Used "Frit-afves The Great Kidney Remedy Hacessvivie, Or, Aug. 26th, 1913, "About twe, years 'ago, I found my liealth in a very bad state, My Kidneys were not doing their work and 1 wasall run down in eondition.| Having seen 'Fruit-a-tives' advertised, I decided to try them. Their action was mild, and thie result all that could be expected. My Kidneys resumed their normal action aftér T had taken upwanls of a dozen boxes and I regained ny old-time vilalily. Today, I am as well as ever." . B. A. KELLY. b0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢, At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a tives Limited, Ottawa, 'Wood's Phosphodine, Great English Fomedy Bie Blooa old Yoian Rures ervous and Brain h Monit + Patitation of th , Fail lemory. Price $1 per box, sis $5. Ove will fons, siz will our. Sold Lb a uggists or mailed io plain pkg on o teed THE ov DAR a gs a Sool Grand Cafe NOW OPEN NEWEST AND FINEST hn TAURANT IN KINGSTON 222 PRINCESS STREET. Next Grand Opera House. Full * Course Dinner, 30¢, 11.30 to 2.30. Open from 6 ani. to 2 am. A La Carte Metis ut All Houea. Call and take home one of our Choice Plies, 25¢ each PETER LEE, Prop. PHONE 1843. RES- Our modern 40 gallon Siuiced Tanks are able of handling any number of filmsm a day. We are pow putting through from 00 to 85 rolls, nnd with increased staff of operators can promige the same prompt service at cents a roll, » + Films Wi to sell you the bent made and will replace any which are defective. Supplies We can supply the most satie= factory dre apd developers ot makes sold, Came 1 eX. "changed, rented and repaired. we A Free jar Drug Store. ne, SUNDAYS, BOYS, OLD AND YOUNG Are living witnesses to the merit of our clothing Brands that guarantee effi- eiency in workmanship, new- ness in stylemnd quality in materials. Prices as low as quality. will permit . - New Goods for Saturday | New Shirts in Colored and White, stiff and soft cuffs. New Ties in Plain Colors, Trish Poplin and Stripes. New Gloves--Dent's, Tan and Grey. New customers assured. Be one of them if you are no already one, © ; BEFORE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL {BOARD AT NAPANEE. Beveral Cases ln the Police Court-- Returned Soldier Of the 39th Bat. talion Taken in Charge, {From Our Own Correspondent). Napanee, May 22 ---The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board met in the town hall to hear and adjust a claim of W, Henderson, Camden, who wants to get a telephone from the Camden line. The question the: had to decide was who had to build the necessary extension to accommo- date the applicant, as he lives some distance from the nearest pole. The award will be announéed later. A returned soldier of the 39th Bat- talion created a disturbance on the market Friday night, and had to be arrested by Chief Barrett. He had unfortunately got too mueh liquor, In the Police Court before Magis- trate Rankin a citizen was fined $5 and $4 costs for a breach of the Pub- lic Health Act. H. Rikly, drunk and disorderly, assesed $6. A member of the *'prohibited 1st" was up for being drunk, and fined $10 and costs. "Dr. Maloney, Cornwall, Distrist Of- ficer of Health, was here Friday with a moving picture exhibit of public health filma, and gave a talk to the school children in the afternoon in the town hall, and to a public meet- ing for adults in the evening. Robert Finn was arrested in Dese- ronto on word sent by the police here, charged with supplying lguor to a member of the prohibited list, and later was brought back by 'Chief Barrett and remanded for eight days by Magistrate Rankin. A disturbance between a "fighting" civilian and some soldiers Saturday evening ended up by the civilian get. ting a black eve and being taken in charge by the police. SEAGRAM'S STABLE WINS KING'S PLATE. The Waterloo Distiller's Horses Took First, Second and Third. Toronto, May 22.