f | man with the ball. if would weigh around 210 pounds, but :| been erected since last year's Exhibi- : % ed Missing A 1t"was only a few days ago that "Laddie" Cassells, one of the best middle wings that ever played for Varsity, was reported among the in- the front, Now comes word at Capt. (Dr.) Frank A. Park is among the missing after the big en- gagement last week. Frank Park wis one of the greatest outside wings that ever pliyed Rugby for Varsity, and figured on several championship teams. He took part in the exhibi- tion game here some years ago against. the Carlisle Indians, . and, while, like the rest of his team- mates, he was unfamiliar with the rules of the American 'game, yet his playing was one of the features of the afternoon. He invented a system all his own of running around, behind the line of attack and tatkling the He was also a crack lacrosse player and, along with his brother Perry, who is now a mis- sionary in India, learned the national game wi All Saints'. He played the ga also with Varsity and Young ronto's. CAPT. A. J. SINCLAIR Well-Known Argonaut Oarsman 18 Wounded Capt. A. J. Sinclair, whose name appears among the list of wounded, i8 believed to be Alexander Sinclair, the well-known Toronto Argonaut Rugby player and oarsman. Alex. left for the front with the first con- tingent, and a year ago was severely scalded and was in the hospital for several weeks, He was a natural athlete. This is borne out by the fact that he never took up Rugby or rowing until he was well over the voting age. It was his friend, Major | "Bill" Grant, who after much per- suasion induced him to get into the Rugby game. In condition, Alex. for a big fellow he was extremely fast. In his younger days he played soccer, and through his ability to place the ball well he was always the man selected to convert the try by the Argonauts, THE WESTERN FAIR. September Sth to 16th, 1916, at Lon. don, Ontario. One of the changes that will be no- ticed by visitors to the Exhibition in | September next, at London, will be the new Process Building, which has tion. It is expected that this build- ing will be a hive of industry during Exhibition week. This building will On Tuesdny : Ad- Evening--Spiendid Were Given by LieutsOol: C.J. and Capt, G. I The 109th Battalion band gave a very fine band concert last night in Macdonal Park. There was a very large number of people in attendance 'and the initial concert can be count- ed a very fine success, During the evening Lieut-Col. C. J. Williame gave a very fine address in which he | appealed very strongly for recruits. He said that the British Empire was now engaged im a life and death | struggle, and yet the people of Can- | ada do not seem to realize the vast- ness of the struggle in spite of the great losses we have fncurred. The war can be won unless all ¢lasses of citizens put shoulder to shoulder and fight t& the grim end. The key to the situation has th¥ee notches in it, money, men and munition. The people of Canada will have to give BY 109TH BATTALION BAND ~~ | ---- -- & The Late Mrs. Margaret Carter. On Tuesday the death occurred of Margaret Carter, widow, of the late Thomas Carter, at her home, 631 Princess s The late Mrs. Car< ter was eighty-four years of age. She was an Anglican in religion, and was a member of St. Luke's Church, in which a memorial is erected in mem- ory of her husband. 40 Late J. W. Merriman, Latimer, A very sudden. death occ ed at Latimer on Tuesday, when John Wes- ley Merriman, a well-known farmer of that place, passed away Tuesday. Mr. Merriman came to the city on business, and in the afternoon when he returned home he lay down for a short - rest. Some time afterward his wife went-into thejroom to wake him up, and was terribly shocked to find him dead. It is surmised th the cause of death was heart failure) generously, the men of the country | must come forward to fill the ranks | of their fallen comrades, and if pos- | sible the men doing munition work, | if they are physically fit, must vacate] their 'places at the machine in place | of some returned soldier, or physical- | ly unfit men. | Then to show the civilians present | that there was no dissatisfaction | among the soldiers, Col. asked them several questions. | "Would you fake off the King's uni-| form now if you had the chance?" men if they were satisfied with the | way things were being conducted for them in the army to this went up the | still louder cry of "Yes!". He Hien | and sign the attestation papers, the soldiers roll of honour. talion then appealed for recruits and the bandmaster sounded the fall-in. KILLED BY A TRAIN JOHN McBRIDE WAS WALKING ALONG THE TRACKS. Struck Near the Division Street Cross- the House of Providence, John McBride, agetl years, met death Tuesday tracks near Bennington's crossing on train. Mr. McBride had been an in- two years, and is thought to have sent to that place from Rockwood asylum. Tuesday he wandered from | the house about 5.30 o'clock. It is