Just a 'suspicion' of H.P, Sauce gives that finishing "touch which makes your plate of Oysters so enjoy- able. You try it! i H.P.<rich, Oriental fruits and spices blended with Pure Malt Vinegar, with the cunning which comes from long, Jong experience. a So--maxt time Sa W's Oysters Int i also be HP, A &y (EER ARROW "TiZ" HELPS TIRED, ACHING FEET Relief for Sore, tender, calloused feet and corns. Instant swollen The Huns 6000 HOT RECEPTION as a whole is contented, loyal, oF 1 tel aid. WOULD HAVE MET ATTEMPTED INVASION, Says Sultan Aga Khan, the Spiritual Head of the Millions of Islamier Moslems, + Paris, April 17.--"Indiang have not been fooled by the German pro-|' paganda, and India is the safest place in the world," is the message from Sultan Mohammed Aga Khan, spiritual head of the millions of Isla- mier Moslems as direct descendant of Mohammed and one of the most influential of Indian potentate, whose loyalty to England has just been re- warded by a salute of sevenguns and the rank of first-class chief of the Bombay Presidency. His Highness, who is on his way to London after wintering at the Riviera, said to a correspondent; "People attach' over-much impoer- tance to reports of Indian sedition, which is really due to an insignificant handful of agitators. The countyy and fully satisfied with English rule, the benefits of which it appreciates. The bog es | attempts by German gold to stir ap religious ill-feeling among the Indian Moslems have been perfectly fruit- less. My peoplé cheerfully fight their Turkish co-religionists in Meso- potamia or Gallipoli just as fellow- Christians kill each other in France. Soldiering in India is a regular pro- fession to which men are trained from childhood and is not a question She time the pitcher wad being fly "1 then tested the fluid from the petcock at the bottom of the tank and at the carbureter and found the fluid exactly the same as that pre- viously poured from the pitcher." Ee --_-------- FINANCIAL, MATTERS, pany's Profits For Year, New York, April 17.--The annual 'report i! I utdinaviat American » ny for 1915, receiv ed here to-day, shows a net profit for the year of $10,000,000. The annual profits are attributed to the high freight rates which have prevailed since the outbreak of the war. The profits, the report states, exceeded by $600,000 the capital stock. A divi. dend of 25 per cent. was declared al- ter $4,000,000 was placed in reserve, Accumulated Dividends, Toronto, April 17.--The accumul- ated indebtedness on twenty-four Ca- nadian preferred stocks, with a total outstanding capital amounting to $58,918,800, now reaches $7,877,820 or 13.3 per cent. At the outset of 1915 there were 27 stocks on the list. This number has been reduced to 24. To Take Action, Montreal, April 17.--<The directors of the Dominion Bridge company Will meet next Wednesday to take action respecting the quarterly divi- dends. In view of the very substan. tial earnings at the present time there is no likelihood of a reduction of the bonus, which is three per cent, In addition to the quarterly dividend of two per cent. This is equivalent to 20 per cent. per annum and makes the stock at its present price a cheap investment, yielding over nine per cent, May Pay Over $200 A Share, Montreal, April 17.--In connec- tion with the exceptional strength and the recent developments in con- nection with the Consolidated Min- ing and Smelting Company of Can- ada, the story is heard that further development, not yet announced, are convenient A joint those going gar'B taza Apply to KINGSTON place for your surplus Puhds, account is specially adapted BRANCH, _ Bre Sole Agent for the cele- brated " CROWN BICYCLE. First Class Repairs; also a large stock of Bicycle Accessories, Works, 289 Princess Street. a at NNN r NEW METHOD Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Neatly done. We make a speciale ty of Ladies' Work. M. F. PATTON, Prop. 149 SYDENHAM ST. (Near Prin. cess St.) Phone 214. Call in get prices on In enbators before buying. We also carry a large stock of Bugsi Kitchen Cabinets, Fane ning Mills, Milk Wagons a specinity, J. C. SPENCE, Agent fob Masses-Harris high faery. 132 CLARENCE 8ST, Phone 1221, | | GARAGE "McLAUGHLIN." We wish to announce to the public | that although our Garage is head- quarters for McLaughlin Cars and are specialists on same, we are also pres pared to handle any other make of car Intrusted to us. ' Special attention given to Washing, Storing and Painting. Courtesy Is 'our motto, | R. J. FURSEY, | Phones 1608, 931. Proprietor, | 35-37 MONTREAL STREET, Near Princess Street. pending. The story is to the effect that certain large New York interests are negotiating for the purchase 'of the entire stock of the company and thus in order to succeed in this they will have to pay over $200 per share for it. No names are mentioned in this. You're footsick ! Your feet feel tired, puffed up, chafed, aching, Sweaty, and they need "Tiz.' "Tiz"" makes feet remarkably fresh and sore-proof. "Tiz" takes the pain and burn right out of corns, cal- louses and bunions. "Tiz" is the grandest food-gladdener the world has ever known. Get a 25-cent box of "Tiz" at any