Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jun 1916, p. 3

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PROBS--Showers during night and on Friday. 3 of a constable, in the person of F.,Miss McD. Watson was a Sunday 2 "4 re Mundell. The teacher, Miss M. Mec- [guest of Miss Barr. Mr. and Mrs 4 Callum, is preparing a number of pu-| Burton Genge, also Miss Myrtle Bot- Is for the Entrance examinations. |ting, were recent guests at Stanley a mes Mullen and sisters spent Sun-|Sigsworth's. ' R. Garrison and party ttt str tttatieeeemes | d8y at B. Mullen's. Mr. and' Mrs. motored to Barriefield recently. Mr. w---- M. O'Neil and Miss Ella' Kelly, Tay-Jand Mrs. Harry Watson and little BELL ROCK. lor, spent Sunday at James Murphy's. | son Neil were recent visitors at E. C. : June 6.--Busihesp is. bogming | Mr. and Mrs A. Donaldson and, chil-| Leonard's. Our sympathy "is ex- : at the cheese factory these days. {dren at W. Wood's. Messrs. A. and | tended to Mrs. B. Babcock and Mrs. . ; eo This has been a poor season for ;L. McCarey are visiting friends in|C. K. Smith in their recent bereave- Ss omp ong pirite y planting. Inspector. Truscett call- [the city. Mr. and Mrs. John Hea-| ments. Mrs. Frederick Ellefbeck d around on the schools here one [ney at A. Key's, Washburn. and Miss Alice Walker called at El- . , FIA. 'day last week. Mrs. C. D. Yorke mer Hughes". Announcements have Ei returped home from lugston en ; . choss LAKE, ia Josh iseived of a marriage of ip : eral Hospital on onday. - une §5.--The new steel bridge for ss Mary E. olly) Clow to Rev. : A tors: |W, Watson and Miss Eva [Cross Lake is being moved from Ar-|W. M. Grundy. Mises Lorena and Never has this great MID-SEASON EVENT attracted so much atten- Craig, Verona at W. F. Watson's; | daendale station to the Lake. The old | Violet Sigsworth lety for Inverary to tion--"the greatest bargain event I evér attended" is the way one well-known Mrs. E. M. Yorke, Veroma, at J.|floating bridge is in a very bad shape | attend the weddi Pte. Arthur : toad Pomeroy's. after being broken in several ape Ashley called on frieads here quite Kingston lady tendered her appreciation ' Voom {with the wind. William Wilkes seoomtly: ) Mr. Ana Mu. George Barr . met a large black bear one night last | Paid a fRying visit at Mt. Chesney. » June 3.--The heavy rains are|week on the road and Det od Arnold Shillington and Miss Estella BARGAINS IN keeping the farmers back with their not leave the road until he got a few | Trousdale were the guests of Miss DRESS GOODS, WASH GOODS, SILKS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS spring work. A number have had|shots from Mr. Wilkes' revolver |loréna Bigsworth. CHILDREN'S WEAR to sow their fields twice. Pastures{ Miss Tressie Baker is very sick and and meadows are looking fine. A|the e - MOUNTAIN GROVE. ! large number attended the recruiting | ery. © Miles Wood bas o mumber of] June 5.--Much sympathy is felt NEW YORK DRESSES, SUMMER COATS, WAISTS AND MIDDIES, meeing held at Wilton on Tuesday.| men at work on the road between | fof Mr. and Mrs. John Barker in their ETC, ETC. if A little boy has come to stay at the|ihig place and Arden, and fs making |Pefeavement by the death of their , home of H. Mills. © W. Card has pur-| sone improvements which were bad-| "0% John, who passed away on the . - SE pe ee es om mma basins chased a Ford car. Bernard Davey ly needed. George Mouck is making 4th inst., due to complications follow- Emm sy and Parker Walker Have enlisted some improvements to his house, Mr. | °F IRIE AL Be 1 7 1 older rothe with the 146th Battalion {and Mre. Chas Barker and Mr. and | (hOW TEL STHCE O0 older b ain o: ¢ Walker has gone to Watertown, b x a N.Y, to spend a few days. ess Bury Were Sunday visitors Mills NS. uy Euest of her -M od Mr Mea : | parents, Mr. an rs. John Godfrey. Scott's. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Wood ati Rey. A Webster is attending confer ing measles. All are pleased #6 GLENDOWER. Ss June 6.--The trees are not suf- George Mouck : Bors 0 Mr. and | ence this week. Mrs. Kellar, Mrs. fering so much as a fesult of the|Mr#. Frank Scott a daughter. Embery, Mrs. R. P. Hawley and chil- work of the work worms as they did " dren are among. the number visiting : : IRMA ILS: oiighaly A. Hoppins will work 5 . ELEY. = . he Joidiers at Kingston A week. CONF TION VEI . SALE PRI fi feld 5 The boat une H.-- avy elecinic storm |G. 'ron nas commenced work on 2 3 . 95¢ Cameras of all makes sold, ex- his place for feldspar 'n passed over here on Friday night,|the basement for his barn. Several 3 doz. White Net Veils; reg. $1.25. ... SALE ANE 39 Z ' . ehanged, rented and repaired. drawing feldspar has been laid up ay for a 3 he oe raing have put] when the barn and outbuildings of | from here attended the barn raising 5 doz.; regular $1.75.. WY the roads in terrible shape. The|Edwin Lawson were destroyed by|at 8. Alexander's, Arden, last week. mail man has had his troubles as a| fire, also two horses and a number| O. Carr was an over Sunday guest of CONFIRMATION DRESSES: --r Toe y ick-{of other articles. ~The Ladies' Aid| his sis M y -- result. There is considerable sick- e © Ladies' Ai is sister, Mrs. D. Youmans. Mr. ness in this neighborhood. Mrs. [met at Mrs. Joseph - Lawson's on|and Mrs. Ira Davy have moved to.the i i Tresses; 25. "ar emas we SALE PRICE 75¢ Best S John Babcock is on the sick list. | Wednesday last. The W. M. 8. ex-| farm rented from Charles Cowdy. W. 5 doz. Dainty Little D 8) Tegular 5) SALE PRICE $1 59 : Some of the farmers have yet to|Pect to meet at Mrs. A. Townsend's| H. Cowdy is busy on his contract of 3 doz } regular $2.00 ied ee . The on Monday next, June 12th. Miss | making cement culverts for the town- 2 doz.: regular $2.25 : . SALE PRICE $1.69 Store. lant their potatoes and corn. SUNDAYS. p po -- H. Alma Johnston is expected home |ships of Olden and Kennebec. Mrs. BUNKER HILL. this week. James Lindsay has re-|L. L. Price will entertain the ladies June 6.--The wet weather contin-{ turned home after spending some|of the Women's Institute on June time at J. Gawley's, Glenvale. Miss| 14t¥. A large number from here| ues, and farmers are having a hard . | : ; time to get their grain and potatoes | Beatrice Upton has secured a posi-|attended the military display at| ir ' in. A number of men are working tion at the Whig office. Visitors: | Kingston on Victoria day. Miss Ka- | on' the road here. Mrs. J. W. Bab- | Miss Redmond. Syracure, N.Y., at her | tie Jeffrey, Tichborne, is the week-| cock is on the sick list. T. Babcock | father's; Rev. O. E. Boyce, Dakota; | end guest of her sister, Miss Geor- W. Blakesly and wife; W. Davey and | gina Jeffrey. Miss Winnifred Thomp- ot a bad kick on the leg from a Bot Visitors: Oak Wi, at wife, Sydenham, and Mrs. Joyner and soi and friend, Miss Kemp, are spend- John Babeock's; Mrs. Alexander Mrs. Trousdale, Forest, at T. A.ling a few days under the parental Townsend's; Mrs. Eliza Lawrence roof. Mrs. Lawrence Woodcock, af- tas Hoppins and children at C. Bab- a oy and No R. J. Wilson |2t Harvey Buck's; Mrs. Harry|ter spending a days with her and E. Card and F. Watson at A, B.|Xnapp, Barriefield, at her father's. other, Juss. = P. Hawley, loft for ® : Hoppins'; Mr. and Mrs. W. Clow at Es ' near her husband, T DS abe Mite B. Jollroy fu of. SWITZERVILLE, Pte. Woodcock, 146th Battalion. Mrs, or mp dCeS Wilson at A. Leamon's. A. D. Hop- June 6.