Reliable Fur Storage. Our Wagon Will Call, 149 to 157 BROCK STREET, PLAIN TIRES, $13.00 IRON SKID, $16.50 300x312 Guaranteed 3,500 miles. BIBBY'S GARAGE Phone 201 and 917 Letters From Kingston Boys At Front The British Whig is setting aside a column for the exclu- sive use of its readers who may have received detters from friends at the front or in Eng- land. = Care will be taken for censorship reasvus, that -these extracts do not contain the mention of any unit, casually or the location of the unit. The person sending the letter ° .in should be careful that the name of the writer is given, If requested, letters will be re- turned promptly to the sender. Most any letter from the front has sométhing in it which is of Interest to Canadians, even though it be only the reference to some remark sung out be- tween trenches to "Fritz." ACKNOWLEDGE PARCELS, In Germany. Pte. ¥. Sedore, Germany, and Pte. A. V. Harman parcels sent by Kingston through the American Consul. Sent Brother Parcel. FOR HOUSECLEANING CARPET BROOMS BRUSHES WHIPS D. COUPER Phone 76 Prompt Delivery. 341-3 Princess St. been inspecting locomotives made a parcel to his brother, who is a pris- oner-of-war in Frankfurt, Germany BB ees Be Be Bee A Bee Gin Bees ing Company's wharf. Hamilton to-night. Tuesday for Oswego. Hamilton on Tuesday. Tuesday afternoon and evening, were late. M. T. Co.'s wharf: Sent From Kingston To Prison Camp 2nd Battalion, a prisoner-of-war at Ohrdrul camp, in 48th Highlanders, imprisoned at Got. tingen, Germany, have acknowledged friends A. S. Pincus, a Russian, who has being at the Canadian Locomotive Works, hefore leaving the city sent | In Marine Circles | The steambarge Byron Whitaker is laid up at'the Kingston Shipbuild- The barge Pueblogwill clear for The barge St. Joseph, which has been unloading coal at the Canadian Locomotive Company's works, left on The steamer Ottawa arrived from On account of the rain and fog on a number of steamers due to arrive Tug Bronson '| THE CANADIANS WHO SEEK AS AVIATORS, They Go To the Southern States To Train--The Military Importance Of the Aeroplane Being Demon strated. Out on the edge of the city of San Antonio, down in the State of Texas, not far from one of the wonderful old ruined Franciscan missions, built over 200 years ago, a group of virile young Canadians rise every morning with the sun to commence their day's training in that ultra modern pur- suit--the flying of heavier-than-air machines. Training as aviators in the Stinson School, they progress slowly through a course measured in minutes, towards thes goal of their desire, the coveted Aero Club certi- ficate. Some time after the outhreak of the war, application was made by both the naval and military authori- ties of the Dominion, to the British Government, for the entry of Cana- dians into the aviation service. 'In Canada there were few cxperienced depending for its development upon the advances of those experts engag- ed in it. With the marvellous stimulus add- ed to the pursuit through the rapid demonstration of the aeroplane's military importance, followed the re- lated effort of Canadians to enter this service. The reply of the Imperial Government ta this request was an acceptance, which was qualified by a demand that candidates from Canada should demonstrate their-fitness for the service by obtaining the license of the Aero Club of America, Prob- ably no branch of the naval or milit- ary service demands a higher degree of efficiency than the air service, and to secure this efficiency the Govern- ment equips its airmen with the ben efits of a long and expensive train- ing, and, in the ¢ of Canadians, pays transportation Bgenses to Eng- land. When, therefore, the result of the negotiations between the Fed- eral and Imperial Departments final- ly produced the regulations govern- ing entry into the service, many young Canadians proceeded to quali- fy themselves by the expenditure of much time and money, to take their place in this most interesting, stren- uous, and