Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Apr 1916, p. 4

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posed and called to account; and at the time when so much is taking place CO, LIMITED, | such document, in its quality and { eritical period in the history of the 4 to disturb the diplomatic relations between the Central Powers and Tri- ple Entente, the leading citizens of America should address a message to the people of the Allied nations. No power, has ever appeared, and at a world. ~ Who suggested it does not Appear, nor is the information of first Importance. It is sufficient to senting in their wealth, power and intelligence nearly a hundred mil- lions, Rave spoken on the war. Apparently these leaders in public opinion hesitated about putting them- selves on record, but at last they felt that they had to express their Sympathy with the Allies. The American conscience, it is said, could J. a Bott [rch ois. uPreRlGunt Lemon one rector on Telephones: SUBSCREPTION RATES: (Dally Edition) One year, delivered in city One year, if paid in advance .... One year, by mall to rural offices . One year, to Lijted States (Semi kly Edition) One year, by mall, cash One year, Hf not pald in ad One Year, to United States . #ix and three months pro rata. Attached 1s one of the best. job printing offices in Canada. "TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE HH E. Smaliplece > dia RAT St. New_York Office ¥1926 Brth Ave. Frank R. Northrup, Manager. Chicago ribune Bldg. Frank R. Northrup, Manager. CACKLING OVER LATTLE., The federal prohibition 'measure, over which there has been so much discussion, is not very effective. It will be of precious little advantage to any province which carries prohi- bition. It would be of practically no benefit in seeing that the desires of the people, with regard to the drink trafic, are respected. It would have been of greater usc had the amendment proposed by ir. Guthrie been accepted. It aimed at prevent- ing the importation of liquor within any province which had declared for prohibition. Another good amend- ment, that of Mr. Sinclair, was ac- cepted -- after a couple of consérva- tives had bolted from the party -- and provides that the domin- jon officials shall prosecute offend- ers without and against the province in which the offense occurs. - There has been a lot of cackling over this prohibitory measure of the dominion parliament; but, like the cackling which is so often heard elsewhere, it is gover a very small matter, Hon Mr. Doherty has expended his strength and small talk to very little purpose, Is there a disposition on the part of the members of parliament to break party shackles and vote ac- cording to their own judgment? It would seem so, and it is an import- ant sign. McGARRY IN A PASSION, 'The province, when it launched its cheap power scheme, many years ago, assumed no financial obligation and does not assume any financial obligation to-day. It borrows mon- ey in the name of the province for the municipalities, but it charges _ them with all the costs of adminis- tration. Mr. McGarry, es provin-. cial treasurer, new assumes a new attitude. .It is that the province is in control of the Hydro-Electric Commission's finances, that the money it handles js ractically the money of the province. = A contrast, surely, with the position Jaken by Hon. Mr. Lucas when he was trease urer, and when In March, 1913, he sald, "It is the municipalities that are paying, not the province." Mr. McGarry's contention means that Sir Adam Beck, outside' of the govern- ment, is its small boy and Mr. Mec- Garry is his boss. The provincial treasurer in a passion declared, "No One on this side of the house has any desire to detract from his (Beck's) ability, and 'when my honorable friend talks of jealousy it is all rot." And yet he realizes that his hand has been shown and that the people will not stand for some concealed method of asserting super! rity over _ the chief commissioner of power. 