--Owing to the conference] A. W. Thompson is caring for the ® pins has a gang of men employed |OUr Sunday service was cancelled.{ infant son and little daughter of the * digging feldspar on his place. Mr. and Mrs. G. Thompson and Mr. | late Mrs. George Pringle, Arden. Ir i rd 5 ! 2 and Mrs. H. Williams, Napanee spent ? CIR ARL A Sunday at P. E. R. Millers. Miss Wil- BED Pree X . ECHO LAKE. ma Miller, Kingston, spent the week- f | June 2.--The farmers are keptiong ot her home here, Mr. and Mrs. back with their spring work on ac- % L rk ! count of the frequent rains, and the | >:C-S: McKim spent Monday in Odes ana E Hall tlook for th d is v r.| 88. Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Farnsworth, Tee outiook for the gardens is very poor. Newburgh, spent Sunday at J. M. I BAG Gr Bn tr A simple, easy, MABERLY. speedy treat- 2) Mrs. Gowdy has been holding revi Spafford s. Miss Edna Johnston, Cat- val meetings in the school house the araqui, fs visiting at H. Miller's. Mrs. {J 17 . ® oo usood results: aud » Joyner, Napanee, has been visiting| June 6.--Maberly was visited with | ment. Smear |=; my Suing. 1a fodtraue for 5 at the| Miss Mable Shorey. T. McKim spent quite a severe electric storm on Sun- the pimples N , 3 : ~y ' day afternoon. The low land § £% : y Cox. . Li a couple of weeks at 8. McKim's K. s are| Be a ie reteraed et P.' Johnston, Napanee, spent the|in a very wet condition, and farmers | with Cuticura \ moderate trip to the Indian doctor. at Dese- |Past week with C. B, Brethen. Miss abe Io able to get their seeding fin- | Ointment, wash off \ Our work is ronto for treatment for rheuma-|Efle Empey, Kingston, spent a day = i: Arcus Moore, wife, and | in five minutes with «J tism Mrs. Vandewater has arriv-|last week at her home here. W. J.|[a8mily are visiting their many Caticura So; 4 ra teed : ; : friends in Maberly. R. J. Dufty haq | Cuticura Soap and hot "ATH guaran ed home with her wee girl, Mrs. | Wilson and laughter Maggie, of Marl- Y. - 4. Duffy had . > Jacob Babcock is on the sick list.|bank, spent a couple of days at Mrs. | S0T® Of his young cattle killed on | water and continue bathing for some Arthur Buckley has recovered from |M. Wilson's. W. Robson and family, Ihe railroad track on Sunday morn-| minutes. Use night and morning. KEELEY Ir W 0 D 0 | his illness. Violent, spent Sunday at J. Frink's. - For pimples, redness, roughness, fy WM. U. VU. a Mr. and Mrs. Sills, Selby, spent Bru. LAVANT STATION. itching and irritation, dandruff, itch- | HARTINGTON. day at J. T. Empey"s. Miss Lila Miles : y ing scalp and falling hair, red, rough is visiting at her father's. Mrs, R.{_ June 6.--Miss Courtney Lawrence, | Xap a IDE ei, re Tong : C dC OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, | . : 0 -. Street, June Se Tederion Deusicon is Conway and son are visiting her, Waverly, N.Y., who is spending the hands and baby rashes, itchings 8 doors sbove the Opera Houwe. Ryopar "on ST g horton Alex-| parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Switzer. [Summer at Canonto, was the guest | and chafings these fragrant, super=- 2 ander Fokes, West Brome, Que., a|F. Sanderson has eight pupils writing or Misses Clara and Elsie Lee last| creamy emollients are wonderful. former pastor, preached an excellent |On the Entrance examinations. Sev- bli enc. x and Mrs. George oh Jee sample each address post-cards sermon Mr. and Mrs. Frederick | eral of our farmers have been having | * &rTy (nee innie Jacob), Ottawa, sours, Dey ty 3M, Boston, | 8 As > e t E. Miller and |8re visitiagtthe latter's parents, Mr. | y ughout the world, \ - their ha ressed. \ Clow spent a few days last week with, their hay p and Mrs. S. B. Jacob i : and family, Mowen, spent Sunday at J oS. B. Jacob. A meeting | ; k p Jenkins Be DE I Todi Tok H. Miller's' "P, Switzer had a raising ie reins Londay Blght lo Tipo League in Haglund 4 id + ; . L picnic. ! 