ee I WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 191 The World of - ALONG GASOLINE ROW Fine motoring weather. The country roads are drying up nicely. Auto dealers report brisk sales during the past week. Cars come and go, but. "Gene" Dennee's little-old Hupmobile goes on forever. For its size, Kingston is to the forefront in the number of ears own- ed and operated here. The number is steadily and rapidly increasing, and if manufacturers could make prompt deliveries the number will be speedily augmented as it is, most factories are away behind in their orders, and cannot guarantee deliv- ery for a long time yet. On several makes of cars that are now being placed on the market is an electric gear shift, which should in time prove very popular. The gears are the same as in all cars ex- cept that there is a two-speed rear axle, After reaching a forward speed of about thirty miles an hour, a turn of a switch gives three more Steps in the gearing. There is of course also two speeds reverse. On- ly the higher priced cars are so equipped Jet. This year is expected to be a record maker in the number of "jitneys" in use in the city. The price of sec- ond-hand cars has gone up, and they are almost unobtainable. Hundreds of new cars will also be in the busi- ness. Of course Barriefield camp, that tented city of 10,000 or 15,000 people that will spring into existence after May 22nd, is the cause, and the preparations for its needs are now being made. The road to Barrie- field camp as well as around city will be black with cars of all kinds and descriptions. Every one will be out | looking for the "shilling" fare of a | passenger from the camp to the city. | With so many soldiers business cer | tainly promises good. FORD SECURES SITE FOR TRACTOR PLANT. Eastern Plant for Manufacture of Tractor To Be Near New York. Henry Ford, after months of ne- gotiations and investigation of prac- ------------A AAA il For Sale ! Used Cars all been thoroughly That have o and are in good con- dition at low prices for cash: One Dodge Brothers' touring car, Two Ford touring ears, newly Painted. E. M. F. touring car, Russell-Knight 7-passenger tour- H «Brooks G-cylinder roadster. ¢ 29x85 motor hoat, speed hull, use one year. One 30x68 pleasure hull, new (fin. ished inside and decking in 'Mahogany ). 0 39x7 hunting cabin cruiser, hp. motor, speed i4 miles, with full equipment One S-cyli vr, 120 Be-p. Syracuse motor. Phe above have all got to he sold, and will pay anyone Inter- || to Inspect. QUINTE GARAGE, | Bridge Street, Picton, Ont. SERVICE STATION DODGE BROTHERS & WILLYS OVERLAND MOTOR CARS, - | | Summit avenue, Jersey, with - | tically every industrial section with- {in the bounds of the Metropolitan | district of the City of New York, has | decided to locate an eastern automo- !bile 'manufacturing plant to manu {facture and assemble his latest ine | vention, the "Ford Tractor." The property purchased by Mr, | Ford consisted of eighty acres lo- { cated at the head of Newark Bay at | the confluence of the Passaic and | Hackensack Rivers, midway between i Newark and New York City, within (a radius of five miles of the city hall, of Manhattan, and with a di- | [rect trolley service between Jersey City and. Newark, connecting at the Hudson and Manhattan tubes direct to Cortlandt street, New York, and Herald equare. . The tract selected by Mr. Ford has {a frontage of approximately 2,300 feet in Lincoln highway (formerly | the Plank road), where it crosses the | passaic River; also 1900 feet along | the Passaic River and the same frome tage in Central -avenue, and is locat- led in the Township of Kearney. The government channel! in the Passaic River hag a present depth of 20 feet. It is contemplated to ine | crease this depth to 25 feet, which | ig one of the features of the New- {ark Port project. According to the tentative esti |' mates already made, the first unit | of the plant to be established by Mr, | Ford will cost approximately one | million doMars, The project as a | | whole will involve the comstructipn {of four other units and the ultimate | investment of approximately five mil- lion dollars in a new industrial { plant, which probably will give em- | ployment to not less than five thous- ,and operatives, The Passaic River frontage of the | Ford Company will, be bulk-headed and docked in accordance with plans | especially prepared by the engineer- | i ing departmemt of the Ford Com- { papy for the economic handling of Three Advertisements in One HER Latest information about the New Grant SIX from the Grom Motor Company, Findlay, Ohio 7 foreign shipments. THE GRANT CAR New Six Is a Quality Car From Start! | To Finish. The mechanical construction of the Grant begets enthusiasm for its simplicity and its quality. The Grant Six is the first at its price to use valve-in-the-head motor. Valve-in-the-head motors are at once the most -xpensive, the most power- ful and the most enduring, in a word they are the most 'efficient motors, and are so pronounced by the engi- neering world. The Grant Motor was designed by one of the country's foremost engineers.' It embodies the best materials and the finest workmanship. Tlie head of the Grant Motor is re- movable, This means