MELCOMBE. June 5.--Mrs. Frank Keyes, Gan- ahogue, spent last week with rela- tives. . W. J, Donevan and little daughter, Winnipeg, have returned home after spending a few weeks at his old home here. James P. Lap- in has purchased an Overland au- mobile. | Dr. Joseph Boyle, Cas- selman, visited his-sister, Mrs. John Donevan, on his return from attend- ing the Medical Health Officers' con: vention at Toronto, : DARLINGSIDE. June 3.--Mrs. James Chisamore returned from Kingston Génerul Hospital Saturday, much improved in health. Mrs. William Latimer still continues poorly. Seemingly the man who has been doing least complaining about the nod-arrival.of spring has been the farmer, who has been too busy putting in his crop. Mrs. M. BE. Wallace was in Kings- {on Satueday. The water stil con- tinues to rise In the river. It is #bout up to high water mark, and if it goes much higher will cause dam- age. : : CHANTRY. Jupe 5.---Mrs. Omer Brown spent Saturday and Sunday at Chantry, be- ing called on account of her mother, Mrs. A. Knowlton, Having had a stroke, The measles are stil rag- fng in the neighborhood, the latest case being Miss Beth Seed. Visitors in Chantry on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs, H. Halladay, Elgin, at A. Elliott's; Frank Stanton, Elgin; A. Pattimore and sister, Miss Lulu Pattimore, at T. C. DeWett's; Omer nett spent Sunday in Lyndhurst, the | ut ment. Nicholson's. PLUM HOLLOW. June 5.--Ptes. M. Barber and RE, Bogat, of the 156th Battalion, spent Sunday at their homes here. Ly- man Palmer is under the doctor's care, Ross Kilborn, Brockville, spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. N. Benedict is visiting friends at Delta, the guest of her sister, Mrs, 0. P. Arnold The Ladies' Aid meets at Mrs. 8. Kilborn's on Thurs- day. Mrs. J. R. Wiltse is in Smith's Falls, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Burt. The section is favored with plenty of showers of late, which hinders the farmers considerably. MORTON. June 6.--A sad death occurred on Saturday last when a bright young life ended in the person of Miss Etta Perrin. Deceased was well and favorably known in this vicinity where she had spent most of her life. Jer many friends will learn' with sadness of her sudden death. B. H. Henderson made a business trip to Brockville one day last week. E. Jones has returned after spending a week' at Toronto. Mrs. Burns Simpson and little son have returned to Ler home at Cal- {fornia after spending a week with her friends C. J. Judd spent friends at Lake Opinicon, Mrs. A. R. Jacob made a trip to Kingston one' day last week. Miss Florence Dalone, Lansdowne, spent Sunday calling on friends in the village. Sunday with Mr, and SAND BAY. June 6.--A number from here at- tended the funeral of the late Mr Grey, Athens. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slack, Lyn, spent Thursday at John McDonald's. Miss Edna Goff is Brown at J. W, Davis. Frank Gar- Wanted-- Old Teeth Tog ATU Teeth a any cae Ma ARTIFICIAL modern 40 galion Sluiced of handling We guarantee sell yom best films made a will replace any which are defective, Supplies We can supply the most satin- factory papers and developers today. Cameras of all makes sold, ex- changed, rented and repaired. AT Best's ™ Pagans Drug Stere. "0 IN SUNDAYS, 4 ---------------------- I ---------- ------" E. P. Jenkins rn er --_--------_ . visiting in Athens. Claude Bevens, Gananoque, at William Griffin's; Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald at Charles O'Connor's, Long Point; Messrs. Wil- fred and Mark Fodey, Warburton, at Charles O'Connor's, Long Point; Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Lappin and family at C. McCready"s, Lyndhurst. B. Herbison has gone to spend a month with hig son, R. Herbison, Toronto, Miss Myrtle Griffin was taken to the General Hospital, Brockville. Clar- ence Grey, Regina, at V. Goff's. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers and Clancy Mel- combe at A. Lappin's; Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Miss Virginia, New York, are spending their holidays at W. Griffin's toarding house. M. J. Lappin is doing mason work for J. Kaiser, Wilstead. OUTLET. June 5.--In this vicinity the cry is still the same: "We cannot do our seeding, there is so much rain." Frank O'Grady, jr., has purchased a new automobile. Willard Hall spent the week-end with his parents in Gananoque. He was accompa- nied on his return by his little son Hubert, who has spent the past few weeks with his grandparents in town. A new baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Reed on Tues- day, May 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Slack, Tilly, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Kirkland and little son Gordon, Lyndhurst, at J. H. Slack's on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. James Fodey were at William Crozier's on Mon- day. A number of young people from the vicinity of Mitchellville mo- tored to this place on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vanderburg were at John Reed's on Sunday. DELTA. June 5.--The soldiers of the 166th who have been drilling here for the past few months left for Barriefield last Monday: Before going away a banquet was tendered them by the village. A number from here at- tended Conference at Smith's Falls. C. Moulton and family have moved into the Denant property. 8. M. Leaman and family, of Toronto, have returned to Delta for the summer. Mrs. Monk, of Boperton, has moved into the Chant property. Dr. and Mrs. Kelly and son spent last week Sunday among friends' 'Beaward has been ill, but is recover ing. Mrs. McLean, who has been spending the winter-at the home of M. D. Marshall, has returned to her home. Miss Etta Nichols, Smith's Falls, spent the week-end guest of Mrs. J. W. Hull. A number from here spent Sunday in Smith's Falls, attending the conference sessions. CAINTOWN, June §.--Mr. M., J. Connolly, of Brockville, is spending a few days with old acquaintances here, Pte. B. G. Leeder, of Barriefield, spent the week-end under the parental roof. Mrs. B. Poole and children have been visiting friends at Poole"s Re- sort for some time, Mr. and Mrs. William Buell, of Maxville, Quebec, visited at E. J. Kahnt's on:Monday last. Miss Katie Shipman of Ee- cott, who has been employed by Mrs. W. J. Graham, has returned to her home again. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Graham, of Guelph, are visiting the Minnie] finished seeding, it being the latest in a number of years. The hay crop promises to be good throughout the township. The grain {in some places has been drowned out with so much rain, A large amount of milk is now being received at Stella! cheese factory. About $400 worth of cheese was made on a recent Mon- day. Stanley Connors has had a new steel roof put on his barn. A. Spears is erecting a new shed. The sloop Maggie L. arrived here from Kingston on Wednesday with a deck load of lumber for W, J. Beaubien, and a quantity of soft coal in the hold for H. B. Bandwith, Joseph Bray has finished his trips on the bay. He left on Thursday for Long Point, where he will fish for the rest of the season, A. Tugwell, K. Mil- ler, and E, Instant left last week for Toronto. They will sail on the steamer Kingston this summer, A number of people living onthe south shore have seen at different times what they suppose to be sea serpents. One lady describes them. Phe latter's mother, Mrs. Nancy Tennant. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kahnt drove to Rockport on Sunday last to attend the funeral sermon of the late Mrs. Steven Wilcox, who died some time ago. Mrs. William Graham, sr. spent a couple of days last week at Thomas Graham's, (McIntosh Mills. Miss Janie Curtis, of McIntosh Mills, who has been employed by Mrs. J. Kelly, has returned home. There were no services in the Meth- odist Church op Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. W. H6dge, of Brockville, spent Sunday last visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodge. WESTPORT. June G,--At the home of Mrs, Nich- olson, Watertown, N.Y., occurred the death of her father, John Henry For- rester, a highly respected resident of Westport. "Hé spent nearly all his life near Bedford Mills. The re- mains were accompanied to West- port by Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson. Ser- vice was held in Watertown before leaving for Westport. Mrs. John McGuire, a lifelong resident of West- port, died at Edmonton, Alta., April 20th, following a short illness. She was eighty-five years old, and was born in Westport. The funeral ser; vice was held in Viking, Alta., where interment was made. R. J. Whaley has ,purchased from the W. H. Fre- denburgh estate the frame house owned by the late D. A. Taggart. Mrs. R. W. Leech and Miss Marjorie of Prescott arrived yesterday to spend the summer at their cottage on the Rideau. John J. Garvin, who spent the past year at home, returned last week to Edmonton, Alta. Harty Howell, of Ottawa, is In town ar- ranging for (he re-opening of the government stone quarry The steamer T. J. Waffle was in port on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thake, of Ottawa, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wing. JUNETOWN. June 6. --Mrs. Arnold Avery is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. C. Phillips, Es- cott. Mrs. Charles Baile visited re- latives in Lansdowne last week. Miss Mary Avery spent Friday in Brock- ville. Dr. Charles Tennant left on Thursday for Kingston, where he will4 spend a few days before leaving for overseas. Miss Mary Purvis, Brock- ville, spent the week-end with her parents here. John Herbison made a business trip to Delta on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Truesdale, Mal- lorytown, were visiting at J. 8. Pur- vis' on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Purvis spent Sunday at Allen Earl's, Warburton. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dunham, Mallorytown, visited at J. D. Bigford's on Thursday. Mrs Egbert Avery and baby Aileen are in Brockville this week. Ira -Warren spent the week-end with friends in Rockfield. , Mrs. M. G. Herbison vis- ited her sister, Mrs. P. Ferguson of Yonge Mills, last week. John Dixie is completing Mr. Norris Ferguson's new house, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Warren spent Sunday at Clark Guild's, Andressburg. Mts. Fred- erick Tennant and Miss Dorothy, Caintown, spent Friday at J. S. Pur- vig'. Howard Lakins is spending this week in Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. largest is about 13 feet long, with a head something like a dog, and there are two other smaller ones, Ex- citement reigns high over the dis- covery by the south shore residents. Visitors: Mrs. Field, Strathroy, at 8. K. Tugwell"s; Mrs. A. E. Howard, Kingston, with friends; Mr. and Mrs. James Montgomery, Quebec, at J. Montgomery's; Mrs. J. C. Howard has gone to the west to visit her daughter, Mrs. G.' Dunkley. Court of Revision was held in Stella on Saturday. After all business was settled the Reeve, D. Caughey, Ir, treated the councilmen to dinner, which was much appreciated. SB BB eee ree trenton Prince Edward BB BG Gn Or Greer rep BONGARD'S. June 2.