modern branch of the forces. After the failure of some schools operating in Canada to con- duct operations during the winter, and following an unsatisfactory state of . affairs in these schools from the to the southern schools followed as a matter of course, and in Texas, Vir- ginia, and other pleasant winter climates embryo Canadian birdmen are preparing themselves for commis sions in the British aerial service. In the Stinson camp, at San An- tonio, about twenty of these boys are progressing towards théir test flights before the observer. This school is conducted by the well known Stinson family of flyers, of whom Miss Kath- erine Stinson, probably the most daring and youthful lady fiyer in the world, is the most widely known. This young lady, who has been flying airmen, aviation having occupied the | public mind as an interesting science | of the | pupils' point of view, the migration | - The Late Mrs. J. W. Clendenning. The death occurred on Wednesday morning of Mrs. J. W, Clendenning, Canboro, Ont., She had been in the General Hospital for some time, hav- ing undergone an operation. Her remains were taken west by her ne- phew, who has been at her bedside for several days. | Late Walter Butler, Portsmouth. The death occurred én Wednesday of Walter Butler, a well-known resi- dent of Portsmouth. The late Mr. Butler was born in England about] thirty years ago, and a number of] years ago came to Canada, settling! in Portsmouth about four years ago, | where he since plied the trade of a carpenter. The late Mr. Butler had heart trouble, and several days ago was taken to the Hotel Dieu for treat- ment. The deceased was a member lof St. John's Anglican Church in | Portsmouth, and is survived by his| { parents, Mr. and Mrs. James R. But-| | ler, and two brothers, James and Ar-| | thur, all of whom reside in Ports-| | mouth. | Late Mrs, G. T. Rice. | The death occurred on Sunday, | May 7th, after a brief iliness, of Adel-| {la Malina Ewing, wife of G. T. Rice,! { Winnipeg. The late Mrs. Rice left | Winnipeg April 17th to visit her par | ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ewing, Syd |enham street On Monday. May 1st, {she went to Harrowsmith to visit] | her, aunt, Mrs. Thomas Dowker,where she suddenly took ill of pneumonia, {and despite the best medical atten- | tion, she succumbed on Sunday even-| {ing, May Tth | | The deceased, who wag 20 years] {and 6 months of age, was a woman of | | sweet, lovable disposition, devoted | | to her home and family, and « favor | lite among all those who knew her. Be-| | sides her husband and two children, | | Wilbur Berton Stanley, aged five] { years, and Earle Garfield, aged sev- | | enteen months, she leaves to mour her loss her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ewing, and one sister, Pearl, {all of Kingston. | The funeral took place May 11th} { from the residence of Thomas Dow-| ker, Harrowsmith, to Sydenbam| cemetery, where the remains were | laid beside those of her brother, who| predeceased her six years. { | | | FIREMEN HAD TWO CALLS While the Rain Was At Its Heaviest On Tuesday Evening. There were two alarms of fire be-| | tween six and 8.30 o'clock Tuesday | evening, when the rain was coming down in torrents, At 6.03 the fire| brigade was called to 224 Princess! | street, occupied by Peter Lee. Fire, did damage to the extent of $40 | Electric wires caused the blaze. { At 8.33 electric wires set fire to} {the limb of a tree on West street, | | east of King, and the assistance of | the brigade was required. | l sv sant | Public Invest Freely. | We are advised from Toronto that| {| the underwriting of Lorrain Consoli-| dated offered by Mark Harris & Co. { to their clients at 22¢ has evidently | made a hit. The underwriting bids | | fair to be over-subscribed. Evident- | | i WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1916. a * ---------- NG THE J | BIROMEN ¢ J A ~ Military Supplies Headquarters for all Military Supplies, Pennants, ties, Mark Cross