BAYS Sh The simple juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes, when transformed into 'Fruit-atives' will relieve diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Skin. 'Tlie truth of this statement has been proved in thousands of casés of \, Dyspepsia, Torpid. Liver, B, Kidoéy and Bladder al Skin. Diseases, Rheumatism, Neurslgia and"Chronie Headaches, The enormous sales of 'Fruita tives, are the best proofs of the vilue of this fruit medicine, 80¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. REV. JAMES = MCNAUGHTON PREACHED SERMON, ------ To Young Men And Women There was a fine attendance at the Servic heid in Grant Hall, on Sun- day afternoon, when the baccalaur- eate sermon was preached by Rev. James McNaughton, B.A, a graduates of Queen's University, who has been laboring for many years, as a mis sionary in Turkey. Queen's Battery paraded for the service, the mem- bers occupying the seats in the main wart of the auditorium. Quite a large number of the graduates of the Uni- versity were also in attendance. The University choir ably assisted in the musical part of the service. Mrs. H. T. Coleman rendered "I Know That My Redeemar Liveth." in splendid voice, Pringipal Gordon was present, with quite a large attendance of the professors, Russian Green and Taupe. The vogue of Taffeta is supreme--s 1p other materials for Suits. We have just received a number of very attrael models. in colors Black, Navy, Navy Shot, CoPnlage Priced $25, $21.50, In his discourse, Mr. McNaughton dealt at considerable length with Mohammedism and gave some of the experiences he had carrying out his work in Turkey, He declared that the. foreign missionary problem was the greatest problem of the church to-day. Ii going out into the world, the speaker appealed to the young men and women to devote their time to some of the great enterprises, He asked that they pursue the most dif- ficult tasks if they were at all able to do se. At dealers or sent postpaid on rece ptof price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, A A A NAN a Nt os S350 to $5000 New Corduroy Sport Smart, jaunty styles in Misses' and Women's Colored Velvet Corduroy Sport Coats, in colors Rose, Copen, French Grey, Chadtreuse and Navy--lined throughout --gizes 14 to 38. Special at AD EASTER SION INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, MARY'S CATHEDRAL | Local Notes and Iteiss Of General Interest. Lawn grass seed at Pickering's. Incubator thermometers. Chown. % Dr. J. H. Bell and wife, Hamilton, are in the city. Sick room specialties. Dr. Chown. Mrs, John Hyde, Montreal, spent Easter in the city. She formerly re- sided there: Truss Specialist--one day, April 26th--at Dr. Drug Store, Ex-Ald. Frederick S. Rees, Bing- hamton, N.Y, is spendhig a few days pi in 'the "city 'with relatives. Fresh garden seeds. Dr. Chown. E. Masin, Toronto, visiting Black, King street for the holidays, has returned home, Truss Specialist--One day only, Tuesday, April 256th, at Dr. Chown's Drug Store, Friends of Miss Minnie Shaw, in Sydenham Street Methodist Church, remembered her on Easter with a gift ot $200, Formaldehyde for smut on grain. Dr. Chown. x Judge Lavell sang in spléndid voice the Easter solo, "O, Blessed Redeemer," in Queen Street Meth- odist Church on Sunday morning. If you need a truss or abdominal supporter of any kind--come and see Horn Bro, truss specialist, at Dr, Chown's Drug Store. The Sermon at Pontificial High Mass Was Preached by Rev. Father Scholly of Toronto. Glorious Easter was again this year observed in St. Mary's Cathed- ral with all the pomp and solemnity becoming the great feast. The al- tar sumptuously decorated with palms, lilies and lights, presented a most attractive appearance. Ponti. ficial high mass was celebrated by Archbishop Spratt, assisted by dea- con and sub.deacom, all robed in gorgeous vestments. The large edifice could hardly contain the multitude of the faithful that press- ed within its sacred precincts, A joint choir of boys and men under the baton of N. E. O'Conner, rendered with exquisite taste Wie- gand's latest mass in three parts; the soloists being the leader him- self, Rev. R. Halligan, I. Norris and young Leo Clarke, a sweet little singer. At the offertory, the stirring strains of "Alleluia" filled the tem- ple with triumphant harmony, the great organ at which Prof. Denys presided, pouring its flood of majes- tic musie. At the gospel, Rev. Father