drug store and end foot torture for & whole year, Never have tired, ach- ing, sweaty, smelly feet; your shoes wil] fit fine and you'll only wish you had tried "Tiz" sooner. Accept no substitute. FAA A A A i DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. of conscription or volunteers. It is absurd to suppose that professiontls whose trade is war would hold back when business became brisk. "Had the Germans ever tried to invade India they would have been surprised by the reception, but 1 be- lieve the whole scheme was a bluff. Moreover, Afghanistan, which is far less friendly to Great Britain's ene- mies than they imagine, would have proved an impassable barrier. Even against Egypt their proposed expedi- tion was more a step to Turkish am- bitions than a serious invasion. In Cairo that winter, I am sure, the Turko-German plan which failed, was never organized with the thor- oughness that Germans apply to gen- uine efforts. "Except at the time when the Em- den cut the trade routes momentari- ly, India has been almost untouched by the war, which people follow with interest but with the utmost confi- Children Cry for Fletcher's eT The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has ome the signattire of and has been made his pere sonal supervision since its infancy. % Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and *¢ Just-as-good >' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children: nce proms No Experiment, Scene from Act. 1. in "Within the Law" waturday, April 22nd, matinee and night. FEEL 'FINE! TAKE "CASCARETS"" FOR LIVER, BOWELS Spend 10 cents! Don't stay bil- fous, sick, headachy, constipated. at the Grand on Commercial Notes, New York Journal of Commerce estimates fire losses on March, U. S. and Canada, $38,680,250, against $18,786,460 iu March last year. The International Engineering Co., engaged in the manufacturing of mu- nitions recently, reports profits of $77 M8 for 1916. Effective on Saturday, the name of the Alaska Feather & Down Co., Montreal, was changed to the Park- hill Manufacturing Co., Limited. J. W. Noreross, vice-president and managing director of Canada Steam- AA A tii, CENT A GALLON FUEL FOR AN AUTOMOBILE IS A POS- SIBILITY Louis Enricht, Long Island, Is ' the | Inventor of a Mysterious ' Green Chemical As Motive Power, New York, April 18.--The engag- ing possibility of running an auto- Says we will both look and feel clean, sweet and fresh and avold liness. -- Sanitary sclénce has of late made rapid strides with results that are of untold blessing to humanity, The lat- est apphication of its untiring, re- search is the recommendation that It 18 as necessary to attend to inter- nal sanitation of the drainage sys- tem of the human body as it is to thé drafin of the house. hose of us who. are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when we arise, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom- ach, ean, instead, feel is fresh as a dalsy by opening the sluices of the #system each morning and flushing out the whole of the internal poisonous stagnant matter, Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver and bowels the pre- Vious day's indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; this clean- sing, SWeetening and purifying the! entire alimentary canal before put-' ting more food into the stomach. The | action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is. wonderfully invigorating. = It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast While you are enjoying your break- fast the phosphated hot water is quietly extracting a large volume of water from the Blood and getting ready for a thorough flushing of all the inside organs. The millions of people who are bothered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatic Stiffness; others skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get a quar- ter pound of limestone phosphate from the "drug store. This will Cost very little, but is sufficient to make anyone a pronounced crank on the subject of internal sanitation. that the British always end by win- ning" A FEELING OF DETEST anost desks at various banks. One phrase ihe official WollT Agency, longér the desired effect upon who have sallow | unhappy, frightened flock which rep- resents the Austrian people, I heard & high court official say: we should have made separate peace arrangements long ago.' : dence in an allied victory. We know PREVAILS IN AUSTRIA IN RE- GARD TO GERMANY, Although The Latter Is Austria's Al. ly--Desire For Separate Strong In Vienna, London, April 17.