16 American residents in London w . Nina. Dusut .is at Edley Campsall's. last week. was decided to hold one on June 21st. | have formed a baseball team which The Wm Davies Co Ltd Phone597 eo -. . Mr. and Mrs. Lee at Mrs. Goslin's; Ap-------- Mr. Mrs. y : SiH . y ; ; Ariold shilington, Westrooke, RAILTON. (| intr at Thomas Lacs bins | asd mene onfanised bv the atthew Trousdale's; Miss Ruby| June 1.--Most of the farmers o rg . 2 nL al ary its, e firs RTALE T0 YOU WE NOW UNFOLD! Bigsworth is recovering from athe surrounding district prophesy a ET Tg is visfung his} game of a schedule of twenty-eight \ slight operation. Mrs. Daniel Free-| banner hay harvest. The wet wea-|7ne meeting held here last Wednes. | 5200818 to be played June 10. man is called to Oxford Mills owing |ther has delayed them about twenty gay evening by Mrs. Wollard ee to the illness of her mother. Mr. per cent. in their grain seeding. |Toronto, in the interests of 'the 'Wo- and Mrs. Huffman, Moscow, are at| Planting is very slow so far. L.lmen's Institute was largely attend-| their son's, Everett's. Keeloy'es team took fright while at-| a4 1 J | tached to a disc harrow and ran a | INVERARY. away, going for over a mile, smash- June 7.--Inverary Womén's In- |ing the disc and cutting one of the stitute held its annual meeting | horses badly on the leg. The an- A CHANGE IS MADE May 30th at 'Mrs. 1. Darling's. Tbe [imal has since died. The other IN C. N. R. TIME TABLE. bocke were audited by Mrs, (Dr.) |horse escaped with a few scratches. ---- te J Iceman and re Aykroy. The |The crusher and sem Foller is til] After June 10th Trains To nstitute raise $33.17and pail |at work here, and in spite of the wet- out $319.84, balance on hand $13.- ; weather a fine piece of road is being Leave At 2.45 p.m. and 83. Officers were elected as fol- | built. The new cheese factory is 5 p.m. lows: President, Mrs, F. 8. Fergu- | progressing with a good supply of -- | ea son; vice president, Mrs. Dr. Freeo- | milk under the able management of Beginning next Saturday the new = - man; 2nd vice president, Mrs. !. |Edward Gallery, Kingston, as maker. |time-table which has been arranged OUR SHIRT STORY: Dating; representatives Mrs. Bar-|Levi Cranston, jr|, has installed a|by the C.N.R. will go into effect. : tell, Inverary, and Mrs. W. Merri- | new milking machine. J. D. Lyons|For some time people who reside hi : 1 d|man; district representative, Mrs. [has bought a fine heavy draught| north of the city have been com- Many Cc apters w ou J. Shepherd; secretary treasureér, |horse from a Westbrook man for|plaining that the time-table as it is have to be written if we at |Mr. G. Leatherland. Miss O. Hay-| $200. Edward Gallery has pur-ia: present does not allow them to "I was the first to make an auto tire or any type of tire--in Canada. , d ibe es. of Parkhill will demonstrate chased an auto car. Rev. Father spend time enough in the eity if they That's why I speek positively on ths tire subject. | have always maintained that you get the same tempted to fully €SCr1De| hoxing chickens on June 15th in [Staley is having the new fence com-|come in to shop. The train will after uality in a tire that you get in the maker of that tirc--Hich Sense of Values: High Record of Results. the many unusual patterns Agricultural Hall, Inverary. pleted around the church property.