O-CEDAR LIQUID VENEER 'D. COUPER Phone 76 841-8 Princess St. Prompt Delivery, With Aerolux your porch into a cool, shady living room, and add the final touch that makes your home both beautiful and attractive. These shades are furnish- ed in several grades and fin- ishes and in colors which harmonize with any style of decoration they change any poreh into an ideal out- door summer sleeping room and thé No-Whip Attach- ment absolutely prevents all whipping in the wind. They are most economical because most durable and serviceable. Will last and keep their good appearance for years. Porch Rugs, Porch Cush- ioms, in fast everything for the summer ome. R. McFaul, Kingston Carpet Warehouse I 3 Ai " ! 2 E > | | | IF I 8 | | Porch ~ Shades, which transform The steamer Windsor cleared from Oswego on Wednesday with a carge of coal for Montreal. "M. T. Co.'s Bulletin: Tug Bartlett cleared with the barges Ungava and Selkirk to load grain at Port Col borne, and will return with the barge Burma, grain-laden; the tug Hall arrived with the barge Augustus with coal from Charlotte; tug Hall cleared to-day with the barge Condor for Fairhaven; steamer India clear- ed light to load coal at Erie for Montreal; steamer Advance passed up the Cornwall canal last night on the way to Port Colborne; tug Mary arrived from Montreal with fhree light barges, and will clear to-night with one coal and one grain barge for Montreal. The steamer Belleville passed down Wednesday night on the way to Montreal. The steamer City of Ottawa pass- ed up Thursday morning from Mont- real to Toronto. The steamer Haddington passed down Wednesday night on the way to Montreal. The steamer Samuel Marshall pass- ed up Wednesday night on the way to Port Dalhousie. The government yacht Lambton left today for Prescott, This was the boat in which the hydrographis survey party came to Kingston to get the soundings and chart of the Bay of Quinte and the eastern end of Lake Ontario. NEW TRAIN SERVICE Via Canadian Pacific To and North Toronto. Effective June 4th, Canadian Pa- cific trains No. 37 from Ottawa, Kingston, Belleville, Cobourg, Port Hope and intermediate 'stations, and No. 38 for Port Hope, Cobourg, Belle- ville, Kingston, Ottawa and inter- mediate stations, will arrive and de- part from North Toronto station in- stead of Union station. Particulars at C. P. R. ticket of- fice, corner Princess and Wellington streets, From The Ghurkas' Revenge. The Canadian Magazine for June contains an unusual short story of the war. It is entitled "The Ghur- kas' Night," by A. Judson Hanna, and is an imaginative account of the manner in which a regiment of Hin- du soldiers avenged what they re- garded as the killing of Lord Roberts by the Germans, The wonderful af- fection of the Indians for Roberts is shown and also their native prone- ness to smite back whenever they suffer an offence that peculiarly af- tects their emotions. In this instance, after the announcement of the death of Roberts, they waited silently until after nightfall, and then made a raid HIS RULING' oN TH THE DAYLIGHT || SAVING MOTION. He Takes Issue Wi With the City So-! licitor--The Majority of the People! | Against a Local Scheme, i Mayor Richardson says that he is} quite competent to decide on rules || of order and disagrees with the City! Solicitor with regard to the motion he| permitted to be put te the City Coun- cil on Tuesday night for the rescind- | Hi ing of the daylight saving resolution) passed last week' in Council. He states that his ruling was quite cor- |i rect, and that it is quite proper to re- || scind a motion hout first moving | a reconsideration. The Mayor further told tiie Whig voting to rescind the daylight reso-| lution, When he found that the; majority of citizens of all classes | were opposed to the daylight saving | scheme owing to its purely local na-| ture, wishes of the majority. He is con- vinced that if it had been possible to put the guestion to a vote of the people it would by a very large majority. REV, JOHN D. ELLIS Who 18 to he next pastor of Ques Street Methodist Ohure h. x He conws here from Mo STARTING TO > WORK Some Local Business Places Adopting Their Own Day~- light Saving Scheme. Some business places in the city of their own. City Council on Tuesday night in re- employees in several concerns peti- tioned their employers to allow them | to start an hour earlier and to stop | work an hour earlier. In this way they have overcome all the disadvan- tages of the daylight saving scheme. It is likely that this new scheme will be adopted by other concerns in the city. This is the plan that the la bor unions are in fayor of, and it certainly has many advantages. Poultry for Experimental upon the Germans, with results which the story graphically depicts. | Bin Weather Notes, A moderate depression situated Great Lakes. Showers have occurred in many portions of the western and the maritime provinces and locally; over Lake Superior. Spanish castile soap at Gibson's 20c a bar, INDIVIDUAL EYE CARE. See-- Ne two persons' eyes ave cumct- i le Ganany = correct one person's vision will probably injure another's. Each eye must be examined separately. We prescribe only after the most i} ex~ amination with scientific lnstru- GOLDEN LION Tm Fay lo 'sections; Ze Fresh California Prunes, juicy, 10c, 12 1-2¢, raboraed Peaches, 2 1bs. Evaporated Apricots, 15¢ Sweet Ci WR Mele & Co . nice and 15¢. 