--- The fifty- sixth renewal of the King's Plate, run over the historic 'Woodbine Course at Toronto Saturday af- ternocon resulted in a hollow victory for the stable of J. BE. Seagram, of Waterloo, president of the Ontario Jockey Club, Not only did the stable of the 0.J.C. president fur- nish the winner in Mandarin, but al- So the second and third horses, in Gala Water and Qala Day, an un- precedented happening in the his- tory of the race. The time of the winner was 2.12, which was good, considering the fact that Mandarin set his own pace and won as he pleased, pulled up, by three lengths. The other two Seagram horses fur- nighed the only eontention of the race, Gala Water overtaking Gala Day in the stretch run to beat him home by half a length for second place after a sprinted drive, "Ice Cream Bricks" at Gibson's, Alex Farrell was fined $196 at Brantford for cashing a cheque after | having given another man power of attorney over all cheques received. 2 A BUNCH OF THINGS. Local, Telegraphic and General In- S terest News. "Film Packs' at Gibson's. Fiag-Day, "146th Battalion reeruit- ing fund, May 24th. . George Anderson, Toronto, prom inent in business and formerly Trade Commissioner to Japan, died at the age of seventy-one. "New Taleum Powders" at Gib- son's, Premier Borden has left for a week's holiday in the Gatineau Hills, accompanied by E. N. Rhodes, De- puty Speaker of the Commons, "Kentucky Lawn Seed" at Gibe son's, As soon as the fuse inquiry is over, which will probably be before the middle of June, Sir Sam Hughes ex- pects to leave Canada for England. Lake steamships transporting troops to Niagara camp were convoy- ed by unarmed vessels, the crews of which weré on the lookout for Gere man-Ameriéan mines, Your chance to help the recruiting fund 146th Battalion. Flag Day, May 24th. Noremfals Lynel, the naturalized American of New York, who was con- victed in connection with the Irish revolt, was sentenced to ten years imprisonment at Dublin, "Tread Easy Foot Powder," Gib- sons. Profits on the publication of Sir Max Aitken's book, "Canada in Flan- ders," are being devoted to Canadian war funds, the first five hundred pounds ($2,500) going to the Maple Leaf Club in London. Your chance to help the recruiting fund 146th Battalion. Flag Day, May 24th. On Monday lightning struck a chimney on the home of J. L. P. Gordanier, Morven, knocking down the stove pipes and creating some damage in the room. The family were stunned for a short time but soon recovered Baldness is caused by a microbe which destroys the hair root and closes the pores. The Rexall "93 Hair Tonic arrests this process. Sold at all Rexall Drug Stores, 50c¢ and $1.00 bottles, George W. Mahood. MUSKOKA LAKE SERVICE Via Canadian Pacific Railway and Bala. Effective May 20th, excellent con- nection for points on the Muskoka Lakes will be made via .Cana- dian Pacific Railway and Muskoka Lakes Navigation Company at Bala. Northbound---Leave Toronto 8.50 a.m. daily except Sunday, arrive Bala vl p.m., connecting with steamer leaving Bala 2.30 p.m. Southbound Steamer arrives Bala 11.20 am, connecting with fast train leaving Bala 12.29 daily, arriving Toronto 4.15 p.m. Particular attention is called to the excellent facilities for transferring passengers and handling baggage at Bala station. Goes to North Sea Fleet. Renfrew, May 22.--J. D. Mallard has gone as a chief motorman in the motor boat patrol service in the North Sea, For the past two years he has been chauffeur to the O'Brien family, and had also been running a public garage. He has three bro- thers in the British army. None of his cousins enlisted and three of them have been killed, No ailment Is more discouraging than Nervous Prostration. You may feel better for a day or two, only to find the next day that you have lost ground and are worse than ever. The headaches are worse, languid feel- ings are terribly depressing. As you lose strength you lose hope and cour- ge and look to the future with fear and trembling. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is the greatest blessing that has ever come to the sufferer from nervous exha:: « tion. It is not narcotie in its infly- ence. It does not deaden the trembl- ing, irritated nerves, but through the medium of the blood nourishes them back to health as nothing else can. Mrs. Alonzo B. Eisner, Billtown, King's county, N.S., writes:--'"1 was very low with nervous prostration and was about discouraged, as 1 could not sleep nights and was al- most crazy With the pain in my head, I had tried many doctors, but seem- ed to get little benefit from their treatments. VA friend handed me Dr. Chase's Nervous and Almost Crazy With Pains in the Head Clergyman Certifies to This Cure of Nervous Prostration by Use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Almanac, so that I might read about the Nerve Food. A single box of this treatment convinced me of its value for 1 was better. 