THE DAY urviem we, ravRsDAY, TONES 101 ARE PLENTY OF MEN/SCARCITY OF RENNETT . GTO W. J. PAUL, M.P, WRITES 70 THE ||| "AROUND KINGSTON 70 . FORM MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE ANOTHER. BATTALION, -- Says Investigation Should be Held to Ascertain What is the Cause of Recruiting Staff of the 146th Has In. terviewed 800 Men, and Secured the Shortage--Seriovs Matter to Close Factories. Twenty-four Recruits. The Whig, in conversation with ; W. J. Paul, M.P., for Lennox and Addington, has written to Hon. Mar- | A Picture of Its Gallant Hero rR RL ry Ho Lord Kitchener '| 24th the recruiting depots of the 146th Batialion had cunvassed $00 ; of cheese dairying and the great . Tl : : 1: : i scarcity of remnet in this district. | I'he idol of his men, with the will of aTion and the tender heart of a child. For whose los¢ his Empire mourns, md whose character, his deadliest foes men, had added twenty-one to the strength of the battalion, given three "If the industry had to close," | annot fail to admire. The best pictire ever produced, both in sepia and 'olored; for sale at EVERY BRITISH HOME SHOULD HAVE. to the Army Service Corps, while eight had been rejected by the medi-| avs Mr. Paul, "it would be a very | | serious matter. The output for this] cal Sficer, "I believe that ix -and- around Kingston there are plenty of men to| S400, {rom jresent prospects, will | form another battalion," said Capt. | De In round figures between twenty- Campbell. "We are convinced of Hive and thirty millions but it is not | this fact as the result of the canvass | ORly a matter of dollars to Canada, we have made. . There are a great | Put n 0 supply our boys who | many men who could very easily line ing ia the trenches With{ up, and there are many men who are as a fod, as it is bread. engaged in occupations which could very easily be filled by returned sol- diers and men who are physically un- fit to go to the front and by men who are over age. We are also con- vipced that there are many mén liv-- ing a retired life who should come forward at this time and take their place in munition factories, and make way for other men to go-to the front. ! These retired men could very easily | take up work on the farm and in mu-| nition factories. I think that the positions of the clerks in the stores "8 SORDID CASE UNFOLDED BE- FORE MAGISTRATE FARRELL. Mother With Pwo Children Goes To Jail For Three Months For Keep- ing Disorderly House -- Similar Sentence For Woman Frequenter. It was a sordid story that Magis- trate Farrell wal called upon to hear from members of the police force in Police Court on Thursday morning, and after all had been said and done, Mrs. Rosanna Squires was sent to Jail for three months for keeping a disorderly house, and Mary Bowman, sed gathered in as a frequenter of the, Royal Fi house, was given a similar sentence. ne - - The women were before the Magis- It's It. Come and wee it. trate as a result of a visit Sergeant Robert Nesbitt and some of his men J.R.C. DOBBS & 00. paid to the home of Mrs. Squires on Underwood Agents, a1 Street $ The College Book » Headguarters for al military supplies. 160-162 PRINCESS ST. OPEN NIGHTS. Store . jPaul appeals to the Minister | of Agriculture to make an investiga- tion into thre 'matter and ascertain whether. there is "4d shortage or| whether the supply has fallen into] the. hands of a few "fakers" in order | to make fortuhes. He feels that if| such is the case, it would be the duty | of the Minister io take possession of | every gallon of rennet and see that] it 1s properly distributed among the} a.m nrm---- Pretty Blouses Mr. Paul is direetly interested in| The kind that pleases particuiar ladies. 9 the cheese dairying, @wning and op-| could very easily be filled by young | erating four factories, manufacturing | We are showing scores of the nobbiest ere- ations at 2.8 B34 women," for some three hundred and twenty- | . ] 00 Up 4 Reports have been made from time five farmers. { 34 to 44. Sterling Silver | Pieces Of Exquisite Design . 