Reliable Fur Storage. Our Wagon Will Call, 149 to 157 BROCK STREET. P TIRES, $13.00 IRON SKID, $16.50 0x812 Guaranteed 3,500 miles, BIBBY'S GARAGE Phone 201 and 917 O-CEPAR MOPS Sa RbAL POLISH NU-ALL LIQUID VENEER 'D. COUPER Phone 76 841-3 Princess St. | Delivery » Limited SPLENDID EARNINGS, Canadian Locomotive Is Near Record Price. Canadian Locomotive stock sold up to 67 on the Montreal market on Tuesday morning, exceeding the high record of 1915, when it sold at 6434 by 2% points, The price was also up to within 4 points of the high re- cord of 70 made in 1913, The company's fiscal year ends June 30th and it is expected that the earnings will be well over thirty per cent. on the common stock, It is stated that the company has recent- ly closed an order for 150 locomo- tives for the Russian Government, and it is understood the capacity of the company's works is to be in- creased. It has also been in receipt lately of orders from the Canadian Government for locomotives, There is considerable talk of a substantial movement in the stock, which is like- ly to do better. WHY DOES HE NOT WRITE? Pte. Archibald G. Sinclair Believed To Be Alive. Archibald Gordon Sinclair, whose mother resides on York street, has not written home since April, 1915, though he is believed to still be on active service. His mother has been making inquiries through various sources. After the confusion of numbers had heen straightened out, the infor- mation came from the British Gov- ernment that he is still on active service, The American Consul has received the word that he is not in a DURING THE HOLIDAY. -- Pte. Ernest Cox Run Over by 'Auto- moblle--Taken to Hotel Dieu-- List of the Injured. sult of an on Tuesday evening. While he was crossing Princess Street near Mon- treal he fell near the car tracks and was hit by an automobile. The automobile was a high one and luckily did mot run over the sol- dier, but pushed and rolled him along. After going some distance man was taken to the Hotel Dieu. He was quite badly bruised and it will be some time before he will be, abé to take up military work | again. ! John Patrick, gon of John M. | Patrick, who resides at No. 8 St! Catharine Street, suffered a pain-| ful accident on Wednesday. He was, walking down Princess Street, and | cyclist ran into him, knocking him down. He suffered jnjuries to his left eye. An elderly gemtieman riding a motorcycle 'had a collision on Wed- nesday at the corner of Sydenham and Princess Streets with a rig. The | cy¢le was damaged and the rider | had a very marrow escape. He skin ned his knee, He had calculated | to turn on his right side but the horse shied and the compact follow ed o Oharles Andre was slightly injur-| ed on Wednesday on Princess] Street while getting off a street | car he was hit by a passing auto- | mobile and knocked down, slight injuries, e A man by the name of Altirfj§ut- | fered injuries on Princess Street | last night. He was struck by an] automobile and was removed to the | Hotel Dieu, where it was ascertain. | ed that his injuries were slight While the men in the R. C. H, A were doing bare-back riding Thurs-'| day morning one of the men fell off and was rendered unoonscious. | German prison camp. The numbers of the local men and those of a man of similar name who lives at Perth became confused, and for a time nel- ther of the men's relatives were able to find who had been killed. LIEUT. REX CALVIN Who Was Wounded, Is Home to Re- cuperate. Lieut. Rex M. Calvin, who went oversgas under Lieut.-Col. Alexander Macphail, and a short time ago was wounded in the chest, was in the city on Wednesday. He is on leave until the end of June to recuperate, and will likely spend the time visiting his friends throughout the country. He has been with his sister in Ottawa, and left on Wednesday for. Toronto to visit his brother. 'Special constables were detailed to look after.the rush in front of the fair grounds on Wednesday af- ternjon and they #ad a very busy time. Saxol Salve to stop the itching and begin healing with the first application or return your money. There are lots of skin reme- dies but Saxol is the only one we guar- antee like this. Why don't you try it? MAHOOD DRUG CO,, LIMITED | KINGSTON, Ont. INDIVIDUAL EYE CARE. ws No two persons' eyes are exaet- iy Gl that Fresh California Prunes, Dee aud Juicy, 10¢, 12 1-2¢, vaporated Peaches, 2 lbs. or 26. hb Evaporated Apricots, 18¢ In spite of the large number of | visitors in town yesterday the Gen- | eral Hospital reported that not one | a'cident had been brought to the | Institution. This is certainly a re-| | markable fact and is due partly to | the fact that the police regulated | tiaflic so well. There were very few | accidents arising from fireworks | | There were several children who | suffered minor injuries from fire crackers. i ---------- IRCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST | ---- Happenings In the City