likely he went out Montreal street until he reached the railroad tracks. | He would walk along these, and at! his rate of walking, which would be | naturally' slow, he would just about | reach the crossing of the C. P. R. and | G. T. R. tracks as the local, which| arrives at 6.58, would be coming to| the city. From all accounts it appears that he was walking in an easterly direc-| appealed for men to come forward | Capt. Campbell of the 146th Bat- | ing--Had Wandered Away From | fifty-eight | evening | while wandering along the railway | Division street, by being struck by a | mate of the House of Providence for been mentally defective, as he was | The late Mr. Merriman was fifty-five years of age, and is survived by his widow, one son, Harold, and an adopted danghter, He was a bro- ther of Mrs. George Quail, Frontenac street, Late Mrs. F. Waite, On Tuesday evening the death oc- curred of Sarah Waite, wife of Fred Williams | Waite, in the General Hospital. Mrs. | Waite was born in England thirty- six years ago, and several years ago Lame out to this country with her | and in answer went up the mighty | husband, who conducts a shoe repair- | shout of "No." He then asked the |ing business on Barrie street. She passell away after a very brief ill | ness, Late Albert C. Keyes. A ver$¥ sudden death occurred on 4 3 C. Keyes, 256 | Queen sireet, passed away. This | is a very sad death, as Mr. Keyes was T | preparing to go overseas as a dispen- | ser with Queen's ambulance, which is | being organiged in the city, and do | his duty in relieving the sufferings | of his fellow-men at thé front. The {late Mr. Keyes was born in the city | over thirty-three years #&go, and had | been a resident of the city all his | life. He was taken'ill very sudden- {ly Tuesday with acute Bright's dis- | ease, and soon passed away. He had { been in good health previously, and had been-for some time employed in Hoag's drug store. In religion the deceased was an Anglican, and a member of St. Paul's Church. He is survived 'by his mother, Mrs. Andrew Keyes, and one brother, Dr. S. J. Keyes, of this city. A FINE ROUTE. Excursion to Western Canada Via Grand Trunk Railway System, Each Tuesday until October 31st the Grank Trunk Railway will run special excursions called "Homeseekers,"" In connection with these excursions round trip tickets will be issued at very low fares to points in Manitoba, Saskat- chewan, Alberta and British Colum- bia. These tickets are good via the new Hudson Transcontinental] or via Chicago, and during the season of navigation, via the Great Lakes. Tourist car accommodation is avail- System | i (Goods Operatic. 160-162 PRINCESS. ST. | ov. ~~ | The kind that please We are showing sco ations at | | | | i Any size, 34 to 44. our range. Wash { that are temptingly pr | The Only Girl Pretty Blouses All the leading numbers from the| following prodyetions: - The College Book OPEN NIGHTS. Nobody Princess Pat All the season's hits in Popular and Patriotic Music. Store PHONE 919. § particular ladies. res of the nobbiest ere- $1.00 Up. You'll be tickled with Dress etty and selling fast 15¢ to $1.00 a yard. Sterling Silver Pieces 'FOR BRIDAL GIFTS' almost without end, for Wedding Gifts, rangi from the Inrger Tea Setts ana Fruit Bewls te small "Confection Scoups," and Butter Picks. All designs sre new, . e mi ' JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Furs Stored certainly be an attractive one with machinery in motion, showing differ- | ent kinds 6f goods in course of manufacturing. It any firms re- tion. He saw the train approaching | w him, and to get out of the way he | able, and stop-overs are allowed on | | these tickets. ~ Full particulars may | | stepped on the other track, only to be | " : | | 3 at {hit by a train from the other direc-| Pe had on application to J. P. Han-| A Ae A A Ata tN ssn Gourdier's ~ from 50c a yard. / Er -------- e - EAN A quire space in this, or any other building, application should 'be made | to the Becretary at once, as a large | amount of space has already been al-| lotted. All applications fon space and all other information regarding the Exhibition should be addressed to the secretary, A. M. Hunt, London, Ontario. Drama. "The Flower of the Family," on June 8th in St. Luke's Hall. Beef Iron and Wine, ©50c, Gib- son's. » tion and killed. R. J. Reid's ambulance was called at seven o'clock. Dr, D. E. Mundell | was also called, and decided that an| inquest was necessary. Mr. Me- Bride received terrible injuries. His| skull was fractured, and he received numerous cuts and bruises on his body. His remains will be shipped after the inquest to Ottawa, where he has several brothers residing. SERQGT. STANBRIDGE TO GET THE D. 8. 