1 ¢annot tell mow many boxes I used, but the results were so highly satisfactory that I cannot praise it too much, My health and strength have been re- stored so that I can do all my own work, and I recommend the Nerve Food to all who suffer from nervous prostration." "This is to certify that I am ac- quainted with Mrs: A, B. Eisner and believe her statement in regard to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to be true and correct,""---Rev, Arthur A, Whit- man. Some patience is required in the treatment of mervous prostration, but you will not be using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food long before you begin to find your strength and good cheer returning. 'You will then be en- couraged to continue the use of the food cure until eurdd. 50 cents a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Company, Limited, Toronto. --- 19c 30c 1000 Lbs. Mild Cured Ham Lb. 500 Lbs. Finest Table Butter Lb. The Wm.Davies Co.Ltd. Phone597 rE A TEN 7 Ponies Defest Athletics By 9 to 8-- + 146th Band In Attendance--W. R. Givens and Mayor Richardson Ofi- ciate As the Opening Buttery. The City 'Baseball League formal opening took place at the .Cricket Field on Saturday afternoon before a large crowd of spectators. Ponies won a ten-inning game, defeating Athletics by 9 to 8. The teams were tied in the seventh, but Athletics scored three -ruhs in the eighth. Ponies tied the score in the ninth, and nosed out a4 win In the tenth. About half-past two o'clock tthe fine brass band of the 146th Battal fon arrived at the fleld, and for near- ly an hour rendered patriotic music. The day was fine, and the ground was comparatively. dry after the recent heavy rains, Shortly after three o'clock the game began. The Ath- letics had some new material out this vear. Swarts, a Queen's man, played a very fair game at centre field, and McGregor, who received the degree of M.D. at Queen's last year, and is now a éaptain in the C. A. M. C,, pitched a very good game when one takes inte comsideration the small amount of practice that he has had this season. The Ponies had nearly the same team as last year. Kelly and Williams, of the 146th Bat- talion, turned out and played well, The playing on the whole was very erratic, as can be seen from the rec ord below. The pitchers were not at all sure of themselves, and all the players certainly need more practice. There were some very good plays all through the game, but most of the time the play was very uninteresting. Portions of the game were exeiting, but the play was generally mediocre, Many trivial errors were made by both teams, but with more practice these should become rarer. The teams were well matched, as the score would indicate, each taking a spurt at playing at intervals The teams: Athletics--Toland, 2b.; Kelly, 3b.; Shea, ¢.; Swarts, c.{.; Spoor, s.5.;: B. Cumming, 1b.; Derry, r.f.; C. Cum- ming, Lf.; McGregor, p. Ponies--C. Stewart, 3.b.; J. Stew- art, L1.; Williams,s.s.; Saunders, 2b. ; Walsh, 1b.; Daley, c.f.; Evans, c.: Gallagher. p.; Cherry, r.f. While the band played, W, R. Giv- ens pitched a ball for Toland to hit, but whether it was the curve on the ball or the speed with which it was thrown, he missed it, and Mayor Richardson, who was behind the plate, followed the example of the batter, First Innings. Athletics--Toland and Kelly walk. Shea fans. Swarts makes a hit, aM follows Toland and Kelly over home plate, Spoor out on a fly hit B. Cumming makes a three-bagger and manages to make home plate. Derry fans. Four runs. Ponies--C. Stewart walks, but manages to get out on second. J. Stewart out at first. Wililams walks Saunders fans. No runs. Second Imnings. Athletics--C. Cummings fans. Me- iregor flies out. Kelly and Toland single. Shea singles and scores To- land. Swarts out. One run. Ponies-- Walsh singles, and scores on a hit by Daley. Evans out to Toland. Gallagher makes a two- hagger. Cherry out, One run, Third Innings. Athletics--S8poor out. B. Cum- mings makes first, but is put out on a steal to second. Derry shoots one out by second base, which is nabbed by Saunders. No runs. Ponies--Charlie Stewart