and Vicinity | --What the Merchants Offer to the | Readers of the Whig, | There was a very small market on Thursday morning, Gilbert's Ice Cream Bricks, sold only at Prouse's Drug Store. The City Park looks gay with its profusion of vari-colored tulips. Miss Gertrude Ward, Ottawa, fis visting Mrs, J. 8, McVeen, 80 Fronte . no¢ street. Mrs. 8. Joyce, Toronto, spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs, W. Craig, Brock Street. Mrs. Franklin J, Pound, Princess Street, is visiting Percival] Way in Picton. The Street Railway Company put on a teh-minute service to handle the crowds in the city on Wednes- aay. H. Cunningham, piano tuner 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul- eyv's Book Store, Mrs. Alexander Bois, 8 Stephen | street, was removed to the Hotel Dieu on Wednesday in James Reid's ambu- lance. "Let it be a box of Liggett's Cho- colates." "Your sweetheart's choice." Sold exclusively by all Rexall Drug] Stores. George W. Mahood. t The Queen's Red Cross Society has had a-splendid bale of goods sent to it by the ladies of George Street Meth- odist Church, Peterboro. Gilbert's Ice Cream Bricks, sold only at Prouse's Drug Store. } Poli were engaged on Victo- ria day in handling trafic on Prin- cess street. They saved people and vehicles from accident, { A cablegrem from London reports that among missing soldiers, now said to be prisoners-of-war, ig Private Al-| fred, of the 21st Battalion. __ The intermediates and senior Schoel-beys of the local ¥. M. C. A had 2a very enjoyable outing on Wed. -nosday-to Mitton Island. At the meeting of the W. Cup, U. on Tuesday afternoon Mrs. (BEn- Sign) Smith gave a very interpst- ing address on her work as police matron during the past year, Samuel Lilley, boys' work secre tary of the local Y. M. C. A., has re- turned from Hamilton, where he has spent some time recuperating from his recent illness, Dr. Léo J. Corrigan, Kingston, was married on May 22nd to Miss Sarah Brugger, Watertown, N.Y, His bro- ther, Rev. C, Corrigan, Brockville, perfornied the ceremony. The hap- by couple will reside in Watertown, The new Victor Record, the Mocking Bird," is now in stock. 4371 Mrs. "Listen to by Alma Gluck, Call and hear at taurants were obliged to close on Wednesday owing to the exhaustion of their supplies and their inability to get more. The business at the restaurants was extremely great yes- terday. g Provost, Brock street, has this Year an extra fi Thomas 'Adams is on to address a lars ers of clubs in New York City on the sub- doct of "Olivie Improvem While here he is to be the guest of Prof. Skelton of Queen's, on Al-| birt Street, . - Pte. Eruest Cox of the 146th Bat- || talion is in the Hotel Dieu as a re- | which befel him | jj the automobile was stopped and the |} when crossing the road a reckless | ---- | Oswego. er suffering | Drunk Staggered Into the "Lockup" | | be on hand at { minute or so before the man came in la complaint was received that there | | Walked Out of Hospital Window In red the Ontario Nurses' Association Gilbert's lee Cream Bricks, sola'f only at Prouse's Drug Store. MAY 25 THURSDAY, Boys At Front The British Whig is setting aside a column for the exclu- sive use of its readers who may have * received letters from friends at the front or in Eng- land. -Care wil] be taken for censorship reasoms, that these extracts do not contain the mention of any unit, casually or the location of the unit. The person sending the letter in should be careful that the name of the writer is given. | If requested, letters wil] be re- ii turned promptly to the sender. ||! Most any letter from the front | | { | | has something in it which is of Interest to Canadians, even though it be only the reference to some remark sung out be- ------ | In Marine Circles | I Departures--Steambanges St. Jo-| sc;f1 and 'Middlesex from Canadian! Locomotive Company's wharf Arrivals--Tug Magnelia with a tow from the Lachine Canal. Steam- Bellevile from Montreal. GOT IN THE RIGHT PLACE. Thursday Morning, A drunk staggered into the Police Station about nine o'clock on Thurs- day morning, and was locked up by Constable Sargeant who happened to | the time. Just al | | | | | | { ' was a drunken man on Ontario | street, in front of the City Buildings. | The man was zig-zagging across the | roadway andéeople passing thought | that he would meet with harm 80 | called the police but the tippler saved | the police a run. | PTE. NORTON-TAYLOR | His Sleep. { Pte. Norton-Taylor, Kingston, who | went overseas with the 21st Battal- | ion, is reported as being seriously ill { in an English hospital. Some time | ago he was wounded and invalided to | England. Walking in his sleep he stepped out of a second-storey win- dow and fell to the ground, Not In German Prison Camp. The American Consul has received word that neither "Jack" Taylor, 13th Battalion, nor William Fleet, 2nd Battalion, two Kingstonians who have not been