Ni | GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? Have You Tried "It Baves Time P. WALSH. tteiemliseibedi) A tA at ttt trp tt $1,000.00 REWARD gl For information that will lead to thadiscovery or whereabouts of the pettan or persons suffering from ervous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complzints who can- not'be cured at The Ontario Medi- cal Institute, 268-265.Yonge St., Toronto," Correspondence invited . . ¢ - Miss Irene Dunlop, B.A. left to-day for Picten to visit Mrs. M, N. Omond at the Manse. - Mrs. Halkett, William street, is in Ottawa for a few days visiting her daughter, Miss Frances Halkett and Mrs. Leroy Heaney, ' Miss Marion Hamilton and Miss Marion Ketcheson, Belleville, are the guests of Miss Norma Elmer, Bagot street. i > . . - Mr. and Mrs. G. B. McGee, Mer- rickville, are the guests of Mrs, Ed- win McLelland, Alfred street. Mrs. Cyril King of Peterborough whose husband is with the 93rd Bat- talion at Barriefield, is en pension at the residence Ear] street. Mrs. Patton of Prescott Mrs. Boyd, King street. Mrs. McTear -of Bath is the guest of Mrs. Buxton Smith while in town for the Women's Auxiliary annual meeting, is with . > » Mrs. William Andrew Eden (for- merly Miss Mabel Henderson) receiv- ed this afternoon for the first time since her marriage at har new home, 383 Grosvenor avenue, Westmount. Miss Mildred Jones, King street, who has been visiting Miss Mildred the guest of Mrs. G. Kerr Fisken, Madison Avenue, Toronto, . . of Gananoque is Ruttan, Brock * * Mrs. T. C. Adair the guest of Mrs. street, . Mr. and Mrs. J, Crane of Ottawa spent the week-end at *"The Belvi- "| dere" while in town to see their son Cadet Crane, Miss Trixie Sandzrson left on Sun- day for London where she will join the London Western Hospital unit which is leaving shortly for overseas duty. Mr. Sanderson accompanied his daughter as far as Toronto, . . * . Mrs, Dickson and Mrs. Macdonald of Amherst Island are spending a few days with Mrs. A. E. Howard, Univer- sity Avenue, Mrs, C. W. Drury and Miss Helen Drury who are at Ritz Carlton in Montreal are leaving for Halifax shostly where they will spend the summer, Mrs. G. C. Davidson and Miss Satterlee at Pittsford, N. Y., is now | _THE DAILY BR Stephanie Davidson of Peterb ugh are spending the week at the Y. W. C, Acrésidence while in town to see Canon Davidson who is ior chap- lain at Barriefield camp. Major and Mrs. R. J Gardiner, Ba- ot street, have returnod from Toron- 0. : ; Mrs. Radcliffe, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Straubenzee, Beverly street, . Miss Edith Stark was in town from Gananoque for the holiday. Miss Flora Scott, of Belleville, is spending a few days with Mrs. P. G. C. Campbell, Gorge street. Miss Norah Macnee, who has been in England for the past six months, sailed for Canada on Saturday, ac- companied by her brother, Lieut. W. K. Macnee. Mrs. Hickson, of Deseronto, is the guest of Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Ba-| got street. 5 Miss" Lillian Kent and Miss May Rggers returned from Thirteen Is- lahd Lake an Tuesday. * . Mr. and Mrs. Stewart M. Robert- son, Johnson street, spent the week- end in Toronto. - "Mrs. O. J. Shaneman, of Ganan- oque, who is in town fer the annual + meeting of the Anglican Women's Auxiliary, is with Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrick, Johnson street. Judge Lavell and Miss Doreen La- vell, Barrie street, spent the week- end at their cottage at Thousand Is- land Park. { e sw Miss Rita Driver, Colborne street, entertained on Thursday evening at "nigh tea in honor of Miss Ruth Ba- | ker, the bride of this week. The | table, at which covers were laid for twelve, was prettily 'decorated with | lilies of the valley. | John Irwin, Westmount, Que., | spent a few days in town this week. | . * * a | Mrs. Colin Hamilton, jr., Clergy street, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, Spadina