weight 6 1-2 pounds ideal machine for per- ane Used © RAI wi Sit It's It. Equipped with the Royal Come and see it. - The British Whig is setting aside a column for the exclu- sive use of its readers who may have received friends at the front or in Eng- land. Care will be taken for censorship reasons, that these: extracts do not contain the mention of any unit, casually or the location of the unit. The person sending the letter in should be careful that the- name of the writer is given. If requested, letters will be re- thrned promptly to the sender. Most any letter from the front has something in it which is of interest to Canadians, even though it be only the reference to some remark sung out be- tween trenches to "Fritz." MAN FOUND A PURSE; WOULD NOT RETURN IT. Police Constable Mullinger Found It Hidden In His Clothing. pin On Sunday a lady visited a local institution. While there she drop- ped her purse, which contained about $1.50. A little girl noticed the man pick up the purse, but when he was asked about it" he denied having se- cured the purse, and said that he| was willing to be searched. Some of the parties interested searched the man, but the purse and money could not be located. PASSED AWAY VERY SUDDENLY : SATURDAY NIGHT " Seized With Heart Failure While Asleep--Was Manager of N, C. Polson & Co., Manufacturing Druggists, - On Saturday night a Very sudden 4 death occurred when John E. Twigg passed away at his home on Earl street. He bad been out walking, and about half past ten retired for the night." Shortly before midnight a peculiarity in his breathing was noticed by his wife. Dr. G. W. Mylks Was called but death had ex- pired before he arrived. Heart fail- ure was given as the cause of his demise. The late Mr. Twigg was born in this city fifty-two years ago. He was educated in the public and grammar if schools, and ghen -weng /into the drug business with H. Skinner and Co., he went into the employment of N. C. Polson and Co., manufac- turing druggists. He worked with the Polson and Company over eight years as manager and was held in high esteem. ! -In religion: the late Mr, Twigg was an Anglican, being a membér of St George's cathedral. He was a Conservative and a member Bf Lodge No. 253 A.F, and A.M, There are left to mourn his loss his wife and one son, Ferguson, Toronto. He ir also survived by one Brother, Wil- Ham A. Twigg, Barrie strebt and two siters Mrs. J. Masey of this city and Mires M Twigg, Syracuse, N. ¥. Deceased was a quiet, earnest citizen, possessing qualities of in- tegrity and uprightness that made him valued by those who knew him best. 'Gentle, genial and sympa- thetic he won the regard of assoc- fates and friends. | In Marine - Circles The schooner Katie Eccles arriv- ert Crawford, wego on Monday. M. T. Co's. Bulletin: Tug Emer- Thinks that in Twenty Years Bri- tain Will Have to Decide on New Indian Policy, At the Sunday evening service in Princess street Methodist church Rev. Mr. Wood introduced to the congre- gation E, W. Fritchley, of Bombay, | India. Mr. Fritchley is a well-known architect, having the largest practice in that country, and is also a justice of the peace. He ig in this country on a visit, having been a delegate to the Methodist Conference at Saratoga Springs, N.Y. : Mr. Frichley gave two distinct talks. His first talk dealt with the awakening of India. He said that India was fast awakening from her sleep and that ome of the greatest problems Great Britain would have to, face would be its future policy to- ward India. India is loyal to the core except for a few Bengalis who have been educated wrongly, but the coun- try is fast lizing that self-govern- ment should be given her. She has seen the ults of this system in Australia, Canada and other of the British Dominions, and feels that! some time in the near future (the! ;annot fail to admire. :olored, for sale at The College Book Store Headquarters for al military supplies. 