Razors, Canes, Swagger Sticks, Spurs, Military Text Books. Ba tht att Pillows, Badges, Put- ete. Latest editions in All the latest hits in Music--Operatic and Popular. The College Book Store i 160-162 PRINCESS ST. OPEN NIGHTS. DON'T The Well Dressed Lady She Uses Pictorial Review atterns | IVY | Pictorial Magazine for June PHONE 919. Sterling Silver Pieces Of Exquisite Design 'FOR BRIDAL GIFTS' Our cases present suggestions atmost without end. for Wedding Gifts, ranging Ten Setts and Fru smnil "Confection Scoups," and Butter Pleks, All designs are new, Smith Bros. JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Furs Stored =p Gourdier's ye Zylbek Eye Protector Afords protection for motoring, honting, golfing, gunuing and in fact in all sports where there is wind, dust, glare or danger from cleared for Montreal with three light barges; steamer Simla cleared with the barge Melrose for Port Colborne; tug Hall arrived with a barge and cleared light for Cornwall; tug Em- erson cleared for Fairhaven with the barge Condor; the Emerson will ar- rive to-day with the barges Hiawa- | toa and Augustus. Pictorial Quarterly, Summer Edition Newman & Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE for four years, has the appearance of | ly the officers of this company have | a school girl, and is without any van- | the confidence of 'the investing pup-| ity in the matter of her remarkable lic. | exploits in the air, where she loops- ttt | the-loop- and flies upside down both Jessie Maclachlan Dead. in the day and night time. The Jessie Maclachlan, known through-| school has already turned out a num- out the world as the greatest expo- | | nent of Scottish songs of the present | day, she passed away in Scotland af-| | ter a short illness of inflammatory] { rheumatism which attacked her] | heart. She sang in Kingston on va-| | rious occasions. "Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks," Gib- son's. The 86th (Machine Gun) Battal- fon, Hamilton, was presented with ; colors by the Marchioness of Aber- ) deen, on behalf of the donor, Mrs. W, E. Sanford. For Your Spring astual fying. - This period, however, | Spring 'Tonic at Gibson's. e pupil is of the stuff that avia- are made-of, is acknowledged to for the.instructors to | i Still Confined To Hospital. Gunner Sidney Warten, 38th Bat | tery, son of W. H. Warren, Division street, is still confined to Aldershot TeV ow AAA A AANA AN fiving insects, ete. 1 is Hight in weight, fits any face and can be worn over other glasses. Can he bad with or without ugh { hospital suffering from throat trou-! ble Writing to his father, he states] that he is the only Canadian confined to, this hospital. poaaeee BUILDERS soft leather sides. Dr. A.P. Chown's Drug Store Sick Room Supplies 185 PRINCESS ST. Phone 343. ---- Housecleaning SUPPLIES wweeyg " When you build that Cottage Or Bungalow this spring or when you remodel your house or fix up the driveshed or barn, S. Anglin & Co. will be pleased to requirements-- the air service recruit into a capable of manipulat- | | ing the Wright model "B* machine through the test flights. BOOZERS A DRAG ON OTHER SOLDIERS. A Queen's Arts Graduate At the Front With Engineers | Writes. OLOSING OF MAILS British mall closes Irregy- larly information posted atiP. ©O. Lobby from time to time. daily ..12.46 pm. goin Ol 11.30 a.m. INDIVIDUAL EYE 'CARE. Fer a clean scalp and glossy heail- | | thy hair use Rexall "93" Shampoo | Paste at Rexall Stores only. Geo. W. Mahood. { CARPETS RUGS LINOLEUMS . Neo two persons' eyes are exact. 8 Ce pons vision Will Brobabty ERINGS Talure another's DRAPERIES WINDOW SHADES MATTINGS R. McFaul, United States, Grand Trunk, 'Kingston's Famous Fur Store' MOTHS HAVE STARTED TO WORK p.m. and 5.30 p.m, . i 2.20 pm. Miss' I.. M. Craig, Albert street, | has received an interesting letter | fran an arts graduate of Queen's Uniyersity who is now serving with | Queén"s Engineers in Belgium, In} part he says: | "We are having nice bright warm | days. Just stop for a minute,| | while a shell whizzed overhead into the village some distance away. I was afraid it was going to drop! short, so I got as flat as possible, i "Since I last wrote you we have! moved a few times but not very far. | Life is a little more lively than it] was in the winter, ---- -- -------- ments. figure on TO-NIGHT'S PROGRAMME For Creatore and His Band. Part First. March, Lorraine ....... 