'Hence he withdrew the clause of his bill Which gave a new official power to perform any duty, not specified, when the order of the lieutenant- governor in council put it upon him, The scold of (he provinuiul treasurer only serves to emphasize that which has been gravely suspected, namely, that' the McGarry bil meant mis- chief to the chief hydro commission- er and the interests sents, ; S------------ The Toronto Telegram sees in. the proceedings of the legislature the surrender of the Hearst government to the Rowell opposition.: This is a whieh bo. repre: not | remain silent. It would not "run the risk of appealing to the neutral-minded without injury to its own integrity and self-respect." The signers of this document, Including many of German education and ex- traction, desire the Germans and Austrians to be defeated, and de- clare that the conscience of the peo- ple cries out in protest against vio- lations of international law and the law of humanity, One paragraph sums up the mean- ing of the whole message: "It is be- cause we believe that the success of Great Britain, France, Italy and Rus- sia will mean the restoration of Bel- glum and of Serbia and the suppres- sion of militarism, that we ardently hope for that consolation. In that hope we believe the future of civili- zation to 'be involved." President Wilson will read these lines with a new hope and encouragement. He will see in them an interpretation of & public opinion which he has been studying thus far with doubtful re- sults. - The effect will be a stiffening of the diplomatic back, and a peremp- tory demand for a change of policy Which the German officers of state will not mistake or misunderstand. ---- The politicians of both the Mother Country and Canada are afraid of conscription. They fear the effect of radical legislation upon the electorate, ---- ANOTHER CONSPIRACY. A new German conspiracy has been discovered in the United States. Many persons appear to be-involved. Eight are under arrest and others are under surveillance and will some of these days be landed in prison. Four of the suspects are engineers of the Steamer Freidrich der Grose, whicli, since the opening of the war, has been interned at Hoboken. Thesé have been making bombs on the North German Lloyd liner and they have been filled with explosives at the factory- of one Scheele and placed on the out-going ocean steam- ships, carrying munitions, by Ger- mans. 'Two of these are the super- iutendents of the piers. Two others are the electrician of the Freidrich der Grose and a chemist in the Scheele Works. All have been busy, and all have been serving most faithfully the German Empire, as it has been represented by Von Papen, before his deportation, and by his late associates, The bombs made on the Freidfich der Grose, and filled with explosives in the Seheele fertilized factory, were sent to ports in all parts of the United States. Some were shipped in boxes, some in suit cases and others in small trunks. There was no | trade route covered by Allied shipé | that was not contemplated in this] conspiracy. : There have heen explosions on ships at sea, and no one has been able to tell how they happened. The Kirkoswald, for France, with a vali- able cargo, had a narrow escape, A bomb was found undischarged, and it 'was sent by the French govern- ment to America in order to aid the detectives in their efforts to locate the manufacturers. It served its purpose and was identified as con- taining explosives which correspond- with those found in the Scheele Chemical works, ' The uncovering of this conspiracy bas caused a profound sensation. A couple of the arrested men; who were hired to do their parts and had Do heart and no evil designs in what they did, have made confessions, and these will inculpate the principals. There are some "higher ups" in the plots who are 'wanted and cannot be found. With the news of the first arrests they disappeared, But they will be run down. Thé United States is a large country, but all too small for the criminals who essay to hide themselves. nea dns. EDITORIAL NOTES. Phe tiquor men baye nothing to fear from the dominion prohibition in a modicum of damage. ' ---- ---------- » Another political erisis impending in Britain, Another break-up im t! measure. It aims at doing the cause |§ priate some of his greatness and founded on well-earned success? There is good ground for this sus- picton, and the MoGarry wrath is a result of a reference to the matter. "You don't know what the Mc Garry bill is about," shouted the provincial treasurer when Mr. Row- ell eriticlaed its 'features. MoeGarTy was right. No one pretended to know what was bebind the joker which the house, in sympathy with Sir Adam Beck, forced him to with- draw, Ontario East, some persons insin- uate, would not have electric power, for many a day had it 'depended up- on Sir Adam Beck. And Ontario West, or all Ontario, would have been without it until this day had Sir Adam Beck not forced it upon the government, He has all