'FOR BRIDAL GIFTS' ait aro nn pealict Git », ranging nn aad Scoups," Butter Picks. All new. Smith Bros. JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Wash Dress | Furs Stored Goods that are temptingly pretty and selling fast 16¢ t,-$1.00 a yard. day night. Mrs. Squires sat in the prisoner's box, with a six months' old baby in her arms. Her husband, attired in khaki, stood to the left of the dock, holding the hand of a two-year-old tot. It was a sad picture, The baby cried bitterly, and it was quite evident that the little one had been sadly neglected, and was suffering from a bad cold. Constable Daniel McCarey, who paldsp visit to the Squires homestead Wednesday afternoon, following complaints he had received, told about the baby sitting in a high chair very scantily clothed. Its feet were red with the cold. While the baby suffered, thé mother drank whiskey st mg and entertained soldiers. Constable FURTHER DONATIONS ! McCarey reported the matter to the TO QUEEN'S HOSPITAL. chief of police; and as a result Ser- Over $23,000 Has Been Re- geant Nesbitt and some of the blue- coats raided the house. Mary Bow- ceived During the Past Year, engaged in recruiting were receiving | greq thousand for a season, Mr. Paul extra pay for this work. ~The Whig| pag a fair supply of rennet on hand was informed from a reliable source that the men were not getting one cent adidtional to their regular pay. This should clear up this' matter. White badges have been issued to men engaged in recruiting. These badges will be issued to women who care to go out and assist in the cam- paign for recruits. Lieut. Lamouck, of the 146th Bat- talion, is leaving on an extended trip to the countryside around Kingston, and while he is away Capt. G. I. Campbell and his staff will continue the work in the city, Vine street, about 8 o'clock Wednes- Clarence His output in dollars | to time to the effect that the men {ig between seventy-five and one hun-| for his own use, but knowing the, conditions is speaking for the dairy industry in general, He points out that the factories in this community | cannot operate any longer than to| finish out the present week. He has| N come to the rescue of one or two | factories by loaning thém a few " this week. Lg | OARPET BROOMS BRUSHES O-CEDAR O CEDAR RE-NU-ALL lons of rennett, or they would have had to close down this week FERRER PER AEF ESR EE * + EXCLUDE JUVENILES FROM AMUSEMENT TAX * D. COUPER : Phone 76 841-3 Princess St. Prompt Delivery. It is not likely that the juv- eniles will pay much longer the amusement tax. Some weeks ago representations were made that the children might be ex- empt from giving their "mite" and it is stated on good author- ity, that the Ontario Govern- ment has decided, if practicable, to accede to what was suggest- ed, and allow children"into the amusement places without a tax. This coneession - would necessitate some, change in the machinery, but it is not believed there will be much trouble in this respect. i th i fo a a Any size, You'll be tickled with our range. man was there at the time the police | _| called, so she too was made one of the | party taking the trip to the lock-up. | Very modestly she informed the Ma-| SE m--t gistrate that she had been in the| _Yreviously acknowledged $22. house. 1659.31, | Arrangements have been made for; *< the care of the children while Mrs |"lely. . Squires puts in her time at the jail. | $100.00 Mrs. Stewart Malloch, In September, 1914, she was found | Raeburn," Riverside, California guilty of keeping a disorderly house, | $50.00--The Joint Lodge of the and served a term. { Independent Order of Oddfellows. $25.00--Vancouver Alumnae i | Queen's, Vancouver, B. C. PEEP IPRPSP CPSP Pere : $200.00--Deloro Patriotic So- of A , Red Cross | Society, Sunbury: Mrs. F. Jemmett, | Napanee (Maintenance) Ladies of Archite:t | Bethel Church (per Mrs, Haffner.) $15.00= University Women's Club Ottawa, ).00-- Women's Institute, Ma- ANEW ORANGE HLL oe oi ttt dh EXT TRY ddd dd dd db