and dining rooms, OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF THE FRENCH ARMY. HOW FRANCE IS TREATING THEIR GERMAN PRISONERS. Photograph showing part of the shower rooms in the bath house of Barcelonnette. in general concentration camp. Upper photo. OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF THE FRENCH ARMY. HOW F In the beautiful valley of the Vosges and the recon the French Government has erected new and ers. Photograph showing general character of the land To the right of the photo is shown The German ReichStag Socialist, and leader of the Centre Party, who has stated that regard- less of Belgium's status after the war, the country must always remain politically, mihi. tarily and economically in German hands. modern buildings with all modern conveniences for th and group of buildings in which are included dormitory, laundry houses drying room for laundry. Lower photo. Notice sanitary and modern showers included COUNT ROMANONES, SPANISH PREMIER, Who will take action with Germany for, the torpedoing of the Spanish steamer Santander ino. as soon as full information has been re- ceived by him. The steamer was sunk In the Bay of Biscay with a loss of four lives. German prisoners at work. Showing interior of laundry with modern apparatus for washin RANCE IS TREATING THEIR GERMAN PRISONERS. quered territory of Alsace there is a little town called Barcelonnette where e treatment of their prison- meat, fruit and wine. RICHARD HARDING DAVIS, Author and war carrespondent, who was stricken with Heart trouble and died suddenly telephoning at his country home at Mt. Kisco, N.Y. This picture of Mr. Davis was taken upon his return from the war zome several months ago, on board ship. s f OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF THE FRENCH ARMY. HOW FRANCE IS TREATING THEIR G OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF THE FRENCH ARMY. HOW FRANCE IS TREATING THEIR GERMAN PRIS- ONERS. photo. ONERS. EX-UNITED STATES SENATOR ELIHU ROOT Of New York, who is being seriously con- sidered for Republican Presidential can- didate, system providing for the exchange among the Allies under most favorable g and ironing. Upper ERMAN PRIS- Photograph showing distributing station during mealtime. Bach prisoner is provided with a loaf of bread a cut of Photo showing women in charge of distributing meat, Lower photo.