heard froni since offici- ally reported as missing after the battle of Langemarck, are in a Ger- man prison camp, ---- Sale Antique Furniture. Sale at 230 Sydenham street, to- morrow at 10 a.m., antique and other household goods belonging to the late Miss W. H. Macpherson. J. E Jones, auctioneer, Lieut. Bray Seriously 111. Word from England is to the ef- fect that Lieut. H. Bray, R.CHA,, is seriously ill and that his trouble might prove fatal. Mrs. George Nicol, 'Mrs. H. W. Marshall, Miss C. Milton and Miss Claudia Boskill of Kingston attend- convention in Toronto on Wednes- day. for! 1 1916. All the leading numbers from the following productions : The Only Girl Nobody Home - Princess Pat | All the season's hits in Popular and Patriotic Music. The College Book Store 160-162 PRINCESS ST. OPEN NIGHTS. PHONE 919. Sterling Silver 8 Pieces Of Exquisite Design 'FOR BRIDAL GIFTS' canes present Suggestions abn without end, for Wedding Gifts, ranglog from the Ten Settn and Fruit Hovis 1s smadl "Cont Scoupa," Butter Picks. All designs are new, SmithBros. JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS, Inswers of Marriage Licenses. « Natural Shantung Silk--36 inches wide, extrs * value, Black and Colored Taffeta Silks 36 and 40 in- ches wide--all the wanted shades--very popular this season $1.25, $1.35, $1.50 Black Satin Duchesse--36 inches wide--extra heavy qualitv--Ssuitable for Suits and Dresses ....$1.25, $1.50 per yd. {| Black or White Habutai Wash Silk--36 inches wide. . ....50c, 69¢, 75¢, $1.00 Black Coating 8ilk in Peau De Soie -- Armure Bengaline and Soliel--36 -inches wide 0 .. $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 & $2,75 Extra Special 115 yards Black Chiffon Taffeta 8ilk--36 inches wide--beautiful shade and extra quality-- regular $1.50--Special on Friday ... $1.19 urs Stored Gourdier' s A NEAT SMALL DWELLING ~~ King steeét, west, land front- (age 105 x 175 to a laneway, with barn. Sufficient land left to - build {two more houses. The parcel is of- oe ee Newman & Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE -------------------------------- Tr ---- { "The Hat Store." SALE OF TRIMMED HATS $3.00 {fered for $3,000 with immediate | possession. ) $3,000 buys a Bungalow on Al- |wington Avenme, with Garage, Lot 70 x 180. Immediate possession. Building Lots in any desired loca. tion. | To-Rent -- Semi-detached dwell- |ing on Alfred street. All convenfen- |ces, hardwood floors; month. EW. Mullin & Son See BUILDERS SUPPLIES ey LUMBER. Large quantities of native woods in our big sheds, Hemlock, Pine {! : : aq | and Spruce in all sizés {| and best grades. Imported woods : ULOSING OF MAILS British mall closes irregu- larly. laformation posted at P, O. Lobby from time to time, United States, dally .. 12.45 p.m. Granda Trunk, golng SBBY yuvsiuiirsiraner 11.30 a.m, Grand Trunk, going west Do. (including Western States) Grand Trunk west of city ~ We have had a great season's business ing Ladies' Trimmed Hats and now we want to re- duee anr stoek quickly. Forty (40) Pretty Hats, all newly trim dd; regularly priced up to $6.00. Will be on gale tomorrow for $3.00 We are showing a big assortment of Ladies' > Outing Hats-- { C. P. R. 10.15 a. Cypress, Yellow Pine, }! i Er ek 3 Xa Oak, Mahogany, Chest" || Rem Rute, Bain. Selig, Rent- nut, ete., well seasoned, : ng. 37 Cor. Johnson and Phones BOYS WERE REPREMANDED, Division sin 539 and 1456. i i REP ready for -- immediate 3} Parents Hal io Pay For tho Goods|] Use They Stole. Six boys appeared hefore Magis-~ trate Farrell, in the Juvenile Court, on Thursday morning, the theft of a half dozen tins of mo- lasses and several packages of corn gsters were round- | ah Sr n an sta fel a X | Sargeant. Some of the stolen | ****lumbes, Coni and Woodeeas | goods were found in the homes of PAA vr ann | the iads, while a portion of it was { charged with USE COLLECT.O-DUST. The Magistrate gave the vor ng , IQ The Cheapest. and Most vere reprimand and called upon the . Si. | anitary Sweeping Powder parents to make good the loss, [ p Barents to make good the lon . on the market. Trunk ear near the freight sheds. Large Tin, 25¢, rr -------- 3 Collins Bay Case. Justice of the Peace Géorge Hun- ter peard evidence on Thursday morning in an assault case arising out of a row at Collins Bay last Sat- urday night, in which a resident was fined $10 anud costs. A woman also of assault failed to put in an appearance, and a warrant was is- sued for ber arrest. It is stated that she has skipped out, Many a man after attaining a high position in lite forgets all about the laws of gravity until it is everlast- te. > $1,100 5 Room Cottage, B. & C., cellar, nearly new, easy is $10.00 a en hens : Gor Bie Butiaings ingly too la A spinster says an old bachelor is a man who has overlooked an oppor- tunity to make some woman miser- able for he Opportunity likes to knoek at the d the man who has a little ed and some timber.