ddd bd dd ddd Yendess Called For By E. R. Beckwith Tenders are being advertised eo | the eregtion of the ne Orange | 5 = (Maint . ili Hall building on Princess street, | oo Pasay, : hs Yam between 'Barrie and na vision ton, Sprinfleld, Mass; Dr. and Mrs streets for which E. R. ; GCAWILH, | Leonard Jones, Rocheseter, N.Y; Dr. architect, hag prepared p ans. | E. C. D. MacCallum, Kingston: Arch- The ground floor will ave a! 4eacon Dobbs, Kingston 5 store on each side of the entrance | ""s7'¢ POS: Hinks, Kingston ahd Gn assembly ball. at Tear of! 3500 lige 8. A Broor ok... stores, { wich, Conn; Prof. and Mrs. J. K The second storey will he Jsed | Robertson, Kingston; James Fairlie, for lodge purposes a0 wath ore | Springfield, 1: Menie Women's In- a fine lodge room 35 x . w or | stitute; W. G. MacEwan, Riverside, to-date ante rooms and regalia |G. yiro hin. Miss Minne B. MacKay, rooms. | Miss Helen Mackintosh, Lis- | Athens: The front will be built of cut |g Hens: stone with pressed brick above and 1.50--"Oneen's Girie © Kite the rest of the walls with red | 3. Queen's Girls," Kingston. stock brick. LIVERYMAN RECOVERS A STOLEN HORSE. Located It At Arnprior--Man Drove It Away on Monday. REGULATING TRAFFIC, On Princess Street at Night--Police Do Good Wark, Citizens appreciate the action of the Police Commissioners in regu- lating the traffic on Princess street in the evening. With the increas- ed number, of cars in the city this action has become a necessity and there should be a minimum of acci- dénts on the strects, The 3 started off right 'by summony some speders o the police co this has had a good effect, ally joy-riders and speeders go along Wellington and Barrie streets late | at night but this is not so prevalent | it was last summer, COUNTY GOOD ROADS. --- | Committee Decides As To Rate of | Taxation, The good roads committee of the | county of Frontenac met Thursday | morning. The rate of taxation for | construction and maintenance was | It decided that | Gourdier's rnin gps sm "mn | NEWMAN & SHAW, The Always Busy Store DOUBLE HOUSES for INVESTMENT PURPOSES. $1350--Montreal. St.; per year. $1500--Portsmouth; | year, 1 $1700--William St.; rent $210 per | vear. O---Johnson St.; rent $210 per year. rent $180 Alls Well With 59th, | Letters received in the city io | Pent $144 por members of the 59th Battalion, stat- | ed that everything is well with that | unit, which is still in England. {$210 A. E. Howard, proprietor of How- University Ave.; rent $264 | |oLDEN LION GROCERY Fancy Clover Honey HlIn one pound sections, 25¢ each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and juicy, 10¢, 12 1-2¢, he: lc. 1b, © i Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs. for 25c. p= porated Apricots, 18c Sweet Cider, 40c per gal. W. R. McRae & Co GOL DEN I. ION GROCERY. ! ard livery on Princess street, is re- turning to Arnprior with a horse that was stolen from his livery on Monday. At 8.30 a. m., Monday a man came into the livery and asked for a horse, He drove away and nev- er returned. Inquiries were started by Mr. Howard with the result that he learned that the man had stopped for a meal &t Seeley's Bay on Mon- day evening. An automobile was soon on the road in pursuit and on 'Wednesday Mr. Howard sent word to the city that he had secured the out- fit and was driving back to Kingston from Arnprior. - NO WORD YET RECEIVED As To the 3 Uglow., R. Uglow, Barrie- street, has ment of Militia and Defence there is so far no trace of his son Harry, who was reported in the pa- pers as being missing after the great fight at Sanctuary woods, near Ypres, and that until further word is re. ceived he will be counted among the missing. There is good reason to hope that when the official lists come from Germany the name. of Lieut. Uglow will. be among those taken prisoner, -- THEFT AT PORTSMOUTH, A Thiet Made Off With Prize Rooster and Hen.' This is a burning question in Portsmouth, for during Wednesday night, while the peaceful residents of the village were sound asl some