{ "Wire handles to be fasten { JMttrasses to facilitate moving them VEE! st, Toronto, was a victim of and Gas In The s attacked my pains all over the ly move around. ds of medicines but none | me any good. At last, | . adviee of a friend, I | Bo try 'Pruit-a-tives'. Thought b% last June, and now I am F using only three boxes. ond 'Fruit-a-tives' to anyone Hig from Indigestion, no matter outs". FRED J, CAVEEN. Simple Indigestion often leads to Attacks, Catarvk of the Stomach constant distress of mind and body, HE you are bothered with any Stomach Ouble, and especially if Constipation 8ronbles you, take 'Fruita tives'. We. & box, 6 for $2.10, trial size, %e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by "Fruita tives Limited, Ottawa. Fred Dowling tsilk grass that grows wild through- | out Honduras, A gold pen. Lnown variety Newfoundland, states maintal ir similar offic ineer has develo F In which no fuel saving in view, a inventor has patented j¢ points of which infer them firmly, uke apparatus with which ¥ treatment can be given at Been invented. ' bduces nearly every pre- Stong known, except diamonds, 8, Opals and Viiquoises. ic av ko- 18 women Patented by.a North Ds (hdon's electric lights are pro- vided by about thirty companies, Which supply 'current at voliages ranging from 110 to 249. Il acetylene flashlight for rail- roall crossing gates, fgnited by 8 Pl lot light ag & gate is lowered, has been invented, An English aptist sketches submg- rine: scenes hy descending with 8 divers helmet and using waterproof paper. and crayons. Harness that holds chickens wings} down and prevents them flying sWay from home has been patented bY @ Missouri woman. Efforts are heing made to produce textiles from the strong fibre of the A new eleetric room heater that is portable is about the same size 'as, and in general appearance resembles an electric fam. According to a French electrician the temperature of the carbon fila- ment in an incandescent lamp ap~ proaches 2,900 degrees. Recently invented paint brushes are fitted with adjustable handles that can be set at any angle déired or removed entirely, By a new French process alumi- num can be so substantially sickel- plated that the metal can be ham- mered and bent without cracking. 4 Sole Agent for the cele- ; brated CROWN BICYCLE First Class Repairs; also a | large stock of Bicycle Accessories, | Works, 289 Princess Street. A A tt PA $1,000.00 . REWARD . For information that will lead to 'the discovery or whéreabouts of the l person as, Suffering from vous Debility, Diseases of the uth' and Throat, Blood Poison, Bkin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, ial Ailments, and Chronic or omplicated Complzints who can- ot be cured at The Ontario Medi. ¢ I Institute, 263-265 Yonge St, i Roronto, Correspondence invited statement is made eyeglasses who do not y: themt. If you are one of unfortunates, then « be ruinin Edhagun ia may prove for themselves that Sisperiae with glasses if they get thi lowing prescription filled 8 fo any active drug store d get a le of Bon-Opto tablets. one 0 tablet In 14 glass of 1] harmless liquid solu the eyes two to fur times Jou are Hkely to be a.tonlshed 16 results right from the start. Many ive been told that they have astiz. : 3 strain, cataract, sore eyelids, "weak eyes, conjunctivitis and other eve { Teport wonderful benefits from Get this pre and use it: you may ao jgthen your eyes that glasses witli not necessary. Thousands Whe are bing nearly sa or who wear glasses might have tequiired them If they bad ir thelr eyes in time. Save your ore it is too late! Do ot becomo these victims of neglect. Eyer that thou are only like crutéhes and every rs they must be changed to fit the ng weakened condition, so ir see If you can, like many othe - titoba College, _ Geo. W. Mahood fills many Ro Opto Prescriptions and will gladly fll you = a al NABI cat Ne TREATMENT FOR TUBER. "ivices In - St PAGEL and both lungs. Several not live over 30 days. bottle of Natere's Creation * ond birthday, {last month, An inventor has patented a guard i to be fastened to the back of a man's { head to enable him to shave his neck | accurately and safely. { Cyprus has revived its former na- tive .tobacco industry, producing to- | baccos suitable for cigarettes of Turkish" and Egyptian types. In 'an Illinois inventor's double- {acting churn turning the handle re- | volves the paddles in one direction and the barrel in the other, In a Paris aerodynamic laboratory for testing model aeroplanes wind speed up to 71 miles an hour are pro- duced by ingenious machinery. A handsaw invented by a Califor- nian has two teeth at the end of the blade to prevent it slipping when leaned against a wall when idle. The Cuban government will erect a lighthouse at Santiago powerful enough tor its Tight to serve as a bea- con for mariners 50 miles away. Metal bellows in the bottom of a new oilcan permit a steady stream of oil to be poured from the spout d:as a part of is m down the top of wr boxes of safety - and a g to save the plant, A eylindrical piece of abrasive ma- terial with