1b. Ev or 25¢. over Kansas is moving towards the; { Rhode Island Reds; | side, that they had frequently been in the habit of using the lane for Lfly years' "OLDEN LION GROCERY. F. C. Elford, head of the poultry | branch at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, is planning to flocks of poultry established at all | the branch experimental farms. Heretofore, these have only been kept at the Central Farm. Fifteen of the branch farms will bave flocks placed on them this year and on, neighborheed. At Cap Rouge, Que, Barred Rocks will be kept; at the Nova Scotia farm White {Barred Rocks, Wyandottes, at Bdward Island Farm, Leghorn and Barred Rocks, with the former prob- ably eliminated later on; at the Brit- ish Columbia Farm, in a Province where the White Leghorn was once so popular, there are now four or | i five times as many calls for Rocks as | for Leghorns, and Rocks will be the chief flock kept at the Experimental Farm there. Goats on Toronto Streets. A curious lawsuit whi¢h is evoking | a great deal of interesting lore about | ih | early days in Toronto has progress in that city. Many old residents have testified to the antiquity of the lane running between King and Pearl streets just east of York street, over which an action to close it to the public is being fought, Alexander Gemmei, a "shoemaker who remembers Toronto's celebration of the fall of Sebastopol, told of resi- dents of that district leading their goats down the lzre to King street to crop the grass that grew by the road- while sevefal others testified been past. Ohinks Wouldn't Cash Cheques, Some of the loval Chinese restanr- nats were "stung" last night. The soldiers were paid at. 3.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, but they were unable to cash their checks. Some of them came over to town last night got a meal at restaurants, and them offered their checks to be cashed. The Chinamen refused to cash the checks anc accordingly were out the price of a meal, iin The Wright Estate of Lennex and Addington is to be devoted to the benefit. of the country, there being no heirs, the executors informed. gal. | Provincial Secretaary on Wednesday. that he has no excuse to make for! he felt it his duty to meet the| AN HOUR EARLIER. are adopting a daylight saving scheme After, the action of the | jeeting the daylight saving sc heme, | Farms. have | the | other ten farms will be supplied later | At some of the branch farms | «| only one breed will be kept, and that | | the one which is most popular in the Leghorns, | and | the Prince | | i If Boys At Front I 1 The British Whig is setting aside a column for the exelu- sive use of its readers who may have received letters from if friends at the front or in Eng- i land. Care wil] be taken for censorship reasons, that these extracts dq not contain the mention of any unit, casually or the location of the unit. The person sending the letter in should be careful that the name of the writer is given, If requested, letters will be re- Hl turned promptly to the sender. Most any letter from the front ll has something in it which is of Interest to Canadians, even though it be only the reference to some remark sung out he- tween trenches to "Fritz." | WOMAN CHARGED WITH DESERTING CHILDREN. Mrs. Cora Bush Wanted at| Smith's Falls, Arrested 3 in Kingston. have been defeated | Charged children at Bush was with deserting her four | Smith's Falls, Mrs. Cora | t placed under arrest on | | Wednesday by Constable Samuel Ar- | niel, and was taken back to Smith's | Falls bv an ¢fficer from that place on | Wednesday afternon. Mrs. Bush | {had been in Kingston for a few | | days. BUILDING IN KINGSTON. Total for Past Five Months Amounts to $92,453, The building permits for May, 19- | 16, amounted to $44,742, and Tor the | coreesponding month last year | | amounted to $22,410. The total to| the end of May 1916, amounted to | | $92,453, and for the corresponing| { pumber of months last year amount- | {ed to $79,024. Permits in May were | | issued for one apartment house, one | ! storehouse, and for six brick dwe)- { lings, A ---------- i Averted a Collision, | There is sure to be an accident on | Princess Street unless some of