Schol- ly, C.8.8.R., Toronto, ascended the pulpit 'and preached a forceful ser- mon on the Risen Christ, deducting therefrom such conclusions as should go to adorn the lives of faithful fol- go to:adem the Divine Exampler. This masterly piece of sacred elo- quence would have to be heard to be fully appreciated. The service concluded with the imparting of the Pontificial Benedietion by the Arch- bishop, Dr. day, Tues- Chown's "It's a long way to Constantinople from Trebizond miles--fb fall of the g Turkish seaport will have a demoralizing effect which will be felt at Constantinople and will be followed by Rmssian advances at other points. Cities which are Russian ob- Jectives are underlined. In the south is shown Kut-el-Amara, toward which the Russians are pushing to relieve the British THE WOMAN'S STORE OF KINGSTON. PITH OF NEWS, Despatches From Near And Distant Places, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HINCHINBROOKE. Our modern 40 gallon Siuiced Tanks on; of handling n day. We fag through from staff of operators can Promise the same prompt service at 0 cents a roll, Films + We guarantee to sell yon the best flims made and will replace any which are defective. Supplies We can supply the mont satis~ factory pers and developers ye The French Parliament adjourned for the Easter 'Holidays until] May 18th. Gen. Funston has recommended the redistribution of American troops in Mexieo. Secret parliamentary sessions. in Britain cannot be mentioned hereaf- ter in newspapers or in speeches. The late Lieut. Hazen was a great friend of Mayor Church, Toronto. He, also served under Major Allen Gil- lies. A large detachment of infantry left Columbus, N.M., to strengthen, it is believed, the American line of com- munication in Mexico. N. W. Rowell will stay in the Onta- rio Legislature, There is no truth in the rumor that he intends going to Ottawa under Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Rev. Joseph Bond Clarke died sud- denly of heart failure on Friday at Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba. He be- longed to Toronto, and was an Angli- can. \ In an Haster message addressed to the American people through the United Press, His Holiness Pope Benedict XV. transmitted a new plea for peace. General Severino Coniceros and his command of Villa bandite have snr- rendered to the military commander in Durango City and have been grant: ed an amnesty, A sherifl's posse of two dozen men resumed the chase for the bandit who held up nearly fifty passengers on the Union Pacific Limited train west of Hanna, Wyoming. "Allison will come through all right. He has more honor in his little finger than his traducers have in their whole bodies." This was the declaration madd by Sir Sam Hughes at Ottawa. : The Duke of Connaught has ecom- municated to Mgr, Bruchesi, Arch- bishop of Montreal, his hope that peace will soon be' established be- tween the French and English fac- tions at issue in Ontario over the bi- lingual question. t Appeal taken to the Privy Council in the litigation to determine the val idity of Ontario legislation where the separate schools of Ottawa were tak- en from the board of bilingual pro- peunsities and placed under a commis- sion named by the government. A new Chinese cabinet is being con- structed. Yuan Chi-Jui, former min- ister of war, has accepted the pre- miérship and the war portfolio. Pre- sident Yuan Shi-Kai has agreed to surrender all civil authority to the new cabinet, The Pekin govern- ment hopes that the premiership of Yuan Chi-Jui, who is a staunch Re- publican, will reconcile the southern Provinces and put an end to the upris- ng. SAA mmnn. WHEN RUN DOWN Hood's Rarsaparilia, the Reliable Tonic Medicine, Builds Up, PUBLIC NOTICE . is hereby given that the Council of the Township of Hinchinbrooké will at a meeting to be held on Friday, the 20th day of May, 1916, at the hour of tem o'clock, - " 3 q in the : Council Chamber In the 1.0.0.F. Hall, ial Prices on Goods Parham, consider a By-Law for clos- . - ' - +74 A i 8 Pa ling, sto) up, selling and conveyl sid eS ; to the be ora, EE Sati ans ty uig $a 3 Western Railway Company, that por- Baal tion of the road allowance between > Tovar ol no Dive, of ans oid CHOICE PE ACHES 2 tins 26¢c as follows: > Pras believe way § " CHOICE OHERRIES .... ..... 2tmi¢ CHOICE PLUMS .............. .10c per tin GARDEN PEAS . coeen. 