--Mrs. G. Eaton has re- turned to her home in Picton, after spending several days with her son, F. Eaton. A number from here attended the Women's Institute at the village hall, Waupoos, on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Storms, | Greenbush, visited friends here on| Sunday last. W. H. Canrahan has| purchased a Chevrolet car. Allan Harrison was a recent guest of Mr. VanVlack, Waupoos. Mr. and Mrs. Waldron, of Picton, also Mr. and Mrs. J. Carson, Cressy, spent Sunday at L. Pierce's. Word was received here that Oscar Pierce, formerly of this place, had undergone an opera: tion for appendicitis at the General Hospital in Toronto. B. Minaker and wife, of Cressy, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pringle. Mrs. | J. Shepard and family motored to Cressy on Sunday last, and spent the day. Mrs. 8S. G. Thurston, a former resident of this place, died suddenly of pneumonia at her home in Pic- ton. AE Ota WOLFE ISLAND Municipal Council met at 10.30 a. m., members present: the Reeve and | Councillors McGlynn and Gillespie. | Minutes of last meeting confirmed as read. Moved, Gillespie--McGlynn, | that following steamboat accounts be | paid: Capt. McDonald, 1 month, A | Township Councils John Gray, 1 month, $70; John Mar- key, 1 month, $50; Geo. Rattray, purser and steward, $200; Geo. Tay- lor, 14 days fireman, $18.07; H.Mar- low, 10 days fireman, $11.30; J. Russell, 7 days fireman, $9; Jas.|- Stevenson, 6 days deck hand, $4.84; Mac McLaren, 1 month deck hand, | $25; Norman Slater, 25 days hand, | steamer, $262.50; Laun- dry, 97 pieces, $1.94, dotk rent and telephone, Jas. Swift, coal, $107.40; Kingston $61.25; WwW. F. Co., coal, $169.67; Thos. | Scales, 20.16; J. O. Hutton, insurance oni Archie Walker, F.S., | 19, Con. James Swift, | journed to meet Saturday June 17th lat 1 p.m, Kelly Oil: Co., oils, $8.25: Booth & | that the Provincial 'Hydro Electric Geddes, | Commission be requested to cause an For Saturday Shoppers On sale from 9 a.m. until 9.48 p.m. Don't fail to get your full share of the wonderful bargains offered during this great annual sale. " New York Dresses. Made of Taffeta Crepe de Chene, Georgette Crepe, ele.; all smart new styles. Reg. $22.50 to $39.50. Sale price, $14.95. Reg. $15.00 to $21.00. Sale price, $9.95. ~ Awning Striped Coats... Made of silkenfiel, a New York novelty. Regu- lar $19.50. Sale price, $13.50. 8pring Coats. For Women, Misses and Children, in Tweeds, Chécks, ete. Less 1-3 of marked price. Trimmed Millinery. Spring Hats in novelty colors, priced to $10.00. Sale price, $2.98. House Dresses. Made of fast colored Print, Percale and Ging- ham, all sizes, priced to $1.75. Sale price, 95¢c. Junior Wash Dresses. In novelty checks, stripes and plain colored materials, in sizes 8 to 14 yrs. Reg. $2.25 to $4.50. Sale price, $1.76. --_--_ a en F.8., M.F., Lot 43, Con. 13; M.F., Pt. Lot 11. Court of Revision ad- Moved by Vannest--McKeever, of the New York Walists. Latest colored Organdy and Voile fabrics in dash- ing new styles. Regular $2.00 and $2.75, Sale price, $1.50. New Middies. In awning stripes,smock- ed effects, belted and pocketed styles] in all white and -eglord, sizes 34 to 42. Reg. $1.50. Sale price, $1.00. Wash Skirts. 120 jaunty new styled Sport Skirts, all sizes from 24 to 30. Reg. $1.50. ° Sale price, $1.00. 60 outsize sizes, made specially for stout figures. Reg. $2.00 values. Sale price, $1.48 Summer Vests. 100 doz. new Summer Vests iI long-sleeved, short-sleeved and no sleeve styles. The prices we quote are actual wholesale cost. Special values at 10c, 12%c, 15¢, 20c. New Coutil Corsets. 250 pairs French cou- til corsets, all new styles. Regular $1.50 value. Sale price, 89c¢. Silks. 180 yds. White Jap. Wash Taffeta, full 'yard wide. Regular $1.50. Sale price, 98c. 300 yds. of Silk rem- nants in lengths from 1-2 to 2 yds. Regular 50¢ to $2.00 a'yd. Sale price, haif=price. Dress Goods. 150 yds. Black and White Checked Dress Goods, full 50 inches wide. Regular 60c. Sale price, 390. Flowered Voile. 800 yds. dainty Flower- ed Voile, all pretty small patlerns. Reg. 30¢ yd. Sale price, 190. White Lixlinen. 3560 yds. Wash Lixlin- en, a great wearing fab- ric for skirts, suits, ete. Reg. 35c. : Sale price, 220. Table Cloths. 50 only pure cloths, size 2 x lar $3.00 each. Saturday, $1.98. 75, size 2 x 2%. Regu- lar $4.00 each. linen Regu- 2. Saturday, $2.69. STEACY'S Pineapples W. N. Franklin visited friends at|cleaning wharf in city, $1.; W. B.