the automobile drivers in the city slack- en speed when they approach the street intersections. At noon to-day | an auto truck driven by a young boy very nearly ran into a cab. The auto driver was coming down Princess well over the speed limit set down by the city by-law. The automobile was stopped about four inches from the cab. Shower to Bride-To-Be. On Tuesday evening a number of | young people met at the home of { Mr. and Mrs. W. Friendship, 83 | Frontenac Street, and gave a miscel- | laneous shower to Miss Edith Friend- | ship, Albert Street, who is to be mar- ried early this month. The bride-to- | be. received many useful gifts, show- ing the high esteem in which she is veld among her many girl friends. New Street Car Fares, Today the new street car sched- ule of fares began and the new pro- gramme was carried out with a mini- mum of confusion, The old tickets | are still good, but no more will be | sold. . The new workingmen's ticket | are orange in colour and they are | good for an hour less now than for- | merly, Five cents will be in great demand now to pay the new fares, May Customs Receipts. Customs receipts for the month of | May totalled $40,797.21 and for the | corresponding month last year, $16,« Rexall Orderlies are a pleasant, safe and sure laxative. Sold and | guaranteed by, all Rexall Drug | Stores, 16¢ and 26e. Geo. W. Ma- | hood. a JUNE 1st GET UNDER A After June Operatic All the leading numbers from the following productions : The Only Girl Princess Pat Nobody Home 2 i All the season's hits in Popular and Patriotic Music. The College Book Store 160-162 PRINCESS ST. OPEN NIGHTS. PHONE 019. the ap" pears in a New Straw | or Panama Hat. These | are ideal, bright, sunny days, so suitable for the New Straws. Men's Panamas, $4 to Men's Sailors, $1.00 to 1st, well dressed man |] Young man, beware of the girl 4 | springs a cooking sci you, It is the sai proposal. The greatest event in a merely an egg and a ELE You will want to decorate in honor of Our Noble King George Wool The kind that will stand the fury Flags of the rain and come out elear and bright--size 4H) x N inc hes-- worth $5.00 cach, still at the old $2. Holiday Wearables 'Ladies' Blouses--white creations, beginning in price at. and Colors--beautiful .$1.00 each Nobby Neckwear just placed in stock, including the newest of the new 25¢ 'up White Shirts, P. K,, Indian Head, Repp, 98c up Misses' and Ladies' Middies . Childrens' Fancy Socks--all sizes. .. .15¢ a pair Ladies' Silk Boot Hose--wanted colors 50c a pr. Men's Khaki Handkerchiefs Pictorial Patterns for July now on sale NEWMAN & SHAW, The o Always Busy Store CLOSING OF MAILS British mall closes Irregu- larly. Information posted at P. 0. Lobby from time to time. United States, daily /.12.46 p.m. Grand Trunk, going Kentish ' ale, according to Mr, Hilaire Belloc, Is the most "potent" brew obtainable to-day, and that re- putation it has maintained since the days of Henry II., when the old chronicler Giraldus Cambrensis rated it higher than the ale of any other During the reign of Henry that the vast quantities of potent ale found in the cellars of the Kent- ish gentry at the time of Jack Cade's rebellion went far to foment and in- crease the boldness of the rioters. London Chronicle. Wrote a Famous Hymn. The Rev. 8. Baring-Gould, who hés just entered his eighty-third year, is one of the most living authors. He has now well over | & Nundrad volumes to his credit, It is at least probable, however, that he will go down to posterity as the riches, paves BUILDERS' SUPPLIKS Building a Bungalow Or Are You Re- modeling ? Whatever your task we can furnish you with lumber in all woods and in all finishes--for Ver mdahs, Grilles, Arches, Doors, Sash and Frames, Stairs Work, Mantels, Ete. We will be pleased to quote on your require- ments, S. Anglin « & Co paomes one Tes. way Of Exquisite Design 'POR BRIDAL GIFTS' de hou. geo -- ine Gif 4 Sram the larger ts, ranging Tea Setts and Frat Howls te small "Confection Scoups" and Butter Pleks, Al designs are new. Smith Bros. JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS, Insmers of Marriage Licenses. urs Stored Gourdier's A Store and Dwelling On Ontario street, ¢an be bought : | tor $3,000; possession 30 deys. A Brick Dwelling on Bagot street, with Hot Water Heating and Gas for $3,600, immediate possession, A Brick Dwelling on Wellington | street (near City Park), for $3,600. A Brick Dwelling on Union street, pn situated downs ~town, in first class condition, for $4,300 Houses to Rent Rents Collected EW. Matlin & Son Fire Insurance Real Estate, Buying, Selling, Rent. ng. Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Phones 539 and 1456. House - Cleaning FE * USE 'COLLECT-O-DUST. The cheapest and most Sanitary Sweeping Powder on the market. Large Tin, 25¢