that the valves, which are located in the heads, are very accessible, as well as the tops of the pistons. The remov- able head being carefully machined, gives a completely machined combus- tion space. This means uniform explosions in all cylinders, and very little tendency for carbon to cling to the smothly machined walls. Cyl- inders and upper half of crank case are cast in one piece, providing great rigidity, Grant Six has a full floating rear axle, strong and durable. It has cantilever spring suspension, the most perfect spring action known. | It absorbs road vibration better than | any other type. The body of Grant Six is in design | of the latest modified yacht lines. | This car is equipped with one of] the best self-starting, lighting and | ignition systems obtainable. ! In fact, it is a quality car from tail- | light to radiator. | |} "Gene" Dennee And His Car. | rr te ttt | One of the proudest automobile | owners in Kingston is E. G. Dennee, || Princess street, the well-known hay and grain buyer, Away back in 1909 Mr. Dennee decided that an au- tomobile would. be a valuable time- saver for his business. After some scouting he found that the Hup peo- ple were making a cir that would about suit his purpose. He secured one of their small models. That car is again being run this year by Mr. Dennee, who would not take a gold mines for it. The little car is just as able now to cover the ground as it ever. was in spite of the fact that it has covered 55,000 miles of Ontario roads. The initial cost of the car was $800, and running nine or ten months a year the maintenance has been very low, One year with gas at 16¢ a gallon it cost $19.75 for repairs'and fuel. This is not meant as an advertisement for th® Hup car. as it is impossible to obtain this model now, but it gives a denial to the impression in the minds of unso- phisticated people that an automobile lasts only a few months, or a year at the most, before going to pieces. Perhaps a little exaggeration mix- ed with your talk would make it more Interesting. Ye. 1 A Beauty Car You will be surprised at the beauty of the new Grant Six. Without question it is one of the handsomest cars of the year, not only has A six-foot ma stretch his fort in both seat. Cushions are soft au wrious. 'Tt Is t to imagine ter col more . Grant Six 'carries rries fiv can com- t or rear Fer ry And the 1916 - highest in --but are cost: \ they deliver the most We Suggest a Demonstration Before you buy'any car at any price get a road demonstration of a Grant Six. ' That suggestion is based on the idea that u honestly want the {ios for your money. Not the most in weight nop the most in showiness --but The MOST in VALUE --the mostin CAR worth. . Grant Six Seta yoh the argest, roomiest ly any car below a thousand ars. It offers you the most power- ful motor. It offers you the most substantial chassis-- frame, axles, wheels, nission, spring con- _Struction. It gives you the hand- somest body lines--and a thoroughly proven con- struction. It is the SIX of econ- and therefore the ay of greatest luxury. oy asen dealers them. T! ming and outgoing domestic and , = asy All the mechanical excellence, all the beauty, style, finish and luxurious heart can desire or brain invent are incorporated in every Reo Car. Added to _ parable value. All we ask is that you investigate tho you study cars and prices. will decide upon the Reo--nothing surer. iL REO SIX ROADSTER, Four-Passenger. ' $1,700 F.O.B. Factory, Lansing, Mich. Duty Paid. This is a 4-passenger roadster body on the famous Reo Six Chasis. It is nmade for comfort as well as looks. The cantilever springs add wonderfully to the luxury of riding in this Six Roadster. Only a limited number of these cars are being manufactured r N this, there ualities that the incom- roughly----that you consult other Reo users--that a rr REO SIX7-PASSENGER TOURING CAR The 1916 "Fashion Plate." $1,700 F.O.B. Factory, Lansing, Mich. Duty Paid. This car set a high standard of mechanical excellence It has set the fashion This Six is a great, big, beau- tiful car, easy riding and with power for any emergency. and achieved a new mark in values, in body design for this year. In value, it stands alone. If you do these things, and then follow the dictates of your judgment, you \ /) REO THE FIFTH-TOURING CAR, $1,225 F.0.B. Factory, Lansing, Mich. Duty Paid. In these days, when so many types of motors and cars are officred, never has the demand for the sturdy, reliable, conservative Reo the Fifth been so great. Fdr six years this car has maintained its supremacy among Squasenger motor cars. Isn't that recommendation enough? NN 4 CYLINDER REO ROADSTER The New 3-Passenger Car. $1,225 F.0.B. Factory, Lansing, Mich. Duty paid. The nattiest, classiest, most graceful thing on wheels, Adaptable to country roads Besides the driver's seat, there is As tight and cosy as a coupe, as well as city streets. a roomy mrain seat that will accommodate two persons. \ 5 Next to economy of operation is its reliability. many other commendable features. Write for catalogue. : The Reo factory is flooded with orders. will be filled in exact rotation. Its 30-acre plant cannot So decide at once, a nd be one of the 'lucky ones." The