makes home run. His brother, however, fans Leo Williams out on an ex- cellent catch by Swgrts. . Saunders manages to make th¥® rounds of three bags before he stop on a left field hit. Walsh pops one to Derry, One run. Fourth Innings. Athleties--C. Cummings strikes out. McGregor single. Toland out on a fly. McGregor is put out on a steal to second. No runs. Ponies-- Kelly picks up cleverly a ball from Daley. Evans fans, QGal- lagher pulls off home ran. Cherry bunt, and is out at first. One run. Fifth Innings. Athletics--Saunders - catehe: flies oft Kelly and Shea, and J. Stewart one from Swarts. No runs. Ponies--Charlies ' Stewart fans, and "Jimmie" gets out at first. Wil- liams makes a single, but Walsh is out on a catch by Toland. No runs. ------ Sixth Innings, Athletics--Spoor makes first, but B. Cummings is canned by a catch of Saunders. Derry makes a foul hit, which is caught by 'Evans. Spoor tries to make second, but fails. No runs. Ponies--Daley can't make first be- fore the ball. Evang and Gallagher single. Stewart has one put over him at second while Cherry. gets his at first, No runs, Seventh Innings. Athletics--C. Cumming and Me- Gregor out at first and Toland on a catch by Daley, 7 Ponies--C. Cumming makes a good catch from C. Stewart. J. Stew- art walks and steals second. Leo Williams singles. Saunders makes two bags ox a hit to centre field and scores J. Stewart and Williams. Walsh and Daley are out on flies. Two runs, 3 Eighth Innings. Athletics--Kelly out on catch by Daley. Shea singles. Shortstop gets one from Swarts and Shea scores. Williams muffs one from poor who makes two bases. umming livens things up with a home run. fails to reach first. Three runs. 5 Ponjes--Evans singles. His place and base is taken by J. Stewart as Evans has got a sore leg. Stewart makes second, ery fe or tun ee F NEW MIDDIES White with Colored SPORT COATS Sale price NEW YORK WAISTS , 20 dozen of the famous "' Jack Tar" With the event of the Big Celebration of the 24th (Vie- : toria Day), but a few days away this offering of new Summer Merchandise should prove most interest- ing ! Collars $1.35 and $1.50, Sale price 50 dozen Dainty Voile Waists in all fashion's most fete all sizes up to 44--regular $1.50 to $1.75 Sale price . .. 18 doz. Lingerie a clean-up of broken lines and Awning Stripes--i and "Admiral"' Middies in all White, $1.00 20 New York Velvet Corduroy Coats in colors Rose, Sand, Valentine Green, Cinnamon and White--lined throughout with Colonial ] designed Silkene--sizes 14, 16 and 18--regular price $10.50 .... $7.95 hing style features; $1.00 | and' and other well known makes priced up 'to $2.50. Sale price CHARMING NEW MILLINERY PRICED AT HALF AND LESS ! Over 45 New York Trimmed Colored Hats in which is depicted the sea son's most popular styles--formerly priced Sale price . .. JUNIORS' AND MISSES' SPORT COATS 18 Sport Coats in Velvet Corduro years--prices from $5.00 to $8.50 Sale price . . . Half Price! 10 Charming New Styled Chiffon Taffeta mer Creations in colors Navy, will be placed on sale promptly $30.00 SUITS FOR $15.00 $35.00 SUITS FOR $17.50 $40.00 SUITS FOR $20.00 $50.00 SUITS FOR $25.00 Acct: ate fans and J. Stewart is put out at first. No runs, Ninth Innings, Athletics--C. Cummings and Mec- Gregor out at first. Toland makes two of the pillows and Kelly gets out, No runs. Ponies-- Williams singles, Saun- ders doubles and Walsh singles. Dale singles and scores Saunders. Williams passes gver the dish, Evans and Gallagher single while Saunders who is running for Evans, gets home. Three runs. Score, 8-8. Tenth Innings. Athletics--Shea and Swarts are put out while Spoor's head gets in the way of the ball, and he walks to first. B. Cummings out on catch by centrefielder. i Ponies--Cherry singles, as also does C. Stewart, Xhe Arne Charey to third. J. Stewart Spalding All sales for Cash STEACY "The Woman's Store of Kingston." , all styles, new within the month. at $5.50 to $10,00 $1.50 y and novelty cheeks--in sizes 4 to 14 $3.95 | Suits--the Latest Sum- . Black, Green and Purple -- at ten o'clock to-morrow ! "EERE R pedi 8% Kemptville, May 20.--The Ad-| usual occurrence, in fact ome whieh, in the opinion of sheep men of the tit Mr. district, ia abslutely unigue. Not to dammed by one ewe. vance has been informed of an un- forimad that ]