Road, Toronto, {for the past two weeks, returned | home to-day. Mrs. Spenger, of Camden East, is the guest of Mrs. H. Finkle, Earl ! street, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis, Stuart street, have returned from their holi- day at Algonquin Park. Mrs. Willoughby Cummings, of To- ronto, is the guest of the Misses Muckleston, Unidn street. Captain W. E. Steacy was in town to-day from' Petawawa to see Mrs. | Steacy and little daughter, who are | leaving for Halifax to spénd the sum- | mer months, | - Miss Bessie Sanderson, Barrie i'street, left on Saturday to join the jcamping party at Thirteen Island | | Lake. | 1 (Continued on page 10.) Our modern 40 salion Sluiced Re a Ai a day. We $5"40"55 reli, ara wh Totrenses staff of operators cam promise the Jame Srompt service at 10 Films We pies. to well you the CE We ean supply the most satis~ Rt Bases and developers of all makes sold, ASE ah all makes sold, ex P. Jenkins RTALE T0 YOU WE NOW UNFOLD?! OUR SHIRT STORY: Many chapters would have to be written if we at' tempted to fully deseribe the many unusual patterns, cloths and styles we are showing. Suffice it to say our Shirts appeal to men of dis. crimination, In every way, for every In fit, : In service, 'In price. Moreover our colors are all gnaranteed | The Latest Market Reports | FLOUR AND GRAIN. Toronto, With the Chicago Grain Exchange closed Monday and Winnipeg prices about steady, no changes were regis- tered on the Toronto Grain board. Trade was quieter all round. Little was reported for export and only odd cars of western wheat and oats were disposed of for domestic account, Lit- tle was offering in the way of Onta- rio grains, excepting wheat. Demand was slow from Ontario millers, who think the price too high. Quotations: Manitoba wheat--Track, bay ports, No. 1 northern, $1.16; No. 2 north- ern, $1.16% ; No. 3 northern, $1.11 1-4, » Manitoba Oats--Track, bay ports, No. 2 C. W, 50%e¢; No. 3 C. W. 49 1-2¢; No. 1 extra feed; 49 1-2¢; No. 1 feed, 48%ec. - American Corn--No. 3 yellow, 76¢ track Toronto; 73% track bay ports. Ontario Wheat--No. 1 commercial per car lot. according to freight, out- side, $1 to $1.01; No. 2 commercial, 98¢ to 99¢; No. 3 commercial, 94c¢ to 96c; feed wehat, 90c to 9lc. Ontario Oats.--No. 3 white, 48¢c to 49¢. Unofficial quotations: -- Cereals--Rolled oats, carlots, per bag of 90 lbs, $2.60; small lots, $2.65, Windsor to Montreal. Oat- meal, 10 per cent. over rolled oals. Cornmeal, yellow, 98-1b. sacks, in car lots, $2.25; small lots, $2.35 to $2.40, Linseed .and Oil Cake Meal--Lia- seed meal No. 1. $4 per cwt! do No. 2, $3 f.0.b. mills. Oil cake meal, $34.- 60 per ton. Gluten feed, $30 perton. - Winnipeg. Winnipeg wheat was up %c and 8%¢ on the lpcal market Monday. Oats were unchanged to 4c lower. Flax was %c to 3c down. The market lacked support, 'yet the tone was stubbornly firm, In spite of lower cables and generally bearish statistics, including an increase of 500,00 bushels of wheat in stocks at the terminals, Winmipeg held firm for most part of the day. Export- ers gave a promise of coming in early in the day, but backed out. Coarse grains were dull, Oats eased off a little in spite of a good cash demand, while flax, after going up 1%ec, drop- ed off. The demand for cash wheat was -good for all grades, except No. 1 northern, Offerings were fairly ~~ % 0 Thursday. dotge id / A yearly event of great importance in which new soasonablle merchandize ya Rainy backward weather has left us with unusual "tion of its, original worth. only one method avails and that a gigantic clearing movement in which fiance of Cost and former selling prices. - Be here to-morrow! + 1% is offered at a heavy stocks, and forced down in prices are frac- --- i pring and Summer Coats: de- Ny Sale Starts Thursday i with added attractions every day 18 only Black Morie, Navie and Black Serge, Novelty Checks and Con* sert Cloth Coats in sizes 16 to 44; regular $5.50 to $35.00. 