grooves around it of var- tous widths has heen patented by a New Yokk man for sharpening edged touls, Natives af Madagascar make # wax with BY uses by beating the leaves of the rafa palm to dust, volling this to a Cream and allowing it to cool, Candles made of metallic magne- um apd aluminum gor taking mo- expense + of a heating =f Hght about 33 times as far as ordi- niry are lights. > Spain has establithed at Seville a nautical sehiool for boys who have re- ceived an elementary education, with special courses in piloting and engi- neering. Some thing Ike a rifle sight is & device invented by a Minneapolis man to be attached to a pf player's cap (0 ®nable him to address a ball accurately, About eighteen per cent. of the area of France is under forest, which is managed by the goverment to prevent 'overcutting and obtain the maximum timber production, By hydraulic mining gravel is ob- tained from a bank in Michigan, screened, washed and loaded on wag- gons ready for road building without | the use of hand labor. land's Zuyder Zee contemplates the construction, of an embankment 182 miles long and work that will take ;3 years to complete, For drying towels or (here has been invented a band to be clamped around a hot water boil- ér, carrying hooks on which to hang the articles to be dried. English tests with radium to aid plant growth have shown that it is most effective when used in the pro- portion of one seven hundredth ofa gram to a ton of soil, An Ohio man's racing automobile a series of mirrors -to enable him to watch the road ahead. A French seientist of high stand- ing has advanced a theory that many unexplained fires at seca and explo- sions on warships and in mines are due to stray wireless waves, Statistics gathered from colleges throughout the country* show that residents of the United States, both men and women, are growing taller, more robust and stronger. To permit escape from steam or gas filled rooms in emergencies a water seal éxit has been Invented, & tank filled with water being installed beneath the floor, a wall extending into the water preventing the pas- gage of steam or gas. PULP, PEW, PARISH GLEANINGS 'MID THE CHURCHES AT HOME AND ABROAD "Toma Brown" Family Bible" -- Archdeacon's Golden Wedding ~-- Laynien May Preach In Scotland. A Christian College for wonten was opened at Nanking, China, last October, The Salvationists Nome for refugees from Poland Petrograd. Newmarket Presbyterian church was opened forty-one years ago last February 106 men have enlisted from' the |eongregation of St. 'Paul's charch, Port Arthur. The Ven. Archdeacon and Mrs, Beer of Kaslo, B.C., celebrated their golden wedding recently. The Church of the Redeemer, To- vonto, celebrated the wiping off of their niortgage «debt. Nearly 300 French have been withdrawn since war broke out. Rev. M. A, MacKinnon, of Re- giha, a Queen's graduate, has been made Doctor of Divinity by the Man- have opendd a in missionaries from China About 96 per cent. of .the mem: (bers of the Kindersley Presbytery voted in favor of Church Upion. On the last Sunday in March Mountain sireet Methodist 'chnreh, Montreal, celebrated its "eighty-sec-| Rev. Andrew Moffatt, Man.; bas given his family of three Sons to the sérviee of King and country Evangelist Alex, Torrie abd his| wife have been conducting services in Montreal and that: district for the The Salvation Army is abgli its famous "bread line" i York. Too many neverswe rofitaed it of late, Rev. 'W. A. McTaggart, of to, has been conducting specif Paul's Presb chureh, Winnipeg, i 4 Pre. ALE Longntore, san J. Longmore, incumbent of Reidy Mas. Darigh, digd anton, f ed the position of rector of the Triv- ett Memorial Church, Exeter, Ont. Rev. Robert Hamilton, former pastor of St. Enoch's Church, To- ronto, has received a erfl to the First Presbyterian Church, Stenter, N.C., U.S.A. The position of Field Secretary for Baptist Sunday Schools in the Maritime Provinces has been giv- én to Rev. I. W. Williamson, of Van- conver, D.C. 'The ladies of St. Paul's Anglican church, Toronto, used up 200,000 yards or 14 miles of surgical gauze in their surgical dressings during the last year. The British and Foreign Bible So- clety recently sent a Testa- ment and Psalter in Spanish to ev- ery lighthouse keeper in the Philip- pine Islands. A memorial for Capt. Scott and his five companions, which is to be plared in St. Paul's Cathedral, win be unveiled by Premier Asquith shortly after Easter. After one year's work the Nation: New PERFECT HEALTH IS EVERY WOMAN'S BIRTHRIGHT, tion pictures at night project their clothing i has a hood =o high that a driver can- | not see over it and is equipped with | the bottom, inte: which cigar | new and burmed matches can be can be inserted in the placed, iy , . Water from the condensers in & German electric plant Is piped a mile ' to a public bathhouse al Evangelistic mpaig) Ja) reports that over nine hundred meet- ings were held with a total attend- ance of over 160,000, Captain, the Rev. W. R. Ball, wounded on the firing line, was 'chaplain of the Edmonton 'Battal- ion and formerly a worker in