--A neutral who lived many years in Austria has given the impressions he gained dur-, ing recent visits there to the New York World: "The effects of the war are visible al once upon one's arrival in Vienna. The large restaurants, brilliantly lighted, and resounding with the musisc of Tzigane orcheStras are -ai- empty, Occasionally a few boulevarders take places at the tables, but rarely do they dine there. "As 1 was leaving a hotel, I asked for the ration of bread which would have been served me at the evening meal. This was refused me, The ex- cuse given being that any guest leav ing before a meal could not be sup plied, with bread and that the ra tions thus left over were furnished to the inhabitants of that quarter of the city. ? "On. the day when the fall in the Peace value of a florin was particularly ac-| centuated I could hear lamentations uttered openly at the paying tellers' iecurred constantly: *Y 'Germany has deceived us; Ger- wany has lied to us.' "The news of victories by the ar- mies of the central powers, spread by has no this "If our armies were not so inex- tricably tied to the German armies "The only places in the whole Can't harm you! Best cathartic for men, women and children. Enjoy life! Your system is filléd with an accumulation of bile and bowel poison which keeps you bili- ous, headachy, dizzy, tongue coated, breath bad and stomach sour- -Why don't you get a 10-cent box of Cas- carets at the drug store and feel bul- ly. Take Cascarets to-night and en- Joy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienc- ed. You'll wake up with a clear head, clean tongue, lively stép, rosy skin and looking and feeling fit Mothers can give a whole Cascaret to a sick, cross, bilious, feveris® child any time---they are harmless--never gripe or sicken A A A A ce mm ne bia--some say half their effective army. But in Vienna nobody men- tions the Austrian lesses--only the Bulgarian losses. "However, it i8 easy to see that he, or she, has endured, for Aus- trian women deo not affect that hor- rible- impassability that certain Ger- mal women have tried to make a la mode, "Many Austrians, espeeially the glite deeply deplore the new famil- larity between Emperor Francis Joseph and the Bulgarian Comitad | Jis, made up of professional assas-| sins, whose business ordinary ! times is to wring ransom from cap- | tives, "For the moment, neutral says, "the Ger the country, add nothing as tonishes the Germanizers in Austria than to find that their Allies them almost as much as do their emies" J n in sfiowgver,"" this mans dominate more PRIESTS SHOULD FIGHT. Church Thereby Gains Says Chaplain, London, April 18.--The Palm Sun-! day service for the overseas forces at | St. Margaret's Church, Westminister, | was largely attended. The Canddians | attached to the Canadian Pay and | Record Office paraded under Col, | Ross and were played into the chirei | Adherents, | mobile with a few gallons of water and a mysterious green chemical as motive power, the whole costing less than a cent a gallon, caused William Haskell, publisher of The Chicago Herald, to visit Louis Enricht, the inventor of the miracle-working fluid, at the latter's home in Far- mingdale, Long Island, yesterday. Mr. Haskell 'said, in describing the suecessful working of the fluid in running a car: "lI am frank.to confess that in Spite of the accounts published in some, of the New York evening pap- ers I approached the proposition with caution. "I first examined the entire con- slruction of the car to make sure that there was no place to conceal another fuel tank, and then drained the tank of every drop of fluid it contained, letting #t sdrip on my hands, smelling it and drying it by evaporation It looked like .water, and had d' slight bitter almond. odor iike that of prussic acid, "I then took an ordinary china Ty white pitcher and filled it from a faucet that protruded from the of the barn. 1 took a drink the pitcher and what I drank pure water; then held the pit- while Mr. Enri¢ht- took the small vial from 'his pocket amd pour ed into the water the pitcher about an ounce of clear fluid slight- « with green, This I stirred water with, a stick and outed contents of the » fank of the car, under my all So side irom was cher in eve | to accidents while at work? If so, you should carry a box of Zam-Buk., In the workshop or factory, when an decident occursy an immediate application of Zam-Buk will save much suffering . and consequent loss of time. There is nothing like Zam-Buk for stopping pain, and ship Lines, Ltd., had been elected a director of the Canadian Vickers Go. Chalmers Motor Company, Detroit, which recently obtained a Canadian charter, with a capitalization of $1. 000,000, is to establish its Canadian branch plant at Ford City, purchas- ing Tate Electric Company for that punpose, A five to ten per cent. increase in the wages for all employes .of the woollen and cotton mills of New Eng- land, amounting to over $10,000, 000 is about to be made. In reliable quarters it is stated that the National Brick Company earnings for the month, of March were $500,000 in excess of those for March, 1914, New York hears that Ontario Steel Product Co.'s earnings for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1916, are running at the rate of abous fifteen per cent, on the $750,000 common. It is known that the outlook for Dominion Steel Corporation is re- markably good at the present time, A foothold has been already secured in the British market for goods that formerly were only obtained from Germany: The National Steel Car Company reports earnings for the year ending November 30th, 1915, of $737,871, which compares with a deficit of $6,- 680 in the 1914 year, and earnings of $243,228 as shown in the first an- nual repent, which was for the 1913 year, A well known steel man, on being asked whether he thought there was any truth in the rumor of $90,000,- 000 earnings for United States Steel for the second quarter, replied: "No, but I predict they will be running between $300,000,000 and $400,000, 000 a year before the close of the present twelve-month." a It is understood that Westing- house Electric net profits for March were close to $1,600,000, and that April results will probably exceed this figure. These monthly profits were without auy help from the rifle contract, and would be ejual to bet- ter than thirty-two per cent. on the common, gorie, Drops and Sodthin contains meither Opium, substance. Its age and allays Feverishness. has been in constant use Flatulency, Wind Colic, Diarrhoea. 