160-162 PRINCESS ST. 2 4 & tu EVERY BRITISH HOME SHOULD HAVE, A Picture of Its Gallant Hero | Lord Kitchener I'he idol of his men, with the will of a lion and the tender heart of a child. For whose loss his Empire mourns, md whose character, his deadliest foes The best pictire ever produced, both in sepia and OPEN NIGHTS. PHONE 919. spaaker put it at twenty years at the | latest) Great Britain would have to He gave several personal experiences with the educated Indians and show- ed that they were competent to rule. ! Mr.Fritchley took as his text for a short sermon the words of Christ when he said "Consider the lilies how they grow." He gave the analogy be- tween the lily and the pure man and woman. | He also paid a fine tribute to Lord | Kitchener, who, he said, was a| gentleman in the true sense of the! word. | decide on a new policy toward India. | : MUST CLING AND PLEAD | FOR A BLESSING. Same Applies To Nations And Individuals As To i ed from Sodus, with coal for Rob-| The gteamer Jex cleared for Os- | Jacob. | | Rev. George Brown, of Campbell- | { ford, preached most acceptably in St. | | Andrews' ¢hurch on Sunday. In the Summerette Pomters ! ! A magnificent Tange of Wash awaits the closest scrutiny of critical buyers. Beau- tiful colorings, artistic designs and in the season's greatest sellers, including-- BON TON CORD. STRIPE SEED VOILE. son arirved from Charlotte with the | morning he dealt with Jacob's strug- barge Kingston and cleared With |gle with the angel, and pointed out the barge Muskoka for Fairhaven: | that Jacob did not receive the bless- Winnipeg with grain from Port Col-| do nothing but cling to the angel. When individuals or nations were tug Burtlet arrived with the barge | ing until.he was worn out and could FANCY MARQUISETTE. STRIPED ORGANDIE. RECEPTION VOILE. Sterling Silver Pieces Of Exquisite Design 'FOR BRIDAL GIFTS' Dress Goods Our cases present tons almost without ead, 0 > cdding hg Gifts, ranging rE Ten Setta and Fruit Bowls te small "Confection Scoups," and Butter Picks. AN designs are new. Smith Bros. JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Then the police were notified, as the little girl still hel to her story that the man had the purse in his possession. Constable Thomas Mullinger re sponded to the eall, and on searching the man found the missing purse hid- den away in hig clothing. The man was held for a time, but as the purse was returned to the owner, who did not care to prosecute, no further ac- tion was taken. borne, and cleared with the barges | Winnipeg and schooner Ford River | ready to cling and plead for a bless for Montreal; tug Bartlet arrived ing their prayers would be answered. from Montreal, with three light] Admiral Beatty had said that when barges, and cleared with the barge | Britain was ready to plead as a na-| i | QUEEN MARQUISETTE. REGIMENTAL CORD. COLORED REPP. PRINTED CRIMP. COLORED POPLIN. NOVELTY VOILE. MERCERIZED CORD. DOLLY MADISON VOILE. FANCY STRIPED ORGANDIE. FANCY SILK MARQUISETTE. EMBROIDERED CREPE DE CHENE. WOVEN STRIPED SEED VOILE, Ete. Prices start at 15¢c, and run as high as $1.00. The piles are melting fast. BE WISE. | Newman & Shaw, " { Mrs. M. Lavell Very IIL. | THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE | Capt. A. E Lavell, chaplain of | The Business Tax From the Liquor) the 125th Batialion. Brantiopd. ar- Men This Year. | rived in the city Saturday evening, | The liquor men of the city will re-| ciying to the illness of his mother, fuse to pay the business tax for 1916. | Nfrs. Mjchael, Lavell who is suffer Jue has Lsirendy gut] ated oe he ing with pneumonia. Prof. Cecil La- reasury department that he will not| yo); and Miss Sarah Lavell, Toron: pay the tax. ~The liquor men's de-| (, alco came a the vity. | CLOSING OF MAILS fence for the refusal to pay is sec-| - bd tion 148 of the Temperahce Act,| 'All the tennis courts at which states, in brief, that no distil- | {rpiversity are now in use. | ler, brewer, malster