8 only Awning Striped Sfilkeniel Coats, a elty; in colors rose, and white, saxe blie and white and black ilar $19.50. A A AP Pt NS Sts NEW YORK SAMPLE DRESSES. NAA A mt 50 Novelty Crepe de chene, Pussy Willow Taffet, French Faillie Geo Serge Combination Dresses in colors navy, black, saxe blue, Russia green, mauve, shot and striped effects--those priced regu-larly from $22.50. to others from $15.00 to £20.50 ¢ --All new excusive styles, in sizes 16 to 42-- Sale Price less 33 1.3 p.c. New York summer nov- and white: reg- Sale price $13.50 NO ------------ LE $39.50. rgette Crepe and Silk and French grey, nut brown, Sale price $14.95 Sale price $9.95 HOUSE DRESSES. SCHOOL GIRL DRESSES. 120 novelty checked and striped Gingham and Percale Dresses, New York styles, but- toned and patent leather belt, trimmed ih sizes 8-to 14 years, priced to $4.50. Sale price, $1.75. 300 Print,Gingham and Per- cale House Dresses, well made in new patterns and all fast colors, regular; $1.50. Sale price, 95c¢. TRIMMED MILLINERY. 50 Trimmed Hats in a good assortment of colors, all late spring styles, priced to $10.00 each, for a quick elean-up Sale price, $2.98. J: Aa GREAT BARGAINS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS. «mw .. Men, here is an op unity to buy standard qual- ity merchandise at wholesale cost and less. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. 10 dozen, all new patterns, a regular $1 value. Sale price, 98c. NIGHT SHIRTS. & » 180- White Cotfon Night Shirts, all sizes, priced up to $1.50. ' Sale price, 98¢. WORK SHIRTS. 120 "Sandow Brand" big sized colored Ging- ham Shirts, sold everywhere at 75¢ to 90e¢. Sale price, 69¢ "SNAG PROOF" OVERALLS. Regular, $1.25. Sale price, 98c. SILK TIES. Swagger new striped effects in the new big shape, regular 75c. Sale price, 45c¢. or AD miral" and price $1.00. Sale price, $1.00. 0.8. Sale price, $1.48. PRICED. White Wash 8kirts.--100 new pocketed Re Wash Skirts, all new jaunty 'styles, WOMEN'S WEARABLES SENSATIONALLY UNDER- , .. New York Waists--=25 dozen smart new colored Voile and Organdy Waists, the latest New Yo ; rk craze all sizes to 42, regular $2 to $2.75. , Sale price, $1.50. New Middies.--Awning striped, belted and pock- eted. smocked, all white and ation colored "Ad- "Jack Tar" guaranteed fast colored mid- dies in all sizes from 14 to 42. regular $1.50. Sale P regularly $1.50, ( fronto, prompt shipment, according to | liberal, with exporters the best buy- ers in both wheat'and oats. Winnipeg ' cash: 7° Wheat---No. 1 northern, $1,093; No. 2 northern; $1.08%; No. 3 northern, $1.04%; No. 4, 99%; No: 5, 93%c; No. 8, "88% ¢, feed, 8215¢. Oats--No, 2 C.W., 45% ¢; No. 8 C.W.,, 44% c; ex- tra No. 1 feed, 44% c; No.1 feed, 43%%; No. 2 feed, 41%ec. Barley ~No. 3, 65¢c; No. 4, 60c; rejected, 63¢c. Flax--No. 1 NW.C., $1.68%¢; No. 2 C.W,, $1.563%c. Peas.--No. 2, nominal, per carlot, $1.70; according to saniple, $1.25 to $1.50. Barley.--Malting, outside, 66¢ to 67c; do; No. 2 feed, 63c to 64c Buckwhéat--Nominal, 70¢ to T1lec Manitoba Flour--First patents, in jute bags, $6.70; do seconds, $6.20; strong baker's', $6, in jute bags. Rye--No. 1 commercial 94c to 95¢c. Ontario Flour--Winter track, To-! sample, $4.20 to $4.30, in jute bags; | bulk, seaboard, $4.25 to $4.35. ] { Montreal. Millfeed--Carlots, per ton, deliv-| _Busineds in grain and flour for ex- ered, Montreal freights; Bran, $23: | port account continges dull, and the shorts, $25; middlings, $25 to $26; trade on spot is also very quiet, with 'GL°T$ OF 01°18 'Seq "anofy Pee) poo? | no change in prices to note. De- aturday Speci 300 Lbs. Sliced, Mild Cured r Bacon SILK REMNANTS. Odd ends of Taffeta, Faille, Satin Duchesse, Messaline, Pongee, etc., in widths from 1-2 yd. to 3 yds., regu- larly priced from 50¢ to $2.00 a yd. Sale price, Half{price. yor WHITE WASH SILK. 120 yds. Jap. Taffeta Silk, full yard wide, regular $1.50 quality. Sale price, 98c¢. CHECKED DRESS GOODS, 200 yards black and white checked dress goods, in three sized checks, full 50 inches wide, regular, 60c a yd. = Sale price, 39c. DRESS GOODS REMNANTS. 