|examination to be made Temperance Lake recently. Rev. | Dalton & Sons, account, $99.17; Geo. | drowned lands in the Township of Mr. Swayne, Athens, held commun-| Rattray, repairing lever and oil cloth, | Portland and Hinchinbrooke affected ion in the Anglican Church on Sun-| $3.15, | by dams in the Napanee river con- day. Newton Scott, of Brockville, Moved, (McGlynn--@Gillespie, and {trolled by the Napanee River Im- spent Sunday with his parents here, resolved that following Twp accounts | provement Co. and to report theron. Senetctem-- be paid: Jackson Press, tickets for| Also to report on the advisability of road, $2; Jas. Russell, cement on| constructing a wider and deeper dock, $18; Geo. Rattray, cartage on | channel through the Petworth ledge tile, $4.50; County of Frontenac, | with such controlling works as may advance on crusher, $500. be deemed necessary with the object Moved, Gillespie--McGlynn, and|of giving relief to the drowned lands. resolved that one road dray be pur-| --Carried. By-law No. 579 read first chased from Sawyer- Massey Co. The| and second times October 4th, 1915, bank statement showed on June 1st|and amended May 1st, 1916, proviii- in Toronto. Miss Jessie Davidson, of Warkworth, is spending the sum- mer at home. - . An épidemic of mea- sles is going amongst the children. Miss Darlie Flood has left to train for a nurse Watertown, N.Y. Mrs. Turlin, of Sopgrton, has moved into the village. rs. "D. Davidson, -of Newboro, is vis) 3 here. Mrs. N. Graham, of Forfair, Visited E. R. Kendrick's last week. EL - p cing 3 PHILIPSVILLE, al June 6.--J. V. Philips sold a 13- 500 Large, Juicy, Ri Stock Lennox & Addington EMERALD. AT YOUR SERVICE month old colt that weighed 1000 Goud store, well filled with up-to-date merchandize for men, and good clerks to sat- isfy your needs. RAINCOATS-- Just now the weather says Raincoats, We have a choice variety of Tweed Raincoats made in the most modern style from $12 to $18 each. Plaid lined and tweed lined just what the young man wants. ENGLISH PARAMATTES Paramettes are getting ex-| tremely expensive, we can still furnish you nearly all lines at old prices. "+ et in at once. Ibs, for $100 last week. Two ear loads of people from here attended the Methodist Conference at Smith's Falls on Sunday. Mrs. Charles Mooney, Winnipeg, Miss Alberta Phelps, Delta, were guests Lf their sister, Mrs. E. A. Whitmore the past week. Miss Etta Perne, Morton, was a visitor at the home of Wilson Chase and was taken seriously ill and pass- ed away Saturday morning after a few hours illness. A number of farmers have done very little seeding yet, and only now and then is there any planting done. The meadows are getting a great growth, We have had the stone crusher crushing stones and spread- ing them on the streets the past 10 days. The cheese factory is getting a great flow of milk and is turning out 1,400 1bs. of cheese a day. W. King is selling out and wil move to the country. TOLEDO, ONT. June 5.--Rev. H. H. Hillis, Rice- June 6.--A severe electric storm passed over the island Friday night, accompanied by a heavy rain. Royal Wemp had a mare and colt struck and "killed, Davy Bros., of Bath, are putting the metallic roofing and siding on James McKee's house. A few of Emerald's young men at- tended a dance in Bath on Thursday last. James McKee bought a fine young horse from Hugh Beggs. The evangelistic meeting which was to be held Friday evening was post- poned on account of the rain, MOSCOW June 6.