orCorrectDressers Who desire individual style garments, THIS IS THE STORE We are now showing the latest novelties in Silk Suits and Coats At our usual low prices One-third Off Suits Berges eviots, Fancy Tweeds, etc, etc. left, 80 come early, your size may be here. 1 : a : T.d. OCONNOR 260 PRINCESS ST. Phone 800. --~Higher up street but lower in Prices Not Motor Boat and Automobile Supplies Halliday's Electric Shop, Phone 94 : 345 King Street See a SPECIAL AGENCY FOR MELBA PREPARA- TIONS No Advance in Prices. Melba Face Powder .... Melba Talcum Sargent's Store Cor. arg and Montreal Sts. Telephone No. 41 Be -- -- LARGER STOCKS THAN EVER BEFORE Dressers, Chiffoniers and Beds to match in Mahog- | jany, Black Walnut and 1-4 Cut Oak. . SONISONIIA food values In Iron Beds at $5.00, $6.50, $7.25, "hos oa cur be Carpets in a great variety of quality and ow Linoleums for the Bedroom, Kitchen and Bath. 'T. F. Harrison Co. Limited. Jreported to us from the combined re a LE DAILY co ee Ml SH Ea WHIG, MONDAY, MAY es ms A BIG MILITARY DAYVO IS ASSURED FOR FOR THE 24TH oF MAY Fes Under the Auspices of the 146th Battalion--Large Crowds of Vis. itors are Expected to Visit King- ston, Now that the local miitary situa- tion regarding the camp at Barrie field has been cleared up it looks as though everything should turn out well for the success of the Victoria day celebration under the auspices of the 146uh Battalion. It is hoped that a number of the battalions will be in camp either at the end of this week or by Monday next. If this occurs the grand military parade on the morning of the holiday will sur- pass anything ever seen in Kingston. Five thousand or 10,000 men -who are training for the front is an ate traction that will appeal to every- body and the city will be crowded as never before by those who wish to pay their tribute to the ga¥lant boys who will soon be engaged on the battlefields of France or eise- where. The horse races promise to be Kéelily contested. The chairman, T. Nicholspn, has this matter well in hand and a treat is in store for lovers of horse racing. The Havana Red Box will 'be here to play ball with a picked local team and baseball fol- lowers are greatly pleased to know that such a high class attraction has been booked for their pleasure. The military sports will consist of tug-of-war pulls between iall the mil- itary units, 100 yards dash, 220 yards dash, half mile run, march- ing contests, machine gun contests, and likely an exhibition of the new | physical! drill and bayonet exercises, The 'New York Central has ar- ranged to run an excursion from Watentown and down the river points for tle day aud as there is a cheap fare of sifgle rate for round trip on all lines running into this city there will undoubtedly be a great crowd in town. 'It is not a hit too early for the merchants and | 'others to arrange to decorate the| different places cf business and resi-| dences for this big event. Db. G. Laidlaw and his energetic commit- tee have this department in 'hand and expect a generous response, Mr, | scription committee and it is hoped | that the merchamts and all classes! of citizens will aid in every way to] make this day a big financal success for our own home 'battalion, PRISONERS-OF-WAR SOCIETY SUGGESTED. | To Take Charge of Sending Parcels To Canadians In Germany. | | | G. M. Macdonnell, K.C., waited on | American, Consul F. S. 8S. Johnson on | Friday afternoon with the suggestion | | that a society be formed to take over] the work of the prisoners-of-war, | tuna 'efiterprise. It was suggested | that a public meeting be held and of- | ficers elected so that a larger part of! ed with the plan. After consultation with other | friends who have been working so! earnestly to keep the funds going| | and who have been responsible for | { the ¢ontinued success of the work, it "| was decided that should a society be formed, the responsibility would be! | | handed over. The Consul's only in-] { terest in the matter is his desire that { some 150 parcels be forwarded every | month, ization can do this it will be entirely | satisfactory «to himself and his co- | workers, | Donations are coming in gradual-| {ly and it is expected that on Tuesday | | another 150 parcels will be forward- | led to Germany." The appeal for! | funds through the Whig is bringing | fine desired results, | ELEVEN CASES SLATED. | For the Police Magistrate On Tues. day Morning. Eleven persons have been sum- . moned to appear in Police Court on | Tuesday morning. Ten of the eleven are cabmen. They are | charged with allowing their cabs to stand on the street and not on the cab stand according to the city by- laws. The cabmen state that there are s0 many men of the stands that it is impossible for them to all stand on the place set aside by the city. A resident of Bath is summoned to appear for driving his automobile past a standing street car. Endorsed the Scheme, On Sunday. the daylight scheme was spoken of in a number of the {pupits . and commefided. Among those endorsing it were Revs. Dr. Macgillivray, Canon FitzGerald, Al- fred Brown, G. 8S. Clendinnen, E. R. McLean, E. LeRoy Rice, Dean Starr and T. W. Savary. Laidlaw is also chairman of the sub-| and if any society or organ-| jE OF THE PULPIT NEEDS AND VALUE OF THE SUN- DAY SCHOOL. Pointed Out by Rev. G. 8. Clendin- nen----Rev. Dr. Harvey Jellie, Mon- treal, Preached in St. Andrew's. At the service held in Brock Street Methodist Church on Sunday morn- ing Rev. George S. Clendinnen spoke vigorously on the needs of the Sun- day School of to-day. The gervice was the occasion of the installation of the superintendent, Dr, W. W. Nash, and the teachers of the Sunday school for the coming year. 