150 ends of all wool suitings and dress matetials, marked for a quick clear-up at from 1-3 to 1-2 off former prices. Come rain or shine to-morrow, this space daily for additional sp J mand for millteed is fair. Quota- tigns: Corn--American No. 2 yellow, 8 "8le. Oats--Canadian west- ern, No. 2, 53%c¢; do. Canadian west- ern, No. 8, 62¢; do. extra No. 1 feed, 62¢c; do. No. 2 local white, 51c; do. No. 3 local white, 50¢; do. No. 4 lo- cal white, 49¢. Barley--- Manitoba feed, 68c to 72¢7do. malting, 74c¢ to 75¢. Flour--Manitoba spring wheat patents, firsts, $6.80; do. seconds, $6.30; do. strong bakers', $6.10; do. | winter patents, choice, $6 to $6.25; do. 'straight rollers, $5.10 to $5.60; do. straight rollers, .bags, $2.40 to $2.65. Rolled oats--Barrels, $4.75 to $5.45; do. bags, 90 lbs, $2.25 to stock, and sales became freer, w, the first day of our greatest "mid-season sale" ecials which will be added as this great sale pro we SALE OF DRESS VOILE, - 375 yds. of daifity flowered voliles ~--all pretty, small, colored designs, regular 30¢ yd. Sale price, 19e¢. WHITE FIXLINEN. 500 yds. of this new dress and suit- ing wash fabric;"a New' York novelty, full yard wide, regular 36¢ a yd. Sale price; 28¢. J --and again watch grosses a sizes up to 38 waist, regular $2.00 values, lo KINGSTON'S Greatest. Store 26¢ per hundredweight in butcher One extra 'choice load of steers, weighing 1,400 pounds, sold at $9.90 per cwt.: Odd prime animals sold at $10. This was above the market. Good to chojce steers and heifers lost 10c to 15c and cows and bulls lost| 15¢ to 25¢. The bulk of echoige weighty steers went at $9.25 to $9.65, with a few of $9.75; handy choice went at $9 to $9.35, with good | | at $8.65 to $9, medium at $8.25 to $8.50, while common were worth $7.75 to $8.25. Butcher cows and bulls of good io ¢hoice quality went This Week Only Oue lite of Boys' $3.00 School Shoes, while they FARRER AS, aaa ma ee a ee 235 at $7.50 to $8.50, while medium to, Our Shirts are all full sized, no skimping of cloth. The 'brand is known and $2.60. Bran--$23 to $24. Shorts ~--$26. Middlings--$28 to $30. 800d at $6.50 to $7.50. Mouillie--$30 to $35. Hay--Nor| Tie call for mileh cows was not 2 per ton, car lots, §20.50 tb $21.50, a8 keen, as last week, although orders may come later. Some 35 cows were Toronto Cattle Prices sappreciated by all. 4 ! pp oe . C offering, half of [nett quad to choice. W.G.&R. o "Nearly 3,500 head of cattle came! Prices were unchanged, $80 to $106 : Sse to the two Toronto stock yards for Suing paid for good to holon, The 7 5 the opening market of the stocker. trade was Inc eagfer, os - . prises ruling at last week's lower J « evels, Small meats, which had a bad mar- ket last week, found a Hvelier trade ; a light going freely enough. Yearlings! the moment, as British of choice grade were wanted, $10 to| authorities have cessed buying $13.50 per ewt. being paid, while|at the prevailing price. One paé spring lambs were steady with lust! stated that they were operating at week's decline at §8 to $12.50 each, loss at the moment because AA or around 15% a pound. prices they have to pay. $ i§ With a meagre supply of hogs - . : the open market but large co 3 ments at kers' plants, the + Pte. Jos. Meinzinger of the 118th quoted Jes 26¢ below last week! Battalion 'was sentenced to at $9.90 fob. country points, at{months at the Prison' Farm for art. assault on P. LP 43 ¢ 6 Was going over the scales during the first two hours. Then eoncessions were made by holders te the extent of 10c to yesterday. Sheep were Steady with|$10.35 fed and watered sug atiagumvated the ied last week, going at $6 to] $11.65 off cars. Packers claim that $9.50, heavy being slow sellers, but export trade has been cut down |