0. Member of 21st Displayed Val- our--Corpl.' Alfred Tug- wood Promoted. : Ed ik li Corp. Alfred Tugwood, a former member of the fire department of this city, has been promoted to the rank of lance-sergeant in No. 1 Com- pany, 21st Battalion. He is taking the place of another well-known Kingstonian, who went away with the 21st, viz, Sergt. Stanbridge, who before the war was an employee at the Royal Military College. ~ Stanb- ridge was wounded and suffered a fracture of the leg a short time ago. It is now learned that Sergt. Stan- bridge has been recommended for the Distinguished Conduct Medal for an exceedingly fine display of valor while under fire. People will re- member that w the 21st was be- GOLDEN LION GROCERY Fancy Clover Honey In one pound sections, 26¢ each. $ d i Li Orgla 12 3 nice and juicy, - 15¢. 1b, Evaporated Peaches, 21hs. for 25¢. Evaporated Apricots, 15¢ Sweet Cider, 40¢ por gal. io IW. R McRae & Co ing inspected here; M. R. the Duke of Connaught said that Sergt. Stan- bridge was the finest soldier he ever had the pleasure of inspecting. Has Brother Here. Mayor Richardson has received a letter from Miss L. May, Ottawa, in which she says that she received a letter from a friend who stated that Pte. A. Wheatley, of the Second Bat- talion, Canadian Reserves, was a pris at Aach Germany, and that Lewis had stated that he had a brother living in Kingston, but that hie had not heard from him since he had been taken prisoner. He sought information about him. ------ Weather Notes. The disturbance which was in Missouri yesterday is mow centred in Michigan, causing gales and heavy rains over the Great Lakes. So far, 'however, in Ontario the rain has only extended to Lakes Erie and Huron. Futher showers have occurred in Manitoba and the maritime province. es, Acquire the habit of health by us- ing Rexall Orderlies, the modern lax- ative. . -15¢c and 256c Sold only at Rexall Drug Stores. -.~ George W. Ma- Every minister and probationer i the Bay of Quinte Methodist Confer- ence received the minimum salary for the past year for the fivst in the history of the Conference. | 1 y C.P. Ontario streets, ey Local Council of Women Meeting, The Local Council of Women will hold an open meeting on Thursday evening, 8th inst., at eight o'clock, in the Y. W, C. A, rooms. An address will be delivered by Mrs. Willoughby Cummings, D.C.L. corresponding sec retary of the National Council of Wo- men of Canada, Toronto. ---------- Nursing Sisters For Petawawa. Nursing Sister Maude E. Gallagher, of Ottawa, after spending a few days here, left Tuesday afternoon for Pe- tawawa, where she will be matron of the Military Hospital. companied by Nursing Sister Flor ence Sheridan, also of Ottawa. Beef Iron and Wine, Oe, ai son's, a ------------------, "THE HAT STORE" 5 STRAW HAT TIME © - IS HERE. Take a look great variety of cool comfortable Hats we are showing and make your selection to-day. at the Panamas, Leghorns and sailors from 'the best English, American -and Canadian factories in great array. & T.A., cor, Johnson and | She was ac-| | NEWMAN & SHAW, The Always Busy Store OLOSING OF MAILS British mall closes irregu- larly. Information posted at P. O. Lobby from time to time. United States, dally ..12.46p.m. Grand Trunk, east Grand Grand Trunk and west of city 230 p.m. C. PR, 1015 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. C. N. R. 2 Ne In Marine Circles | The steambarge Bickerdike pass- ed down Tuesday on the way to Mon- treal. The steamer Irpquois passed up on the way to Toronto from Montreal Tuesday. M. T. Co's. Bulletin: The steamer Simk cleared from Port Dalhousie { Tuesday noon, with grain for Mon- j real; the tug Emerson was reported { due to-day with the barge Muskoka, which wil go on dry dock, Emerson is afterwards due to clear with the barge Dunmore, to load coal at Seo- us. . The steambarge Jeska left the Kingston Shipbuilding Company's drydock after undergoing slight re: pairs, The M. T. Barge , Muskoka has gone into the Kingston Shipbuilding Company's drydock for repairs. THE HOURS TO GOVERN The Police Commissioners | Dealt With Matter at Meet~ ing on Tuesday. . lies Commissioners he Tucsiay ster passed, al op oe me ating of second-hand stores from 7 o] Jjia-m. til 8 p.m, and prohibiting. the rose BUILDERS' SUPPLIKS oweg THE THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE Order Sereen Doors and Window Screens now--Amnglin"s Screens are made fo-fit -- and do net interfere with the raising and lower- mg of ssh. They are not expen- sive and a well screened house means restful ness and comfort, S. Anglin & Co Ofice Phone 66. WStork log: ey Lumber Yards, 1418, Bay and Wellingto eeeolumber, Coal ana ES a sale of anything else but second-hand §00ds on their licensed premises. Pluto Concentrated Spring Water tism, neuritis, eonstipa- tion, skin eruptions, ete. Dr. A.P. Chown's ,» Drug Store " Siek-room Supplies 185 Princess Phone 343 Drop Ir rv In And see our new line of Premiums We are giving away for /™ | ARB CHINA CLOOKS, ETC. Inquire about our system it will intevest you, Start a card today MOTOR BOAT HULL | And Boathouse -- Snap for quick buyer -Fof Went, 7 Room Ban and W, C. Rent 512.00 per month. | W. H. GODWIN & SON Insurance and Real Estate : Brock St.