| yuna 10th arrive in the city at 10.40 . Iso, to my way of thinking, Tire-Mileage is nothing else than the ability to deliver. Notice that » ? Aer Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. E. Horning, a.m, and leave at 2.45 p.m. instead *Dunlop' and 'Deliver * commence with the same letter. cloths and styles we are JOYCEVILLE. Kepler, at W. Switzer's; Mr. and 2.3 erly f 3 " 4 yp ' "5 . . howin June 5.--A heavy hail and rain|Mrs. Kemp and Mr. and Mrs. J. 3.2.30 us formerly for Harvowsiith he Buglon + Trantan_ snd Duslop *Spegial --and the rest of the Dunlop Tire Family--have = 5 g. storm, accompanied by lightning and | Kemp and family, Kingston, motor- going to Ottawa and Toronto, There x n OK'd by me--the Quality SOT. Handy Andy. x : thunder, passed over this district on|ed to F. Grainger's on Sunday; Mr. i \ . 5 s Suffice it to say our and Mrs. J. Boyle, Gananoque, mo- will also be a train leaving at 5.00 D lop Tire & Rubt -G 1 Co., Li vit 1 Sunday afternoon, which lasted about BEd ME. De ananoyue, MO] pm, for Toronto and the north. i X is»! an hour, damaging almost everything Shirts appeal to men of dis, in its path. agg of the old resi-|day. Dr. and Mrs. L. Buch are crimination. , | denis say they never saw such a|expected at Harvey Buck's shortly Recruit for Artillery 7, Tor every ! y storm, especially' at this season of jon a visit; Mrs. P. Kelley, Kingston, In every w the -- ny Livingston hay |at James Lyons'; L. and Miss Dora Brockville, June Capt. Lalor press pressed hay for some of the |Cranston motored to Bath on Sun- Bel , Bart: to Ama ng the 75t : \ farmers last week. The village has !day. depot Battery, Kingston, and Lieut. | In fit; been lately honored by the addition ---- Cumming, of. the same unit, are in iran + PLEASANT VALLEY. town to open a recruiting station at) In Bervice, ' June 6.-- Farmers have not finish-| the Armouries for their unit. Lieut. In price. ~ ed seeding owing to continued wet|Cumming will be in charge of the i RE > weather. Prospects are bright for | Station. © Moreover our colors are . - all guaranteed an abundant crop of hay. W. Ci or 1 gu > Bradford's Brotierdndaw, M. Hal, Lucas County, ss. 3 Skin Troubles Ttiea, N.Y., has ; Frank J. Ch Our Shirts. are all full and other of Ute, N.¥ ed, co nulent Fink Sn pier, takss smth thal 3 . . ee We Guarantee ------ Sigsworth is erecting a drive house. 1 \ sized, no skimping of cloth. s T. Cowdy, Harrowsmith, has the|d; Sheey,& Co. doing business in the 1 " contract. Ray Gowdy and party|sforesaid, and that said firm will pay The brand 15 know n and Saxol Salve motored to the city Sunday evening.|ihe sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS . appreciated by -all. Miss Orlene Kerr is visiting friends|(of, cach and every case 5 Dntarrh at Yarker. Thomas Bradford was HALLS CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. Ww. & &R. i 'in the city on Saturday. Dr. and [CHENEY Mrs. Wilkins and small daughters] Sworn to before me and subscribed mpanied by Mrs. Ch r Ken per. ACD. 1886. | is 6th day of Decem | 1 ge. : nedy and Suis son. were Tepent (Beal) A We SLEASON, . : : Si WRITS So pied - g " # guests at D, B. Sigsworth's. yde , in Core Notary kL. . " : | 3 0 Bllerbeck is sporting a new bugky.|us"ans Seis through the biowd on tne] MEN WHO PRESENTED PARK AT RIDGEWAY TO FENIAN RAID VETERANS. wa Mr nN Bilomr and |Poucan Sutsatios 2 ih System. "Sena Left to right: Major-Gen Sir William Otter, Brigadier-Gen. Sir J. M. Gibson, Henry - : jona N . F. J. CHENEY & Co, Toledo, 0. | Swan, and Sgt. Alex. E. Wheeler, ese men, with Lieut.-Col. J. E. Farewell, of Whitby, red to Barriefield lg Rd 3H . % day to visit Pte. Morley. Bilorbock. Suis Family Pills tor sonstipation] presented to Lime Ridge veterans the park at Ridgeway. o 3

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