's Panacea' o ™ It regulates the assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep, The 'The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the, Signature of What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare Syrups. It 18 pleasant. It o ne nor other Narcotic is its guarantee. It destroys Worms For more than thirty years it for the relief of Constipation all Teething Troubles a Stomach and Bowels, In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought: RCENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, "enn FASTER FOOTWEAR country where passable food can be obtained are Velakirch and the Ty- rol, both not far from the Swiss fron- tier, and there the food supplies are 100,000 CATHOLICS LOST "IN ARMENIAN MASSACRES. being a strong antiseptic it des- troys all germs and prevents wounds from festering. by the Guard's band. The address | wag delivered by Major the Rev. E, | A. Wells, of Minnedosa, Man, senior | Montgomery QUEEN QUALITY SHOES FOR WOMEN. - Dye Works ¥ For the Best tn AT, J. B. HARRIS, hy ¥ Princess go ' obtained by contraband. 'as well as in Berlin, enormous num- bers of postal packages are received from neutral countries. triaus and Bulgarians suffered heavy losses in their offensive against Ser- In Vienna, Aus- "It is well known that the hg 'begin healing or return your chaplain at Shornciiffe, his subject being "The Attitude of the Church to the War", AHuding to the controver- Sy as to whether the clergy should fight, the speaker expressed admira- tion of those priests wha enlisted first without asking 'their bishop's permission, avd sald that for every priest who fell the ¢hurch gained a hundred adherents. set-------- Vegetables At Toronto. Good, carrots have no trouble in realizing $1.25 per 75-lb. bag onthe street at Toronto, according to Daw- son & Elliott, who quote a range of $1 to $1.25 per bag; turnips are 35¢ to 40c; beets, 36e to 40c; and parsnips '65¢ to 75¢ per 75.peund bag. Cabbages are $1.35 to $1.50 per barrel for old, and '$3 to $3.50 per, case for new, § Nearly everything that glitters has! been offered as an inducement for, people to part with their money. | Twelve hundred Canadians parad- ed to service at St. Margaret's, West-| minster, Sunday. ; | The Masonic Order will spend! $175,000 on a temple in Toronto. a Mr. J. Benson, an iren-worker, of Sheridan St. Brantford, Ont, says: "I am always getting bits of metal in my hands, which invari ably begin to fester unless I apply Zam-Buk. Needless to say, I am never without a box of Zam-Buk." Mr. Austin Finlayson, of Esk, Bask, writes: "While at work I cut my hand with a saw. Not thinking . it serious, I neglected the eut ml it-became very sore and festered. then applied Zath:Buk, which soon drew out the inflammation and healed the cut. Had I only applied Zam-Buk in the first place, I would have been saved much pain and in- convenience." Zam-Buk is also best for Ecclesiastical * Authorities in Germany Hear of the Turk= ish Atrocities. Amsterdam, April graphing from Cologne the conres- pondent of The Tijd says: ¢ "Catholic ecclesiastical authiorit ies in Germany have received from an authoritative source in the. Cath- olic missfon trustworthy information that bulf a' million Armenians have been murdered by Turks through starvation or ill-treatment. About 100,000 Catholics were among them fucluding four Bishops.' The message doncludes: "Popular feeling among the Armenians was {roused against the Turks by thel British." James Diggle, a returned soldier, killed himself at his boarding house In. London as a result of nervous shock from the terrible fighting he bad passed t th. '- Two little sons of Pte. Ben Thom- as, 70th Battalion, were drowned in Bear Creek, Petrolea, while he was at home on his last week-end leave. 'told the Royal Canadian Institute] als, 17. --Tele-]" --You will be more than pleased with the tiew styles of Pumps and Low Cuts we ave showing in tlfis fam- ous line of Women's Shoes . . . :$4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 ASTORIA SHOES FOR MEN. The man who wear; Astoria Shoes knows what | it is to have foot ccinfort combined with the most | up-to-date styl; in Spring Footwear, $5.00 and $6.00 1 hac Dr. C. K. Clarke, superintendent of the General Hospital, 0, _ THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. . , that Canada is a generation 'ebind 'nthe care and trewtment of crimine n g