagrant canine his | offer to $185. Intimation came to | him that $200 a share was desired, . Kingston's Exel » np that any system that is not land Mr. Richardson made no further S o 343 KING SP, Phone 1019 B| chief business. It is ridiculous to searching can produce complete re- bid, The sale was then éffected with sults. Some one has to be a special At Kingston's Famous { Hie Larada Sieamshin Company at {are 'duly numbered and taxed, and Fur Store. i C without such an officer there is bound : SERGT. JUAN TANTON : to be a lot of d loouoniitimoonsy al gs umazed. SL We: assume all ve 1 | | 1 | rng eaning | officer in order to see that the dogs Formerly "of Queen's, %, Critically 11 At London, Ont, 1t will soon be time to start. How | A London, Ont., despatch says: «| ahout a new Eureka Electric Vacuum Sergt. John Tanton, formerly a stu- {Cleaner or a Bissell's Carpet Sweep- | ne when he passes on his rounds, kept " aihilityv: > Can Do High Plass out of the way. He assesses all he sponsibility and the ancy sees and can learn anything about, rates are reaosnable. Work but if every dog without a tag were i the mechanical section of the 70th {Bannister Brushes, Hair - Brooms, <No contradiction can wash Overseas Battalion here is in'a criti- |0'Cedar Mops #nd Dust Cloths, in|] out that fact. It Is as clear cal condition from bleod-poisoning, | fact everything te make the spring | as the water we use, as in- caused by neglecting a small cut {house cleaning easy. - Our Paint De-{] effable as the showy white while attending a sick soldier. partment is complete. Give us a -. Ion to linens, rls { Monday morning b ion ab otection call and let us show yon just how|| as unyielding as the marsh Canading Pra ger. yp om Proleeiio Gave A Dickens Recital. you can make everything look mew | our collars and: cuffs, crite Death, 2 Ibs. many. He expects to send away or. your urs, : Saturday eevming Frank [30d clean. ! fifor 26¢c. oo 150 parcels sither on Tuesday even- 4 LOE 1 WE DO HIGH i J 2 Or-early Wednesday morning and r recital 'of Dickens "in the | i" " 7 Evaporated Apricots, 15¢ for this reason expects that his staff" |i . Strand Theatre. The entertainment Furnitive: ako ao Favs Castip-| CLASS WORK will be very busy packing for the Ji ' was thoroughly appreciated by a apa amish Stains. Sweet Cider, 40 per gal. next two days. (8 U. large audience. = He proved tobe a | : : good' interpreter of the famed au- Kingston-Cape Vincent Route. it 5 ~ iu =f ) . After the entertaln- Commencing April 15th, 88. Amer< |} } ica leaves ook days at 1.15 p.m. for|} | Hears. under whose auspices the event Gone Vincent, conten with N. E way Bold, y ent Uoidin Zion Grooeny C. train . : i ---- entertained Mr. Speaigh at a dinner, either more of thom taxed or fewer Why run the risk ? |each. of them at large. Fresh California Prunes, ou sonmon a bus san. lI Call -- or phone 238 Bice oN Juicy, 10¢, 12 1-2¢, The American Consul was busy on | --for further informa- | ! In one pound sections, 26¢c shot. or impounded there would be & of Queen's University, now with jer? We carry a full assortment of |

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