or holder of a % | tavern, shop or a wholesale license, | or club-in which spirituous or fer- i mented liquors are sold-or furnished, shall not be liable for, nor shall any corporation levy or collect from any | such person or club any taxes for the year 1916 in respect to the business assessment. i The treasury department will con-| sult the city solicitor in respect to. the city's powers. The opinion pre- vails, however, that the city will be unable to collect. If the taxes can- not be collected, the corporation will lose about $1,200. AN OFFICER SPOTTED DESERTER ON STREET. Major Stroud Qathered in Two Men Who Left the . M. R. LADIES' SUMMER : HATS Major W. A. Stroud, of the C. M. : R., at Hamilton, spent the week-end I'hese are busy days in in the city, and while here gathered ' hills wr Aarne in two deserters, who were taken oul millinery de parts back to Hamilton by an escort on/ ment. We are trimming free of charge when hats are selected here. Monday. Major Stroud "spotted" one of the deserters while he was walking along the street, and he immediately had i the man locked up. The other of- New Outing Hats 7oc, $1, $1.25, $1.50, New Panamas |SSuhie tured Toi by - | mobile before leaving for their future $1.50 to $4.50 {home in Camden Bast, Trimmed Hats - Kingston, to load coal for:Cedars. | jon and confess her unworthiness, The steamer America has entered | then and not till then would these Davis dry docks for repairs. The schooner Charley Mprshall | will go on this dock to prepare for her trip to the coast, The steamer John Randall is in port from Rideau Canal ports on the | way to Oswego, - IER 18 ACTING | Steamer. Shrigley arrived MINISTER OF MILITIA. Brie discharged a cargo of coal at nm ~ | the penitentiary wharf and cleared While Sir Sam Hughes Visits| on Mond~y for Oswego. Nova Sootia, Where Elec- The steamer Belleville passed up tion Takes Place. days of trial be over and the war end. First Congregational Flower Sunday. | The special flower day service was | held at the First Congregational] church Sunday morning. The church | from | Was beautifully decorated with flow- ers, and the sefvice was most impres- | sive. There were a number of fine | choruses and selections by the child- ren of the Sunday school, who occu- pied the body of the church. Mrs. John Lyall, of Calvary Congrega-| tional .church, gave an appropriate | address to the children, | i Furs Stored Saturday night from Montreal to Toronto. , The steamer (City, off Hamilton passéd up to Toronto Monday morn- ing. ; x pSS The barge Muskoka cleared from <A Gospel Address, : | the Kingston Shivbuilding Co's. dry- | A good-sized congregation, includ-| dock Saturday night after undergo- [ing many of the lads in khaki, was ing minor repairs: | present Sunday evening at the Ideal | ing definite has yet been heard as to The Bryon Whittaker went into | Theatre, where a gospel service was the date of his return to England.| the Kingston Shipbiulding Co's. dry- held in connection with Brock Street] Considerable interest meantime cen-| jock Monday morning for repairs. [Gospel Hall. Richard Irving, evan-| tres round the minister's visit to the It is expected that the yacht Cor- | Belist, was the speaker, and gave an maritime provinces. There is an elec- | ona will go in to the Kingst:n Ship- | interesting talk on "The Salvation of | tion on in Nova Scotia and the sol-| building Co's. drydock shortly for [Cod The proceeds of the offering diers are voting there. - repairs. {will be turned over to the Queen's " -- | Hospital. CITY CANNOT COLLECT (Special to the Whig.) Ottawa, June 12.