'Rev. Mr. Clendinnen took as his text, Nehemiah viii, 8 He sald that the Sunday school is no longer the place for children only but the motto now is: "All the church in the Sun- day school and all the Sunday school in the church." He said the attend- ance at the Methodist Sunday schools was by far the largest of any church but nevertheless, he pleaded for a still greater increase and more inter- est in its activities. He regarded the Sunday school as the greatest depart- | ment of the church and any effort spent in this department would bring untold benefits in the future, At St. Andrew's Church. Rev. W. Harvey Jellie, D, D., Mon- treal, officiated in St, Andrew's Church at both services on Sunday and preached two helpful sermons. At the morning service he dealt with the meeting of Christ with Zaccheus, and showed that the good in a man counted more with Jesus than the evil. He drew out the best that was in.a man when others saw only his baser 'self. There were many peo- ple who saw only tragedy in the | great war, whereas on the other side | was the good the was was producing, by bringing out the very best that was in man---sacrifice and service. | Princess Street Methodist, Rev, C. V. Fairburn, Verona, con- { dueted the servicesdin Princess street Methodist Church on Sunday morn- ing and evening. In the evening the| | speaker chose as his text, "Behold He Cometh.' He said that'in the | Methodist doctrine the second com- | ing of Jesus has always been { preached. To-day the word is as| true as ever. To christians it meant rejoicing if prepared to meet Him; but to sinners the message was, | "Prepare to Meet Thy God." | Confirmation In St. Georges, The confirmation service at St.| George's Cathedral on Sunday even-| |ing was very impressive, Dean Starr | presented third to be confirmed, sev-! { era] cadets and soldiers being among | | the number. The Bishop of Kings- { ton addressed them on the privilegés {ana responsibility of Christian life, | urging them to live lives of earnest | | consecration. | BLOWN INTO THE AIR | WHEN SHELL EXPLODED. | Pte. John Esford Hit in Thigh | { And Knee, But Not | invalided. To be blown up ten feet as the re-| sult of the explosion of a shell, was | the experience of Pte. John Esford, of this city. Pte. Esford left Kings-| ton with No. 1 Company, of the 21st | Battalion, but was later 'transferred | to the machine gun section. Writ- | | ing from Belgium under date of Ap-| ril 18th. In a letter to Jerry Mel-| ville, No. 3 Division street, he says: | "We have had a hard time lately, and have not had a chance to do much: 1 was blown up over ten| {feet by a shell, and hurt my shoul-| j der. I was hit in the finger and the | knee with small pieces of shrapnel, | but I was not forced to leave the trenches.' | bt ras Ii the public would be directly connect- | SSE Confirmation In St, George's. As a musician, Sig. Creatore, who | is to appear here Wednesday, May 117th, takes rank with the foremost| | conductors of the day, and his or-| ganization is well nigh perfect. One| of the leading features of Creatote's| Band is the Marvellous precision of | its members. Every chord is played| as if by a single instrument, and} that with a. crispness that is almost | startling. The Collegiate Club George Kirkpatrick and Harold Ettinger were the speakers at the | Collegiate Club Friday night. The! former submitted the report of the | two delegates, A. Hamilton and him- self, sent by the Club and the tea- | «hers of .the K. C. I. to the High School Conference 'at Toronto. | Harold Ettinger of Queens gave a report on the Conference for Lead- | ers in Boy's Work held at the same | time as the other in Toromto, A vote of thanks were tendered to the lady waitresses and to She) Mother's Council through Mrs, G. Wright, who has spared no pains to] make the meeting successful; Some splendid results have been use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and Nerve Food. In complicated cases is (hey work together with great ile the Kidney-Liver Pills arouse the action of liver, kidneys and bowels, and so overcome derange 'ments of these organs, the Nerve Food enriches the blood, strengthens the nefves and builds up the system in a general way. R..B. Hillman, Purbrook, Musko- ka, Ont, writes: "About four years ago I was all run down and could not work, and as to writing a letter. 