2. Overture, William Tell .. Rossini 3. Humoreske . Dvorak . L'Arlesienne, second suite lense we supply is lly for each ense in our own factery. Every Manufacturers of all inter- . lor. woodwork--and dealers in good lumber. The moth has started another season of its destructive work. Thousands upon thous- ands of dollars of valu- 36 CoRtert able Furs are on their S wav to destruetion all > Ganne eyes wi Woodworking Factory. ing. made for guy eves) Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Stas. House poms tome 5 Cleaning wssslumber, Conl and Woodeess USE COLLECT-O-DUST. Bizet Intermission. I, ASSELSTINE 842 KING ST. Phone 1019 Kingston's Exclusive Optician' last two nights, "In the army one is brought in pretty close contact with the efféct hearted temperance man before, I On each of the] of intemperance, and IT 1 was a half-| Hl over America. What ft about YOUR Furs? If if} vou are not protected Hl against their loss, Part Second, First. movement of fifth symphony .. 5. Melody in F .. .. . Soprano Selo, Angel's Beethoven . Rubinstein | | 1 The cheapest and most Sanitary Sweeping Powder on the market. am now ready to work ahead. Fellows here in my own] company are altogether different; when they procure liquor. And 1I/ notice, too, that all the drunks and | boozers are by no means the most | GOLDEN LION GROCERY unafraid in danger. Some of them | Fancy Clover . are just a drag 'on the: rest of us,! + and they get the safety-first jobs In one pound sections, 28 Grin as possible. - All the drinking | each. places in the villages were closed | | Fresh California Prunes, {nice and juicy, 10¢, 12 1-2¢, last week, so things are sober at 15¢. 1b, present. i Evaporated Peaches, 2 1bs. "It was just a year.ago since I] | for 25c. i i Serenade .. .. .. .. Braga Signora Emilia Bernabo. . Grand selection, Faust .. Gounod a. Prelude and flower song. bh. Waltz ¢. Soldiers' Chorus d. Grand trio and finale Solos by Signori Demitri, and de Luca. . God: Save The King. through anv cause, vou should see us at once. We dive Furs a thor- ough eleaning and prop- er attention during the sumer and at the same time Insure them against Joss by moths, fire or theft. Phone 238 for tieulars, Large Tin, 25¢. .] Gage's Grocery, Montreal St. Phone 549 n wn! Rossi * Where is the Daughter? A communication has heen receiv- ed by the Canadian Patriotic Fuud, Kingston branch, that Mary Cecilia Brothers, daughter of Pte. Charles Brothers, Gloucestershire Regiment, Imperial Army, who was killed in ac- tion, is entitled to a pension. The a local headquarters have been unable . i «Jocate either her or her mother, eu ho om are supposed to be = . rh git strict. The nsion may be Makers of Fine Furs Jl secured by the dgnghter if she com- and 128 a s St. [§! municates with the local branch. a Hypophosphites Tonic," the newest HCI Fittings. You may therefore be sure of finding the latest in stock always in this Hardware Store. Here are a few: par- 5 Room Cottage, B.&C, good cellar, nearly nel, easy terms, Tans o am $5,000 is 10,000 worth of timber on hie lot, also good buildings. iH 200 a tor flaings il and some timber. 100 neres px $4,750---Good farm and &00d bulldings; easy terms. : it will likely be some tinie before; : the war is over." . Apricots, 15¢ ; Lieut, Milner Mathieson, of St.| Mary's, with the Canadian Engineers in France, has been awarded the Mili- tary Cross for conspicuous bravery. Daniel Bissett, formerly of Strat: decorated in France was on my way to the West from] Queen's University. Would that I} Evaporated Cider, 40c per were going that way just now. But! Sweet full steam! |