along been stronger than the Ferguson. The deputation of municipal men, and representing the electric light and electric radial interests, made it clear to the Ontario Government in the "last interview with them, they had ideas that ould not be ignored. Covert attacks upon Sir Adam Beck will not be tolerated. He may err in judgment occasionally, but the province will not stand for MceGar- ry's interference with him. Britain bas heen generous to the American packers whose products, to the value of many millions, were seized at sea and appropriated by the prise court. But she signifies that in future the shipments of these products shall be regulated by her judgment and they will accept her rule without a protest. Another eyi- dence that Britain's navy rules thé sea. 4 Some years ago, when Canadian cheese had the call, the Americans shipped their products via Canada and had them labelled so as to de- ceive the English people. Now Can- adian eggs are demanded abroad and the Americans are shipping their eggs via Canada and by the Canad- fan route. Leave it to the average Yankee to play some sharp trick when he wants to advance his busi- ness interests, FEA BBA POO], | | PUBLIC OPINION She Doesn't Cave. (Port 'Arthur Chronicle). Germany hasn't a friend among the neutrals but she doesn't care 80 long as they fire only paper bullets. A Poor Substitute, (Toronto Star). The mailed letter of Woodrow Wil- son, as an offset to the mailed fist of the Kaiser, has been a hollow failure from the first. Eating Dirt. ' (Brantford Expositor). They say every .man must eat a peck of dirt before he dies. But A AN ministry, | hence the jealousy of McGarry and | pecks, but by bushels, round For "It. (Hamilton Times). - Much capital is being made by the Grit press over Rowell's 'banish the bar" policy of four years ago now be- ing enacted by the Conservative Gov- ernment, x para Cannot Do It. {8t. Thomas Journal). Sir Adam' Beck declares that he will not resign from the Hydro Elec- tric Commission. The Toronto Tory outfit will find it a difficult matter to push the Minister of Power from his seat, { { The New Plan, (Toronto Mall). 8ir Robert Borden says the Gov- ernment's policy is to fill up present units recruiting before authorizing new ones. In Toronto eight or ten units are calling for men, and each j unit grows slowly because so many | are authorized. Privileges and Taxes. (Brantford Courier). The Ontario House has passed leg- islation which enables municipalities if they so wish to impose a poll tax of $56. Sensible move. The young man who isn't willing to contribute that much to the community in which he lives and whose benefits he enjoys, cannot he classed as _ other- wise than a municipal slacker. Looting The Government. (Ottawa Citizen). Under Hon. Robert Rogers' police- man-telephone pole friend from Win- nipeg, given the patronage job to handle Public Works dredging in British Columbia, a bill for 30,000 yards of rock-dredging, at $9.10 per yard, came in to the Department where only 4,300 yards had been es- timated for the whole contract. * KINGSTON. EVENTS 26 YEARS ACO There was quite a heavy fall of snow to-day. The election expenses of Sir John A, Macdonald in Kingston reached $982.45, . Ex<Mayor R. J. Carson has pur- chased the Newlands estate, consist- ing of four houses, on the corner of Barrie and Princess street. MAWSON TO TAKE POST. Famous Explorer Will Appeal For Expedition, San Francisco, April 19.--S8ir Douglas Mawson, Antarctic explorer, reached here from Australia on his way to London, where he will as- sume duties in the British War Of- fice. It will be impossible to rescue Lieut. Ernest Shackleton, supposed to be marponed on, the Antarctic continent, until next January, Sir Douglas said. re While in London, Mawson said, he intends to urge upon the British Ad- miralty the necessity of an expedi- tion to rescue the tén men of the Shackleton party left with scanty provisions on the north side of the south polar continent when their ship Aurora was caught in the ice and carried away. They had land- ed there, intending to await the ar- rival with the Aurora of Lieut. Shackleton, who disembarked on the south side of the continent. mn RANDOM REELS "Of Shoes and Ships, snd Sealing Wax, of Cabbages and Kings." SUCCESS. Success is a process-which consists in climbing to the top of the ladder and sitting tight, Some men are born successful at a tender age and are able to denude their playmates of marbles . and jack-knives with monotonous regularity. Others ach- jeve success by working sixteen hours a day while thelr companiens are trying 'to keep step with a five-piece dance orchestra, and a large number have success thrust upon them by the unexpected demise of a rich rela- tive who intended to leave his money in another spot. . As a rule, success is measured in money. It is a great surprise to a man who never had enough ready money to stock a chiffonier to fall headlohg into 400 acres of alfalfa land and a herd of registered short horn cattle, and then discover that he is about to be run for Congress by admining friends. Some of the most startling social successes On record in this country have been achieved by people who struck oil at a time when they were about to substitute middlings for wheat flour. Mager will oftentimes enable a man to cceed where sterling worth can't get a check cashed without be- ing identified by the resident pastor. Success can be defined by the way you look at it. In every town and village in this country there are men and women who have to scrimp on the meat bill in order to meet the taxes, or busy to sit up with a sick neigh- bor of nurse a neighbor's child. No-| body but the recording angel can keep track of the men with big hearts and smail>salaries who slip into the back door ¢F the grocery and order provisions sent to a neel" home, or who fill some unfortunate's coal bin out of an already slim purse. When the great day comes there will be a let of shining faces in' heaven, 'worn by people who on earth never seemed able to get two jumps ahead of a writ of attachment. There are times when success seems to land on the side of the fakir, the quack and the crook. This causes many people to wonder if the Bible is true, and tempts others to invest in securities which yield 126 per cent. interest if acted upon be- fore the stock is all gone. Success which gets there by picking the pockets of the ignorant or simple- minded usually winds up in remorse and a uniform furnished by the state. Rippling Rhymes . Upon the farmers' rolling acres, the hired men, husky harvest makers, now push the gleaming plows; all days above their tasks they're bending, and when the twilight is descending they milk three thousand cows. They rise before the dawn is breaking, and give their sweal and currycontb; t-stained mules a raking, with brush with pails of swill they go a-reeling, to feed the porkers, loudly squealing as they blow off the foam. They feed the «calves and groom the chickens, and milk more cows 40 beat the dickens, be- fore the rise of sun; and while the rest of us are snoozing, the glory of the morning 160sing, their day's work is begun. The eight hour day ? Don't josh or mock them; such levity would pain and shock them; some eighteen hours they teil, between the hour of their upgetting, and their retiring, tired and sweat- ing. and caked with fertile soil. 3 e farmer, and say he is the. Sut. bY the boosters, bards and J 's mighty little said. We boost and praise honest charmer who keeps the nation sages, of him who tills the land for but who are never too tired] Men's and Boys' Wear Store WE CLAIM TO . HAVE THE BEST $15.00 AND $18.00 SUITS IN CANADA. Every fabric is attractive, durable and stylish; every garment is eut and tailored by expert hands. Our Suits command the respect and admiration of every man that sees them. SEE BIBBYS $12.50 SPRING OVERCOAT, "The Oxford." SEE BIBBYS © $15.00 SPRING OVERCOAT, "The Joffre"--Very smart style. 1 SMART NEW HATS FOR SPRING 1916. See the King Hab, at ..........$2.50 See the Wolthausen Hat, at ..$2.50 See Our Borsaling Hat, at ....$4.00 - SEE BIBBYS BOYS' The Alton, at SUITS NOBBY SHOE STYLES We Sell the Celebrated Just Wright Shoes for $5.00. New 1916 Styles are Beauties. 28 to 35. The High School, at 28 to 39. OLD TIRES Bring your old Tires to us and we will allow you highest prices for all sizes. Allowances from $1.50 to $3.50 per casing. Auto Tire & Vulcanizing Co, 206 Wellington St A Exclusive Dealers in Tires and Accessories. TTeTTvyeTevewe . reveve MCLEOD'S ic DRUG Syrup STORE! ood MOTH BALLS CEDAR CAMPHOR MOTH BAGS (all sizes) STRAW HAT COLORS (All shades) GARDEN AND FLOWER} SEEDS McLEOD'S DRUG STORE, He buys what "he needs | when prices are lowest. | COAL PRICES ARE DOWN | Fill your bins now with | our well-sereened steady | burning, anti - clinker coal. A A '149 SYDENHAM STREET. A girl is often called "giddy" be- cause she makes the young men's

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