1 could not do it on account of my hand king so badly, a nerves matrung and I was troubled Had a "Nervous Breakdown, Could Not Sleep or Work Is Now Cured and Attributes His Recovery to the Use of Dr. Chase's Medicines. not sleep soundly and would start up so suddenly as to almost jump out of bed. My kidneys were bad, too, and I had awful pains in the back all day({l doctored with our family doc- tor, but he did not seem to know what T needed. I was recommended to try Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and could sleep well three nights after starting the use of the Nerve Food and Kidney-Liver Pills. I take great pleasure in recommending these me- dicines, as I have proved th they do all that is claimed for th used together the Nerve Food should be used after each meal and at bed-time, and the Kidney-Liv- ar Pills only as often as is necessary the bowels in healthy condi- - Shane medicines are for A nervous by ' al prove it to you. | ved in the 2nd Canadian Mounted , [tention to the devil and too little 15, 1916. CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR We carry a large range of Fancy and Staple lines of Child. ren's Footwear--Patents and Kids in Button and Lace Patterns, Black or Fancy Cloth Pope.salay Strap Slippers--in one and: four All at Popular Prices. ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE straps. Campbell's Hats Always the standard of style --quality----value. Our immense assortment makes easy choosing here, SOFT HATS Snappy shapes in the new colors, such as Pearl, Carbon, Erin Green, Steel, Stone, Cac- tus, ete. Special values at $2, $2.50 ~--SEE OUR WINDOWS--- Campbell Bros, "The House of Successful Hat Styles. a Coffee or Tea? WHICH IS TO YOUR LIKING ? Perhaps you like both--one for breakfast and dinner--the other for| | luncheon or supper. In either case] we are bound to suit you, because there is no better tea or coffee in the | city at the prices we ask, We re-| peat and emphasize this fact: No | | better Coffee; no better Tea. Let us | | | Henderson's Grocery A square house to deal with. |55.1 Brock St. Phone 279. SENDS A PICTURE OF COL. DUFF'S GRAVE. An Australian Corporal Re- membered Him In South African War. Mayor Richardson a letter from tralian has: received Corporal Fr Kerr, Aus Remount Unit, * Ma'adi, | | Egypt, encosing a photograph of the | grave cf the late Lieut.Caic H. R. | Duff, Kingstan, whose remains are | | buried in St. George's cemetery near | Cario. The writer states that dur | | ing the South African War he ser- | Rifles, and Col. Duff was one o* the | doctors, Corporal Kerr states that éanly in April he was appointed to visit St. Geonges's cemetery to arrange for the placing of a tombstone on the grave of one of his comrades and on look- ing at a tombetone twelve fi he saw it was for Col. . "1 was sorry indeed to know that his work was ended as he was a worthy - officer and = doctor,' he writes. The Corporal photographed the grave of Col. Duff which is well tend- ed, The caretaker of the cémetery had planted" some flowers upon it a few days before, on from the British Crnsul at Cario. Only One Drunk in Court Michael Kelly was the only ten der in police court on Monday mo ing. He was taxed $2 and costs or twenty 'for being drunk. Kelly naked the court to piace him on the Het instead of fining him but the magistrate remarked that he would Hkely do both. Some Christians pay too much at- away | - Home-Made Candy and Chocolates Fresh Made Every Day SAK Next Opera House. ELL'S Your Labor Seemsin Vain If you do not thing to your add some- household after house-cleaning. We have what you Ter quire, from a bottle of Ti- quid Veneer to a Chester- field. Dressers, Chiffoniers, In any style or finish. We can help by using Furniture Restorer. At. ames Rei Phone 147, and have us call for your Repairs. BELONGING To THE OROER) OF FAR AND SQUARE SC ADMITS You TO THE § FL BEST CIRCLES [=x we a 2 8 & FAIR AND SQUARE The fair and square goodness of our Groceries and Fruits is their card of admittance to.the best circles. We will look after your fruit needs this season. Pineapples' and Oranges, all sizes; Fresh Lettuce, Celery, Tomatoes and Pie Plant. Phone 349. EMPIRE GROCERY, 'PHOTOS, FRAMES PHOTOS, FRAMES, PHOTOS, FRAMES. Weese!.- Is the name for Pianos, Pho- tos and Frames. 50 PICKED AND FOWLS. 500 LBS. FARMERS BUTTER ARR Sd oe n HAMS AND BACON, 5 | Our Own Curing. | SPECIAL PRICES TO CLEAR J THE ABOVE LOT. Round trip tickets to 'Western Canada via Chicago or North Bay or | Cochrane will be on sale each Tués- | day up to and including Oot. 31st, 1916. Valid for return within twe - months. An extension of time limit not exceeding two months may be bad on payment of $500 per month, but 1. uo vand utes than Nov, 30th, 916 For full particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, C.P. and T.A,, cor. Johnson and Ontario streets, CUNARD AL nireal S. 8. ASCANIA (Cold don Montreal and Cool Air) May 20 May 1%: (Cai only 2 *8. 8. Cloughte bin only) . ", A «June Ly usonia "cabin wonlx) vive dime 13 reight ion aE Limitea, 50 Rive Street East, Toron- dma Marked 1 o 1 Passenge call