2 tins 160 ALL AND SINGULAR that certain ......90pertin parcel or tract of land and premises Temperance Inns, Toronto News. Exemption from ordinary muniei- pal taxation and 4 monopoly of the hotel side of 'soft drinks", cigars and cigarettes should help to render feasible the maintenance of temper- ance inns in towns and villages. But Government legislation in aid of such inns does not relieve prohibitionists of direct responsibility for providing the traveling public with decent ac- commodation, Thig is an obligation which Mr. Hearst, has more than once emphasized, and it should nof be neglected by municipalities throughout the province. Cameras of all makes sold, ex- changed, rented and repaired. A Ps Best's The Pana Drug Store, OPEN SUNDAYS, forming part of the road allowance between concessions four (4) and five (6) in the Township of Hinchinbrooke, County of Frontenac and Province of Ontario, containing an area of twenty- nine-hundredths of an acre (0.29 acs.) more or less and being shown colored: red on plan dated February 22nd, 1918, ! herein, the limits, dimensions and bear- ings of sald portion of road being more | particularly I as OWS :-- { COMMENCI at the intersection of! the southeasterly Iimit of the lands of | the Campbellford, Lake Ontario and | Western Railway with the westerly | limit of the road allowance between concessions four (4) and five (5), said intersection being one hundred and At St. Paul's Church, The Easter services in St. Paul's Church were very bright. There was excellent music by the choir under the direction'of Prof. W. H. Millner and Sergt.-Major Harte. The com- niunicants numbered 289. Owing to some mistake in the or- ders, some of the artillerymen werc paraded to St. Paul's at 9.30 a.m., when there was no service, The men were then taken to another charch, but many of them attended evening prayer at St. Paul's. WEDDING CEREMONY IN A GRAVEYARD. Tradition Says Typhus Epi- demic in Galicia Will Now End. Church Union, Brantford Expositor The movemeépt for church union in Canada is by nb means, dead, but union is again recommended by the special committee of the Presbyter- ian Church of Canada, and will be considered at the meeting of the general assembly, which will be held Im Wintiipeg next June. The motion Was \not carried without opposition, but.the fact that it has been carried is indicative that the fight is not by any means over yet, ninety-eight feet and seven-tenths of a foot (18871t) from the southeaster Iy angle of lot twenty (20) in the fifth (6th) concession, measured north three degrees ten minutes west (N. 3 deg. 10 min. Wi) along the said westerly fimit of road allowance between concessions four (4) and five (5), thence continuing on last mentioned Ymit and bearing one hundred and nihety feet and sevan- tenth of a foot (190.7 ft.) to a point on the northwesterly limit of the ands of the said Campbellford, Lake Ontasio and Western Railway, thence along last mentioned limit north twenty-eight de- deg oT min oh Tinutes east (N.|five hundredths of a 'foot (308.55 'Pty deg. 27 min. E.) one hundred @nd|from' the southeasterly corner of lot twenty-five feet and nine-tenths of 8 fourteen (14) in concession eight (8 foot (1256.9 ft.) to a point on the easter: | measured north two degrees east (N.|red on plan he 1y limit of the said road allawance be 13 deg. BE.) slong. the Sree westerly | area of twenty-five Phean cohicessions four (4) and. five (8), [mit of Toad a1loWanCe. Do We con~Tanre (6:35) 'more or: thence Along last mentioned Hmit one |vessions seven: (1) and eight (8) thence |! hundred and ninety feet and seven-|continuinglon last mentioned limit and tenths of a foot (190.7 ft.) to a point bearing one hundred and twenty-six on the southeasterly limit of the lands feet (126 ft) to the northwester) of the Campbeliford, Lake Ontario and Hmit of the lands of the Campbelifor Western Railway, thence: along last Lake 'Ontario God Wiestprn Ratlway, | said mentioned limit south twenty-eight de- | thence north fifty-four aegrees nine- grees twenty-seven minutes West (8. teen minutes east (N. 54 deg. 19 min. [Toot ( 28 deg. 27 min. 