--During the ab- sence of General Sam Hughes in the maritime provinces, Sir Robert Bor- den will be acting minister of militia. | the west when he returns and noth- Gourdier's Pluto Concentrated Spring Water For use in gout, rheuma- tism, neuritis, constipa- tion, skin eruptions, ete, Dr. AP. Chow's Sick-room Supplies 185 Princess Phone 343 The junior baseball diamond on the cricket field is being put into shape. NIAAA At A Ag pees BUILDERS SUPPLIKS weeny | The Roof of Ages ! Is the roof covered with good Cedar Shin- gles! Shingles are made better to-day than twenty-five years ago. Our Eastern White Cedar and Coast Red Cedar cannot be beaten. We will be pleased to quote vou, S. Anglin & Co. Woodworking Factory Lumber Yards, Bay & Wellington Sts, ber, Cond. and -Woodewwe | INDIVIDUAL EYE British mall closes irregu- larly. Information posted at P. O. Lobby from time to time. United States, dally ..12.45p.m. Grand Trunk, going 1.30 am, Queen's 1.00 p.m. : "THE HAT STORE" || -------- WEDDED IN TORONTO | The Galbraith--Ross Nuptials on | June Tth, | A pretty wedding took place on June 7th at the residence of Mr. jand Mrs. David Irish, 445 Indian Grove, Toronto, when Minnie, dangh- | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, was {united in marriage to William J. | Galbraith, Camden East. Rev. Mr. { MeCroy, Presbyterian minister of | Pickering, brother-in-law of the | bride, performed the ceremony. Mrs. | J. Ross, acted as bridesmaid, dressed in Rajah silk and J, Ross as grooms- { man. The drawing room was adorn- jed with many beautiful flowers. The ! bride was the recipient of many use- | ful gifts. After the ceremony all par- | took of a very sumptuous dinner. { For her honeymoon trip the bride | was attired in a navy blue whipeord sult with picture hat. The happy | couple toured Toronto in an auto- Drop In And see our new line of Premiums 'We are giving away for - | : ¢ | Cash Trade Refrigerators | 3s: crace., SETS, JARDINEERS, SILVERWARE | CHINA CLOCKS, ETC. Inquire about . : v | our system it will interest you. Here you will find_ that | Start a card today roomy, economical, el e-| gant and trustworthy re-| J R B Ga @ frigerator you have long] . the Lie ' wanted. Don't decide till| Montreal street. RA ahs . {ae a" vou see what we have to of- lf fer you. Come in to-day (ff and look them over. Hh od ' i 5 Fancy Clover MOTOR BOAT HULL | And Boathouse --- Snap for quick buyer For Rent, 7 Room Dwelling, aos and W. C. Rent $12.00 per W. H. GODWIN & SON Here are some: In one pound sections, 25¢ with the Princess Pats Own Regi- Capt. Ronald Skinner who was re- | | ! ; ' . | ter Florence, Barrie stréét, with her {he states that he was slightly | Evaporated Apricots, 1bc| ot Pte. Bert. Campbell, who has ! wounded and had been .admitted to | lined, Bon-Bon system, from $35 to $30, fender was taken in charge later on. Love for strong drink is responsible each. : leave." , This man went to the fromt ; California Prun ment, but was sent home. A short nice and juicy, 10¢, 12 1-gc,| ime s¥o he went to Humilion, and #2 to $3.50 Capt. Ronald Skinner. Cables. ' y > . ] P . » | was taken on by the C. M. R. New Flowers Mrs. William Skinner, Gore street, Monday. gram Friday morning from her son, ! for 25¢c, Mrs. Alfred Campbell ana daugh- Watch our windows, { cently wcunded at the fromt. In it : Solid Oak Case, genuine porcelain . oa. been home on his last leave from Ot- ¢ 2 a London hospital. He expects tha| wok Case; ennmel lued $20 to $30. |} B ; Cid 40 tawa, left at noon Monday for Ot- ; he will be at. he | We have large assortment of small |} : , oe Th ae BL GEORGE MILLS & co CT To shen I ETI Sia Tair Insurance and Real Ph & ------------------ ¥ N W for overseas shortly. Pte. Lowell Chenier, who was + i Estate » R McRae & Co The matriculation examinations hot at the camp last Fridas by Ww A MITCHELL | A : started Monday morning in Grant vie It. Gl d ha . ' 9 iil Phone 424 39 Brock St. "GOLDEN LION GROCERY, ASher As Sapidiy im» :rv -- i for one of the men taking "French R N | Major Stroud left here for Ottawa 15 or | received a very encouraging cable- Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs, |" ve to {oe lining, for $10 up. Give join the 77th Battalion, which leaves or. up. - a Hall. ing in the Hotel Dieu, 80-87 Princess 8¢, Lo ee