the Archbishop's Western Canada Fund. | The Christian Literature Society of Japan issued nearly 8,000,000 pages of printed matter during the past year. It is chiefly sdpporied by the missions working in that "coun- try. | The congregation of the Century Baptist church, Toronto, 'worship- ped in their newly equipped and freshly decorated" church 'last Sun- day after worshipping in the school room for some time. | A family Bible belonging to the late Judge Thomas Hughes, author of "Tom Brown's School Days," has {been presented to the Rugby School {Library by the will of an old Rug- by boy. {' One of the most orthodox of the Presbyterian churches in Scotland is {contemplating the licensing of lay~ men to preach, the ranks of ordain- ed pastors being so reduced owing to the. .war ithe age of 77. I tists of North America. A pastor, writing to The Presby- iterlan from northern France, says: {One day I read the 'De Profundis' to a dying German Catholic as the | We have only one {priest was away. religion, that of; Pity, which is sav- ing us from hatred and despair." A 60OD MEDICINE Tonic is Alt You Need. Not exactly sick--but not feeling quite well. That is the way most people feel in the spring. Pasily tired, appetite fickle, sometimes headaches and a feeling of depres- sion. Pimples or eruptions muy ap- pear on the skin, or there may be twinges of rheumatism or neural- gia. Any of these indicate that the blood is put of "order-that the in- door. life of winter has left is mark upon you and may easily develop into more serious trouble. Do not dose yourself! with purga- tives, as so many people do. in the hope that you can put your blood right. Purgatives gallop through the system and weaken instead of giving strength. Any doctor will tell you this is true. What - you need in spring is a tonic that will make new blood and build up the nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the only medicine that can do this speedily, safely and surely. Every dose of this meditine makes new tlood which clears the skin, Strengthens the appetite and makes tired, depressed men, women and children bright, active and strong. L. R. Whitman, Harmony Mills, N. S., says: --"As a tonic and strength builder 1 consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills wonderful. My whole system was badly run down, and al- though I faithfully took a tonic giv- efi me by my doetor 1 could note no in¥provement. Them I began Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and was soon restored to my old time health. 1 can most heartily indorse this medi- ne." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six box- es for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "MARY", All alone and lonesome--I'm feeling pretty blue, So Tl close my eyef, dear Mary, and think real hard of you. I' can almost see your face, as you said how proud you'd feel It Pd enlist--that settled it, about the "Soldier" deal. You sald you'd surely miss me, but preferred to see me fight - about the Allies' might, would follow all the way help me win the day. an asset to my life-- / hour of strife; . wails Patient Wine across the sea, at home for me; In the trenches threatening there Wh mid the cannons' roar, Sands Mingleg ring still to face the Huns, our. et undaunted _ 1 Wilting to hear 'Shoulder guns! When fall to rise no more, Ana irisper ¥ou in m; War has. fattitude of the German a crverted such extracts. vine love was seen everywhere in the nations, preaching from his Protestant pulpit Rev. George A. Schulte died at his wm i {home in Newark, N.J., recemtly, at » ates a Holi ' y, The latest plan for draining Hol- | Since 1393 he has been secretary of the General Mis- sionary Society of the German Bap- FOR THE SPRING {Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives--A Than to stay and read the war news, Your loving prayers you: promised Belgium, France or England, and E You've urged me on to duty, you're A heroine sublime, dear, In this, pur Of you're my little "Partner" who; sweetheart Mary -% you are 818 the tumuit's terrifyifig, thou-| the war is. dver, and our hearts ers. MY. Burgess thinks is no better way of . Hite the Strangely poiuS Ai Bur nd fouch- than by reading Speaking rch ing the present war Pastor Zoebel, great Lutheran C of Leipsig, referred to the German guns beating down the children of Satan, ang to German submarines as "instruments to execute the Divine vengeance," to send to the bottom of the sea thoy- sands of the non-elect. "There ought" he said, "to be no compromise with nell, no mercy for the servants of Satan--in: other words, no pity for the Eaglish, French, and Russians, nor, indeed, for any nation that has sold itself to the devil. They have ail been condemied to death by a Divine decree." Professor Rheinold Seeby, a teach- er of theology 'in the Berlin Univer- sity, preached in the cathedral of the city, said that in killing their enem- ies, burning their houses, and invad- ing their territories the Germans sim ply performed a work of charity. Di- in the world, but men had to suffer for thelr salvation, Germany