---A public meeting was held in the school house on Mon- day evening to consider the action of the Canadian Northern Railway Company in the closing of the rail- way station. at Moscow. W. h Black M.P.P., and Reeve T. A. Cook were present and offered every assistance in their power to help save the station for the com- munity, Death visited the home of Irwin Card on Friday and re- ville, Ont, was in the village last week en route to conferémce, and while here disposed of hig property to George Montgomery. | The La- John Phillips on Wednesday last, and spent a very pleasant afternoon. Miss Geraldine Wood returned home on Friday night for her summer holi- days, having spent the past year a student at Moulton College, Toronto. Rev. B. Howe and family called on friends Thursday. M. Coughlin has been engaged as elerk in C. A. Wood's p | grocery, Pres. londe, of Barriefeld dies' Ald met at the home of Mrs, | moved his aged mother. The fun- eral was conducted on Sunday by Jessie Lee: in the absence of her | pastor, Rev. Mr. Bunmer, who is | attending conference at Feterboro. Miss Ruth Lampkins of Toronto is | visiting at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lampkins. |'Migs Nellie Allen spent Sunday jit friends. in Napanee. J. H. { Lucas and Irwin Card have pur- | chased a new automobile, Lae STELLA. spent. June 5.--Farmers have near s to the credit of the Township $2;- 399.28 and to credit of steamboat 2,939.18, Council adjourned to first Saturday in July at 10,30 a.m.. PORTLAND, Portland, June 1.--Counci] met as a Court of Revision of assessment roll. The following appeals were dealt with:--Thos. Wattam, assess- ment reduced $100 on Pt. Lot 10, Con. 10; Miss A. E. Smith complain- ed against assessment of $400 on High Falls grist mill, assessment confirmed; D. A. Yorke appealed against nt of Zara Reynolds and Benjiman Revell as being too low and his too high; Benjiman Revell's assessment increased from $1600 to $2010; D. A. Yorke's as- sessment increased from $900 'to $904; Wellington Vannest's assess- ment increased from $1250 to $1306; Zara Reynold's assessment remained the same; C.P.R. Co. as- sessed $600 in addition to assess: ment made for three buildings, this property in village of Harrowsmith on Lot 7. Con. 4; George Good as- sessed as owner of Pt. Lot 10, Con. 4, instead of Ernest Jackson; Matthew Revell assessed as owner of Pt. Lot 3, Con. 13, instead of Henry Bauder; Thos. Bradford's assessment corrected by being assessed for one dog instead of two dogs; John Schafl's assessment corrected by having one dog struck off roll. The following names were added to as- Sésament roll: Archie Wattam, ¥.8., certain highways, was 10, Con. 10; Gordon Silver, Lot 19, Con, ing for an expenditure of $1,800 'on read third time and C. W. Martin was appointed overseer for sald work. Accounts paid: $62.60, Thos. Cowdy, services assessor, $60, and re- pairs to hall $2.50; $2.63, Wm. Lee, opening winter road, Star Corners to Kingston Tp.; $5, Archie Clark, open- ing winter road to his farm $3 and drawing stone to Mud Creek, $2; $6, Sam, Martin, opening winter roads Ernestown Bdy to Yarker Road; $3.70, M. Knapp, opening water roads Loughboro Bdy; $6, Allan Brown, 20 hours man and team, Con. 2; $3.69, M. Wallace, opening win- ter road, A. Clark's to Loughboro bdg.; $16.70, C. W. Martin, 32 hours man and team $11.20, and 20 hours overseer, $5.50; $3.60, Jno. Dear, 20 hours work with C. W. Martin; $3.50, Fred Revell, 20 hours work with C. W. Martin; $14, C. W> Mar- tin, cedar for township use; $3.60,C. W. Martin, freight on crusher re- pairs; $79.85, Sawyer-Massey, crush- er repairs: $6.37, Arthur Smith, opening winter roads Hartington to Harrowsmith; $48.72, D. W. Lake, treasurer Loughboro, Boundary ae- count; $166, Dr. T. 8. Genge, with team and 2 men; $1.50, Jas. Mc- Keever, work on road; $1.60, Archie |¥ Wilking, work on road; .87, Jas. Me- Mahan, work on road; .87, M. Revell work on road; 87, 1saac Knox, work on road: .87, Arch. Card, work on sec.- | treas. 8.8. No. 12, teachers' salary; | $6.50, Thos. Laveque, 10 hours work || 10c Each The Wm.Davies Co.Ltd. Phone597 5; Wa Reed, t paid ng Statement, 1915; $2, Wm. R One line of Boys' $3.00 Bchool Shoes, while serene BL TT WT [BAY I EIA ER 70 Bi crusher supplies, $3.45 er Seosarias Financial Reed Fi Bee w see avs we TAN SHI