'W.) one hundred snd E last Thm #4 twenty-five feet and nine-tenths of a re feet mentioned t eighty foot (126.9 ft.) to the point of com- L(83.4 ft mencement; and for 'the establishment ! of a public highway over certain other lands as described in said By-Law to be ceded by the said Railway Company to 80 the sald Municipality for road diver ston in leu of the sald portion of the road allowance te be closed as afore- Lublin, Galicia, April 24 --A wed. ding ceremony in a graveyard was the unique event witnessed here a few days ago by a throng of thous sands of LubMn's citizens. Among the peorer classes of the Jewish pop- ulation of Poland there exists a tra: ditional superstition that when there is an epidemic in a city it ean be banned by marrying a healthy couple in a cemetery, The union thus solemnized, the story goes, expels the evil spirits of sickness. There is a great epidemic of typhus in Lublin, especially in the Jewish quarters. So the Jews decided to employ the rem- edy handed down 'by generations, A young man and woman were picked out who had never known One an- other before, and funds were collevt. ed to enable them to found a home. An elaborate baldachin was erect- ed in the cemetery, and upon a con- siderable part of the graveyard there was spread out a great quantity of snow-white linen donated 40 the bride. Thus, amid Lublin's dead, the couple were married, the solemn ceremony attracting thousands. AWN returned to their homes in the firm beliet that now tie typhus epidemic would promptly cease. COMMENGCE NEW PLAN OF KILLING CHILDREN. Austrian Aviators Drop Poison ed Candies Which Would : Disease. Paris, April 24.--The Milan corre- spondent of the Petit Parisien tele- graphs to that paper that during their last raid over the territory of Ferrara and Ravenna, the Austrian aviators dropped packets of poisoned sweets, with the intention of spread- ing infectious and mortal diseases. The analysis of the contents of these packets has revealed that they were composed of saccharine and vir- ulent bacilli. cession of the brooke, county of Fro: ince of & rein, and Dr. W, F. King, Canada's chief as: tronomer, is seriously ill, and is con- fined to bed. A A A PN lM IR rt, For You Expressly! New Easter Apparel Accomplishments New Shirts, in Soft or Stiff Cuffs, Satin stripes and Algerian Silks, New Neckwear Fresh from the looms _ in Switzerland, in very i choice designs, $& 50c, 75¢ and $1.00. New Hats Pearl and Steel Grey, ¥ Blug.and Black, These are in new spring shapes in: soft felt. Spring Coa and| Spring Suits in our matchless styles. Fairsprices and good service. x a. point on the southeast- erly limit of the lands of the Cam; and W \ said said. eliford, Lak 'ALL. persons interested. or whose feriy Re iipord, lake Ont pie last myen- lands may or might be prejudiclally tioned limit south ffty-four, egrees affected by the passing of such pPro- nineteen minutes west, (8. Ye 19 | das! posed By-Law are required to attend min. WL) efghty-three fest and four at the said meeting, when they will ® [tenths a foot (83.4 £t.) to the point heard in person or by Counsel or Soll. op and for the estab Citor avith referénce thereto upon lishing of He over. cer. | four petitioning to 80 heard. tain .other lan Es oeerbed in said Dated this 22nd day of April, 1916. By-law to. geded by the said Rail way ny to the sald Municipality SEO, A. SMITH, for road diversion In Neu of the said portion of road allowance 10 be closed THE CORPORATION | uilSeuin interes or vies Tr @ lands may or might be polual 9 affected by the passing of Such OF THE TOWNSHIP hosed By-Law are reanined or at : Aw at the said meeting, when they will + Neard In person or by Counsel or Beli OF HINCHINBROOKE. eit rence thereto. upon ---- Ww rote) petitiont to be so heard. Dated 22nd day of April 1916. re w 0 § 0. A. & Oi ian why you feel a ized], EVRLIC NOTICD, 12, nprcny give nT. 811. the y season is Hinchinbrooke Will at a meeting to bs your blood fs impure and impOver-|neld on Fehley. the a May, ished. It lacks vitality. It is moti1816, ae fhe oir of : the rich red blood that gives Hite fo |Gouncll Chamiber in the whole body, perfects digestion ing, stoppin I and enables all the organs to per-|to i torm their functions as they should. | Western Raitwa Get Hood's Sarsaparilla from any fo : druggist. oy make you feel A better, 1ook better, eat and deo | trl ne ne, Ne better. It is the old reliable and true all-the-year-round blood purifier and enricher, tonic and ap- petizer. It revitalizes the blood, and |" is especially useful in building up the debilitated and sun dowa, t 8 it help you. Get a bottle to-day and begin taking it at once, Be sure to) -- Fresh seeds, in bulk or package. Dr. Chown x : hg enfrew may adopt the daylight scheme, : ? In eH land 2 pound cana. e -- gre rized -- Se