loved other and when she punished them it 'was for their good. Pastor Frits Philippi, Berlin, on the Divine mission of Gérmany, said as the Almighty allowed His Son to be crucified that the scheme for redemption might be accomplish- ed, so Germany was destined to cru- city humanity, in order that its sal- vation might be secured. The human race could be saved only by blood, fire, and sword. "It is really because Wwe are pure that we have been cho- sen by the Almighty as His Instru- ments to punish the envious, to chas- tise the wicked, and to slay with the sword the sinful nations. The Divine mission of Germany, oh, brethren! is to crucify humanity. The duty of German soldiers, therefore, is to strike without mercy. They must kill, burn, and destroy, and any half-mea- sures would be wicked, Let it then be a war without pity. The immer- al and the friends and Allies of Sa- tan must be destroyed, as #n evil plant is uprooted. Satan himself, who has come into the world in the form of a great power (Britain) must be crushed. On Germany is laid the Di- vine command to bring about the de- struction of those who are the per- sonification of.evil. When this work is finished, the kingdom of rightedus- ness will be established on the earth, and the German Empire, which will have created it, will remain its pro- tector." And the saddest part of it all is that there are poor, detuded dwaqllers in Germany "who open their mduths and swallow the devilish teaching of those preachers, who have murder, not even half-decent war, in their hearts. SUMMARY OF 1916 LEGISLATURE The Reforms Accomplished By Row- ell And Liberal Party. Although still in opposition. the Liberals, under the leadership = of Mr. Rowell, actually obtained many reforms 'in the Legislature this Sess- fom, with the result that such a Con- servative paper as the Hamilton Spectator, for example, contains the following item: "Scott Davidson, Liberal M. L. A. for Nergh Bramt, in speaking at Lon- don on Saturday, claimed that N. W, Rowell was practically leading the Legislature. Quite a few people will consider the remark js more than! half true." 3 i Among the reforms accomplis hod | this seesion by Mr. Rowell and the Liberal party are the following: Prohibition: Establishment of a Trades Labor branch. War Resources Comniittee Northern Ontario Development Hydro Power for Eastern Ontario, as welt as for the west, Equal treatment for Ontario viti- zeng in the afmies of the Allies. Submission to the House of T. N. 0. and Hydro accounts. On tive other hand, among the pro- posed reforms advocated ave: Rudical programme of social re-) form in aid of the workingmen and | the working women, A fherough-going advance in agri- culture Votes for women. Destruction of 'the patronage sys- tem 1 Government coptrol of nickel, Heavier taxation of private drainage in taxation of farm prop- orty. y and iii Moral blindness makes many of us mistake vices for virtues, two years of war news | 3 few thou by the "curtain of fire" in a frontal at man or a hospital ship fallen victims to che baby Kilfing Zen no longer excite orimpress us. Perhaps interest or sympathy could do nothi these horrors of war, But are we -- UF os equally callous about +} Lou sufferings which we could alleviate ? Are we losing interest in the 'millions of' "- hungry Belgian mothers and children, left in the power ofthe ruthless Huns, an d becoming more dependent every day on our help? Is our sympathy * for them evaporating ? God forbid: that, grown familiar with tales of suffering, we should fail to res Be pond to this urgent appeal from the igian Relief Commission to support the magnificent work they are doing. Evety day they provide an allowance of food, meagre enough, it is true, but still sufficient to support life, to *g0 do nearly three million destitute Belgians who would oth beydiay without. 'The continuance of the supply depends on fis oy your share ? Whatever you feel you can give, send yo manthly, or in dfic lamp sum to Local or Send Cheques Payable to Treasurer $2.50 Feeds a Belgian Family Belgia 59 St. Peter St., Montreal. tile » » while Healing the Gin Pills have an 'almost world-wide a» a Kidney mail ety ely healing, e effect has earned unstinted praise 0 : But their virtues do not end with the refief of Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Gin Pills are xsaliont for the relief of constipation. We have hundreds of testimonials ' from people telling us they have found that in takin Gin Pills for Kidney and Bladder trouble, the Gin Pil also acted as a gentle cathartic and bowel stimulwmnt: " " This is only logical, as in building up a cine to restore the Kidneys to perfect heal the bowels must receive attention as the other organs of excretion, If you are constipated, you will find the re relief you desire in the use of Gin Pills, which will ak regulate your kidneys even though you haye so far fi to notice alarming of trouble in these organs. Your dealers sell Gin Pills at 50 cents a box or 6 boxes for $2.50. iF 43 Canada Nati 1 Drug & C} ical Co. Toronto, = Ontarie 'We have 8 splendid Hak " " heen J x