quality of Reo Cars has not only been kept up, NEW REO 34.TON QUICK DELIVERY WAGGON. $1,500 F.0.B. Factory, Lansing, Mich. Duty paid. Fittéd to perform severe and exacting service under all conditions. It has electric starter, Speed beyon convenient gasoline tank, begin to catch up. 15 miles calls for pneumatic tires. large carrying capacity and 7 Orders but improved at many points, despite the reduction in prices. Where competitors use substitutes, we use genuine leather and hair in the uphol- stering. We still use the costly Timken and Hyatt roller bearings--no ball bearings anywhere. ----ALL PARTS OF THESE CARS KEPT IN STOCK AT THE KINGSTON AGENCY -- Geo. W. Boyd 89 Earl Street KINGSTON DISTRIBUTOR. $50,000 a Month Increase In Wages--Staff Increased By 900 'Men Since War Was Declared » Increase the of the nation. ity of the individual and you increase the uence thus exerted by the Ford Canadian Company towards upholding Dominion in times when su. forms a story of real human interest. This story is founded on three events: 3 An increase in wages of $60,000 a month. 3 and building the prosperity of the an influence is intensely valuable ht. : The addition of 900 men to the pay roll since ali In the Sripgd 1915, Canadian manufacturing interests were - In most cases than of n guided by a policy of retrenchment rather 3 . It was a time when caution seemed the of valor. ord Canadian executives, however, preferred to look tuation with more optimism. At that time they putting into effect a higher standard of wages for their employes. They saw no reason why they should sto * the wheels of progress oPaccount of the war, so in April 191 the new Ford standard of wages was adopted. » Here was a war-time increase of from 15 to 60% for eve eligible worker in the plant.' The average laborer was at pind presented with a $38 a month raise. It is estimated that this increase distributed, among the 2,400 Canadian Ford em month. And bear in mi yes amounts to about $50,000 a that their previous rate of pay was good. So, by April 16, 1916, the Ford Canadian Comping will have yes $600,000 in increased w or one year. s is increasing the prosperity of individual with @ vengeance Likewise whom these it increases the it increases the Prosperity of the merchants from employes buy. An rosperity of the wholesaler whom the merchants buy ey 80 on down the list. The commission man, the jobber, the manufacturers in all parts of Canada share in it. And in the natural course of Sense the whole nation benefits from this increased distribu- of money. In the nine leading cities from St. John to Vancouver there are Ford Branch establishments that are also assisting in this prometio whose n of prosperity. In the plant at Ford City there are about 2000 employes of abode are in the four towns of Ford City, places 1 Walkerville, Windsor and Sandwich. There are 1000 more employes working in establishments in these four towns whose output either in its entirety or its greater part is takea by the Ford plant. Ford factory. Basing an estimate on the fact given in the last census that Shere are five in the average In other words half the people in these four towns wi bined population is about 30,000 prosperity of the Ford Canadian Company. : At the same time that they received this increase in wages, the Ford employes were further benefited by a reduction in workil day. - Few have found it desirab any great extent since war began. Ford Canadian policy of full speed ahead, war or no war, that it 'employes since or town in the Dominion. Ford are the highest paid automobile workers in the Britoh Boapire. Thay 3 times as well ver. age Canadian FLITE pee » as they vsrage wage of 3435 as given by isfaction--and increased permanency of a man's Smploymen skill gained through: this longer time oe factors, fully counterbalance wages, And so the owner of a Ford car receives a direct benefit from all this since it results in pu ship that is most un Ford car the Thus 3,000 persons thers are dependent upon the report amily, makes a total plé that look to the Ford Phan gohig mal : - are directly benefited by the hours of from nine to ej 0 t per ms, Stcebling those wo! e on government contracts; to add to their number of employes to But 80 resultful has been the take on 900 additional as the Ford Company as a C anadian army of highly paid workers done "its bit" of boosting her prosperity? Again In contributing to the Pa ic and Red Cross the employes, officers and stockholders gave $59,304.39 or an aver- age of $29.60. The factory workers alone gave an average of $18.71 + everyone, almost wi limit. 410.04 or gave $6,168.60; absolute 1h gave to the man. Office t a sing] For instance, twenty-two gi f*ohens and file clerks contributed a total of $77.50 per month or 12 months. The total contribution from the town of Ford with its 2,200 pulation was $75,776.99 or an average of about capita hich is one of the larges 4 pet ou city t per capita contributions 3 Canadian re ave proved to figures make this proot opvicus--that the i gh nwa this increased expenditure in i a" oro skilled worlemat- goes far towards wonderful mechanical production that it le neiere Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited