Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Apr 1916, p. 8

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tor Alrty and dul Fo ented na' ade ie us and polishes--and it it all at the one operation. Made in Canada) Take a bottle home to-day and I it out according to directions. tin mranteed. Then you will never be without It again. You Will uge #t on all furniture and floors and woodwork and you will 8 surprised and delighted at the wplendid results you will obtain from wo little work, At your dealers, 23¢ to $3.00. COHANNELL CHEMICAL C0, Ltd, 349 Sorauren Ave. Torente. - For Sale 1. Good frame dwelling, 4 bedrooms, B. & C.; algo hen house and small orchard; Albert St. ...$1,800 2. First class modern brick dwelling; loca- tion exceptionally good »oine $3,850 3. Double brick, in good repair, 8 rooms each central location, $4, For particulars apply to I. J. LOCKHART, Real Estate & Insurance Clarence 8t., Kingston. Phones 1035 or 1020, = SPECIAL PRICES ON EASTER MEATS, Sirloin Steak 'West End Meat Market Phone 407. an mee (From Our Cor : Abril 23 On Thursday Svening in St. John's church, Rev. Father Hy- land, of St. Mary's Cathedral Cathe- dral, Kingston, gave an excellent dis- Sours on the Real Presence, 3 Maple Leaf young ladies bible class of Grace Church held an after- noon. tea at the parsonage on Thurs day afternoon, William Allen, Water street, has enlisted for overseas service with the 156th Leeds and Grenville Battalion. The pupils of Gananoque High School held their annual cross coun- try run and shooting mateh on Thursday afternoon. The run was Over a four mile course. There were five competitors the finish being in the following order: Ernest Bradley, Godfrey Bird, George Balls, Gerald Pauley, and 'Jack Sampson. The tro- phy was a handsome bronze shield and was won for senior third form. In the shooting tournament, only the first and second form completed. The third form will shoot on the afters noon of school opening after Easter vacation. Mrs, Frederick Arthur of Mont- real, a former resident, is spending a short time in town with relatives. Louis Lalonde and John Charbon- neau spent a short time in Kingston this week. Gananoqueans have learned with deep regret of three of her sons, highly respected and beloved, laying down their lives at the front recent- ly: Messrs. James Oscar Lloyd, Nor- man Clifford, of the Citizens Band, and William Teale, Two Kingstonians during the past few days have been called on to pay a fine for reckless driving of an auto on the streets of the town. The num- ber of cars has greatly increased here during the past year and the police have been instructéd to enforce the law regarding reckless driving and also the rules of the road, "Kentucky Gibson's. J. A. Ackerman, South Bay, left on Monday for Toronto to take his position as mate on the steamer John Duncan. RUN-DOWN WOMEN, lawn grass seed" at We Have a Remedy That Will Cost You Nothing If It Does Not Help You. Kingston women will please rea- lize that we mean just what we say in the above heading. Letters like the following prove the efficiency of Vinol in such cases: "For the benefit of the other tired women, I want to say that I keep house for seven in my family, I became run-down, all played out, I did not seem to have any life in me and looked badly. I read so much about Vinol I decided to try it and I must say it helped me in every way. It built me up so I felt like a new woman, and my friends said they could see a great change in me." Mrs. Johm M. Waldron, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. We recommend Vinol to our cus- tomers as the greatest strength cre- ator we know --- due to the extrac- tive medicinal elements of fresh cod livers, without oil, combined with peptonate of iron and beef peptone, all dissolved in a pure medicinal wine, Mahood Drug Co., Limited, Kings- can be instantly transformed 2 Na asturn} color and uty, soft dl fluffy, Db; ONE APPLICATION of Empress Bair Color Restorer Its use by hairdressers and scalp specialists for 20 years to restore natural color to eray or faded hair is its vest endorsement, EASILY APPLIED. $1.00 at All Druggists and De ritment Sto Pa res: EMPRESS Mu. CO, 305 West 20th St. N.V. Write for Descriptive Leaflet. Prescription for czema =for 18 years the standard skin remedy --a liquid used externally --i relief from itch. i ~instant of cleansers -- a clean heal in aud ask the mil keeps thesk and thy. Soap i: us shout othe AGES AND GO-CARTS. Line Just Arrived. land your fis, i i Ld 4] i il tian =] 3 g | 2 i ot if i = Er i i R § e FEER e a person. EDrror~ Please insert this letter in some conspicuous place in your paper. COLORS PRESENTED. The 80th Battalion Regarded As Sa- perior Force, Belleville, April 20.--In the pres- ence of thousands of spectators regi- mental colors were this afternoon presented to the 80th Battalion, which will leave this city in a few days for overseas. The colors were the gift of the members of the Ket- cheson family, of Hastings county, and were most beautiful in design. The gift was in recognition of the fact that Lieut.-Col. Ketcheson is the commanding officer of the regiment. The battalion, 1,100 strong, present- ed a most imposing appearance, and previous to the ceremony was in- spected by Col. Hemming, officer commanding the 3rd Military Divi- sion. The colors were consecrated by Rev, Canon Bemish, rector of St. Thomas' Church, after which they were paraded before the battalion. Addresses of a patriotic nature were given by Mayor Ketcheson, of this city; Col, Hemming, of Kingston; Sir M. Bowell, Col. Ponton, and a re- ply by Col. Ketcheson, the command- ing officer. Miss Nettie Ketcheson, a daughter of Mayor Ketcheson (who has two sons at the front and one with the 155th Battalion being mob- ilized here), read an address in mak- ing the presentation of the colors on behalf of the donors. The affair was mest impressive in its character, In his remarks Col. Hemming referred ta the fact that the 80th Battalion was in every respect one of the best battalions leaving Canada. Picton Board Of Trade. Picton, April 22.--At the annual meeting these officers were chosen: President--Mayor Newman. Vice-President--C, B. Allison Secretary Treasurer--P. C. Mac- nee, Executive Committee--A. E, nan, R. Davison, I. F. Fraser. Cal- $70,000 For Patriotic Fund. Belleville, Apri 22,--This city in- tends to raise $70,000 for the Patrio- tle Fund, and the Patriotic Associa- tion has asked the Council for $40,- 000, promising to raise the remaind- er by voluntary subscriptions, Belle- ville raised $40,000 for the fund one year ago. James Hooper Picton; Dead, Picton, April 22.---The death oc- cugred here Thursday of one of Pic- ton's oldést business men, James Hooper. He was a harnesmaker here for the past thirty-five years, and was for spme years a member of the town council, He leaves a wife and six children, Belleville's Assessment, Belleville, April 22.--The City As- sessor reports a total assessment of seven and one-quarter million dol- lars. Owing to the closing of one in- dustrial plant and the heavy enlist- ment the population has declined about 350, and now stands at 12,277. BAD COLO? TAKE 18" FOR TONIGHT They're Fine! ' Tiveh Your Liver and Bowels and Clear Your Head. No Headache, Sour Stomach, Bad Cold or Constipation by Morning. Get a 10-cent box. Coldd--whether in the head or any part of thé body--are quickly over- come by urging the liver td action and keeping the bowels free of pois- on. ake Cascarets ro. to-night head you w ] h a clear "wil be gone. C: work while you ase and regulate ove the sour, undigested ; take the excess ed waste matter and poison from the quickest way to get yr C : any drug store. q 1 Ehfldren. a Candy Cathartic and it . needed to drive a mr '. " food 'nd | Lindsey, Lid. 121 P bile from er and carry off the Sonstipt- ©. 8: aged thirteen months, the infant son of Mrs, Tho- mas Brothers, 37 Pine street, died in the General Hospital on Friday. The child had be suffering from pneu- monia. Its father was killed in action about one year ago, while serving with a British Regiment at the front. Death Of Renfrew Lady. : Mrs. Catherine McDermott, wife of B. W. McDermott, Montreal, died in the city on Thursday, Her husband and son accompanied the remains to Renfrew where they will be buried in the family plot. CREATORE AND BAND, Subscription For Tickets Circulated to Hear Him, trouble in various parts of the Unit- ed States, by dragging a third-class band around tho country, conduct- ing in an aerobatic but inefficient manner, and calling himself "Creat- ore." Creatore instituted proceedings to have the imitation Creatore stop- ped from the use of the name, and as court injunctions seemed to have no effect it became necessary to prose- cute him and ask for a jail sentence, ago in Brooklyn. POLICE COURT BREVITIES. Able-bodied Man Before the Magis- trate for Vagrancy. Harry Orr, an able-bodied man, was charged with vagrancy in the Po- lice Court on Saturday morning. He said he had been working steadily for three months, but that he had not been working the past three weeks. Magistrate Farrell said there was no excuse for a man to be out of work these days, and imposed a fine of $10 and costs or one month. Two drunks were dismissed, and a lad who was arraigned in the Juvenile Court on a charge of shoplifhting at Wool- worth's store, was allowed to go on suspended sentence, as it was his first appearance. The lad, who hails from the country, was aught helping himself to some small articles, valued at sixty cents, BASEBALL ON FRIDAY National League, Philndelphia, 6; New York, 2, Brooklyn, 10; Boston, 3. Pittsburgh, 8; St. Louis, 0 American League, Detroit, 3; Chicago, 2. Philadelphia, 3; Boston, 1. St. Louis, 11; Cleveland, 1. New York, 5H; Washington, 3, FERRER RR RE COL, ALLISON SNEAKS OVER TO PRESCOTT. (Special to the Whig.) Prescott, April 22.--Col. Wesley Alison paid a hurried visit here yesterday, saw his lawyers and returued to New York. He says he is ready to face all charges against him, CPE PP RPT EPPE dR PPR P Seed oo" fe dofosivofo edu deodeofedeade drole fo dood Booed 104 o Japan Renews Objection. Washington, April 22.--Japan has renewed her objection to provisions in the pending immigration bill 'which are construed as virtually enacting into the law the celebrdated Root- Takahira agreement for the restric- tion of immigration to the United States and as including Japanese with Hindus in an excluded class. Truss Specialist--One day only, Tuesday, April 25th, at Dr. Chown's Drug Store. ? "Lawn grass seed' Red Cross Drug stare. Mr. and Mrs. Gordanier and family are moving from Camden East to Kingston. The . Methodists gave Mrs. Gordanier an address, a dozen silver spoons and half a dozen dessert spoons, and the choir gave Miss Ma- bel Gordanier a twin pearl ring and an address. Truss Specialist--One day only, Tuesday, April 26th, at Dr. Chown"s Drug Store. Send for your ice cream brick on Good Friday to Gibson's Red Cross Drug store. : "Much better," reads a telegram received by Fireman John Hall re garding his son, Bruce Hall, who at Gibson's | went' overseas with the 59th Battal. fon, and who has been laid up with 'pneumonia in an hospital at Liver- pool. Victor Records for Easter. C. W. "seeds. the 8 1 varieties sweet. Dr. Chown. 5 1 F. L. Tdoker has purchase of the entire fur ngs of the Mansion House, Prescott. Last year the license was cancelled and 'the place is now a barracks for the | Prescott seldiers of the 156th Bat- talion. a music, 10¢ Delon Vi ported very ill of blood William Ainsw which was duly awarded a few weeks a Philadelphia, Pa.-- 'One year was very sick and I suffered with . - my side i i i E given me only two more days to e up my mind so I sent my husband to g believe me, I only took four doses fore I felt a change and when 1 ished the third bottle 1 was never feit better. I i Brey HOT WATER THE! BEST LWER AND | BOWEL MEDICINE Says glass of hot water before breakfast washes poisons from system. Physicians the world over recom- mend the inside bath, claiming this is of vastly more importance than outside cleanliness, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities into the blood, causing ill health, while |the pores in the ten yards of bowels ido | Men and women are urged to drink each morning, before break- fast, a glass of hot water with a tea- spoonful of limestone phosphate in it, as a harmless means of helping to wash from the stomach, liver, kid- neys .and bowels the previous day's indigestible material, poisons, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. Just as soap and hot water cleanse and freshen the skin, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the eliminative organs. Those who wake up with bad breath, coated tongue, nasty taste or have a dull, aching head, sallow complexion, acid stomach; others who are subject to bilious attacks or constipation, should obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store. This will cost very lit- tle, but is sufficient to demonstrate {the value of inside bathing. Those {who continue it éach morning are as- sured of pronounced results, both in regard to health and appearance, $1,000.00 REWARD For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Netvous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complzints who can- not be cured at The Ontario Medi- cal Institute, 268-265- Yonge St., Toronto. Correspondence invited TO REDUCE YOUR WEIGHT EASILY AND QUICKLY, , It you are overstout the cause of your over-stoutness is lack of oxygen- carrying power In the blood and faul- ty assimilation of food. Too little is being made into the harder tissue of muscle a too much into Hitle glo bules of fat. Therefore you should correct the mal-assfanilation and ine crease the oxygen-carrying power of the blood. To do this, go to any good druggist and get oll of orilene, only sold In original packages and in capsule form, and take one ule after each meal and one at ea till your weight.is reduced to what it should be on all parts of the body. The effect of oil of orllene in capsule form is remarkable as a weight re- ducer and it is perfectly safe.--E. J.T. Any druggist can supply you or a large size box will be sent on receipt of $1.00, Address D. J. Lit} Drug Co.,, Box 1240, Montreal, Can. 3 Dandruff Soon . 'Ruins The Hair Girls~--if you want plenty of thick: beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't, 4 y it doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out. The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dis- 'solve il, then you destroy it entirely. ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gent- ly with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will ba gone, and three or four more applications will com- pletely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and k You will find, too, and diggin To do this, get about four ounces of | § '8. ler, is re- poisoning. | You will need some new dance records for vour Vietrola. We have all the latest Waltzes, One Step and Fox Trots'in stock, and will be glad to play } them over for vou. i 1C. W. Lindsay, Limited | 121 PRINCESS STREET, 1 1°. THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine street when wanting anything done in the carpens tery line. Eftimates given on all kinds or repairs and new work; also hard- wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop 10 Queen street. For High Class Ladies' Reaty-ToWear 3 0 Et "You will find at Mendels Just Opposite the Grand Theatre, New Suits, New Coats New Dresses New Blouses and Millinery--always the best at the least price Corsets Gloves and Neckwear of all kinds. Don't forget the place. Aendels Opposite Grand Theatre. Boys' Suits Special values, at ......... $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 Sizes 28 to 35. MILITARY SUITS FOR SMALL BOYS. Sizes 4 to 8 years; eavalry model. Priced at $5.00--Puttees included. : Caps to match. .....0... 608000. 510

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