person or persons pried off thé Jock on the hen bouse door of Moreland and made off with white Wyandotte rooster an hen. Prjze ne Lieut, Chapman Missing, Lieut. J. A. F. Chapman, a com- mercial traveller of Brockville, was | entisted in the winter of 1914-15 with a unit of the Second Divisional Artillery of Kingston after having | passed the examination of the Royal School of Artillery, has been as missing after the recent battle of Zillebeke. < Fresh Dairy Butter in 5-lb. crocks, | 30c Ib., at Gilbert's. I listed | discussed. Fate of Lieut. Harry 0 ceived official notice from the Depakt- that was [------------ British mall closes larly. Information posted at P. 0. obby from time to time. United States, dally ..12.46 p.m. Grand Trunk, goin three mills on the dollar should be | charged, two of which will go for the construction of the roads and one | for the maintenance, ment has agreed to bear 40 per cent. of the cost of construction and per cent. ofthe cost of maintenance, irregu- "THE HAT STORE" mg, STRAW HAT TIME IS HERE. mn | In Marine Circles The steamer Aberdeen passed { down to 'Monereal Wednesday from | Bay of 'Quinte jiorts. She is tak- {ing the Bellevilley place hile the | latter boat is undergoing slight re- {pairs, _ | The sloop Ariadne cleared yeseter- | day for Seeley's Bay and Rideau Can- ial ports. The tug Ray Stanton cleared for ighton With some government equipment, § M. T. Co's. Bulletin: Tug Emerson iarrived light for Sodus, and cleared | with the barge Kingston to load coal at Charlotte; tug Bronson arrived | from 'Montrea] with two light barg- les. | Br a look at the J}i gréat variety of - eool comfortable Hats we are showing and make "your selection to-day. Take cis [| *anamas Leghorns SOLDIER WAS GIVEN aii > R SIX MONTHS IN JAIL. and sailors from the Am best English, American ||| Took French Leave From Bar- and Canadian faetories riefield Camp--Another 1 Given One Month. in great array. Soldiers who take French leave of Barriefield camp will be dealt with MILLS & CO very severely, Three men in khaki who took a Importers of Fine Hats. | 126 and 128 Princess St. i rt vacation on their pwn initia- € came before Justice of the Peace George' Hunter en Thursday forenoon, One who on two former Occasions violated the camp regula- tions in this way was sentenced to $ix months in the Jail, Wag given a tee BUILDERS SUPPLIKS v BECAUSE THEY FIT. Anglin's Screen Doors and Sashes keep out flies. Made to fit any opening. They stay in place all summer and do mot interfere with opening or clos ing of windows. Look well, wear well and are not expensive, ORDER NOW. Factory Phone 14185. Woodworking Factory Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Sts, eeeclumber, Coal and Woodeoees| Refrigerators Here you will find that roomy, economical, ele- gant and trustworthy re- frigerator you have long wanted. Don't decide till vou see what we have to of- fer .yvou. Come in to-day and look them over. Here are some: Solid Oak Case, Fesutne porcelain lived, Bon-Bon system, from $835 to 50. | Refrigerators, ak Case, enamel iined $20 to 30, Bave large assortment of small fwe 4 'lining, for $10 up. Give wn a call, /. AMITCHELL, Sr Ta--_y 2 | .S. Anglin & Co | Drop In | [$2350 | per year, $2600--Dufferin St.; rent, $240 per | year, { $2850--Chatham St ; rent $276 per | year. | TO RENT: { Furnished House, centrally loecat: jed, $30.00 per month. Immediate {| possession. Building Lots in all parts of the jeity EW. Mullin & Son i All Kinds of Real Estate i Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. ones 539 and 1456. And see our new line of © Premiums We are giving away for a el lid Cash Trade GLASSWARE, CHINA, WATER SETS, JARDINKEERS. SILVERWARE CHINA CLOCKS, ETC. Inguire shout our system it will intevest you. Start a card today Monin street, Phone 549. er Ara mm iy Ese s---- MOTOR BOAT HULL And Boathouse -- Snap for quick buyer For Reat, 7 Room Dwelling, Eas Sud W. C. Rent $1200 per W. H. GODWIN & SON Insurance and Real : Estate Phone 424 39 Brock St.